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Which Is The "best" Dsl Provider In Bangkok?


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I have had a quick look through the topics in this forum and there is no deffinite answer to which is the best DSL provider to go for with regards to speed/QoS/price. Price isnt really that important provided its not a total joke.

Most of the threads seem to be people complaining rather than praising. Any suggestions?

I would be looking for a 1-4mbit connection. :o

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Expectations are always good but you will be disappointed. Seems that switching me over to their Unlimited 4096/512 connection for something like 2300bpm was more of a headache than a service so Ia sked that I be moved back to their 1024/512 50hrs pm service for 2300bpm. 40b per extra hr U go over but the speed is decent. Been averaging about 320/180 on the high end and 220/80 on the low end. It's not Unlimited I know but and it's hardly even close to the promised 1024/512 but hey it works. I'm running an Unlimited (usage and uses) 512/256 ADSL connection from Pacific Internet for a client but it runs at a steep 10kpm. Average speed is pretty similar to the speeds that TA is giving me. Service seems pretty good as well, always send me an e-mail reminind of any planned network outages (for maintenance) and even SMS text when a TA circuit outage took out their service. But still it's 10kpm. KSC is offering 100hrs 512/256 for about 3500bpm but it seems a bit slower. A colleague of mine that is using it takes a daily reading at different times of the day and they clock it at 280/120 on the high end and 90/80 on the low end. They complain about customer service and sometimes the service goes out. Another friend use Loxinfo for 3600bpm and they get unlimited users and usage at 256/128. Seems pretty reliable so far. At another client I'm using 256/128 from JINet. Unlimited usage but only supposed to be for 1 PC but we are throwing about 10 or so PC's at it. I'm not sure of the price but I believe it's around 3800bpm but they signed this contract about a year ago. Seems pretty good, hardly goes down, but sometimes their DNS servers drop in and out - the symptom usually is international sights (.com, .edu etc . . ) get pointed to NIPA or something. Seems to be their DNS because when it's switched to TA's DNS server everything works OK. Oh and these are non-fixed IP. Leased line T1 from Pacific Internet sits at a whopping 110,000bpm. DSL 1Mbps fixed IP from Pacific Internet is 80,000bpm. T1 from LoxInfo also also costs around 160,000bpm. Hope this helps. Prices may have changed as well.

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I thought that it was pretty clear what the situation was in BKK. True (TA) is the best, but that does not mean much since TIT, and there ain't much choice. I think they're the only one to offer megabit speeds right now. Their service is not a TOTAL joke, but sometimes you can get a real lemon. Sometimes you get pretty good service. In other words, luck of the draw, and that luck may or may not last. Ie: My True 512k service was pretty good until this month. Most other people had only "local" True service until this month. Some can't even get it to work. Some have had no problem whatsoever.

I think there is no other option for megabit speeds except for leased line or business service, and that costs an arm and five legs in Thailand. Hmm, T1 (1.4mbit) from Pacific only 110kbpm? I remember when you had to pay that much for 128k leased line only a few years ago. It's cheaper now, but still far from reasonable. I wonder if you're going to take back your "price is not important" clause, hehe.

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There may be problems, or there may not. No one can say for sure.

My friend had a 256k local connection, automatically was upgraded to 1mbit this month, but it turned out that he got a 8mbit connection (which isn't actually available). He called and got it fixed to 1mbit (ahhh, you shouldn't fix things that aren't broken!!), but now his local connection is great while his international tranfers are slower than his old 256k connection.

One thing that's popped up pretty often is True getting their speeds wrong (as seen in the anecdote). I once asked for 512k, got 512k showing on the modem, but actual tested throughput was always 128k. People just said that this was "normal", and that I shouldn't worry. After 3 months, I finally wised up and called to complain. It turned out that they had set the login profile speed wrong (and I wasn't the only one). The modem speed is only the speed to the CO, and the maximum speed you can get, and set separately from the login speed. The login speed is what determines the actual throughput.

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There are only two phone companies in Bangkok: True and TOT. So, yes, you do need a line from True. However, if you only want ADSL service, you can opt for getting just a line without the phone service. You pay 100 baht extra to the normal ADSL fee, but you don't pay any monthly phone fees.

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