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Software Outsourcing

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If anyone here would like to get together to try this.

Some of you may have contacts, but not having the knowledge. Some of us know how to do it, but wasting time here in Thailand without having contacts.

For example, I have seen some guys here posting; seeking Graphic Designing, some for programming and recently one post for content writing.

This may sound crazy. :o But I just thought to see the response I get. Email me or post here with your interest..

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I am based in London but spend time every year in Thailand.

After 20 years building development teams I am extremely interested in developing a Thai outsourcing operation. I have had contacts with Software Park and BOI as well as companies already established around BKK.

I am currently CIO of a company with operations in the USA, Europe and the Far East and can provide some level of work for an embrionic operation in Thailand. I have already set up a company here in the UK as a maketing vehicle and have a website under construction.

I will be in Thailand from 27th August to 5th Sept. and if there is any interest from experienced developers/programmers I would be interested to meet up and discuss the potential and how we could get this working.

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Hello. I have a lot of contacts in the software industry. If you need any assistance, let me know.

My company (based in Thailand) is currently involved in offshore software development for several global 100 companies to small 1 man start ups. 90% of our customers are outside of Thailand.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread seems to have gone a little quite.

I'm in the same boat. 50 this year with 20 years experience and running my own small company in the UK. Doing mainly programming/database/design stuff for the internet/office and pda's. Would like to relocate also. Don't want to teach English and am trying to figure out an income stream if I relocate.

Happy to share ideas.

E-Commerce sites

Remote working

Asia Office


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With respect to cost and quality how would compare thai and indian programmers.?

I have worked and do currently work with both.

Cost : a lot cheaper !

Quality : as with all IT types, you get your good and your bad.Fortunately the Thai and Indian colleagues I've worked with have been technically excellent. I find the Indian guys to be better communicators though.

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Interesting prospects. I lead a Software Team, but in special applications (not commerical). We are heavily into process (CMMI Level 3) and have experienced good success. While I would have difficulty moving my Ada experience into commerical database experience, I am very familiar with what it takes to organize a project and produce a product on cost/on budget -- do it everyday.

If someone needs this kind of expertise, holler ...

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I find the indians less likely to do what you ask them to do.

They take shortcuts and or just go off on their own tangents if they think they are right.

I f you do outsource to Indians you need a very strong project mgr.

You also need very good security on your code/projects....it all goes back to mates otherwise.

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Doing that in Thailand is a pain in the rear unless you are American. Paypal and most of the merchant card processors take forever to give you the money. As an example with 2checkout, 3-4 months after billing do you get the money. Paypal, well that is hopeless unless you spend it online.

So there might be a few freelance guy in Thailand, but not that many if they are not US based.

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Although I am currently back at home in the UK, I was an English teacher whilst in Thailand and was considering going back for more of the same.

However, I have a couple of years of experience developing ERP systems and would love to be able to put my IT skills to use in Thailand.

I have knowledge of:



x86 asm



Basic web technology (XHTML, Apache, PHP, MySQL)

I'd be interested to hear of any opportunities.

Best wishes,


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About outsourcing in Thailand :

Do program, pieces of sofware, or website for western societies who are looking to oursource the work is my daily work since almost 1 year .

I can givehere sopme feedback, I wish it can be usefull for those who are looking for :

1) You must be specialised : HTML guru, Perl Hacker, PHP coder, Photoshop/illustrator artist, Flash "metteur en scene" .... this market as the other morkets don't accept people that are weak .... The best of the best in my opnion is to have strong SQL knowledge (from access to oracle with as well Mysql or postgresql) ... knowledge mean at least be more than fluent in SQL ANSI92, but also be able to understand quickly the DB design and the eventual weaknesses. For that can earn (it's my fees up to 75$/hour) ... but the client will pay only if the job is made and WELL made in some hours ... They will not ask you to create the design, nor to flush data in the DB, but they will send a bunch of queries than you must fix in seconds, and will ask you to fix the inconsistencies of the DB ... mostly is short mission and good money.

2) there is many websites around who give the possibility for the young coders to get a name, also some others reserved to the seasonned coders (first category is www.scriptlance.com, in the second you can find www.rentacoder.com).

3) Do outsourcing only if your nerves are perfect ... mostly the dead lines are very short, the buyers need it for yesterday, and to make the sites alive, the respective owners will never really help you if arbitration. Remenber in fact you sell your skills, os better to be really skilled, even in html, and be ready to work 14, 16, or sometimes 20 hours a day.

4) it's a small word, mean :

if you cheat a buyer (use third party coding, or keep the source for your self) you will be quickly without any work to do.

if you are not skilled also, the word will be passed around, same result.

5) about indian coder ( I am french), they are good one, and bad one .... reputation .... yet , the big danger for people like me is from Rumania .... they are skilled, fast (mostly in fact it's team), very professional (at least they have always a project manager who will be contacted easily) and ..... cheap. let say cheaper than indian for a better work.

My bottom line is :

there a huge potential (and real yet also) market, for a company based in thailand, composed mostly (and not only for the white collar) by western educated people .... Western educated mean :

working with the goal/delay in mind, and not with bar/vacation in mind (both western and thai people alas share this motivation).

structurate team (specialised coders, one project manager who handle the relation with the buyer, and in more of that somewhat serious with a perfect technical english who will prospect the new job offers (mostly on the places I go there is about 1 000 a day).

coders specialised in what the buyers need, and not only in flash (mostly better to use swish) or in Java (what a joke for a small to medium sized ecommerce than to use Java ). But SQL , PHP, PERL, ASP and also (alas) .NET.

I am ready to meet if the conversation is seriously oriented to do business, and not only oriented on the fact : how to stay in thailand where the bargirls are so sweet and the beer so cold. I can offer my experience (since 6 month I have not post a bid , there is the buyers that invite me directly and ask if I have a little bit of time for them) and my knowledge of the market from the coder side (thing you seems to be lack of... as all you seems to be more CEO or company owner).

As usual , I will repeat, I am not US nor Britton, I am french, mostly as the the people in thailand are very open minded, it make a final point when I precise my nationality, wish it will be not the same this time.

you can contact me or by the site (pm) but I did not log on too much (no time for that).


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I find the indians less likely to do what you ask them to do.

They take shortcuts and or just go off on their own tangents if they think they are right.

I f you do outsource to Indians you need a very strong project mgr.

You also need very good security on your code/projects....it all goes back to mates otherwise.

Spot on. :D

This is true. to minimize it, you should break the project in to parts and give them to do sections/objects. Graphic contents, it's better to do in Thailand. In my opinion, Thia's have more creativity and skills in graphic designing compared to Indians.

About string1 comments:

Again, very good points. I too agree, knowing high database skills specially in SQL is the key to succeed in any project.

Like one have commented, I do not think it will give any edge for having an American nationality when it comes to software projects in Thailand. This is an area that they give preference to Asian colleagues than all other service oriented business in Thailand.

The reason is, mainly you will be dealing with educated Thai people with foreign experience than these 6th grade Thia's who value skin color and appearances.

Info sys (India) chairman is the adviser to Thai Primeminister on all IT related policies in Thailand. Many leading IT companies in Thailand have links with Malaysia, India, Singapore and Philipinnes than any other country.

As string1 say, it's a small world and you can not fool anyone when it comes to software projects. :o

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can tell you more about both sites:

script lance is full of indian and pakistanese societies ... who bid very cheap ... more than I can (or you will can ) do : they offer to install a full new ecommerce solution in less than a day for 30 $ (new mean not something existing on the market as oscommerce or agora cart or xcommerce, but a new program tht fully fit the buyer needs). True or not, I don't know, mostly they don't have feedback ... but hard to do something here ... you must really hit the featured project, and send a formal document to the buyer where you will explain what and how in how much time.

Maybe it became clear why I said it's necessay to have astructured team ... the first proposition was interresting me for that, I have a IT skills, I have the market, I have the customers, but I waste every day btw3 and 5 hours only to answer to the bids .... too long... too boring.

Rentacoder is trully better if you are a seasonned programmer/dev .... people come here with serious project and the price mostly have a ground and a floor ... mean the bid must be btw (exemple) 100 and 500 $ for a ecommerce website .

Also the buyers are mostly IT professional .... they will not really care about a formal document, but they will mostly ask you to set up a demo (on your dev server) alsothey will ask you technicall questions.


I am glad at least it's one personn that read and like when I try to help :o

Good luck (work hard lol)

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