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Death Of Ajarn Forum


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I apologise if I have said something to upset you. However, I do feel that if you make a remark like this:


couldn't bear to read the site let alone post there...

Pretentious non entities isn't far off the mark, it was plagued with comments that between the lines basically read -

"So how long have you not been a backpacker for then?" and -"I've got a degree AAAND a TEFL, what have you got?"

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah wankspaggle...

It was like being in the student union bar only at primary school. 

you do leave yourself open to a little retaliation. However, I realize what I wrote may have been unfair and retract it. Also, I think you'll find, when you check your PMs, that I was one of those who (almost immediately) PM'd you. I in no means mean to flame/upset you, but as one of those pretentious non entities I feel I have to say something...

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I apologise if I have said something to upset you. However, I do feel that if you make a remark like this:


couldn't bear to read the site let alone post there...

Pretentious non entities isn't far off the mark, it was plagued with comments that between the lines basically read -

"So how long have you not been a backpacker for then?" and -"I've got a degree AAAND a TEFL, what have you got?"

Blah blah, blah blah blah blah wankspaggle...

It was like being in the student union bar only at primary school. 

you do leave yourself open to a little retaliation. However, I realize what I wrote may have been unfair and retract it. Also, I think you'll find, when you check your PMs, that I was one of those who (almost immediately) PM'd you. I in no means mean to flame/upset you, but as one of those pretentious non entities I feel I have to say something...

Fair enough mate, look - as far as light hearted or even critical flaming goes, I can give as good as I get, but yes what I read about me today was bang out of order flaming and although you weren't the main culprit I was already pretty upset when I read your post.

I'm alright now and thanks for the retraction.

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Ajarn.com forum is dead - Bangkok Phil:

Ajarn discussion board - end of an era

The ajarn discussion board forum was hacked into again on Saturday night (14th August) for what seemed like the umpteenth time. After lots of support from the previous board members, we moved to a totally new board with completely new software. And tonight (Tues 17th) we were hacked again and the board was totally destroyed.

Enough really is enough this time. I have no intention of starting the forum up again and Marko (who supported us with the technical duties) feels exactly the same way. It's time to move on to other projects and spend our free time a bit more wisely.

I want to say a massive thank you to the hundreds of members who have supported the ajarn forum over the last few turbulent years. It's been a real roller-coaster ride for sure, but a lot of people showed a lot of spirit.

The ajarn.com forum was always special to me as I know it was to a lot of people. The saddest thing about all this is that we now have to start getting all our information from barstool experts - and none of us want that. It will be like putting the clock back to the more uncertain times before the internet came along. I wish the members the very best of luck for the future.


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^I concur with those above who aren't wanking. It *is* a shame that some antisocial twit has a hardon for Phil and his forum- no doubt someone with nothing better to occupy his time (for example, friends).

Not too familiar with this forum, though I'm sure it'll have the usual cast of characters. Maybe we can make something out of this teachers' section.


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Hi, IJWT, I guess we'll have to meet on this board now. The death of the Ajarn board is very sad for me. It had a lot of useful stuff on it (as well as some dross) and some good and helpful people contributing. Perhaps we'll never know exactly who hacked it to death.

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I was a member at ajarn for a little while - only saw it get hacked 3 times!! - and I'm pretty disappointed that it has come to an end.

I have a thai gf and am in the process of moving to Thailand...and I found it very useful (as is this site).

Sure there was a lot of crap but everyday I wade thru piles of crap without having the choice of just turning it off. But it was also informative, funny and interesting.

I just hope that the saying "what goes around, comes around" is true and the hacker/s have a long and interesting life.

Thanks to all those who (used to ) make it happen - it REALLY helped.

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LDMA wot u dun?

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not query config information


SQL Error : 1226 User 'ldma666' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 72000)

SELECT * FROM phpbb_config

Line : 166

File : /www/a/ajarnforum/htdocs/phpbb/common.php

sob sob sob!

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