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Some Thoughts About Landing Your 1st Job

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so here you are ... you've filled out your job applications and have posted/ emailed them off and now you're sitting by the phone just waiting for it to ring. yes sir, that phone is going to start ringing any time now. at any moment, it's going to ring. you stare at the phone and time passes...


rather than take a passive role in finding a job i.e. sitting by the phone and waiting for it to ring - why not take a proactive approach?

1) visit the school you've applied to and ask to speak to the director of studies (dos). if you're lucky enough to get access to him, be prepared for a job interview on the spot. have your resume and teacher portfolio with you. if the dos is interested in you, you may just get licky...

2) visit individual schools that you're interested in. if you're lucky you might be able to talk to the dos or similar. be prepared to leave a resume at the school. vacancies may occur - particularly as the teacher market in the LoS is very fluid...

3) make yourself "stand out." no, don't wear that pvc fetish costume.. that the tg bought you. if you haven't received a phone call it's because the school probably has dozens and dozens of teacher applications. you're effectively competing against other former student teachers and/or alternative certification people & possibnlt the kao sarn road brigade. what can you do to stand out? make a flyer about yourself. the flyer could include your picture, pictues from your student teaching experience, and highlights from your resume. have the flyer included in your application file. post or email the flyer to schools that you're interested in.

don't mope about your shoe-box of a home waiting for that phone to ring. get out there and market yourself as a creative educator. get yourself noticed in a positive way. demonstrate your enthusiasm by taking a proactive approach to finding a job... adrian.gif

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dear dear dear... why do we let the <deleted> from the main board areas in here... i bet fatso didn't have to search too long thru his collection of queer boy material to find that graphic... probably just another sex-pat come over here to have sex with boys.. i guesss. well knock yourself out...

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I never knew non-teachers are not allowed in here? I still remember why this branch has been created. But are you sure you can say that you can let others from the main board areas in here? Is this Area 51?

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Palmer, bless your supple leather socks, you sounded like a nice fella when you first started posting on Thaivisa, a little irritating and way too 'Butlins-happy-helper' for my liking, but with nevertheless good intentions. However this last week has seen you trolling the main board for all your worth, accusing all and sundry of being sex-pats, well that's up to you bitchtits but don't get all cranky when you get called on it.

Now you're a super teacher. The expert no less, the irony being that you either can't spell or have digits far too fat for your keyboard, I don't like pointing out spelling errors of others but as the messiah of teaching you should be <deleted> ashamed. mmmmmm, smell the irony, it's delicious.

About the images....well, you should feel honoured to have received the kung foo bird. I typed 'Harry Palmer - uber teacher' into google images and it came out with the queer lesson planning thing above, shucks that must blow.

Looks to me like you're in need of some help from the gay dog of disaproval.


"Sit down and tell me all about the otters"

I'll happily leave you alone in here if you stop trolling the main board, otherwise we can keep this up until the moderator in here says otherwise. To summarise, suck my balls.

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To summarise, suck my balls.

why ask me, or are you that queer that you have to let everyone know? anyway.. you are probably one of those sex-pats who pay for that kind of service anyway... i seem to have touched on a raw nerve.. haven't i?

if you don't like my posts outside the teachers forum then respond to them in the appropriate place, this is a forum for prof. teachers like myself...

do you have anything useful to add to my thread? if not then go & get your ball sucked elsewhere...

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Let's see if I can get this thread back on topic- though I must admit at stifling a giggle reading Harry describing himself as an "expert"-

I find that one's presence at a Thai school is much more likely to land a job than anything else, especially if you can get the attention of the high-placed administrators who have the individual authority to hire you (the school committee decision will simply be a rubber stamp). Get this guy to listen to you, and you're in.

Places that are willing to hire you sight unseen are desperate and will probably give you all the trouble you might expect. If they're negotiating and there's some back and forth, then you're dealing with normal professionals (for this place, anyway).

ESPECIALLY if foreigners have any choice in the matter of hiring you, getting their attention is essential.


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I haven't laughed out loud while reading this board for a while...until today. Thanks guys.

As for the original topic, my only advice would be to stay from the schools whose director hires you within minutes of first contact.

Teacher Candidate: Hello Khun ****, thank you for meeting with me today.

Director: You're hired! You had me at hello.

Teacher Candidate: Great! I have loads of Morman missionary resources itching to be taught to these wild beasts. When can I start converting?

Director: Your class is waiting for you as we speak. Good luck.

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Harry may be an expert or he may not be an expert. That's not the point. The point is that he tried to stimulate conversation with a very interesting and appropriate topic - that's until <deleted> like Fat Harry jump in because they're one of the sad bastards who see English teachers and the world of TEFL as fair game.

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Bloody right on, because after all...
you may just get licky...


That's a beauty, mate. :o I'm with you so...


Disturbing pic,can you imagine that kids parents or what he will grow up into being!!

Hooligan training seminar; got to love it!

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Phil, I would have thought having a forum ruined by idiot postings would be something you'd currently hold dear.

Palmer sets my teeth on edge, his posts in the main area are now nearly all troll posts, that's ok is it? It might be if they were funny.

Nothing to do with teachers or teaching you see, just with new guests to thai visa coming into the forum with their muddy shoes, stealing whiskey from the decanter and shitting on the carpet.

As for ruining this topic, look at it as a kind of protest.

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Ummm... so then a Hatfield has to kill a McCoy and a McCoy kills a Hatfield... will the madness never end!!!

Seriously, FatHarry, I hope you'll notice that *most* of us teacher-types are not trolling here, whether former/current ajarners or not.

I still think there should be a pinned thread on the topic of "Am I qualified enough" to handle this kind of newbie query, else this style of thread just proliferates forever.


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If you write it I'll pin it!

Fatter than Harry, please don't protest here (although I think as adults we should really be above that kind of tit for tat reasoning!). Talk to the Mods on the threads Harry is 'trolling' and if he is being out of order I'm sure they'll remove/edit them (as I will start doing if this continues!) as need be.

Edited by kenkannif
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Harry may be an expert or he may not be an expert. That's not the point. The point is that he tried to stimulate conversation with a very interesting and appropriate topic - that's until <deleted> like Fat Harry jump in because they're one of the sad bastards who see English teachers and the world of TEFL as fair game.

thank you kindly phil... i am certainly an expert in the field of simulation :o & i do my utmost to start & respond to topics in this forum in an intelligent & adventurous manner.. as befits a recently DELTA qualified pro.

(Sorry Harry, but fatter than is being good, so lets not start it all up again...okay? KK)

a star.gif for phil cos he is a star...

shut up bkk barmy .... phil is a good bloke & you are a wacked out sicko...

Edited by kenkannif
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Harry may be an expert or he may not be an expert. That's not the point. The point is that he tried to stimulate conversation with a very interesting and appropriate topic - that's until <deleted> like Fat Harry jump in because they're one of the sad bastards who see English teachers and the world of TEFL as fair game.

call yourself a moderator? :D

the first so-called moderating you've done is call a senior member a ######.

i hope you get detention for that :D

does old Harry Palmer bring you a nice juicy apple every morning. :o

thank you kindly phil... i am certainly an expert in the field of simulation & i do my utmost to start & respond to topics in this forum in an intelligent & adventurous manner.. as befits a recently DELTA qualified pro.



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Harry may be an expert or he may not be an expert. That's not the point. The point is that he tried to stimulate conversation with a very interesting and appropriate topic - that's until <deleted> like Fat Harry jump in because they're one of the sad bastards who see English teachers and the world of TEFL as fair game.

call yourself a moderator? :D

the first so-called moderating you've done is call a senior member a ######.

i hope you get detention for that :D

does old Harry Palmer bring you a nice juicy apple every morning. :o

thank you kindly phil... i am certainly an expert in the field of simulation & i do my utmost to start & respond to topics in this forum in an intelligent & adventurous manner.. as befits a recently DELTA qualified pro.



you're only senior cos you post lots of clap-trap around the rest of the board... why do some ppl. value their post count so much? it's quality not quantity... h2.gif

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Harry may be an expert or he may not be an expert. That's not the point. The point is that he tried to stimulate conversation with a very interesting and appropriate topic - that's until <deleted> like Fat Harry jump in because they're one of the sad bastards who see English teachers and the world of TEFL as fair game.

call yourself a moderator? :D

the first so-called moderating you've done is call a senior member a ######.

i hope you get detention for that :)

does old Harry Palmer bring you a nice juicy apple every morning. :o

thank you kindly phil... i am certainly an expert in the field of simulation & i do my utmost to start & respond to topics in this forum in an intelligent & adventurous manner.. as befits a recently DELTA qualified pro.



you're only senior cos you post lots of clap-trap around the rest of the board... why do some ppl. value their post count so much? it's quality not quantity... h2.gif
it's quality not quantity...

is that the same as

"it does'nt matter how big it is, it's what you do with it that counts"? :D

thats what my wife keeps saying -_-:wub::(

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is that the same as

"it does'nt matter how big it is, it's what you do with it that counts"? :o

thats what my wife keeps saying :D:D:D

indeed it is... and if you really do have a wife & are faithful to her then i applaud you, i may have mistaken you for one of those sex-pats in the past…

seniority don't count in this part of the board, lessing you're a mod. as for the rest of us we are all equal excepting me of course, cos i am an expert... :D

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