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Thai Election Forces 2-weekend Booze Ban


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We are in Patong during both weekends for holiday

I'm sure there will be plenty of places where beer's available in Patong, in fact same for any other tourist destination outside of Bangkok...

Please let me quote what Basset, a Pattaya restaurant manager, posted in another related thread:

I am afraid your correct Raro. I knew yesterday about BKK but hoped it would not affect here. Closed from 6pm to late Sunday ( no letter yet ) but the BCCT are informing members that this Fridays meeting is DRY. The elections are the ones the police hit hard on, I phoned City Hall who say it will be a 3 Months closure for those caught. Below is a copy of an email from Bkk.

The closure is a countrywide thing, so I suggest your mates go to Cambodia for the weekend. Certain country areas are having the elections this weekend. The #2 policeman from Thong Lo came in and went through the legislation with us. The Law has been changed and it has to be enforced by the police – it is no longer a Police injitiative and they will not be allowing anyone to pay money and avoid the fines. Violations carry a fine and ten days in gaol for both the Publican AND the patron – so I expect they will be effective.

We will be open for Sport, coffee, food and soft drinks from 6:00pm on Friday to between 6 and 9pm on Sunday (the Police don't know when), but definitely selling alcohol again for the football on Sunday night. It is written into law and the police have been ordered to enforce it, even private parties, so I think it is time for a liver weekend or a trip to Cambodia. Hope to see you soon. All the best, Thomas

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As in the words of the song...'Do they know it's Christmas time at all'. A lot of companies are having Christmas parties at this time of year and it seems a bit much to take away the booze. A Christmas party without booze is like Loi Krathong without the fireworks.

I believe that we're buying our booze before the ban and taking that to the Christmas party...not sure if that's illegal or not to be honest but, if we're supposed to join in the karaoke, I think a few shots will be needed, for me and for the people who have to listen to me sing! :o

An absolute minority of Thai companies will be having a Christmas party.

Edit: Sorry I missed your irony - of course all those Buddhists consider Christmas in all of their decisions

You are wrong. Many companies have the Year End Parties around this time (so do we planned to have tomorrow). Now we sit together to find out what to do. Band, stage, food....everything already ordered and paid!

But what can you do? I think the ban on the official election day would be ok, but drying up two weekends, in high season....

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Everyone stock up your room with some Beer & booze just in case for the next two weeks. Always have a back up bottle!!!

All well and good for the homefire-burning-married-in-Isaan-brigade, but a lot of expats in the cities prefer to socialise and have a drink away from home in the bars and clubs. Home boozing tends to encourages heavier drinking anyway.


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As in the words of the song...'Do they know it's Christmas time at all'. A lot of companies are having Christmas parties at this time of year and it seems a bit much to take away the booze. A Christmas party without booze is like Loi Krathong without the fireworks.

I believe that we're buying our booze before the ban and taking that to the Christmas party...not sure if that's illegal or not to be honest but, if we're supposed to join in the karaoke, I think a few shots will be needed, for me and for the people who have to listen to me sing! :o

An absolute minority of Thai companies will be having a Christmas party.

Edit: Sorry I missed your irony - of course all those Buddhists consider Christmas in all of their decisions

You are wrong. Many companies have the Year End Parties around this time (so do we planned to have tomorrow). Now we sit together to find out what to do. Band, stage, food....everything already ordered and paid!

But what can you do? I think the ban on the official election day would be ok, but drying up two weekends, in high season....

Sorry to be pedantic but a year end party is different from a Christmas party is it not?

The foreigners might see it as a Christmas Party (or lunch in my case Monday) but I am sure the Taoists, Buddhists and Muslims who will be at them do not as in mine on Monday.

It is a bit early for a year end party too is it not?

Just unlucky I guess as tomorrow the 14th is probably the only one you could not have guessed at well in advance.

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If I can't go to a bar and drink then I should be allowed to vote or v.v

20+year falung resident.

Another wonky Thai double-standard.

Yeah - you have a solid logical argument there!

The booze ban is just one electoral law in Thailand - many otheer countries have electroal laws including where you come from.

So if a visitor or non-citizen has to abide by those laws they should be given the right to vote - ridiculous.

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The ban or proposed ban this weekend seems a very late afterthought as there are some major events scheduled this weekend. Think LOSO at Xcyte in Pattaya ?

This lunacy has got to stop. Close a couple of days in August and we'll swallow it. Close 5 or 6 days in December and you're screwing with people's lives.

You are correct... Consumers can always find a way around the alcohol ban, but for bar owners many are not going to risk fines and/or closures.

A couple of bar owners I recently spoke with in Bangla area already said business was very slow, and now - if this report is true - 2 out of the 3 most lucrative weekends of the year will be taken from them (the other being New Year's eve)... Look for more "Bar for Sale" signs if this idiotic ridiculous stupid edict goes through.

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The ban or proposed ban this weekend seems a very late afterthought as there are some major events scheduled this weekend. Think LOSO at Xcyte in Pattaya ?

This lunacy has got to stop. Close a couple of days in August and we'll swallow it. Close 5 or 6 days in December and you're screwing with people's lives.

You are correct... Consumers can always find a way around the alcohol ban, but for bar owners many are not going to risk fines and/or closures.

A couple of bar owners I recently spoke with in Bangla area already said business was very slow, and now - if this report is true - 2 out of the 3 most lucrative weekends of the year will be taken from them (the other being New Year's eve)... Look for more "Bar for Sale" signs if this idiotic ridiculous stupid edict goes through.

So Thai democracy, the whole polity and its electoral law should revolve around the needs of foreign bar owners and their economic needs???

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I don't think I can actually find any pubs or bars. All those bill boards lining the roads in the thousands showing the smug faces of those next in line to screw up this country, have blocked my view of anything off the road and it's going to get worse.

Don't forget, you CAN buy alcohol at any time of the day as long as you are buying a huge amount ( unless this has changed recently ). One or two small bottles to wash down your evening meal is illegal if buying between 12 am and 11 am and then 2pm until 5 pm BUT, if you roll down the isle with enough alcohol to get the USS Enterprose plastered for a month, then it's OK. Just make sure you show you are intending to get well and truly blotto rather than indicating you are just after a quiet private drink.

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It doesn't say that we are forbidden to consume alcohol. It only says no alcohol will be "served" or "sold".

This means it is okay to drink our own alcohol, and to drink it regardless of the location.

It's a bit like the time-of-day restriction on alcohol sales. You can't buy alcohol before 11am or between 2pm and 5pm, but you can consume it any time of the day.

If we had left bottles of whisky with our name on it at a bar or club that were purchased on a date prior to the 14th of December 2007, can we consume them?

Would any bars or clubs allow BYO?

No alcohol will be SERVED - whether it's pre-paid for or not.

The official reason for the ban (so I understand) is that Thais can vote, "with a clear head and conscience"(!!) The real reason - probably - is so that nobody gets drunk and forgets who gave them 300 baht for their vote and they end up voting for the other guy!! :o

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What is all the complaining about..

Have a coke, juice or some other drink

and enjoy yourself..

This is not just about exapts getting drunk. This is about closing entertainment venues in major tourist centres in the busiest time of the year without much prior warning for 20% of the month.

Taking away 20% of the income that has to feed the families of the owners -- foreigner or Thai alike -- for much of the rest of the year seems to be a rather cruel thing. But then again, the Thais have never thought much through before, so why would they now (and nobody should come with the BS 'it is their country' when a quarter of their GDP is based on happy #returning# tourists!)...

In many cases it is also not the law itself that I find hard to take, but the thoughtless idiotic way of implementing it.

As a tourist in Patong you will not be able to find any official announcement anywhere that actually a good part of your holiday will happen without the bars you thought you were sitting in in the evenings. So much about the Thai government caring for poeple to come back.

And no, I do not own a bar or am in urgent need of a drink, so personally I would not have to care, but I chose to. A little bit thought for your fellow people would make ThaiVisa a much nicer place to be, but it is in rather shockingly short supply with a good number of participants here.

One often wonders why they actually come to Thailand when they bring nothing with them but the same stuffed-up bigotry they have left behind in Farang-land.

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When you read between the lines, this is obviously "much ado about nothing" in terms of genuine impact on tourists. If Big Hotels are not likely to be affected, I seriously doubt that the average tourist will feel that their Thailand experience will have been significantly dampened.

Does the "average" tourist in Thailand really stay in big hotels?

In the North, the "average" uses small hotels & guest houses as there just isn't the availability of "big" hotels

And who owns and operates the "big" hotels?

Oh yeah - that's right - the "big" people

If I do remember, in april 2006 for the general elections, we didn't have this system of "pre-election days".

There was no general elections in 2006.

Ermmm - April 2006? The one-sided election?

Contributed to a world shaking event 5 months later during which there was no ban on alcohol sales (surprisingly).

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Well down here in Ban Chang, Rayong we are having our yearly Camel Pub Classic Golf Tournament this Saturday the 15th where we sponser our local Camillian Centre (HIV Hospice), usually we handover well in excess of 100,000 baht (by cheque) to assist them in the running of the Centre

Due to the fact the Pub cannot now sell alcohol we are having to move the prize giving and buffet to the Emerald Golf Course and due to the fact that some prizes will now have to come from fees charged for the day instead of being being supplied by The Camel and other bars on the strip (who all benefit from being decended upon by 120+ golfers) means that a much lower figure will now be handed over to the Camilian Centre

Who loses??

Confused but not suprised !!!!

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About Torrenova's comment " screwing with people's lives"

They are talking about a 2 weekend ban on alcohol, nothing stopping you stocking up the fridge beforehand.

This is a childish, immature outlook, god forbid you should ever have to face a serious issue.

In retrospect 2 weekends without alcohol might even save a few lives, road accidents, alcohol related abuse etc etc

Grow up.

You don't get it. How many millions of baht will NOT be spent during these weekends? This is what we mean when we say "messing with peoples lives"

I talked to the police in Patong and according to them only the 22nd and part of 23rd will be closed.

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About Torrenova's comment " screwing with people's lives"

They are talking about a 2 weekend ban on alcohol, nothing stopping you stocking up the fridge beforehand.

This is a childish, immature outlook, god forbid you should ever have to face a serious issue.

In retrospect 2 weekends without alcohol might even save a few lives, road accidents, alcohol related abuse etc etc

Grow up.

I couldn't agree more!!!

It might also stop a lot of the "drunken utterings" that we have to put up with on this forum every day!!........

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Unsuspecting visiting tourists will be surely amaized! Thing is a lot of countrys have elections but dont ban alcohol. This will be a right pain for people on their 2 week vacations - especially if they catch both ends.

This is really over the top. One dry day on the main election day can arguably be tolerated and might even prevent a few drunked bums from going out and shooting a poling station but this really messes up tourists and owners of pubs and restaurants.

As if they care

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Liverpool play Manchester Utd on the 16th at about 8:30, one of the biggest games on the E.P.L. calender.

As gambling is not allowed in Thailand are we to believe that no bets will be placed on a football match this coming weekend.

I shall be in my local in northern Phuket (which I'mm 99% sure will be open, one can never tell if a Tsunami is due. I would also suggest you stick a few hundred Baht on Man Utd to win 2 - 1)........... :o

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Fascinating thread. This is an annoying inconvenience for me, but will impact the livelihoods of many.There's a heap of better things the govt could do to prevent election corruption and alcohol abuse.

On the other hand, every time someone is caught selling drugs the 'hang 'em high' brigade are out in force. Yet when the government stops the sale of a legal drug for a few days the outcry is incredible.

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I don't drink so no big deal, but i guess for the boozers in the forum, they are about to cut their throats - :o

Not everyone who dirinks is a "boozer" binge drinker. Sure, I am as are most people I know but I've heard rumours that there are some people who enjoy a glass of wine or two with dinner or a beer or two during football or even relax with a nice scotch.

I seriously doubt tourists will be bothered by this. But just in case, someone should look into buying in bulk then reselling to dry tourists on the beach. Just follow behind the Thai guy asking if they want to by drugs.

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WOW!! So many negative comments.

Do people need their alcohol that much?? Maybe they should see a Dr or something, if they can't miss a couple of weekends of alcohol.

OH NO - it will affect tourists - PANIC PANIC!!! Ha ha - who cares.

It is (near) Xmas - who cares.

It may stop vote buying, violence and other problems with the election - YES, please ban the crap. If it will be best for Thailand, go for it.

I agree. I couldn't care less about an alcohol ban. Reading some of these posts you'd think Thailand was only here for tourists and expats.

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Maybe it is not just about the alcohol. For exemple I have some friends flying in to bkk and spending the weekend here before they head off to Phuket. The plan was to go to some clubs. So far all the clubs I have called are closed this weekend. I will give V9 and 87 (hotelbars) a call and see if they will be open.

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Thai election forces 2-weekend booze ban


BANGKOK: -- No alcohol will be served to expats, tourists or local residents in bars and restaurants over the next two weekends nationwide due to the oncoming election.

The first dry days will be 14, 15 and 16 December, pre-election days for a few million Thais who registered to vote early.

Thaivisa has been informed that no alcohol is allowed to be served nationwide between Friday 14th at 6pm until Sunday 16th at midnight.

Elections on the 23rd will mean no alcohol will be sold from 6pm on the 22nd till midnight on the 23rd of December.

Practically this means two or three dry days in the two weekends ahead, although some tourist areas tend to be lenient once it's past 7pm on election day.

Please be aware that local rules could apply. Big hotels are not likely to be affected.

--thaivisa.com 2007-12-13

Wher you get the news from and is it possible to find a n outprint about the banned days in Thai because my customers call me very simple a liar.


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