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Working in 2 different locations

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We are opening another branch of our company in another province, down south. The information I have is that a form is obtained from our local labor office ( who issue my w/permit ), it is completed, signed off by the local labor office and then a copy forwarded by them to the labor office in the province where we have our 2nd branch.

I still pay income tax etc at our original location where the company is registered and handle my w/permit there also, but this 'form' permits me to work at the other branch also.

Has anyone any experience of this?, I know a few people who work at 'multiple' locations and say that it is all handled by their office and not a problem. I would just like to be sure.


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Welcome to the forum, Craigy2.

Do you have a registred company down south as well?

If that is the case, it will be less hassle if you just apply for another work permit there.

There is a way to have more than one work place in the same work permit book, but it requires same amount of paperwork as an additional new application.

To have different changwats Labour Department stampin' in the same work permit book, is to ask for trouble.

Or have you been told the opposite from a sure source?

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