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Come, Tell Me Your Grievances Says Thaksin


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Come, tell me your grievances

But Thai PM's fair causes more unhappiness as many did not get to see him

BANGKOK: -- Thousands of Thais flocked to Government House in Bangkok yesterday to attend a fair organised by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Mr Thaksin had invited 'people with grievances' to tell him in person the causes of their suffering and exactly what they wanted him to do to resolve their problems, reported The Bangkok Post.

But the biggest 'grievance' may have been the fact that not everybody was happy with the event.

Many, particularly those who had not submitted complaints to the mailbox, claimed that they were prevented from entering the grounds.

The searing heat didn't help.

And opposition politicans and academics poured scorn on what they dubbed a government ploy to grab the limelight and be seen as caring and concerned in the light of next year's polls.

The event, called Mahakam Klai Thuk (Grief Relief Fair), gave those who attended the opportunity to submit complaints to 'Thaksin's Mailbox'.

More than 26,000 'grievances were dropped in, of which the government said, about 5,800 cases had been successfully resolved.

But chaos almost ensued as officials hastily tried to separate those who had submitted complaints from those who hadn't.

Those who submit complaints too late were asked to drop them in the box and then wait outside for their turn.

But their demands to see the Prime Minister were allegedly denied.

And for the few who did get in, they claimed that they just didn't have enough time to voice their grievances.

Later, four people who had successfully presented their cases were selected to stand up and show their gratitude to the government and Mr Thaksin, the newspaper said.

Mr Thaksin, who later spoke to a huge audience, said that managing the economy properly was the key to ensuring the country did well.

'I don't want the children of the poor to remain poor, and we must now start to help them.

'I have told all ministers and government officials to redefine the word 'happiness' as the way to help disadvantaged people,' he said.

He said that he intended to go on a door-to-door campaign around the country to make sure children in every household had access to education .

'We must have hopes as long as we are Thai and I have a duty to fulfil those hopes,' he said.


Democrat leader Banyat Bantadtan said the event was another government ploy to restore its flagging popularity before the general election.

'I'm not surprised at what they have done as this is a common strategy used in any country governed with populist policies,' he said.

'I feel pity for them (the people who attended),' Mr Banyat said.

Mr Pibhop Thongchai, adviser of the Campaign for Popular Democracy, said the idea of the fair was good in principle. But he said the governemt seemed to be blatantly trying to get the public to show its admiration for the government.

'If the government is sincere, it should solve problems systematically, such as by changing laws,' he said.

--Agencies 2004-10-12

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Later, four people who had successfully presented their cases were selected to stand up and show their gratitude to the government and Mr Thaksin, the newspaper said.

it says it all, doesn't it?

we all believe that mr PM is ready to hear critics :o

is the political campaign beginning already?

or does mr PM need some cheerings?

does he feel lonely in his failure to administrate the country?

how long does he think he can mislead the people the way he does?

some more questions ... but I ain't sure they would invite me there :D


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I wonder if he'll set up a Q&A for foreigners to "clear problems".

I think we all know the answer to THAT one!

Didn't you know..?

He's set up the Farang Fun Fair.

All Foreign Nationals in Thailand are welcome to post a grievance in the Taksin Mail Potty, provided the grievance is accompanied by 4 million baht in cash plus bank statements of the last 400 years showing that you have at least 28 gazillion deposited long term in a Thai bank.

Failure to meet these requirements will lead to immediate dismissal of the grievance and instigate extradition procedures against the alien.

Can't believe you haven't heard about that... Jeez, and here I am wasting my time telling you all whilst I should be out there transferring my knowledge, my soul, my mind, and brain to two thai's before the month is up.

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