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Ocean Pollution At Pattaya Beach


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Plenty of swimming pools in Pattaya better to use the pools.

Yes, there are loads of hotels that have a private pool, also many that do not have a pool at all, please tell use where there is a public pool?


There are many swimming pool options. Some very nice hotels will charge a nominal fee and let you swim for a day. Here is my short list that I have actually used.

1. Mike's shopping mall rooftop pool. Second road

60 baht I think. Big pool with a great view. Chairs did not have cushions. I last used it in 2007. Kids would like it. Water was cold.

2. Place just past nantana Gardens. Nice outdoor pool ground level. Down Soi Yume past Carre 4.

Last used it in 2008. Nice place. Full basic Thai food menu with some other things available. Drinks and small bar. Really nice place. Good chairs and

little table/breakfast nook kind of things with thatched roofs. At the end of a street so no traffic. An oasis really and highly recommended.

3. Mike's Orchid, the nice hotel with Purple trim. Soi 2 or soi 3? I forgot.

Last used in 2006. Very nice vanishing edge pool. Gets shade or sun, depending on day time. 60 baht? Can order drinks and food.

I have been told there are some others that will let you swim for the day but these are the ones I know for sure. Ask around.

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Plenty of swimming pools in Pattaya better to use the pools.

Yes, there are loads of hotels that have a private pool, also many that do not have a pool at all, please tell use where there is a public pool?


There is a pool open to the public on top of Mikes Department Store opposite Diana Inn. There is a small fee for using it. Many hotels will also let you use their pool for a fee.

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It is safe to swim in these waters as long as you take sensible precautions. Wear goggles, do not let your head go beneath the surface, insert a cork firmly into your rectum and coil an elastic band tightly around your penile organ prior to entering the water. These measures served me well till I get stung by a jellyfish at Jomtien. I have not swum in the sea since.

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It is safe to swim in these waters as long as you take sensible precautions. Wear goggles, do not let your head go beneath the surface, insert a cork firmly into your rectum and coil an elastic band tightly around your penile organ prior to entering the water. These measures served me well till I get stung by a jellyfish at Jomtien. I have not swum in the sea since.

Sure you meant cork there? Maybe a typo.


There is some kind of odious outlet at Naklua. I used to swim there regular and did not get sick (much), but I don't think I will do so on my return now I am a bit older and wiser. Koh Larn might be better I guess although the sea is quite dead there so probably not.

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There are many swimming pool options. Some very nice hotels will charge a nominal fee and let you swim for a day. Here is my short list that I have actually used.

1. Mike's shopping mall rooftop pool. Second road

60 baht I think. Big pool with a great view. Chairs did not have cushions. I last used it in 2007. Kids would like it. Water was cold.

Now costs 1,600 Baht for monthly membership.

Plastic chairs still have no cushions.

Still a great view from the 10th floor roof but gets about one jumper per year which is upsetting for the kids and the street artists below.

Water, ice cold Nov-Feb.

The good news is they only permit people in swimming costumes to swim, I really hate to see people in swimming pools fully dressed (which is unhygienic) due to their religious beliefs or their personal body conscious hang-ups about external sexual organ size or breast size.

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I have a travel guide that goes on at some length about the inadvisability of swimming at Pattaya Beach because of sewage pollution. Haven't been able to find anything else confirming or denying that.

Does anyone have information? Is the water really so ppor one should not go in? Thanks!

I am swimming at the North end of Jomtien daily when I am in town. Yes, there is lots of garbage, yes there is the real danger of jellyfish during certain months. Certainly not a tropical beach paradise, but acceptable for swimming about 50% of the time, if you are willing to fight your way through the garbage. Definitely a disappointment for many holiday makers. Nothing has changed for the better and never will, I am afraid.

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if the council had half a brain they would force the drug addicts with the umbrellas to clean up all the bottles and cans and rubbish in front of their areas, but they maybe are still considering how to get rid of the potholes and protruding electrical wiring on the beach footpaths so could be a decade or two away i suspect

Edited by rafval
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There is some sewage treatment works for pattaya, but its anybodies guess what ,screening, primary,secondary,or tertiary, treatment occurs there before pumping out to sea.

The idea being that it will all breakdown and disperse, far out to sea.

Chances are though that the treatment facilities are turned off to save costs, and its quite likely that all the piss and turds and jonnies and jamrags and spew from all the scumbags in pattaya are pumped directly out into the sea, via a long outfall pipe.

Then, as you all know, the tide brings it all back to the beach areas, where it slops down your clack.

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There is some sewage treatment works for pattaya, but its anybodies guess what ,screening, primary,secondary,or tertiary, treatment occurs there before pumping out to sea.

The idea being that it will all breakdown and disperse, far out to sea.

Chances are though that the treatment facilities are turned off to save costs, and its quite likely that all the piss and turds and jonnies and jamrags and spew from all the scumbags in pattaya are pumped directly out into the sea, via a long outfall pipe.

Then, as you all know, the tide brings it all back to the beach areas, where it slops down your clack.


I grew up near the ocean in New England and currently live across from the beach in Jomtien. I love the beach, am a certified scuba diver, and have travelled to many beach areas around the world. And... I agree with you (although I never heard of, "jonnies and jamrags," and don't know what, "slops down your clack," means exactly... I can imagine).

When I've gone to the beach in the past, we would sit in beach chairs talking, reading, listening to music, whatever. Then, every little while, depending on how hot it was, you would head into the water for a cool-down (most of my swim time usually spent underwater). When we came to Jomtien about 4 years ago, my TGF and I tried this day-at-the-beach formula; it was not what I expected.

Underwater- no visibility, couldn't see more than a hand's width in front of me. Look at the color of the sea... and the smell... and too many dead fish floating and washed up onto the beach. Not right. That was about 4 years ago. A month or two later, we took a low-tide walk down the beach in Jomtien again. At one long, maybe 150 meter+ stretch we were walking through, every meter or two there was a mound of sand surrounded by a crown of bile-yellow bubbles, piled about 6 inches high. I just kept looking as we walked. Not natural. Not good. I asked my TGF if she'd ever seen anything like that before. Nope.

And, that was about it for me. Have only gone into the Jomtien water once since then, when a friend and her little boy came to visit. Couldn't say no to the kid. Have not had any ill effects, as others have sadly mentioned.

Soooo, we live here at the beach but we can't enjoy it like most beaches because it's not safe. The ocean. Not safe. Sad.

Now, when we want to spend the day at the beach, it's ferry time- off to Koh Larn. There are people on the beach there: festive Chinese, jolly Koreans, under-clad Russians, over-clad Indians, Thai's... many! Enjoying it the usual, age-old way. Actually going in! Great. Underwater visibility, maybe 35 meters or so (geez, how many hands' width is that?). The beautiful ocean shows turquoise as G-d meant it to look; you could almost drink it. No dead fish on the beach.

Conclusion: Pattaya, a great beach town but don't go in the water. Sad.

My two cents...

Edited by Michaelaway
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Definately not a BEACH resort . Never has been & never will be with the "floaties" that espew from drain pipes & others . Ironically , a lot of this water is also used in Songkran , I have seen them sucking it up from the main drain that goes through the garden of Siam Bayshore , luverly.

Love visiting Pattaya but, it is a third world country with 'some' infrastructure & a place to have fun & relax.

Cannes , Cancun , Surfers Paradise , Costa Del Sol , are some places I would call BEACH Resorts. IMO


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  • 2 weeks later...
Would you swim in an oversized toilet??? My GI doctor warned me to avoid swimming in there at all times, unless you want a serious stomach infection, leading to the squirts and worse, if not taken care of properly with medication and fluids.

A Visa commercial might look like this.

A swim in Pattaya bay----free

A visit to the local hospital---15,000 ++

A lifetime memory and lesson learned to stay out of the water.....PRICELESS

You are so RIGHT!

Just love "A lifetime memory and lesson learned to stay out of the water.....PRICELESS"....

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Please bare in mind that this 1979

Being a keen windsurfer, the first thing I did on arriving in Pattaya was go sailing. Being thrown of the board I suffered I grazed knee. In the middle of the night I awoke with the most agonising pain I have ever experienced. To cut a long story short I had to call a doctor. I will always remember his words. " You went swimming in Pattaya Bay. Don't you know it is the most polluted water in the world". It cost 15,000 baht to be able to walk again. I have never swam in any sea since.

I am sure the bay is the same now as then.

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I have been living high-rise in Jomtien for quite some time now and it is easy to

see the brown slick emerging from several tubes some way out in the sea.

Rather sure it’s not coca cola. My greatest nightmare, if I went swimming there

would be suddenly reading the paper I used some hours ago bla bla bla.

For heaven’s sake get sewage treatment before empty flyers.

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