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Fake Degrees Work In Thailand!


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Ive been teaching here in phuket for 4 years,ive been around the language schools ,goverment schools etc and i can assure you that fake degrees certainly work.I know of so many people that have obtained the kao san degree that i could make up 4 baseball teams! A head i know is as thick as <deleted> (a postman in the uk),has been working here on a dodgy degree (a work permit )for the last four years)! So if your that desperate to work here with a work permit (god knows why) then go for it !

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If people are allowed to get away with something so easily, then they will do it. It's obvious that the people approving work permits don't care whether it's real or not; they just want the paperwork to smooth through things. A degree shouldn't be required to get the WP, but to get the job.

Personally I would rather work illeagally under the radar than use a fake degree, but that's just me. There is a moral standpoint and a school could use it against you as leverage in the future.

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If people are allowed to get away with something so easily, then they will do it. It's obvious that the people approving work permits don't care whether it's real or not; they just want the paperwork to smooth through things. A degree shouldn't be required to get the WP, but to get the job.

Personally I would rather work illeagally under the radar than use a fake degree, but that's just me. There is a moral standpoint and a school could use it against you as leverage in the future.

We had a guy on here about 18 months ago and he was in dispute with his school. The school had previously instructed the guy to get a fake degree, then the school called the cops as a dispute resolution ploy. The guy fled for Vietnam.

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Can you work in Thailand on a fake degree - "yes"

But keep in mind you do not have a career in Thailand. If the school where you work p*ss you off - tough! You want a promotion - unlikely. You'll be at the school that accepted your fake degree, or a like school, for the remainder of your time in Thailand. Forget ever earning more than 50k (without doing "privates").

What's more, the only guys who survive here long-term on fake degrees are the ones who have little or no ambition. The minute you start to have any ambition, either for yourself or your family, you'll be out of here. In the meantime, you'll sit around on bar-stools complaining that life in Thailand isn't "fair" - all the while you fail to see you're cheating the system.

Edited by Sumitr Man
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I know people (as do you) with fakies earning a fair bit more than 50k without privates! I don't think it's quite that bad to be honest!

The only ones I know of who work in Thailand without degrees/with fake degree AND earn more than 50k work for themselves. I know of no one who has lived in Thailand any length of time on a fake degree working at a school for more than 50k. Sorry mate.

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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.

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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.

A TEFL certificate is valuable if you have a degree to go with it. You may get a job with it, but you need a degree to get a work permit, in Bangkok anyway.

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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.

Dont know about them specifically but in general we are talking about getting a piece of paper saying you have got a degree when you have never studied at that institution. Ie going up to KSR and buying a BA from Stamford Uni for 500B or whatever it costs.

Thats different from the uncredited internet degrees where "passing" is based on past experience and they decide you are worthy of a BA / BSc etc.

Back to ITTT. I would be wary of anything that is soley intenet based solely because nothing substitutes actual classroom experience. Being in front of kids and beign able to use what you know is very very different from just learning theoretical technique from a book.

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To summarize:

1. Fake degrees can be obtained, and sometimes do work if the person faking it is smart enough.

2. It's obviously not recommended by most "real" teachers to do this, and it's not ideal; however,

3. As long as there's such a big demand for foreign workers in jobs which pay such low wages, things are not likely to get any better- and for the moment, it doesn't seem to do that much harm.

4. To a certain extent, schools which don't do enough preliminary checking to verify someone's qualifications deserve anyone they get.

This issue is a constant embarrassment for real teachers in Thailand, but I don't worry about it too much. Things are getting better, and if anyone wants to check my degree I know *I'm* fine.


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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.


It seems they're semi-linked with TEFL International, I'm not sure how closely though.

While it will (with a degree generally) probably be enough to get you a TL and thus WP some employers may look down on an online TEFL qualification (how will you do your teaching practice etc.?). Also outside of Thailand where they prefer the international standard of 100 hours class time and 6 hours + of OTP you may have problems finding good work with it!

My advice would be to do their 'proper' hands on TEFL course (they do offer one in conjunction with TEFL Int.), yes it will cost a bit more, but it will be more than worth it IMHO!

Edited by kenkannif
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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.

A TEFL certificate is valuable if you have a degree to go with it. You may get a job with it, but you need a degree to get a work permit, in Bangkok anyway.

Well while 9 times out of 10 you do, you don't ALWAYS!

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If you apply with a fake degree (or a cockamanny story about how your degree from Oxford (Hons.) is in the closet of Lord Appleby's butler in the new mansion at Marshgate), a desparate school won't be pedantic. Of course, don't bother with a teacher's license or work permit. I finally got to the Labor office today, and one of the things on the checklist is the original degree, which I assume they'll examine closely or send to regional or national headquarters to be checked out.

Your average university graduate is usually most often normally more skilled at teaching their native language than the average, normal ditch digger or rice farmer.

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I'm afraid it is an unfortunate fact that some with fake degrees get work here.  But, this is not to condone it in any way.

Does this mean that TEFL courses offered on the Internet are not accepted in Thailand? Oh, oh......I just enrolled in ITTT (International TEFL Teacher Training. Found it in Ajarn.com site and they seemed pretty legit. Anybody know about them? Thanks.


It seems they're semi-linked with TEFL International, I'm not sure how closely though.

While it will (with a degree generally) probably be enough to get you a TL and thus WP some employers may look down on an online TEFL qualification (how will you do your teaching practice etc.?). Also outside of Thailand where they prefer the international standard of 100 hours class time and 6 hours + of OTP you may have problems finding good work with it!

My advice would be to do their 'proper' hands on TEFL course (they do offer one in conjunction with TEFL Int.), yes it will cost a bit more, but it will be more than worth it IMHO!

Thanks for all the input everyone, it really has helped and yes ITTT does have a one week additional "Hands On" Training which I plan on taking.

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I worked in Thailand for 3 1/2 years on a fake degree. Made it up in Microsoft Word. It was quite easy. PM if you want to know how to do it. :o Every teacher I personally knew in Thailand had fake degrees.


Your dead right whitey ! An honest man.I too have never met a teacher (?) here who has a legit degree (A girl i know has a KSR degree in english lit, she couldnt tell you who enid blyton was)! Im writing a book about what goes on here.

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:o Possibly because none of them would associate with someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're," and who barely seems to understand punctuation at all? I don't usually get all mechanics-nazi on people, but if you're going to slag the entire foreign teacher population you kinda deserve it...


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:o  Possibly because none of them would associate with someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're," and who barely seems to understand punctuation at all?  I don't usually get all mechanics-nazi on people, but if you're going to slag the entire foreign teacher population you kinda deserve it...


A good book I'd reckon :D . Unburdened by punctuation and the odd capital letter. It'll cost more to edit than to print.

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:o   Possibly because none of them would associate with someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're," and who barely seems to understand punctuation at all?  I don't usually get all mechanics-nazi on people, but if you're going to slag the entire foreign teacher population you kinda deserve it...


A good book I'd reckon :D . Unburdened by punctuation and the odd capital letter. It'll cost more to edit than to print.

5555555! :D Couldn't resist. I've never made those fives before. It feels good. :D

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