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26 Years Old, Caucasion Male, Australian Native English Speaker, Diploma, Celta


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Next year I want to stop working my dead end job, and teach english in Thailand for 1 year. The question is would you hire me.

26 year old, caucasian male, Australian native english speaker, diploma, CELTA.

No english teaching background, but I like to think my english level is good-high, and that I would actually care about doing my job to the best of my ability.


Edited by patongster
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Unfortunately the degree from Harvard on Khao San Road wouldn't get you a job for long. Degrees have to be verified and the major US universities have a clearing house that does it. You send the info in and you have a reply within a matter of hours.

May I suggest some obscure university in the UK where they would have to write a letter and get a reply saying they want a signed consent from you etc. etc. That process might just take a year!

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maybe you should work at a gym! :o:D

Thanks for the reply's.

Haha I did run into a couple of falangs working at Tony's gym in Pattaya, but they looked like serial killers. I'm from Cairns, Queensland.

My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

I can offer you another dead-end job as a teacher. :D

Haha but it will not feel like one to me.

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My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

I just love it when everyone is a con and only a few want to work hard and reap the rewards afterwards. Typical young person: Lazy but wants all the benefits. Give me, give me, give me!!!!

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I just love it when everyone is a con and only a few want to work hard and reap the rewards afterwards. Typical young person: Lazy but wants all the benefits. Give me, give me, give me!!!!

No no...... its being culturally correct. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Culturally correct would be: Me peeing in the streets, wearing a winter coat during the day time, driving with my eyes closed, etc. etc. etc.... The OP is nothing but a lazy bum who wants something for nothing and I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat from my b@lls.....

By the way, we're (at least me) not in Rome...

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I just love it when everyone is a con and only a few want to work hard and reap the rewards afterwards. Typical young person: Lazy but wants all the benefits. Give me, give me, give me!!!!

No no...... its being culturally correct. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Culturally correct would be: Me peeing in the streets, wearing a winter coat during the day time, driving with my eyes closed, etc. etc. etc.... The OP is nothing but a lazy bum who wants something for nothing and I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat from my b@lls.....

By the way, we're (at least me) not in Rome...

I guess the whole 'When in Rome...' saying has gone over your head. Having said that, if you look anything like the pic in your avatar then I could understand why that may be the case :o

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I guess the whole 'When in Rome...' saying has gone over your head. Having said that, if you look anything like the pic in your avatar then I could understand why that may be the case :o

I understand exactly what was meant when it was said 'When in Rome......' My point being is that if this OP wants to con, trick, deceive, etc..... an employer for a position it is a way to say that he is immoral, unethical, and irresponsible..... as well as a low life bum that wants something for nothing. I sure wouldn't want to hire someone of this caliber in my organization. As I have learned, past actions will reflect on future actions. With saying this I don't believe the OP is trustworthy and as I said I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat.........

(By the way, it's just an avatar, I am actually in a lot better shape than the country bloke shown in this post who you are apparently trying to side with...)

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My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

The fact that you are so desperate that you would even consider fraud suggests that maybe teaching is not for you.

I do not think that your motives for joining the teaching profession is that important, but that somebody is willing to use illegal means to do so is important.

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I guess the whole 'When in Rome...' saying has gone over your head. Having said that, if you look anything like the pic in your avatar then I could understand why that may be the case :o

I understand exactly what was meant when it was said 'When in Rome......' My point being is that if this OP wants to con, trick, deceive, etc..... an employer for a position it is a way to say that he is immoral, unethical, and irresponsible..... as well as a low life bum that wants something for nothing. I sure wouldn't want to hire someone of this caliber in my organization. As I have learned, past actions will reflect on future actions. With saying this I don't believe the OP is trustworthy and as I said I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat.........

(By the way, it's just an avatar, I am actually in a lot better shape than the country bloke shown in this post who you are apparently trying to side with...)

...and another thing, I have been coming to SE Asia for many years (particularly LOS) and having met many successful Thai businessmen/women I don't think that they would even consider, nonetheless think about, falsifying employment documents such as education or a resume. This is something that the western countries have conjured up over the years to try and beat the system. So tell me why say or even think, 'When in Rome.......'?

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Question for the OP.

Why Thailand?

Because I know the Country a little bit, and feel it would be a nice place to teach while at the same time enjoying my time there.

I guess the whole 'When in Rome...' saying has gone over your head. Having said that, if you look anything like the pic in your avatar then I could understand why that may be the case :o

I understand exactly what was meant when it was said 'When in Rome......' My point being is that if this OP wants to con, trick, deceive, etc..... an employer for a position it is a way to say that he is immoral, unethical, and irresponsible..... as well as a low life bum that wants something for nothing. I sure wouldn't want to hire someone of this caliber in my organization. As I have learned, past actions will reflect on future actions. With saying this I don't believe the OP is trustworthy and as I said I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat.........

(By the way, it's just an avatar, I am actually in a lot better shape than the country bloke shown in this post who you are apparently trying to side with...)

You are a big man on the internet.... The fact that you have to make reference to how you are in a lot better shape than me tells me your self confidence is pretty low, and your full of shit.

My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

The fact that you are so desperate that you would even consider fraud suggests that maybe teaching is not for you.

I do not think that your motives for joining the teaching profession is that important, but that somebody is willing to use illegal means to do so is important.

Far from desperate. My motives? thats funny, out of my post you have made two assumptions that are totally incorrect.

Edited by patongster
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I guess the whole 'When in Rome...' saying has gone over your head. Having said that, if you look anything like the pic in your avatar then I could understand why that may be the case :o

I understand exactly what was meant when it was said 'When in Rome......' My point being is that if this OP wants to con, trick, deceive, etc..... an employer for a position it is a way to say that he is immoral, unethical, and irresponsible..... as well as a low life bum that wants something for nothing. I sure wouldn't want to hire someone of this caliber in my organization. As I have learned, past actions will reflect on future actions. With saying this I don't believe the OP is trustworthy and as I said I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat.........

(By the way, it's just an avatar, I am actually in a lot better shape than the country bloke shown in this post who you are apparently trying to side with...)

...and another thing, I have been coming to SE Asia for many years (particularly LOS) and having met many successful Thai businessmen/women I don't think that they would even consider, nonetheless think about, falsifying employment documents such as education or a resume. This is something that the western countries have conjured up over the years to try and beat the system. So tell me why say or even think, 'When in Rome.......'?

Sorry to dissapoint you, but the Thai businessman (perhaps woman, who knows in LOS?) who happens to own one of the largets private, Catholic school chains in the country, who would therefore be worth a lot, actually encourgaed me to go to a place called KSR to get a fake degree because it would 'be better for everyone'. I managed to get a job, wp, lt, elsewhere without needing a degree (real or fake). Nonetheless, not all Thai business people are as rosy and legit as you make you :D

There is no difference between using a fake degree yourself or encouraging someone else to do so.

Question for the OP.

Why Thailand?

Because I know the Country a little bit, and feel it would be a nice place to teach while at the same time enjoying my time there.

My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

I just love it when everyone is a con and only a few want to work hard and reap the rewards afterwards. Typical young person: Lazy but wants all the benefits. Give me, give me, give me!!!!

You are a big man on the internet....

My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

The fact that you are so desperate that you would even consider fraud suggests that maybe teaching is not for you.

I do not think that your motives for joining the teaching profession is that important, but that somebody is willing to use illegal means to do so is important.

Far from desperate. My motives? thats funny, out of my post you have made two assumptions that are totally incorrect.

He is a big man. Anyone with a name like ding dong must be big, don't you think?

Don't worry about some of the saddist posters who call you a bum for doing the right thing by asking before you come. If you live by "When in Rome..." when in Thsailand, you will be fine. Just don't copy the actions of male Thai teachers and you'll be fine.

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I'll make these last few remarks and then I'll elect not to respond again as I don't want to be banned from posting....

The OP asked for input to his question and I responded truthfully. If you don't want criticism and are expecting only good things said then you best not post anymore. If you can't take the good with the bad and you get hurt feelers, then you best not post anymore.

I didn't start by pounding on your avatar, I merely stated my thoughts to the question you posed. But hey, most find my avatar humorous.

As far as my handle (dingdongrb), please come up with better responses to cut it down then what you did as I have heard them all. But hey, my feelers don't get hurt and I can take it like a man. So go ahead think of some more clever BS because what you had thought up was none too original.

No, I am not a bodybuilder nor am I a runt, I just turned 50 this year, most guess that I am in my mid thirties, and for being 50 my body mass/weight are in very good proportions. I am athletic and fit and can pretty much hold my own. But why am I telling you this, because I am proud of who I am and I got to where I am without conning or cheating anyone to get here.

Good luck in your lying futures boyz as I am sure it will eventually reward you..... :o

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The OP asked a simple question, then was called rude, and un-deserving names by certain members of this forum who think they are above the rest. The OP never mentioned fake degrees in his first post, in fact, the conversation about fake degrees was started by the same members who think they are above the rest of us who started the name calling. The OP has never taught in Thailand, so you can't really blame him for following up on fake degrees after the way people on this forum made it sound like it was a norm in Thailand to do. As far as I am concerned, here I what I have seen:

OP asks a question.

People mention about the use of fake degrees.

OP follows up on the use of fake degrees after others brought it up.

The OP, with no experience in Thailand, gets called all sorts of names and gets called a cheat for no reason.

The OP did what was right; he asked a simple question, a question along the lines of 'would you hire me based on X?'

I don't know why some fell the need to call him a cheat for following up on an idea that he didn't suggest. But then again, those who started the name calling are probably those stuck in a situation that they are unhappy with.

To the OP: Ignore the comments other than the answers referring to your first question. IMHO, you would easily get a job with what you have, or don't. You have 1 year more uni experience than many foreign teachers in Thailand. Don't get a fake degree, it is illegal, and you don't need it. I was legal there without one for two years, and my salary was the same as the farang degree holder who worked with me who eventually got sacked for being drunk one night and breaking a window at the school.

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I just turned 50 this year, most guess that I am in my mid thirties,

but you like to think you are conning people :o:D :D

If an older guy still has a full head of hair and not too many wrinkles and still rides a sports bike, why should he shave his hair off the top and grow it long on his face?


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My diploma is just for one year of tertiary study. I don't think it would be to hard to find a fake bachelor's degree on the internet if I had to go down that road.

The fact that you are so desperate that you would even consider fraud suggests that maybe teaching is not for you.

I do not think that your motives for joining the teaching profession is that important, but that somebody is willing to use illegal means to do so is important.

Well said. The OP is unworthy of being a model and example for students.

The same kind of ethics encourages teachers to pass students who ought to fail, and we have enough of that already in LOS.

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Well said. The OP is unworthy of being a model and example for students.

The same kind of ethics encourages teachers to pass students who ought to fail, and we have enough of that already in LOS.

So I'm unworthy of being a model and example to students. You know me do you? You are attacking my character, and you don't even know me, I could make many assumptions about you myself.

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Well said. The OP is unworthy of being a model and example for students.

The same kind of ethics encourages teachers to pass students who ought to fail, and we have enough of that already in LOS.

So I'm unworthy of being a model and example to students. You know me do you? You are attacking my character, and you don't even know me, I could make many assumptions about you myself.

Your statement that you would seek out a fake degree online was certainly a valid point to judge you from.

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I am actually beginning to feel a bit sorry for the OP, but I do think that his comment in regards to the fake degree was asking for trouble. My advice to him would be to make preparations to begin a legitimate degree course if he wishes to make a serious career of teaching. He doesn't want to end up all bitter and back in Australia, driving a tram, like aussiestyle :o He will likely find work in Thailand without a degree, but it might not be legal.

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