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Foreigners In Mahasarakam


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I am just trying to help someone that has never been to Thailand before and in as much I am trying to be honest.

Do you think it would have been better if I had said that once I got to the village I just kicked back in absolute luxury and enjoyed the feeling and I would recomend it to people of all ages and walks of life?

It does not suit all people and some would find it very hard going ( please read some of the previous posts )

Whauww help someone :o

You really know Thailand :D

maybe you look around first with open eyes and learn something or stay in absolute luxury

It does not suit all people and some would find it very hard going ( please read some of the previous posts )

They better stay home behind the flowers

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Oepsss No.... never, I prefer to swim :D Or use my power Kite ( only wind in the wrong direction)

You have done that?? :o maybe ready to do the Tour the France and beat Lance :D

I think Santa knows all farang so he can not miss our house (maybe he can bring some snow to :D

And......Nice to see your funny way of writing.

Idea.... why not organize a dinner with farang in Mahasarakham?

Good luck to you swimming up the Maenam Chi, past all those tilapia cages and cast nets! Now power kiting it - that sounds fun - especially on a good stormy breeze in the rainy season with lightening strikes around! Bicycling it is no problem, apart from the blind sugar cane trucks, relentless sun and boring long straight bits. Oh yes, and the chaffed nuts at the end of the day! Biking the hairpin bends in Northern Thailand is slightly more scenically interesting than Isaan, but you can't beat the Isaan smile. :wai:

As much as I might like to organize a dinner in Sarakham, it would be a mite difficult as I'm now based in UK, so why don't you do it? I'm sure given the apparent interest in this thread and growing numbers of farang, you could get half a dozen people together at least for some fried crickets and frog soup feast. Chok dee! :D

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Hi there

I have to tell you that the first time that I went " up there " was a few years back and I got a wealth of information from this forum.

Ray23 was invaluable with his advice and you can probably search the forum in the little white box at the top with the word Mahasarakham.

Try it and you can read the questions that I asked and see the answers.

The first time that I had the guts to visit the village we flew to Roi-Et from BKK and Roi-Et is really worth visiting. It is also a good option for you to home base at as it has food that you are used to and good hotels/apartments ect..

We trundled our way into the village on the back of a utility truck with seats down the sides and it was allmost like being the great white adventurer. Going where no white man has been before.

We slept on the sisters concrete floor downstairs. Most of the residents dont have concrete downstairs so I guess we were the lucky ones. The chickens started crowing ( or what ever chickens do ) at 5.00 AM inches from my head and at 6.00 the local temple gave the news on a looud speaker.

Ox and water buffalo are herded past the house every morning and evening and when the rice isnt being planted or picked the people just do nothing except eat and sleep.

Nobody there spoke any english and the food will just blow your mind. Forget Thai resturants because this is nothing like that unles the ones that you have been to serve insects.

But still it was an adventure.

Now after 3 trips there and now that the locals now me enough to be a regullar. I have lost the adventurer spirit.

It is very hard going in the village that I visit

If you want my advice, stay at Roi-Et and visit for the day.

All the best.

Surely you don't want to deny him that "great white adventurer" feeling you had? Now you've been a whole 3 times to a village and have conquered Isaan, seen the fried insects and heard the cock crow at 5.00 am, I guess there's no point another farang repeating your epic journey, eh?

I am just trying to help someone that has never been to Thailand before and in as much I am trying to be honest.

Do you think it would have been better if I had said that once I got to the village I just kicked back in absolute luxury and enjoyed the feeling and I would recomend it to people of all ages and walks of life?

It does not suit all people and some would find it very hard going ( please read some of the previous posts )

By the way, how many times have you done the village thing?

I know you're just trying to help Vegemite, but you're also being too protective like an overbearing parent. Why not let him discover the joys, trials and tribulations of staying in a village all by himself? Just because you have a delicate constitution and it doesn't suit you, then that doesn't mean he is not going to fall in love with the place and pace of village life; honking pigs, crowing chickens, grinning grannies, roasted rats, warts and all. A bit of hardship and deprivation from the luxuries of modern life never hurt anyone and in fact, can do many people a lot of good. Just let him go and discover it without all this "great white adventurer" and nannying bull. We're all so impressed with your Ray Mears-like ability to survive in deepest, darkest Isaan.

Congratulations! :o

And what difference does it make how many times I've "done the village thing"? How does ten years plus sound? Make you feel any better? :D

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I know you're just trying to help Vegemite, but you're also being too protective like an overbearing parent. Why not let him discover the joys, trials and tribulations of staying in a village all by himself? Just because you have a delicate constitution and it doesn't suit you, then that doesn't mean he is not going to fall in love with the place and pace of village life; honking pigs, crowing chickens, grinning grannies, roasted rats, warts and all. A bit of hardship and deprivation from the luxuries of modern life never hurt anyone and in fact, can do many people a lot of good. Just let him go and discover it without all this "great white adventurer" and nannying bull. We're all so impressed with your Ray Mears-like ability to survive in deepest, darkest Isaan.

Congratulations! :o

And what difference does it make how many times I've "done the village thing"? How does ten years plus sound? Make you feel any better? :D

Beaue pen yang ! Don't get upset it is Christmas time. Let's see if we can come together in MahaSarakam in middle of February and try to meet Kimamey and listen to his experiences so far. It could be nice being welcomed by the expat community here. I think he will do.

Merry Christmas to all of you. :D:D And welcome to Kimamey !!


Don't count the years ! You only realize how old you are.

Edited by JanAndersLarsson
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I know you're just trying to help Vegemite, but you're also being too protective like an overbearing parent. Why not let him discover the joys, trials and tribulations of staying in a village all by himself? Just because you have a delicate constitution and it doesn't suit you, then that doesn't mean he is not going to fall in love with the place and pace of village life; honking pigs, crowing chickens, grinning grannies, roasted rats, warts and all. A bit of hardship and deprivation from the luxuries of modern life never hurt anyone and in fact, can do many people a lot of good. Just let him go and discover it without all this "great white adventurer" and nannying bull. We're all so impressed with your Ray Mears-like ability to survive in deepest, darkest Isaan.

Congratulations! :o

And what difference does it make how many times I've "done the village thing"? How does ten years plus sound? Make you feel any better? :D

Beaue pen yang ! Don't get upset it is Christmas time. Let's see if we can come together in MahaSarakam in middle of February and try to meet Kimamey and listen to his experiences so far. It could be nice being welcomed by the expat community here. I think he will do.

Merry Christmas to all of you. :D:D And welcome to Kimamey !!


Don't count the years ! You only realize how old you are.

Well that sounds a great idea although right now I've no idea how to organise it. I suppose I could say which nights I will be in MSK and see if anyone could make it. Not sure about communicating whilst I'm there although mobile/cell phones seem ok as that's how I call my gf. Whatever happens I'm fascinated by all the information here. I'm really glad that as well as visiting Bangkok I will get to see the other perhaps more genuine side of Thailand.

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Beaue pen yang ! Don't get upset it is Christmas time. Let's see if we can come together in MahaSarakam in middle of February and try to meet Kimamey and listen to his experiences so far. It could be nice being welcomed by the expat community here. I think he will do.

I will come, Who can organize ?

A other great restaurant in Sarakham ( I find)" Gai'-yang or big cock (roasting Chicking)

Close from the city hall, relax and sitting out site excellent food ( thai)

Have a good Xmas

Merry Xmas to you all

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Since it was I who started all this I have to say that the responses have been incredible........I never expected anything like this.

I would also like to thank everyone for their sincerity in the replies as I have not seen any of the bitter and twisted replies you see on other forums. I think we are indeed a breed apart.......

So to move forward a little and get the ball rolling albeit on short notice, My wife and I hold a little Christmas party (evening of the 25th) for all the kids in our village on the years we are up here (and this is one). It is also for their parents (May God go with them) so that they can consume what it is they like to consume at my expense. Actually very little to pay for them having to tolerate me in their midst.....

It is always a fun do so if any of you would like to come and join in then please send me a PM with your phone number and I will give you a call back with details of how to get here. We are only about 15kms out of MS on the 2040 (Wapi road)

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year


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Since it was I who started all this I have to say that the responses have been incredible........I never expected anything like this.

I would also like to thank everyone for their sincerity in the replies as I have not seen any of the bitter and twisted replies you see on other forums. I think we are indeed a breed apart.......

So to move forward a little and get the ball rolling albeit on short notice, My wife and I hold a little Christmas party (evening of the 25th) for all the kids in our village on the years we are up here (and this is one). It is also for their parents (May God go with them) so that they can consume what it is they like to consume at my expense. Actually very little to pay for them having to tolerate me in their midst.....

It is always a fun do so if any of you would like to come and join in then please send me a PM with your phone number and I will give you a call back with details of how to get here. We are only about 15kms out of MS on the 2040 (Wapi road)

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year


I really wish I was there now so I could join you although I sprained my ankle quite badly yesterday and I'm finding it difficult to walk so maybe for the best. I hope it goes well for you and perhaps you could post some pics for those who can't be there.

I have also noticed some of the bad tempered forums. It's a sad reflection that WE are the 'breed apart'

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all until I can make it out myself in February.

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A bit late, but importing pets in to Thailand is difficult, you not want your pet (Ara) 1 month or more in quarantine

Read this site.


If you like ( or everybody) a very social and nice birds, look to our website


(also email address you will find there for info )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spent 7 days in Mahasarakham few wks ago & have to say i like the area.The people seemed very nice.Was staying about 5 min drive from the Big C in a small town that had the big night market on the high st?

So if anyone saw a Big Farrang walking around a Lake at 7am with a little dog that was me :o

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Spent 7 days in Mahasarakham few wks ago & have to say i like the area.The people seemed very nice.Was staying about 5 min drive from the Big C in a small town that had the big night market on the high st?

So if anyone saw a Big Farrang walking around a Lake at 7am with a little dog that was me :o

This could be Kamrieng, on the main strip. Was it near the University? Or was five minutes from Big C an underestimate and you were in the town of Kantarawichai, about 10 km towards Kalasin? In any event I have found both places to be very friendly, though 'Kantara' is very quiet. Kamrieng has the Chi river, the odd fish pond and a small night market on waste ground; Kantarawichai has a lake (near a craft shop), a permanent market (with roof etc) and two temples with important Buddha images.

Edited by citizen33
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Spent 7 days in Mahasarakham few wks ago & have to say i like the area.The people seemed very nice.Was staying about 5 min drive from the Big C in a small town that had the big night market on the high st?

So if anyone saw a Big Farrang walking around a Lake at 7am with a little dog that was me :D

This could be Kamrieng, on the main strip. Was it near the University? Or was five minutes from Big C an underestimate and you were in the town of Kantarawichai, about 10 km towards Kalasin? In any event I have found both places to be very friendly, though 'Kantara' is very quiet. Kamrieng has the Chi river, the odd fish pond and a small night market on waste ground; Kantarawichai has a lake (near a craft shop), a permanent market (with roof etc) and two temples with important Buddha images.

Kantarawichai was the place :o but that river rings a bell too.Does it run past the white temple(not far from where i stayed) then right behind the Big C?

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Kantarawichai was the place :o but that river rings a bell too.Does it run past the white temple(not far from where i stayed) then right behind the Big C?

Yep, that's the Chi river.

I'd be interested in attending any get together in Sarakham arranged on this board (it seems to attract pretty happy/relaxed individuals; or maybe it's just the type of person this region appeals to...), and I even have a suggestion for venue: Since it's difficult to arrange for a group of strangers whose numbers are murky at best, how about one of the all-you-can-eat fried meat buffets (neua yang gowree - please forgive my attempts at Romanizing the Thai language) like "Ping" located close to the clock tower or any of the other ones on Khamrieng or SriSawat Road? Live music, set price for food, cheap drink, and beer-of-the-month girls... just a thought!

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At the end of February I will stay for a few weeks at Kaeng Loeng (direction Borabu, ±5 km from the hospital) as my yearly visit to my wife's family. If there is a new meeting planned somewhere in March I would love to join it.

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Kantarawichai was the place :o but that river rings a bell too.Does it run past the white temple(not far from where i stayed) then right behind the Big C?

Yep, that's the Chi river.

I'd be interested in attending any get together in Sarakham arranged on this board (it seems to attract pretty happy/relaxed individuals; or maybe it's just the type of person this region appeals to...), and I even have a suggestion for venue: Since it's difficult to arrange for a group of strangers whose numbers are murky at best, how about one of the all-you-can-eat fried meat buffets (neua yang gowree - please forgive my attempts at Romanizing the Thai language) like "Ping" located close to the clock tower or any of the other ones on Khamrieng or SriSawat Road? Live music, set price for food, cheap drink, and beer-of-the-month girls... just a thought!

Sounds like a plan.....anybody up for this Friday or Saturday ?? (16th 0r 17th).

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Kantarawichai was the place :D but that river rings a bell too.Does it run past the white temple(not far from where i stayed) then right behind the Big C?

Yep, that's the Chi river.

I'd be interested in attending any get together in Sarakham arranged on this board (it seems to attract pretty happy/relaxed individuals; or maybe it's just the type of person this region appeals to...), and I even have a suggestion for venue: Since it's difficult to arrange for a group of strangers whose numbers are murky at best, how about one of the all-you-can-eat fried meat buffets (neua yang gowree - please forgive my attempts at Romanizing the Thai language) like "Ping" located close to the clock tower or any of the other ones on Khamrieng or SriSawat Road? Live music, set price for food, cheap drink, and beer-of-the-month girls... just a thought!

Sounds like a plan.....anybody up for this Friday or Saturday ?? (16th 0r 17th).

Could be nice. Friday or Saturday two weeks after (30th or 31th) are OK too. Name a day and a place. It will be my first time in the town of MahaSarakham so I am open for (almost) anything. :o

Edited by JanAndersLarsson
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irrigator, I'm free this weekend, as long as it warms up a bit, I'm freezing right now.

I only know a few place in town so maybe post directions to this possible meet-up. If you want a more "rustic" feel there's a fairly nice karaoke bar here in Borabu. I'm not sure of the going rate in Maha Sarakham is for a large bottle of Leo but here it's 70b a bottle.

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best bet would be at Yago-Thai restaurant in Tha Khon Yang (ท่าขอนยาง), as there'll be morlum concerts in nearby Kham Riang (ขามเรียง) on Sunday 18th and Monday 19th. Expect to meet people in mood for a party, and lots of noise :o

btw, but this must be the coldest winter in Isaan I ever experienced, lowest temperature at 7 °C in some nights, not much of change from London.

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btw, but this must be the coldest winter in Isaan I ever experienced, lowest temperature at 7 °C in some nights, not much of change from London.

But Nice :o

Not Nice is the story about the re-entry permit :D

Look http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/entry-Visa-C...er-t235960.html

Yesterday we been to Mukdahan for a re-entry permit, and we have asked if this all was true, the immigration officer told us, no it is not true you can still get re-entry permit on the airport.

But the story on ThaiVisa is different please take care to not face problems.

And more please remember when arriving back into Thailand to note the re-entry permit number on the immigration arrival card ( TM) and check that you are stamped in correctly


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best bet would be at Yago-Thai restaurant in Tha Khon Yang (ท่าขอนยาง), as there'll be morlum concerts in nearby Kham Riang (ขามเรียง) on Sunday 18th and Monday 19th. Expect to meet people in mood for a party, and lots of noise :o

btw, but this must be the coldest winter in Isaan I ever experienced, lowest temperature at 7 °C in some nights, not much of change from London.

I have no idea where Tha Khon Yang is nor I am sure that I need to experience more Thais flat out drunk morlam dancing....... I get plenty of it here in the village whenever someone marries, dies or have an anniversary of a death......

I was kind of thinking of a get together of like minded souls in a place where we could have a chat and consume a few beverages......


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best bet would be at Yago-Thai restaurant in Tha Khon Yang (ท่าขอนยาง), as there'll be morlum concerts in nearby Kham Riang (ขามเรียง) on Sunday 18th and Monday 19th. Expect to meet people in mood for a party, and lots of noise :o

btw, but this must be the coldest winter in Isaan I ever experienced, lowest temperature at 7 °C in some nights, not much of change from London.

I have no idea where Tha Khon Yang is nor I am sure that I need to experience more Thais flat out drunk morlam dancing....... I get plenty of it here in the village whenever someone marries, dies or have an anniversary of a death......

I was kind of thinking of a get together of like minded souls in a place where we could have a chat and consume a few beverages......


Tha Khon Yang is the village or area around the main 213 road (Sarakham to Kalasin) near its junction with Kamrieng Road (the older of the two roads leading to Mahasarakham University's out-of- town campus). In other words, starting from Big C, Tha Khon Yang is a mile or so towards Kalasin, near the bridge over the Chi river. I don't know the restaurant though, at least not the name. As I won't be in Sarakham until early April, I will express no opinion re meeting venues, but I would normally be in the quiet drink in interesting place camp, perhaps with sao Beer Chang etc in attendance.

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Just a quick note: It turns out that some of us posting on this thread might know/know about each other already from work, mutual friends, etc. Although I had no intention of going out this weekend (since my baby boy is recovering from roseola), I did end up having a few beers and a nice meal at a friend's place. I was lucky enough to meet a couple of the posters in this thread, IssanDM and Putu94. We all agreed that it would be fun to get together with a bigger group organized on this board; I guess all that's really needed is for a few people to agree on a place and time. I'm not in a position to suggest this right now as I cannot really commit to doing anything until my boy recovers fully, but I'll try and make it to anything set up by someone else and will of course help spread the word...

You know, with my hands full of work and just being happy with my family here, I didn't think that I missed speaking to other foreigners that much, but it sure was nice to get together like that.

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I would like to say how enjoyable if was to meet some of the expats in the Maha Sarkham area. I guess this could be called a test run for a bigger meeting in the future. One possible location that was batted around last night was the N&N 2 restaurant.

I would say if you would be interested in coming to an upcoming meeting post what day you would like to come along with any suggestion of what location you would like to go.

I will warn you if you plan to come and it's anything like the last meeting, plan on a late night. The conversations where wide and varied and very enjoyable. We all agreed that more people would only increase the enjoyment of all that will attend.

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Just a quick note: It turns out that some of us posting on this thread might know/know about each other already from work, mutual friends, etc. Although I had no intention of going out this weekend (since my baby boy is recovering from roseola), I did end up having a few beers and a nice meal at a friend's place. I was lucky enough to meet a couple of the posters in this thread, IssanDM and Putu94. We all agreed that it would be fun to get together with a bigger group organized on this board; I guess all that's really needed is for a few people to agree on a place and time. I'm not in a position to suggest this right now as I cannot really commit to doing anything until my boy recovers fully, but I'll try and make it to anything set up by someone else and will of course help spread the word...

You know, with my hands full of work and just being happy with my family here, I didn't think that I missed speaking to other foreigners that much, but it sure was nice to get together like that.

I agree with you that there are a buch of us out there. I have also met IssanDM and Putu94 (need to ask him the meaning of this name sometime) and would relish a get together. Unfortunately this weekend and next I am out of town but will be back no later than the 2nd of Feb (I will also be here midweek between the next two weekends)

I really don't give a hoot as to where. Let's nominate IssanDM to organise !! Go to it Issan DM and let us know.


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Just a quick note: It turns out that some of us posting on this thread might know/know about each other already from work, mutual friends, etc. Although I had no intention of going out this weekend (since my baby boy is recovering from roseola), I did end up having a few beers and a nice meal at a friend's place. I was lucky enough to meet a couple of the posters in this thread, IssanDM and Putu94. We all agreed that it would be fun to get together with a bigger group organized on this board; I guess all that's really needed is for a few people to agree on a place and time. I'm not in a position to suggest this right now as I cannot really commit to doing anything until my boy recovers fully, but I'll try and make it to anything set up by someone else and will of course help spread the word...

You know, with my hands full of work and just being happy with my family here, I didn't think that I missed speaking to other foreigners that much, but it sure was nice to get together like that.

I agree with you that there are a buch of us out there. I have also met IssanDM and Putu94 (need to ask him the meaning of this name sometime) and would relish a get together. Unfortunately this weekend and next I am out of town but will be back no later than the 2nd of Feb (I will also be here midweek between the next two weekends)

I really don't give a hoot as to where. Let's nominate IssanDM to organise !! Go to it Issan DM and let us know.


I'm a first-timer on this board who has been teaching English in Maha Sarakham for 5-and-a-half years now. I'm not aware of any other Canadians like me on this thread but I'm impressed by the interest by so many farang in the area for a get together. I hosted one at my humble abode last weekend with a couple of members of this forum and couple more teaching buddies of mine and had a swell time. Although there is an absence of a bonafide farang bar in this town I'm sure we could organize some soiree at a local restaurant -- perhaps like N & N Korean BBQ (cheap and spacious) -- to get acquainted. Sign me up as interested.

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I really don't give a hoot as to where. Let's nominate IssanDM to organise !! Go to it Issan DM and let us know.


I have held this torch before so why not! I've organized more Dungeons & Dragons games than I care to admit to so this could be a walk in the park. I'll be heading in to town Saturday from out here in the bush and I will make it a fact finding mission. First priority, beer and food, in that order. Next, I would think will be how easy will the place be to find. Next and this was brought up at Frambo's place, western music. Here in the bush one karaoke place will play a CD I made them when I stop in so this may be possible at the venue. Flambo, "Covers" comes to mind :D .

Flambo, I would like to welcome you to the forum. Don't be shy as this thread is really taking off. To quote an earlier post I read somewhere "Maha Sarkham Rocks" and I would agree :o

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Just wondering if there are any other lonely souls out there in the area of Mahasarakam who may fancy a get together in a language we all understand properly and perhaps indulge in a beer or three......

Well, I`m from Norway and live in Kosumpisai. <spam deleted> Hopefully I`ll be back before march... :o

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