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Glass Ceiling Method


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  • 1 month later...
I think its a fallacy.

If anybody thinks they have to limit themselves to 2 drinks, most likely that person wants more than 2 drinks.

Of course. If you didn't want more than two drinks, there would be no point in limiting yourself.

I think the OP's point is that many have a problem that drinking affects their self-control, so they cannot limit themselves to any higher figure, as by the time they reach their limit, their self-control is compromised and they succumb to the temptation to exceed their limit. Probably by a lot. But two drinks is so little that you should styill be sober enough to be able to stop after that.

I think this method might work if you really wanted to control your alcohol intake, but personally I can't see the point of two drinks. Why not set your limit at zero? Its much easier to count.


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This method would not have worked for me. It would have been the worst of two worlds. None of the benefits that come with sobriety, and being miserable because I needed to stop after a few drinks. I always found controlled drinking to be almost as bad as full-blown abuse. I personally don't see the point to it, but if it works for you. Complete abstinence from alcohol is what made my life good.

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It would seem to me that if a person needs some mechanism/gimmick to control their alcohol intake, they might think about eliminating it altogether.

It is up to each of us to determine whether we have a problem, and how to deal with it.

Whatever works.

281 days alcohol free

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think its a fallacy.

If anybody thinks they have to limit themselves to 2 drinks, most likely that person wants more than 2 drinks.

you are right, i am agree with you that if any one wants to stop drinking than it would be very helpful for him and for his health also.

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