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Are You Clever Or Not?

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Alex, I think I have figured it out.

Some kind of pesticide used on strawberries, if you eat too many of them, it can give you a Personality Disorder, according to The Department of Psychiatry, which somebody worked for.

This can lead to the posting of cryptic and incomprehensible threads on internet forums.

Did I get it right and what do I win?


PS thithi don't listen to Alex, it is probably not good to get in the habit of failing exams, IMHO.


Except maybe he is using reverse psychology on you?

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Aaaaaaaaahhhh, ZZ.

You got the first bit right, good are you ready to Z the bigger picture?

What is the connection between the factory that produces the poison and the guy that approved it's use?

Have you heard of the council of foreign relations and combine that with Trilateral.

And here the harder part.

If the peasants have to serve the King, (not the Thai King) who feeds the peasants in times of (domestic) war?

Does this now makes sense?



Are you clever, or not?

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I hate monkey's how did you know?

There already enough monkey's in Thailand as well as some posters here on TV.

What kind of puzlle you like?

Something wif numbers, or solve some encrytion, maze?

I dunno your tell.

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