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The Mighty Strength Of Thai Baht?! Explain

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I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and now i am beyond puzzled.

Can anyone please explain how thai baht remain sooooo strong?

I understand that Thai baht is measured compared to USD, Fine, so AUD, POUND, EURO, YEN and all other currency's have lost against USD-but not the Thai baht.

What is keeping it strong? Sex tourism-NO, Tourism-NO, Investment-NO,Manufacturing-NO, Exports-NO

Even funnier, during the airport closure thai baht got stronger.

I have studied business, and consider myself a fairly smart man, but i am just unable to wrap my head around the stength of Thai Baht

Any ideas?

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Ignore that previous poster.

Some people have a few posts on their record and then are sarcastic if anyone doesnt measure up to their own perceived intelligence.

He is referring to using the search function on the forum, which may give you some answers that you want.


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Being propped up by the BOT - plain/simple. :o

Thanks Chivas, i guess i am not as smart as some :D

britmaveric-it is not that simple, because they have to be able to back it up with something, otherwise it may lead to some serious trouble in the near future.

May be i should of added in the original post that only people who know what they talking about should respond

So if you do not know economics but like to appear smart, and really want to reply-then just post something like "yes it is puzzling" or "good questions" etc

PS. Thanks again Chivas for being "normal" :D

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Being propped up by the BOT - plain/simple. :o

Thanks Chivas, i guess i am not as smart as some :D

britmaveric-it is not that simple, because they have to be able to back it up with something, otherwise it may lead to some serious trouble in the near future.

May be i should of added in the original post that only people who know what they talking about should respond

So if you do not know economics but like to appear smart, and really want to reply-then just post something like "yes it is puzzling" or "good questions" etc

PS. Thanks again Chivas for being "normal" :D

yes it is puzzling

Cheers, Rick

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Didn't exports rise over 20% last year alone? And this year is expected that exports will remain near this high level here in Thailand. Compare Thailand's exports for the last ten years and I think you'll get an idea of the the relative strength of this economy.

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I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and now i am beyond puzzled.

Can anyone please explain how thai baht remain sooooo strong?

I understand that Thai baht is measured compared to USD, Fine, so AUD, POUND, EURO, YEN and all other currency's have lost against USD-but not the Thai baht.

What is keeping it strong? Sex tourism-NO, Tourism-NO, Investment-NO,Manufacturing-NO, Exports-NO

Even funnier, during the airport closure thai baht got stronger.

I have studied business, and consider myself a fairly smart man, but i am just unable to wrap my head around the stength of Thai Baht

Any ideas?

The economy of Thailand has been performing well over the last few years with a lot of growth. Other countries have not therefore their currency has taken a hit. Now the Thai economy has hit a brick wall with the current economic crisis in the world their currency will not be as strong but compared to other major currencies it should be ok as other countries economies are in a much worse state than Thailand.

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Thanks Chivas, i guess i am not as smart as some :o

Annoyed responses are due to the fact that people start a new thread on the same topic at least once a week. The search function can be accessed via link top right this page. Press advanced search -> type in Thai+baht-> click on search thread titles only .... and you should find bucketloads of info

or just scroll down the list of threads and go to page 2 and you will find the last couple of relevant threads

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"I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and now i am beyond puzzled."

Me too. One thread has a bunch of posts supporting the perspective that the Baht is crashing, and this thread has a bunch of posts supporting the perspective that the Baht is getting stronger.

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A currency can crash and strengthen at the same time, in fact, that is usually the case. The USD has recently been deteriorating in regards to the yen and strengthening against the pound. The baht will most likely be strengthening against the dollar and weakening slightly against the pound. Often these threads are like little children sitting on the beach screaming about the tide coming in and then a few hours later screaming about the tide going out. Ebb and flow, it's all part of life.

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Me too. One thread has a bunch of posts supporting the perspective that the Baht is crashing, and this thread has a bunch of posts supporting the perspective that the Baht is getting stronger.

where are these posts? do i need reading glasses?

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A currency can crash and strengthen at the same time, in fact, that is usually the case. The USD has recently been deteriorating in regards to the yen and strengthening against the pound. The baht will most likely be strengthening against the dollar and weakening slightly against the pound. Often these threads are like little children sitting on the beach screaming about the tide coming in and then a few hours later screaming about the tide going out. Ebb and flow, it's all part of life.

Ahh, economics as a force of nature amid the cosmos.

I'll wager it'll go down before it goes up. Can I have my dividend now please?

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Didn't exports rise over 20% last year alone? And this year is expected that exports will remain near this high level here in Thailand. Compare Thailand's exports for the last ten years and I think you'll get an idea of the the relative strength of this economy.

I do not know where you got this figures, but according to Thai media, last year exports dropped by 30% and orders for 2009 dropped by further 30%

"And this year is expected that exports will remain near this high level" -is this wishfull thinking or desperate hopes?

Just simple maths, if the factory's are laying off people-it means they do not make the money and the reason why they do not make the money is because the orders are dropping which in turn means exports DOWN not UP!

GM, LG, SONY, and hundreds of others have already laid off thousands and unemployment is reaching 1000 000 and this is official, what about unofficial-double that?

So how in the hel_l can you believe the exports are strong and up?!

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I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and now i am beyond puzzled.

Can anyone please explain how thai baht remain sooooo strong?

I understand that Thai baht is measured compared to USD, Fine, so AUD, POUND, EURO, YEN and all other currency's have lost against USD-but not the Thai baht.

What is keeping it strong? Sex tourism-NO, Tourism-NO, Investment-NO,Manufacturing-NO, Exports-NO

Even funnier, during the airport closure thai baht got stronger.

I have studied business, and consider myself a fairly smart man, but i am just unable to wrap my head around the stength of Thai Baht

Any ideas?

The economy of Thailand has been performing well over the last few years with a lot of growth. Other countries have not therefore their currency has taken a hit. Now the Thai economy has hit a brick wall with the current economic crisis in the world their currency will not be as strong but compared to other major currencies it should be ok as other countries economies are in a much worse state than Thailand.

Hmmm, so what you are saying is Thailand has the greatest economy in the world?! better then Japan, UK, China, etc

Every single country in the world has been affected by the crisis but not Thailand. Do not you think its little mad to even write this kind of statements?

What is Thai economy based on to make it so strong? HMMMM rice? lol

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You are all missing the point and comparing the Thai economy today to the Farang economies that we thought existed just SIX MONTHS ago.

I am too tired to write a lot on this subject now, but take the following simple premises

- The west is in debt to Asia

- The west has moved its production to Asia

- The west has moved its technology to Asia (just look at the number of Asian students in the west studying USEFUL technology and not history of frigging art)

- The west has unbelievably and inconceivably immense problems with the banking industry (can you relate to one trillion of ANYTHING)

- There are still MORE problems to surface in the west with pension schemes and banking bailouts (have you seen an INCREASE or REDUCTION in the reports or figure coming out?)

- large and increasing unemployment and who is to pay for it?

- massive government overhead in the economies

Anybody care to argue its not true? Anybody see a solution?

Now look at Thailand

- net exporter

- no banking problems

- no pension scheme disaster on the way

- trade surplus

Just take any of the negatives in the West and give me a corresponding negative here. I can't find a single one.

The only reason I can find in all of the posts in TV, talking to friends, tourists that people think the problem will be bad here is that WITHOUT EXCEPTION they all think that Asia NEEDS the WEST.

My answer is WHY?

It seems blatantly obvious to me that Asia does NOT need the West in the medium to long term.

In the same way that the west had it's industrial revolution, wars and economic recovery thereafter WITHOUT Asia, now Asia is standing in the same position but FAR FAR better positioned.

The west, in my opinion, has totally blown it with greed, the uncontrolled, unregulated banking system and compliant politicians too scared to do anything to stop it all.

Open your eyes, and just watch the ticker on http://www.bloomberg.com/?b=0&Intro=intro3

Do you see any bailouts in Asia? Banking failures?

I am now having sleepless nights wondering how to limit the damage to my finances and re-establish a secure future which I had just six months ago before Iceland collapsed, exchange rates went wild and interest rates came down to zero.

If you are sitting complacently then I suggest that you

- have enough to ride out any eventuality or

- cannot do anything because you are tied up to a pension or assets you cannot move or

- have not tried to understand what is happening in the world and hope the problems will just go away or

- are already involved in Asia with a secure income

let the flaming start...

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You are all missing the point and comparing the Thai economy today to the Farang economies that we thought existed just SIX MONTHS ago.

I am too tired to write a lot on this subject now, but take the following simple premises

- The west is in debt to Asia

- The west has moved its production to Asia

- The west has moved its technology to Asia (just look at the number of Asian students in the west studying USEFUL technology and not history of frigging art)

- The west has unbelievably and inconceivably immense problems with the banking industry (can you relate to one trillion of ANYTHING)

- There are still MORE problems to surface in the west with pension schemes and banking bailouts (have you seen an INCREASE or REDUCTION in the reports or figure coming out?)

- large and increasing unemployment and who is to pay for it?

- massive government overhead in the economies

Anybody care to argue its not true? Anybody see a solution?

Now look at Thailand

- net exporter

- no banking problems

- no pension scheme disaster on the way

- trade surplus

Just take any of the negatives in the West and give me a corresponding negative here. I can't find a single one.

The only reason I can find in all of the posts in TV, talking to friends, tourists that people think the problem will be bad here is that WITHOUT EXCEPTION they all think that Asia NEEDS the WEST.

My answer is WHY?

It seems blatantly obvious to me that Asia does NOT need the West in the medium to long term.

In the same way that the west had it's industrial revolution, wars and economic recovery thereafter WITHOUT Asia, now Asia is standing in the same position but FAR FAR better positioned.

The west, in my opinion, has totally blown it with greed, the uncontrolled, unregulated banking system and compliant politicians too scared to do anything to stop it all.

Open your eyes, and just watch the ticker on http://www.bloomberg.com/?b=0&Intro=intro3

Do you see any bailouts in Asia? Banking failures?

I am now having sleepless nights wondering how to limit the damage to my finances and re-establish a secure future which I had just six months ago before Iceland collapsed, exchange rates went wild and interest rates came down to zero.

If you are sitting complacently then I suggest that you

- have enough to ride out any eventuality or

- cannot do anything because you are tied up to a pension or assets you cannot move or

- have not tried to understand what is happening in the world and hope the problems will just go away or

- are already involved in Asia with a secure income

let the flaming start...

Wow, so lets assume when you talk about Asia you mean China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc RIGHT?

Have you been drunk for the last few months or do not watch the news and read the papers?

China-big problems, Korea-currency almost crashed, big economic trouble, Singapore-officially in recession

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

What is Thailand an exporter of? and where does it export? How can you possibly write the rubbish you have written?

If west does not buy, what and where would Thailand sell?

What does Thailand manufacture? Tell me one Thai owned company who has gone international besides Thai Airways

All manufacturing in Thailand is western owned, Most developments are Western owned, not to mention supermarket chains such as Tesco, Carefour etc

Who and what money has built Thailand?

All auto manufacturing is suffering worldwide so your Thailand exports-gone to sh***t

All electronics gone down and loosing money, clothing manufactures are in China not in Thailand, rubber, steel etc is all down world wide, so again who needs whom? What is Thailand with out the West?Where was Thailand 40 years ago and where it is now, who has made it to what it is? Who owns all hotel chains? Who owns all resorts? who owns half of if not all contstruction company's

Please do not write stupidity without having common sense to analyse the facts.

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[Here is another mind blowing fact

Exchange rate in Bangkok is NOT the same as in Pattaya

While in Bangkok Bangkok Bank was changing AUD$1 =24.40 Thai Baht, where in Pattaya on that same day i was able to get AUD$1=25.60 Thai Baht(only for cash exchange)

So figure this one out!

Same bank, same time, same currency but different rate

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Hmmm, so what you are saying is Thailand has the greatest economy in the world?! better then Japan, UK, China, etc

Every single country in the world has been affected by the crisis but not Thailand. Do not you think its little mad to even write this kind of statements?

What is Thai economy based on to make it so strong? HMMMM rice? lol

I did not say it has the greatest economy in the world. I said their economy has been performing well over the last few years. They have had growth rates of between 4-7 % over the last few years and the UK has had growth of less than 2%. They also do not have the debts of the UK and their banks are sounds unlike the UK. Maybe you have missed the news lately but the UK government has had to pour in and promise near £800 billion towards its banks, that makes your currency look like shit to outside investors. The Thais have yet to do anything remotely like that amount. As for writing what I did, No I do not think it is mad. Happens to be true.

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

I would suggest you start reading the Thai newspapers as they have many problems but these have just started recently as the problems in the world are just starting to hit Thailand now.

Edited by Owain
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Hmmm, so what you are saying is Thailand has the greatest economy in the world?! better then Japan, UK, China, etc

Every single country in the world has been affected by the crisis but not Thailand. Do not you think its little mad to even write this kind of statements?

What is Thai economy based on to make it so strong? HMMMM rice? lol

I did not say it has the greatest economy in the world. I said their economy has been performing well over the last few years. They have had growth rates of between 4-7 % over the last few years and the UK has had growth of less than 2%. They also do not have the debts of the UK and their banks are sounds unlike the UK. Maybe you have missed the news lately but the UK government has had to pour in and promise near £800 billion towards its banks, that makes your currency look like shit to outside investors. The Thais have yet to do anything remotely like that amount. As for writing what I did, No I do not think it is mad. Happens to be true.

Why are you talking about UK? and where did i say i was from UK and it was my currency?

I can clearly assume you are Thai-right?!

So Indian economy which had growth of 9% must also be mismanaged-since their economy is suffering with 9% growth, so does Chinese, Japanese, Korean,Australian-which mind you had strong growth for past 8 years of 6%-7% per year and even now still has 1%-2% growth in the last quater.

In Thailand, even if the banks were suffering-no one would tell you, you would simply loose the money and then go scream outside of parlament house.

Not to mention Thai Government did issue a statement they will support the bank and have ALREADY poured billions and are going to pour more billions into economy-READ THE PAPERS

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Wow, so lets assume when you talk about Asia you mean China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc RIGHT?

Have you been drunk for the last few months or do not watch the news and read the papers?

China-big problems, Korea-currency almost crashed, big economic trouble, Singapore-officially in recession

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

What is Thailand an exporter of? and where does it export? How can you possibly write the rubbish you have written?

If west does not buy, what and where would Thailand sell?

What does Thailand manufacture? Tell me one Thai owned company who has gone international besides Thai Airways

All manufacturing in Thailand is western owned, Most developments are Western owned, not to mention supermarket chains such as Tesco, Carefour etc

Who and what money has built Thailand?

All auto manufacturing is suffering worldwide so your Thailand exports-gone to sh***t

All electronics gone down and loosing money, clothing manufactures are in China not in Thailand, rubber, steel etc is all down world wide, so again who needs whom? What is Thailand with out the West?Where was Thailand 40 years ago and where it is now, who has made it to what it is? Who owns all hotel chains? Who owns all resorts? who owns half of if not all contstruction company's

Please do not write stupidity without having common sense to analyse the facts.

well, thanks for the first flame.

1. If the West does not buy, then maybe the developing East can? Lots of potential to develop here and the Asians are keen to own cars, houses, and all the other stuff that the West has been enjoying but produced in the East, and the Asians are very keen to work for it. Who in the West would spend a month's salary on a mobile phone? In Thailand this is not unusual.

2. So Western companies have invested in Asia. Well, that seems to confirm EXACTLY what I said. Here is the future and they want to be a part of it. I suppose the question is whether they sell the products in the West or in the East. Do they care provided profits come in? The question you should ask is why they are not investing in the West.

I absolutely agree that without the West Asia would not be at the level of economic development it is now. The mistake is to think that they will CONTINUE to need the West for future economic expansion. And THAT is the point I am making.

I did not say that things would be easy anywhere on the globe, but I did say that Asia is much better positioned to survive and profit, even WITHOUT the West.

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You are all missing the point and comparing the Thai economy today to the Farang economies that we thought existed just SIX MONTHS ago.

I am too tired to write a lot on this subject now, but take the following simple premises

- The west is in debt to Asia

- The west has moved its production to Asia

- The west has moved its technology to Asia (just look at the number of Asian students in the west studying USEFUL technology and not history of frigging art)

- The west has unbelievably and inconceivably immense problems with the banking industry (can you relate to one trillion of ANYTHING)

- There are still MORE problems to surface in the west with pension schemes and banking bailouts (have you seen an INCREASE or REDUCTION in the reports or figure coming out?)

- large and increasing unemployment and who is to pay for it?

- massive government overhead in the economies

Anybody care to argue its not true? Anybody see a solution?

Now look at Thailand

- net exporter

- no banking problems

- no pension scheme disaster on the way

- trade surplus

Just take any of the negatives in the West and give me a corresponding negative here. I can't find a single one.

The only reason I can find in all of the posts in TV, talking to friends, tourists that people think the problem will be bad here is that WITHOUT EXCEPTION they all think that Asia NEEDS the WEST.

My answer is WHY?

It seems blatantly obvious to me that Asia does NOT need the West in the medium to long term.

In the same way that the west had it's industrial revolution, wars and economic recovery thereafter WITHOUT Asia, now Asia is standing in the same position but FAR FAR better positioned.

The west, in my opinion, has totally blown it with greed, the uncontrolled, unregulated banking system and compliant politicians too scared to do anything to stop it all.

Open your eyes, and just watch the ticker on http://www.bloomberg.com/?b=0&Intro=intro3

Do you see any bailouts in Asia? Banking failures?

I am now having sleepless nights wondering how to limit the damage to my finances and re-establish a secure future which I had just six months ago before Iceland collapsed, exchange rates went wild and interest rates came down to zero.

If you are sitting complacently then I suggest that you

- have enough to ride out any eventuality or

- cannot do anything because you are tied up to a pension or assets you cannot move or

- have not tried to understand what is happening in the world and hope the problems will just go away or

- are already involved in Asia with a secure income

let the flaming start...

Wow, so lets assume when you talk about Asia you mean China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc RIGHT?

Have you been drunk for the last few months or do not watch the news and read the papers?

China-big problems, Korea-currency almost crashed, big economic trouble, Singapore-officially in recession

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

What is Thailand an exporter of? and where does it export? How can you possibly write the rubbish you have written?

If west does not buy, what and where would Thailand sell?

What does Thailand manufacture? Tell me one Thai owned company who has gone international besides Thai Airways

All manufacturing in Thailand is western owned, Most developments are Western owned, not to mention supermarket chains such as Tesco, Carefour etc

Who and what money has built Thailand?

All auto manufacturing is suffering worldwide so your Thailand exports-gone to sh***t

All electronics gone down and loosing money, clothing manufactures are in China not in Thailand, rubber, steel etc is all down world wide, so again who needs whom? What is Thailand with out the West?Where was Thailand 40 years ago and where it is now, who has made it to what it is? Who owns all hotel chains? Who owns all resorts? who owns half of if not all contstruction company's

Please do not write stupidity without having common sense to analyse the facts.

I'm not sure that I personally want to engage in many more of these "why is the Baht so strong", "when is the baht going to crash" and "should I change my foreign currency today" threads, but some of the things you wrote are simply so wrong that you need to read some of the other threads on these subjects and correct your understanding on these matters, which is currently so far adrift it's not even funny.

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Wow, so lets assume when you talk about Asia you mean China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc RIGHT?

Have you been drunk for the last few months or do not watch the news and read the papers?

China-big problems, Korea-currency almost crashed, big economic trouble, Singapore-officially in recession

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

What is Thailand an exporter of? and where does it export? How can you possibly write the rubbish you have written?

If west does not buy, what and where would Thailand sell?

What does Thailand manufacture? Tell me one Thai owned company who has gone international besides Thai Airways

All manufacturing in Thailand is western owned, Most developments are Western owned, not to mention supermarket chains such as Tesco, Carefour etc

Who and what money has built Thailand?

All auto manufacturing is suffering worldwide so your Thailand exports-gone to sh***t

All electronics gone down and loosing money, clothing manufactures are in China not in Thailand, rubber, steel etc is all down world wide, so again who needs whom? What is Thailand with out the West?Where was Thailand 40 years ago and where it is now, who has made it to what it is? Who owns all hotel chains? Who owns all resorts? who owns half of if not all contstruction company's

Please do not write stupidity without having common sense to analyse the facts.

well, thanks for the first flame.

1. If the West does not buy, then maybe the developing East can? Lots of potential to develop here and the Asians are keen to own cars, houses, and all the other stuff that the West has been enjoying but produced in the East, and the Asians are very keen to work for it. Who in the West would spend a month's salary on a mobile phone? In Thailand this is not unusual.

2. So Western companies have invested in Asia. Well, that seems to confirm EXACTLY what I said. Here is the future and they want to be a part of it. I suppose the question is whether they sell the products in the West or in the East. Do they care provided profits come in? The question you should ask is why they are not investing in the West.

I absolutely agree that without the West Asia would not be at the level of economic development it is now. The mistake is to think that they will CONTINUE to need the West for future economic expansion. And THAT is the point I am making.

I did not say that things would be easy anywhere on the globe, but I did say that Asia is much better positioned to survive and profit, even WITHOUT the West.

12DrinkMore, I agree with you there, but the point i was trying to make was, all Asian country's have been hit and affected, may be not to extreme like other country's. But it seems that Thailand is the only country that is not suffering at all.

Reading the papers everyday, they keep talking about the problems, but looking at the exchange rate-it does not seem to show.

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You are all missing the point and comparing the Thai economy today to the Farang economies that we thought existed just SIX MONTHS ago.

I am too tired to write a lot on this subject now, but take the following simple premises

- The west is in debt to Asia

- The west has moved its production to Asia

- The west has moved its technology to Asia (just look at the number of Asian students in the west studying USEFUL technology and not history of frigging art)

- The west has unbelievably and inconceivably immense problems with the banking industry (can you relate to one trillion of ANYTHING)

- There are still MORE problems to surface in the west with pension schemes and banking bailouts (have you seen an INCREASE or REDUCTION in the reports or figure coming out?)

- large and increasing unemployment and who is to pay for it?

- massive government overhead in the economies

Anybody care to argue its not true? Anybody see a solution?

Now look at Thailand

- net exporter

- no banking problems

- no pension scheme disaster on the way

- trade surplus

Just take any of the negatives in the West and give me a corresponding negative here. I can't find a single one.

The only reason I can find in all of the posts in TV, talking to friends, tourists that people think the problem will be bad here is that WITHOUT EXCEPTION they all think that Asia NEEDS the WEST.

My answer is WHY?

It seems blatantly obvious to me that Asia does NOT need the West in the medium to long term.

In the same way that the west had it's industrial revolution, wars and economic recovery thereafter WITHOUT Asia, now Asia is standing in the same position but FAR FAR better positioned.

The west, in my opinion, has totally blown it with greed, the uncontrolled, unregulated banking system and compliant politicians too scared to do anything to stop it all.

Open your eyes, and just watch the ticker on http://www.bloomberg.com/?b=0&Intro=intro3

Do you see any bailouts in Asia? Banking failures?

I am now having sleepless nights wondering how to limit the damage to my finances and re-establish a secure future which I had just six months ago before Iceland collapsed, exchange rates went wild and interest rates came down to zero.

If you are sitting complacently then I suggest that you

- have enough to ride out any eventuality or

- cannot do anything because you are tied up to a pension or assets you cannot move or

- have not tried to understand what is happening in the world and hope the problems will just go away or

- are already involved in Asia with a secure income

let the flaming start...

Wow, so lets assume when you talk about Asia you mean China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore etc RIGHT?

Have you been drunk for the last few months or do not watch the news and read the papers?

China-big problems, Korea-currency almost crashed, big economic trouble, Singapore-officially in recession

Thailand- no problems at all!!!

What is Thailand an exporter of? and where does it export? How can you possibly write the rubbish you have written?

If west does not buy, what and where would Thailand sell?

What does Thailand manufacture? Tell me one Thai owned company who has gone international besides Thai Airways

All manufacturing in Thailand is western owned, Most developments are Western owned, not to mention supermarket chains such as Tesco, Carefour etc

Who and what money has built Thailand?

All auto manufacturing is suffering worldwide so your Thailand exports-gone to sh***t

All electronics gone down and loosing money, clothing manufactures are in China not in Thailand, rubber, steel etc is all down world wide, so again who needs whom? What is Thailand with out the West?Where was Thailand 40 years ago and where it is now, who has made it to what it is? Who owns all hotel chains? Who owns all resorts? who owns half of if not all contstruction company's

Please do not write stupidity without having common sense to analyse the facts.

I'm not sure that I personally want to engage in many more of these "why is the Baht so strong", "when is the baht going to crash" and "should I change my foreign currency today" threads, but some of the things you wrote are simply so wrong that you need to read some of the other threads on these subjects and correct your understanding on these matters, which is currently so far adrift it's not even funny.

Ok, no direspect Chiang Mai, but if you do not want to be engaged, why the hel_l are you posting then?!

and of course all the things i wrote were wrong and yes i should read the papers and yes i have no understanding at all. Now you are at ease and can move on to other posts! :o

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