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English Bull Terriers


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Hi emeerkat,

For upcoming dog shows I suggest looking at the Kennel Club of Thailand website for details.

A big enclosed garden is best. But I have friends who keep EBTs in London townhouses and they are happy if walked regularly in a park. However, please read earlier posts on this thread about taking EBTs out in public places. You must keep them on a lead at all times and be prepared for stray dogs to attack them.

EBTs are not lazy at all. They do their fair share of sleeping, but they absolutely love to play ball and to run and jump around if they have an active human partner to play with.

The book mentioned is a 60-page Owner's Manual that is produced by NTBT and given free to all our customers. It has not been published and is only available if you buy a puppy from us. Sorry.

EBTs and cats. Hmmmm. They are terriers and as such it is in their bloodline (nature) to hunt and chase after small animals and that includes cats. If you buy an adult EBT, or one which has not been socialised with cats as a puppy, I'm afraid the prognosis is poor. I (very stupidly) once put an 8 week old EBT puppy together in a garden with a much bigger and heavier pet rabbit that had always had the run of the garden and was never caged. The puppy played around happily for hours with the rabbit while we watched closely. Once we'd turned our backs he killed it, ripped out its stomach and ate the contents. That's a two month old puppy. I've never forgiven myself for that.

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Hello !

I am looking for any dog show in September or event October in BKK or eventually Chiang Mai to have a look at EBT and Mini EBT.

Couldn't really find anything on the web.

Except : there seem to be a "Mall Toy Dog Show" in Pantip Market on the 12-13 September. Any EBT / Mini EBT breeders going ?

Worth making the trip from Phnom Penh ? Any other suggestion ?

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If you'd like to see purebred EBT's in a 'natural' environment, actually play with them in a big garden, see what food they eat, how they are treated (and loved), talk to the owners about the breed, etc., do please contact me when you are in CM :)

We are expecting the next new litter in November, but date not certain yet.


Hello !

I am looking for any dog show in September or event October in BKK or eventually Chiang Mai to have a look at EBT and Mini EBT.

Couldn't really find anything on the web.

Except : there seem to be a "Mall Toy Dog Show" in Pantip Market on the 12-13 September. Any EBT / Mini EBT breeders going ?

Worth making the trip from Phnom Penh ? Any other suggestion ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Khun Or,

Think I am going to buy some tickets to BKK next week and with a stop over in Chiang Mai to come and visit you !

Just one question : here in Phnom Penh, it will be the "deads festival" meaning everything will be closed for one week. Is it going to be the same in Thailand ? Will you be around ? Nothing closed ?

And of course ... could I get your contact please ?


If you'd like to see purebred EBT's in a 'natural' environment, actually play with them in a big garden, see what food they eat, how they are treated (and loved), talk to the owners about the breed, etc., do please contact me when you are in CM :)

We are expecting the next new litter in November, but date not certain yet.


Hello !

I am looking for any dog show in September or event October in BKK or eventually Chiang Mai to have a look at EBT and Mini EBT.

Couldn't really find anything on the web.

Except : there seem to be a "Mall Toy Dog Show" in Pantip Market on the 12-13 September. Any EBT / Mini EBT breeders going ?

Worth making the trip from Phnom Penh ? Any other suggestion ?

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Have replied off the thread. Hope to see you.

Dear Khun Or,

Think I am going to buy some tickets to BKK next week and with a stop over in Chiang Mai to come and visit you !

Just one question : here in Phnom Penh, it will be the "deads festival" meaning everything will be closed for one week. Is it going to be the same in Thailand ? Will you be around ? Nothing closed ?

And of course ... could I get your contact please ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wondering if you had any recommendations of a trainer who has had experience with Bullies and/or similar breeds? I have 2, 6 month old boys, brothers, and they fight daily. They are really starting to tear chunks out of each other now and of course as they are getting bigger, the harder they are to break up. When I am at home very rarely do they fight but when I am away it's down to all 5 foot nothing of the housekeeper/dogsitter and its becoming unmanageable.

In the long run I would like them to have full obedience and also house protection training but for now I just need to stop the sudden occasional flare ups. Can you help?

Edited by OlafRatchkowski
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Sorry that the dog trainers who read this forum haven't responded yet.

I've been away and just got to your message. I understand how urgently you feel the need for help with this. Seeing your beloved and well cared for dogs tearing into each other is terrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. It is also very dangerous for you and your family to try to break up scraps the "wrong way".

First I can say that it is not uncommon for EBT siblings of the same sex (two males or two females) to fight for dominance when they start to reach maturity.

For that matter it is also not uncommon for male EBT's to start to try to assert alpha status over any other male dogs in the same household (any breed, any age) at this stage (6-12 months) either.

One school of thought (lots of books and vdo's made about this) states that if the fighting is motivated by the desire to assert alpha status (a normal and desireable occurrence in a pack) then you should allow the fights to happen and stand well away, letting the dogs find their status in their own way. This theory is great if the fighting is brief, only happens a few times and then stops after one emerges triumphant. But what if the fighting persists and escaltes over time, as in the case of your two male adolescents?

The most immediate and urgent advice is that you must learn how to separate the dogs when they are fighting in a way that avoids you getting bitten accidentally. Chucking a jug of cold water at them often works in minor scraps (keep one handy). If that doesn't work you'll need to physically pull them apart. NEVER NEVER wade in between a fighting pair as you risk severe injury. Instead call an assistant, each of you take the back legs of a different dog and pull them by the legs in an S arc. After separating them like this, calmly put them in separate cages to cool down. Speak firmly, but don't use any aggression on them.

Secondly, don't wait any longer to give the dogs obedience training. I don't know your situation, but by now the dogs should be well advanced on your own obedience training schedule and so perhaps that has not been sufficient. Whether you've been training them or not, I'd advise taking them to a good trainer without delay. There's only one I know personally, Lucky Dogs in Chiang Mai and Nienke the owner usually comes onto this forum within minutes of me posting :) Outside CM, I'm afraid I don't know anyone and so I hope that other readers will chip in.

The third suggestion is not what you wanted to hear, but alas if the training doesn't work and the dogs still fight, you will have to make a choice either to keep them apart at all times, or to find another home for one of them.

Finally, for anyone reading this who is thinking about buying an EBT puppy, please understand that it is generally not a good idea to buy two or more EBT siblings of the same sex. Also if you already have a male dog in your household, I do not advise introducing a male EBT to the family. Yes, sure, there are cases where they learn to get along fine, but it is not a risk that is worth taking.

I was wondering if you had any recommendations of a trainer who has had experience with Bullies and/or similar breeds? I have 2, 6 month old boys, brothers, and they fight daily. They are really starting to tear chunks out of each other now and of course as they are getting bigger, the harder they are to break up. When I am at home very rarely do they fight but when I am away it's down to all 5 foot nothing of the housekeeper/dogsitter and its becoming unmanageable.

In the long run I would like them to have full obedience and also house protection training but for now I just need to stop the sudden occasional flare ups. Can you help?

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The most immediate and urgent advice is that you must learn how to separate the dogs when they are fighting in a way that avoids you getting bitten accidentally.

some of us old hands should listen to our own advice: a month ago i got a nasty bite from the lhasa after i DID wade in to a major fight between the newer (ball-less) jack rat terrier (both about same age, and knew eaachother previously, but since then the jack rat has moved in permanently)... . the ideal solution then would have been using a looped leash/lead, getting it over the head of one, tying it somewhere, and then doing the back leg wheelbarrow scenario with the other; or throwing the one in to a separate room. NO. i grabbed the lhasa by his scruff and lifted him, but as i brought my other hand round to grip better, he whirled around to go for the jack rat again. only the lhasa's mouth got my hand and his bite inhibition was on OFF. he meant his bite so, although he missed my tendons in my fingers, he did cause enough damage that hand was swollen and tender for at least a week, with some tingly feeling in one finger. and several nice holes.

both dogs got put in separate rooms, i went to soak hand in polidine solution, and then we made some rules.

both males were put on leashes only, no free walking trips. both were forbidden to sit on chairs/sofa (up til then it was allowed). they were both fed with me standing over them (the fights werent about food but about territory specifically my chair which the lhasa felt propriatory about.) the second either started to hackle up or lift a lip, or even mumble snarl under his breath, they both got sent to their beds (all three have beds lined up next to each other. not a perfect solution but space limits). the lhasa, while still getting attention before the others, has been 'put down' a notch by us since he was the instigator. peace has come back to the planet. they all eat from same dish, in same order (teh lhasa always first, the jack rat second, and the bitch waits her turn at a polite distance).

since they are all small. the solution has worked. but for bull terriers, definately wouldnt do that, this way.

with the boxers i had, we used crate and room as separation tactics.

i was never sure but i think that then with the boxers, and now with the three small dogs, that most of the fighting goes on ONLY when i or other family member is at home. at least when i ask my neighbhors if they hear scrapping, they say not. so obviously there were some hiearchy issues with us.

an other thing is that 'teenage' dogs need lots of exercise and should be worked with short obedience stuff daily incorporating play sessions, because that is u asserting yourself over them and also reinforces their places in the scheme of things within your family. leaving them 'on their own' too much has the same affect as a bunch of teenage boys-- tey edge eachother on and someone always ends up crying , so to speak. teaching them a 'time out' word could work before they get revved up. something like: settle or time. and they have to go to their crate/bed/place.

my other recommendatin is for when they are fighting, have younger kids and unnessacary folks get out of the way, to keep all the shouting/throwing shoes mess to a minimum. also, u dont have to worry about extra problems like a kid getting bit by accident. my kids were taught that if the boxers were having a go at eachother, to go to an other room and to NEVER NEVER try to separate. cause then of course u have what happened to me. u get bitten. but better u then your kid. and kids get hysterical when dogs fight. and get any other dogs out of the way also since that just feeds the fire.

ive also noticed that teenage dogs eventually work otu their problems, but in some of the breeds, when they hit about three years old they seem to have a new 'teenage' period, when they are fully mature dogs, of reasserting themselves in their environment.

probably not too helpful but my thoughts today...



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Thank you both KhunOr and bina for taking the time to answer me.

The "wheelbarrow" tactic for separating the boys is something I have tried only once after reading about this technique somewhere else, the only problem I found is that with the EBT's ability to lock their jaw all I had was one dog locked onto the others ear and as we tried to pull them apart I risked causing more damage...I must admit to patience not being a strong point of mine and maybe this is something I must address myself before attempting to instil an atmosphere of calm and composure with my dogs.

The build up to a fight is almost always the same every time, "Pork" my pure white will, out of the blue, start growling at "Beans" (brindle), unfortunately for Pork his bark does seem to be worse than his bight and is always the one who comes off worse, so essentially he can start a fight but Beans is better at finishing it, therefore if we can spot this early Pork is taken away and put into another room until he has gotten over his little grumble ...how long a period of time in these fights would you say is too long? The reason I ask is because I have never just let them get on with it to establish the pecking order.

Pork is certainly the more pampered of the 2, when I am out during the day I have somebody with them at all times, she does however favour Pork to Beans. I guess this is because he is more docile and easier to manage (he picked up the sit command almost immediately), Beans is the polar opposite, seems to have far more energy and is certainly not as bright as his brother. For this reason I have taken Beans as my favourite so that they are both receiving the same attention in the hope it would stop any jealousy issues. The fighting is certainly a territory issue because it mainly only starts in the same place in the outside yard, this allows me either throw them or push them in the pool which stops the fight but doesn't really teach them anything.

I have started the process of finding a dog trainer in BKK and will meet with them in the next couple of days, one is called SJ Dog Schools, located in Phra Kanong...does anybody know anything about them?

Again thank you for taking the time to help and I will be sure to update you with my progress!

Kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...


I wonder if i get a EBT if it will stay out of my pool when he/she will be home alone, really like the dog, my friend have one, what about beeing alone home for a full day outside but it will have a dog house

Thx a lot for any answer, even if its negative.

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EBT's are very sociable, need human company and they get upset and mischievous if they are left alone for longer than a few hours.

If you expect to have to leave the dog alone all day, definitely better not to get an EBT. It will be thoroughly miserable. And will probably tear the dog house down and anything else it can find to have fun with while nobody is there to play with it.

As for the pool, EBT's won't go swimming by choice. If you mean a 'pond' as opposed to a swimming pool, they may go for a paddle, but again, no swimming.


I wonder if i get a EBT if it will stay out of my pool when he/she will be home alone, really like the dog, my friend have one, what about beeing alone home for a full day outside but it will have a dog house

Thx a lot for any answer, even if its negative.

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Thank you both KhunOr and bina for taking the time to answer me.

The "wheelbarrow" tactic for separating the boys is something I have tried only once after reading about this technique somewhere else, the only problem I found is that with the EBT's ability to lock their jaw all I had was one dog locked onto the others ear and as we tried to pull them apart I risked causing more damage...I must admit to patience not being a strong point of mine and maybe this is something I must address myself before attempting to instil an atmosphere of calm and composure with my dogs.

The build up to a fight is almost always the same every time, "Pork" my pure white will, out of the blue, start growling at "Beans" (brindle), unfortunately for Pork his bark does seem to be worse than his bight and is always the one who comes off worse, so essentially he can start a fight but Beans is better at finishing it, therefore if we can spot this early Pork is taken away and put into another room until he has gotten over his little grumble ...how long a period of time in these fights would you say is too long? The reason I ask is because I have never just let them get on with it to establish the pecking order.

Pork is certainly the more pampered of the 2, when I am out during the day I have somebody with them at all times, she does however favour Pork to Beans. I guess this is because he is more docile and easier to manage (he picked up the sit command almost immediately), Beans is the polar opposite, seems to have far more energy and is certainly not as bright as his brother. For this reason I have taken Beans as my favourite so that they are both receiving the same attention in the hope it would stop any jealousy issues. The fighting is certainly a territory issue because it mainly only starts in the same place in the outside yard, this allows me either throw them or push them in the pool which stops the fight but doesn't really teach them anything.

I have started the process of finding a dog trainer in BKK and will meet with them in the next couple of days, one is called SJ Dog Schools, located in Phra Kanong...does anybody know anything about them?

Again thank you for taking the time to help and I will be sure to update you with my progress!

Kind regards,


Sorry, have been away for a while and only see these postings now.

I would suggest to seriously review the interaction of all human pack members with the dogs. All of you should be on one line. I don't think it works when one dog is favored by one and the other by another one.

From what you write it's Pork that starts the fight often, but he's also the one who receives the most (puncture?) wounds. Further you mention that Pork is a bit more docile and more willing to follow a command.

Beans is the opposite. However, he may not be that stupid as you think. It's quite possible that by playing the fool he's just plain NOT following what you want him to do. In other words, he tells you NO and therefore is less willing to follow commands. (I have seen this behavior in several bullies now, and once you see it it does make you laugh. They can be pure manipulating, and very affectionate, clowns. :))

Might it be that Pork is slightly lower in rank than Beans? But because of him being favored during the day he may receive this is as extra privilege which in turn may make him feel stronger and braver towards Beans than he really is, and strong enough to challenge Beans sometimes.

It is very important to focus on the dynamics that is going on in your human-dog pack. Behavior modification and obedience training should be done with positive reinforcement training techniques. In case the training school where you plan to go to suggests to use choke chains and punishment for any aggressive behavior than I suggest to immediately turn around and walk away.

Punishing the dogs for showing aggression to each other and not addressing the other stuff can result in increased aggression towards each other and very serious escalating fights where also you or any other human family member can get hurt.

And, of course, only training the dogs will also not help, the major part of the training or better behavior modification should focus on the human pack members and their behavior.

During the training and behavior modification period it is important to avoid fights at all cost. Thus, if the fights primarily are at one place, don't let them come even near that place. If the fights occur when you are not there (but the care-taker is there during the day, right?), keep them separated during that time.

If the fights occur primarily when nobody is there, re-home one of the dogs.

If it is not possible to change the mind and behavior of the other human pack members: than you can choose between keeping them separate during the day with the danger that a door may be forgotten to be closed and the dogs still meet plus that you need to be on the full alert at all times when the dogs are together, or re-home one of the dogs.

I wish you good luck. :D

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  • 2 months later...
EBT's are very sociable, need human company and they get upset and mischievous if they are left alone for longer than a few hours.

If you expect to have to leave the dog alone all day, definitely better not to get an EBT. It will be thoroughly miserable. And will probably tear the dog house down and anything else it can find to have fun with while nobody is there to play with it.

As for the pool, EBT's won't go swimming by choice. If you mean a 'pond' as opposed to a swimming pool, they may go for a paddle, but again, no swimming.

Or minutes!!

Couldn't agree with choosing a different breed. Bullies are in my opinion by far the best dog to own but also the hardest work. I have a two year old named Butch, his grandad was a Thai Champion and he is a lovely dog, sometimes too intelligent! Recently on a trip to Bangkok I stopped at the services for longer than usual (windows open ice cold interior in the car) I got back and my handbrake had half disappeared, he looked sorry but was still expectant of his chicken nuggets!!

With regard to diet: He eats what I eat. Fresh produce from the market including vegetables and it is a healthy diet with just occasional junk! Fish, white meat etc. He is in perfect health now, we had some issues when he was on dog food. I remember our dogs from when I was a child, they ate the leftovers and all lived to a good age. I think you can scare yourself silly when it comes to diet with these dogs, the most important thing is that they are happy and loved, EBT's are possibly one of the most sensitive breeds I have come across, if they are not happy it will show in their general health and appearance. Again my opinion but there are so many opinions out there I thought I would throw mine in the mix!

I will post some pictures of Butchy Boy later, he is soon available to cover bitches for a small fee or pick of the litter, its not a business for me so it would be a small fee... he is just at that age where he needs some "company" :D

Great thread btw I never realized so many people here were into EBT's I thought it was just me that had huge air-con bills!!

Sorry to go on.... the actual point of my reply is that my EBT loves to swim! I try my best not to take him near water! It would not surprise me that he is the exception to the rule :)

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And if anyone has a litter of pups I am looking for a white with black bitch, does not have to be pedigree just a nice pup. Or I would consider a juvenile if anyone was looking to place a bitch that perhaps needs a lot of attention or has become a burden?

It is a family home and would be well looked after, not to mention company for his lordship.

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A swimming EBT. OMG! Whatever next.

Please DON'T breed him or it might be catching! :):D

Gawd knows how I'd cope if any of mine took to the pond!

Anyway, welcome aboard tatt2dude and nice story. Can you post a photo of him in the water?

Does any other EBT owner have a swimmer?

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I will have to get a good shot of him standing for you. Here are some of his cute? pictures.

The pink bed is the only bed not to get destroyed in a fit of boredom.

I wonder if you have ever come across this before in an English Bull Terrier? Butch will only enter a room backwards, if you call him he will turnaround and reverse in. I thought it may be his balance or eyesight and he may have a problem with his hearing (more vets bills), but no, he is fine. Why he does this we have no idea! :)


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Go on! You're winding me up right?

That's one funny dude you've got there. He must be a riot. I've never known that with any dog, any breed.

At what age did he start doing that and have you tried to train him out of it? he obviously thinks (though I still think you are winding me up) that's the way it has to be done. He must have learnt it somewhere.

Looks lovely.

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Go on! You're winding me up right?

That's one funny dude you've got there. He must be a riot. I've never known that with any dog, any breed.

At what age did he start doing that and have you tried to train him out of it? he obviously thinks (though I still think you are winding me up) that's the way it has to be done. He must have learnt it somewhere.

Looks lovely.

No idea when it started. We went down the medical route first, then I thought maybe a snake had tried to get in to get him or another animal had scared him (yes I am really reaching way out there) and now we just accept it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him and he can get in forward at speed if he spots a biscuit. But if there is no treat he will just u turn and reverse :)

I think my confusion amuses him.

Thanks, he is lovely. Well mannered, a fantastic sense of humor and the best guard dog I have ever had. I really don't know what I would do without him.

What are your thoughts on another EBT to keep him company? I was thinking a bitch puppy.

Edited by tatt2dude
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No idea when it started. We went down the medical route first, then I thought maybe a snake had tried to get in to get him or another animal had scared him (yes I am really reaching way out there) and now we just accept it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him and he can get in forward at speed if he spots a biscuit. But if there is no treat he will just u turn and reverse :D

I think my confusion amuses him.

Thanks, he is lovely. Well mannered, a fantastic sense of humor and the best guard dog I have ever had. I really don't know what I would do without him.

What are your thoughts on another EBT to keep him company? I was thinking a bitch puppy.

I think you should make a vdo of Butch walking backwards into rooms. Its a hoot. And why not also work on his evident skill and turn it into something fun, like surfing backwards. See the vdo clip below of a dog surfer for example :D

As for getting a 'mate' for Butch, sure, why not?

The chances of him accepting a female puppy into the home are high, as long as you take care to introduce them properly. If you need any tips on that let me know.

Adult females maybe more risky and more care needed.

Males definitely not. But your dog may be an exception to that rule too - maybe he's gay :)

Go Butch!

We have no puppies now I'm afraid. Had a litter due on Christmas Day, but discovered a few weeks ago that the girl was having a phantom pregnancy. She's fine, but little ones for Christmas. Boo hoo.

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I think you should make a vdo of Butch walking backwards into rooms. Its a hoot. And why not also work on his evident skill and turn it into something fun, like surfing backwards. See the vdo clip below of a dog surfer for example :D

As for getting a 'mate' for Butch, sure, why not?

The chances of him accepting a female puppy into the home are high, as long as you take care to introduce them properly. If you need any tips on that let me know.

Adult females maybe more risky and more care needed.

Males definitely not. But your dog may be an exception to that rule too - maybe he's gay :)

Go Butch!

We have no puppies now I'm afraid. Had a litter due on Christmas Day, but discovered a few weeks ago that the girl was having a phantom pregnancy. She's fine, but little ones for Christmas. Boo hoo.

If I get a chance I will video him and post it. As for surfing I think he is spoiled enough without adding a Quicksilver surfboard to his list of toys!

Your suggestion he may be gay had me laughing..... he is a strange dog, but I just think he has a great sense of humor.

Yes please do give the tips for introducing a new puppy, I think it would be good info in the thread and I am on the verge of an impulse purchase when a puppy comes up for sale.

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  • 1 month later...

Both of my boys are 10 months old and still their ears are hanging, not even when they go into alert mode do they erect properly. I know it can differ from dog to dog but I thought it usually happened around teething time?

Am I worrying for nothing or is it a sign of bad breeding (they are brothers)? Also, any suggestions or tips on ear taping would be great



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  • 1 month later...
Both of my boys are 10 months old and still their ears are hanging, not even when they go into alert mode do they erect properly. I know it can differ from dog to dog but I thought it usually happened around teething time?

Am I worrying for nothing or is it a sign of bad breeding (they are brothers)? Also, any suggestions or tips on ear taping would be great

Sorry I've been 'away' from the thread for a while.

Are Pork and Beans' ears standing now?

I have had EBT puppies with ears that stood at just 4 weeks and others that waited until 8 weeks, but never longer than that. However, it can happen with really big and heavy ears and in that case taping is required to give them support. Your boys are a bit old for this now but it should still be done. Too much detail to explain here, but you can find a good reference (with photos) on how to do it properly in this pdf http://www.backwoodsbullterriers.com/HowTo...TerrierEars.pdf

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have a 3 year old Bull Terrier called Maggie, she is about 27 Kg. I get a bit sick of the vet referring to her as fat. I'm hoping that someone can clarify whether or not 27Kg is a normal weight. I don't overfeed her, she gets a pouch of pedigree wet food and two thirds of a cup of pedigree complete for breakfast and a pork chop and a whole cup of pedigree complete for dinner. She also gets 2 30 minute walks each day. She was speyed when she was about a year old and I know some people say this can cause weight/fat gain.

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Hi Big Guns

I don't think 27kg is necessarily overweight. It depends on her overall build. If she's a tall muscular EBT that weight is above average but normal.

Has her weight been going up over the past 12 months or has she been a steady weight? That would provide a clue.

If you can grab a handful of flesh anywhere on her torso then she may be fat. An EBT's body should be solid and muscular. You should be able to feel her ribs.

I see you've gone back to commercial dog food. Any particular reason for that? If you fed her mostly fresh raw meat and plenty of raw bones to chew on instead, you may find that her weight would probably stabilise.

I have a 3 year old Bull Terrier called Maggie, she is about 27 Kg. I get a bit sick of the vet referring to her as fat. I'm hoping that someone can clarify whether or not 27Kg is a normal weight. I don't overfeed her, she gets a pouch of pedigree wet food and two thirds of a cup of pedigree complete for breakfast and a pork chop and a whole cup of pedigree complete for dinner. She also gets 2 30 minute walks each day. She was speyed when she was about a year old and I know some people say this can cause weight/fat gain.

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