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Organ Donor And Buddhism


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Organ donor and Buddhism

Is there a Buddhist view?

On my death I wish to be cremated, is this a selfish view when I may have some organs which may be some good to someone. Friends say my liver is no good thanks to Irish whiskey, but I have a few other functioning parts.

My question… is there a Buddhist view on organ donation?... yes I know it was not a option when Buddha was about, but some enlightened ones probably have a inside view… if so what is it?

Have a Happy…


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I wish to be cremated as well, but want any usable parts harvested beforehand.

Lungs, liver, heart.... there's three or more possible lives saved.

Eyes... a blind person sees.

All from the inevitable death of one person.

Right thought, right action, unlimited compassion... all the main things buddhism is about being covered by doing something that you won't even be around to notice.

That's good kharma :o


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It is always good to give, and giving body parts is a great way to help others and accumulate merit. However there is one problem, I don't know if this is the case for all traditions. Many Buddhists believe that the mind may dwell inside the body after the body is Western Scientifically dead. This is usually of most importance to practisioners who wish to meditate through the death process. I believe there has been some substansiated reports in India of meditation masters staying "fresh" for several weeks after clinical death has occured.

I don't think you need to worry about that amount of time but it may be worth stipulating an hour or so to vacate the premisies as it were! :o

However the likelyhood is that you will have some spotty junior doctor jumping up and down on your chest while shouting about getting that electic shock cart thing they use on ER a lot. I've tried meditating in the dentist chair as a preperation for this event. However I'm none to hopefull if I were to pop my clogs today. Definately more practise needed. Perhaps I should start eating toffee....

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