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Traffic Fines For Employees.


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The answer is obvious but their claim is that if they weren't employed to drive they wouldn't have got a 400 Baht fine for turning from the wrong lane. The old sneak up to the junction one lane over and then cut across.

I've agreed to pay this one as it is the first but told them it is their repsonsibility to drive correctly.

Has anyone else been hit with this request?

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The answer is obvious but their claim is that if they weren't employed to drive they wouldn't have got a 400 Baht fine for turning from the wrong lane. The old sneak up to the junction one lane over and then cut across.

I've agreed to pay this one as it is the first but told them it is their repsonsibility to drive correctly.

Has anyone else been hit with this request?

Hogwash, BS"was employed to drive they wouldn;t have got a 400 baht fine" THEY would be working for me very long. Using their BS thinking if they drive crazy and hurt someone it your fault. Hey friend, give these drivers a PINK Slip Now. :o:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are employed to drive, CORRECT, but to rules and regulations that govern the roads (what ever they may be here), and your company policy. If the driver decides to accept the employemnt as a driver and drive according to the rules etc, then no problem but if he wants to take chances and do his own thing, then he should be held liable for the fine ....AS THEY SAY, HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS MOST, THE POCKET AND THEY SOON OBEY.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would guess the answer depends upon whether or not they actually did something wrong or not. I know this is getting better, but there are still many stories about people getting tickets even when they may not have done anything wrong.

I have heard that this happens particularly often with Trucks and out of Province plates. If this is the case, then it is the cost of doing business and the employer should pay. If the employee is at fault then they should pay. The question is how do you tell which of the two reasons for the ticket is the correct one???

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  • 1 month later...

If they were not employed by you they might be unemployed. So what about that?

I see no pont as an employer to cover my employee's traffic offenses. Au contraire, I would just encourage more offenses by doing so!

No way, Jose!

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