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Australian Women Arrested In Phuket Over Bar Mat


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Just a few points

Not all bar Mats are rubber backed, some are just towelling.

Yes, they used to be handed out by the breweries, but they cut back on that freebie, so a lot of the time they are purchased.

Theft is theft, be it a 10 cents or $10,000.

As a hotelier for most of my life running several establishments in Australia I can tell you that replacing stolen items amounts to quite a tidy sum. Beer Mats were second favorite, stubbie holders were the main prize for thieves, at a buy in cost of $3.75 each, My hotel would loose between 10 and 25 every friday night and 3 or 4 barmats. Other times of the week there were still losses, but minimal as it was easier to keep your eye on people when quieter.

Wether she stole the towel or not I don't know, I wasn't there, but she was in possession of the stolen item apparently.

Unfortunately breaking the law in Thailand has most unpleasant consequences, not a tap on the wrist or a dismissal from the courts if you are a first offender, here you get to experience the Thai law system which is not pleasant.

Perhaps rather than dismissing Thailand, one should first consider the fact that she has broken the law. OK some people view it as a bit of a joke in Australia to nick something from the pub, but theft is no joke, it costs money.

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As I read all the posts here, I am amazed by what I consider to be rampant racism, mean spiritedness, selfishness, and a myopic view of the situation. OK, rant over.

Anyway, here are a few random thoughts, some being facts as we know them, some merely being my opinion.

1.  From all accounts, that from herself, her friends, and the bar staff, she did not put the mat in the bag herself, nor did she try to take the bag out of the bar. She clearly did not attempt, from a western legal standpoint, to steal it.  Whether she was wactually complicit in an attempt to steal the mat is simply conjecture with the amount of information now available.  My gut feeling is that she was peripherally involved, but that is simply me but feeling based on nothing tangible.

2.  Her friends did not wait until they were back in Australia to try and take the blame.  One of her friends went down to the staion the next day to try adn set the matter straight, but she was turned away.

3.  There are conflicting accounts on whether she was abusive toward the police or not.  My gut feeling, and once again, this is purely conjecture, is that she probably was somewhat abusive as that is the only logical explanation that I can conceive as to why she was held on such a minor charge, especially when both the bar employees and her friend said the friend placed it in the bag, not the accused.  Once again, though, this is merely my personal speculation, not fact.  There are also conflicting reports on whether she ran or was told she could go.  My gut feeling is that she was told she could go, and the reports that it wasn't until after the bar employees got involved again that the police went and retrieved her.  I just don't see how a 36-year-old, probably drunk woman, could run away from police so effectively that she could only be caught who knows how far away by the police. If she rally tried to run, I would think the police would have grabbed her right there instead of letting her get away so far.  But once again, this is conjecture.

3.  Posters who write that she must be guilty because all Aussies are drunken louts, "shiela hen parties" are disgusting, and other such comments are guilty of rampant racism/stereotyping.  What one Austrailin does has absolutely no bearing on what this woman did or did not do.  My only Aussie friend in Thailand does not drink alcohol at all, so using the same logic as those who are tarring her because they have seen Australians behave poorly, I can say that she must have been sober because Australians don't drink.  Well, it would be foolish for me to contend that, and is is foolish for others to confirm her guilt simply because she is Australian.

4.  Many posters seem to feel that this will have zero effect on tourism.  I am sorry, but this is pretty myopic.  There have been two or three posters who have written here that they have cancelled trips, so imagine what it is with the population at large. I am not saying that this will be the death knell for tourism, or that it will nto recove, but especially in conjunction with other bad press over the last 6 months, there is no way that it couldn't affect tourism.  

Lets me very, very conservative here.  Let's say that only 1,000 people cancel trips to Phuket because of this.  With an average stay of 7 days and a daily expenditure of let's say, $150, that is a total of over a million dollars in lost revenue.  That is not enough to kill Phuket, but it is certainly not to sneeze at.  So putting it in that vein, are the police actions worth a million dollars?

Personally, I think the damage will be much worse than that. 

5.  People who laugh at the situation and express joy that there will be fewer tourists and so they won't feel so crowded are being extremely selfish.  THousands of people rely on the tourist trade to put food on the table.  If they make less, it is a huge impact on their lives.  I have a friend who is a butler at one of the top hotels in Phuket.  She already has seen her work days drop from about 25 days a month to about 12 days (and her guests spend $2000 per day on the room alone, so you can imagien how much they inject into the economy).  She is upset that this incident may cause further loss, and she only hopes that her two scheduled Australian reservations over the next two months don't cancel because of it. 

6.  The plight of the accused, although it kicked off the situation, is a sidelight to the real problem, in my opinion.  How this affects one woman is of little lasting concern except to her and her family and friends.  Whether she is totally innocent or totally complicit in a nefarious crime is largely irrelevant to the population at large.  What is relevant is how this will affect Thai-Australian relations, and how this will affect tourism.  THis is much larger than her predicament, and much larger than any supposed loss fo face suffered by the police.

7.  OK, assuming she was foolish in how she reacted, how many readers here ahve never been foolish, especially after having a few drinks?  When I read people writing that the should suffer all sorts of draconian punishments, well is that really warranted?  Do these posters really wish someone such ill will?

8.  My personal opinion is that the accused is one stupid woman who brought this on herself.  I base that on gut feelings, and I am not wedded to that opinion.  But I hold the Thai police much more at fault in what has transpired.  What they have done is way overkill with specific regards to her, and more importantly, they have damaged the nation and the people of Phuket, people whom they are supposed to serve.  Their egos are not nearly as important as the overall well-being of their province and their country.

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But Mr Murphy (her lawyer) told the Nine Network that the behaviour of the Thai police has been ridiculous.

"We're hopeful that the Thai authorities will listen and understand that their behaviour to date has been completely ridiculous," Mr Murphy said.

"To lock up this Melbourne mother for what's effectively 18 days for theft of a bar mat which other people have admitted doing seems simply crazy."

"She had had plenty to drink and if she did get upset that would be entirely understandable."

Best sack the lawyer, telling the Thai authorities that they are ridiculous will not help matters at all.

I agree, the Ozzies have learned nothing from this. She now has a high paid lawyer that could easily end up behind bars if he shows his idiot face here.

The lawyer is now looking round for money from the Ozz media and the saps will buy it.

All the while, the poor dears are living in that frighful hel_l hole the Graceland Hotel. This is probably the most expensive hotel in Patong and is right on the beach. Sure she will be able to survive another 4 weeks of this!!

Christ, all you blaggers out there, come to Thailand, go on a nicking spree and end up staying in a 5 star resort courtesy of the press.

http://www.phuketgraceland.com/ Its not the Bangkok Hilton but it will do :)

Anybody find out who is picking up the tab here? Can't be difficult in Patong in the low season. Any locals?

Edited by grandpops
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This from the Phuket Sun..

The Un-Australian Aussie Bar

This horrific story starts in the inappropriately named Aussie Bar in Patong, what happened was anything but “aussie” seems a group of Australians were in the bar drinking and generally messing about, during the drinking for whatever reason a beer mat ended up in the Bag of one of the women.

Now, while many have pointed the finger at the Thai Police, it is not possible to blame them. For the woman to have been charged clearly someone at the “aussie bar” made the complaint, and are standing by that complaint as the case is ongoing.

In Thailand this “robbery after dark” is a serious offense, and seeing someone made the allegation, the property was found on the woman and the owner of the property has complained the police have no choice but to proceed.

The Australian Consulate in Phuket is held in an Honarary capacity by a local Australian that donates a good deal of his time and money to helping people at the instruction and with in the limits placed on him by the Emabassy, does the Australian Embassy look after its citizens? well the sad answer is rarely, certainly they can accept some of the blame.

The rest of the blame in this case lays fairly and squarely on the so-called “Aussie Bar” the owner should get himself down to the police station and get this matter fixed.

I will finish with a quick note to travelers, if you are coming to Phuket avoid Patong, soaring crime rate, rapes, robberys and other offences seem common place.

If you are ever approached by police yelling at them, especially publicly will get you arrested, do not do it, say whatever you want to say, do not yell it.

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Question to all Nick Knattertons and Sherlocks

Did the incident happen before or after official closing hours?

As some have alleged here that it is quite common to offer the extra tea-money for protection and extention of closing time to police, it would be interesting to know if that is the same police station that is now allegedly whining about an attempted bribe from a desperate lady?

Did Steve or his 'business partner(s)' bribe the police for longer opening hours? - See the double standards?

Is it an attempt of taking over a farang run business by a third hand party?

Will the alleged bribe takers be transferred to Patani, Yala, Narathiwat or elsewhere or even be suspended from their duties?

What will happen to the alleged bribe givers?

It's published in meanwhile all over the world from all major medias and there will be probably a trail of rat tails exposed that most of those involved would just wish it never would have happened at first.

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Dear Steve.

Release the tapes from the bar, expose this women as a liar.

I doubt you ever will because it will contradict some of the things that you claimed happened that fateful night.

Karma is a bitch.

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If i was in a bar in Thailand and approached by someone in civilian clothes claiming to be police i also would likely ignore them and walk away. I have visited these tourists spots and there is always someone pestering you for something claiming to be someone they are not. Would you get out your ID and give information to a Thai man in a farang bar? If you were a woman would you follow him outside whilst he claims to take you to the police station? Would you really? No, you wouldn't and rightly so.

I think it would be quite sensible to walk away as it seems the lady did in this case. How this has been turned into "resisting arrest" im not quite sure. From all reports the lady at NO time became violent, but she did get angry and perhaps said some things in the heat of the moment (after consuming alcohol). This was a middle aged mother having a good night out - it's quite embarassing imho.

This is my thought exactly, were the BIB still in uniform, did they show her any form of identification? If not, why would she open her bag for them or follow them anywhere? I think that if any member here was approached by some Thai claiming to be police and not showing any ID, they wouldn't be to friendly either.

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One interesting aspect in all of this, particularly given the international reporting, and including statements by both the Australian Prime Minster and the leader of the Victoria State government, is that other than the local Phuket press, nothing has appeared as an actual news item in either the Nation or the Bangkok Post. Are they embarrassed to tell the story to the (at least English speaking) Thai population at large, or is there pressure to suppress this 'event'?

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She deserves to be in jail for a couple of weeks, to cool down and learn to respect people.

Everyone knows that Thailand is a land of respect and even though it is not always received from others, as a tourist you should always give it.

And where have you been living? :)

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Most of the posters here come from a society where the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. It is not a perfect system, but I much prefer it to a system of assumed guilty until proven innocent.

Some posters here obviously prefer a system of Guilty til proven innocent and ignore that the only statements being available pointing towards her innocence. The only statements so far have been from the women involved and the bar owner. Even the bar owner has indicated that she did not put the towel in here bag, her friend did.

So the only information (true or not) that anybody here has access to....

Her friend has stated that she was responsible and not the accused.

The fiend went to the police and admitted responsibility and was told to go away.

The towel never left the bar.

The police/security told her that she can go.

She walked out and ran across the street because it was raining.

She was grabbed and dragged to a police station.

She was locked up for 2 days.

There has been no statement by any person to contradict any of the above, so I would rather stick with the innocent until proven guilty.

There have been many repeat postings about her friend swearing a declaration that she was responsible now that she is safely back in Australia. Her friend was reported to have gone to the police station the morning after, so she had admitted it to the police while still in Thailand.

Many people seem to base her guilt on the fact that she is a drunken Australian woman on holiday. If it's against the law to be Australian, female, drunk or on holiday, then this is news to me.

Others seem to think that she is guilty because of an unsubstantiated statement by the bar owner that she was abusive to the police. A statement by somebody that was not at the bar or any where near the police station at the time. A statement based on hearsay.

Maybe there has finally been some sort of statement from the police....


"Phuket police Maj. Songserm Preecha confirmed Smoel had been charged with stealing a bar mat and that she faced a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of up to 10,000 baht ($290). He said he could not comment further on the case. "

If this is true, she has been charged with theft, not abusive behaviour.

and from this report....


"Thai police, meanwhile, said Ms Smoel was drunk and abusive.

"She was very rude to the two police, but they didn't properly understand what she was saying," the Herald Sun reported Lt-Maj Jongseam Preecha as saying.

"They brought her to me, and she was very loud.""

She was very rude to the police officers who didn't understand what she was saying!!??

If they didn't understand, how can they claim that she was being rude. I would hazard a guess that they assumed that she was being rude by her tone. She was very loud - not surprising after being manhandled and dragged to the police station for something that she didn't do.

In my early days in Thailand, I often mistakenly used to think that Thais were arguing only to find out that they were having a normal conversation. When I've been having a discussion with friends and a few people talking at once a Thai has asked "Why you argue"

If the police did not understand what she was saying they have no basis to accuse her of being rude.

Lt-Maj Jongseam Preecha states that she was very loud, not that she was abusive.

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Assuming that there is not more to the story, I am seriously considering not visiting Thailand anymore. I do NOT condone theft, even petty theft, but this appears to be extremely harsh, especially for a country that has all sorts of hard-core criminals walking around free.

Another nail in the coffin that is Thailand tourism :)

I suspect she was drunk, was abusive to the police, etc. People often forget they are guests in this country, and should treat it and the people with utmost courtesy. I am amazed at the garbage attitude many farangs have toward Thailand. I think they should get out.

I love it here, when in need of help, I've never been turned away. The Thai's have always been honest to a fault, and courteous also. We just need to remember it is easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar.

Thailand advertises itself as a tourist destination. People go on holiday to enjoy themselves, lie on the beach and get drunk at night.

Thais should expect foreigners to act in this way. If they dont they shouldnt be trying to attract tourists.

The problem with Thais is they believe they are a superior race, when in fact they are 50 years behind the western world.

This is 2009, multiculturalism all over the world - do Asians come to our countries and act the same way we do... I think not!

This should have been dealt with a 500B fine and night in the slammer would have been plenty enought punishment

Surely you jest . . .

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One interesting aspect in all of this, particularly given the international reporting, and including statements by both the Australian Prime Minster and the leader of the Victoria State government, is that other than the local Phuket press, nothing has appeared as an actual news item in either the Nation or the Bangkok Post. Are they embarrassed to tell the story to the (at least English speaking) Thai population at large, or is there pressure to suppress this 'event'?

I believe the story was discussed this morning on Thai TV, channel 3 around 7 am.

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Phuket post.....

Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

Edited by marsteele
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what started as a simple 500-1000 baht shakedown has turned into a major event due to this lady pushing them too far. ( my experienced opinion)

i have spent many a night perched on the steps of the bangla police station( my fave observation post) watching the antics of allot of drunk people having a good time.

the patience displayed by the thai police in dealing with drunken tourists has been far beyond anything i would personally tolerate.

i know- it's there job, but really- some of the things i have seen tourist/customers do to the police without repercussions has been amazing.

this lady must have really pissed them off.

anyway, i hope she gets back to her family soon.

as far as blaming thailand or thai police for this ridiculous situation, i think it's good to keep in mind that in this particular instance, there are definitly 2 sides to the story.

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Phuket post.....

Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges.

My understanding of the rules concerning foreigners' owning companies in Thailand is that the farang ownership is usually limited to 49%, and Thai investors need to own at least 51%.

I'm guessing the public face of the bar, Steve, was indeed in Australia but may be a minority owner. Perhaps the bar has local/influential Thai 'investors' who were drinking in the bar and spotted/reported what was going on? Like everything else in this thread though, it is purely speculation...

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Yes drunken farangs do cause a few problems but they are invited here to Party. I do not mean to be disrepectful but can I point out a couple of things in your post?

Lets not forget the bag had the mat in it........ Yes you are very correct in this...

Now the defination of THEFT is... Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permantly depriving the other of such property.

Did this woman approriate this property (Mat) = NO friends admitt to that.

Did it belong to another = YES

Was the intention on her behalf to Permantly deprive = NO she was not aware of the contents.

Now the woman was in the bar and just say for instance she was aware that the mat was in her bag. Is that theft by just purely having it in there? NO Did she walk out of the bar with the item? NO

Ok I will put it another way. We go to the supermarket and select a few small items, we don't need a trolley only a couple of item but we place them in our personal bag. Have we stolen them at this point? I think not. We go to the cashier remove the items from our bag and pay for them.

Now if I went to the cashier and did not remove all the items and pay for all and walk out the door then yes I am guilty of theft for the remaining items..

Police officer with 18 yrs experience....

Interesting insight indeed.

Well, let's put it this way... Assuming that the above conditions are truly met, what IF while you're walking to the cashier, a security officer came up and asked you kept all the stuff in your bag? and you started going abusively bonkers in a drunkard stupor and ran all the way to the carpark opposite the supermarket? Would things have changed in your 18 years of experience?

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Phuket post.....

Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

You may find there is more than one owner. I have met at least two one of which is Steve & I don't think he has a handle bar moustache.

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So .....

If she had a language barrier problem with the Thai Authorities how is it that they could understand the alledged abuse but could not explain the charges being alleged or understand her claim of innocence.

So contributors just jump in without any research on the topic, that ok for an opinion base topic but don't state issues as fact if you have know idea.

My friend, F*** or F****** is universally understood

name='Thinktoomutt' Which policeman would let go someone yelling at him "motherfuc_ker", "piece of shit"...

Thankyou Lozfranco and Thinktoomutt, this is new information to me as I haven't seen any report of her yelling at the police "motherf*****", "piece of shit"., "F*** or F******"

Please can you post a link to the source of this new information?

I'm assuming that you have a source and it is not just what you imagine that she might have said.

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Yes drunken farangs do cause a few problems but they are invited here to Party. I do not mean to be disrepectful but can I point out a couple of things in your post?

Lets not forget the bag had the mat in it........ Yes you are very correct in this...

Now the defination of THEFT is... Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permantly depriving the other of such property.

Did this woman approriate this property (Mat) = NO friends admitt to that.

Did it belong to another = YES

Was the intention on her behalf to Permantly deprive = NO she was not aware of the contents.

Now the woman was in the bar and just say for instance she was aware that the mat was in her bag. Is that theft by just purely having it in there? NO Did she walk out of the bar with the item? NO

Ok I will put it another way. We go to the supermarket and select a few small items, we don't need a trolley only a couple of item but we place them in our personal bag. Have we stolen them at this point? I think not. We go to the cashier remove the items from our bag and pay for them.

Now if I went to the cashier and did not remove all the items and pay for all and walk out the door then yes I am guilty of theft for the remaining items..

Police officer with 18 yrs experience....

Interesting insight indeed.

Well, let's put it this way... Assuming that the above conditions are truly met, what IF while you're walking to the cashier, a security officer came up and asked you kept all the stuff in your bag? and you started going abusively bonkers in a drunkard stupor and ran all the way to the carpark opposite the supermarket? Would things have changed in your 18 years of experience?

yes then that would be theft if you not pay while fleeing and throw in a drunk in public place but she did not leave with her bag.... was taken from her and she told to leave....no theft maybe an attempt to commit a criminal offence but hard to prove but being arrested for calling me filth, pigs, maggot,dog jacks etc never done that Aussie police thrive on this name calling. get offended if you don't means you not notice us and have thick skins

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one wonders if anyone reads the actual reports? She didn't steal anything, the mat was placed in her bag & the person who put it in her bag plus the thai staff backed her up on that. There is also nothing reported beyond what the bar owner claimed (the bar owner who wasn't there & witnessed nothing) that she was abusive to the police or anyone else for that matter. The police have yet to make a statement about it so it is pure conjecture by someone who has a vested interest in getting the flak off of him & his bar. :)

All we know for sure is that "someone" placed a bar mat in her bag & she got arrested for it.

Your forgetting by her own admission.. Running away so resisting arrest, obstructing an officer in the pursuit of justice, probably drunk and disorderly etc etc etc.. In the west they end up chucking the book at you for similar behavior, then bargain it down in court.. Here they just stick to one charge despite the rest.

Shes out on bail.. So let it simmer for a month or so..

Plus her husband needs to know when to close his mouth.. A whole host of statements that will work badly against them.

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Your forgetting by her own admission.. Running away so resisting arrest, obstructing an officer in the pursuit of justice, probably drunk and disorderly etc etc etc.. In the west they end up chucking the book at you for similar behavior, then bargain it down in court.. Here they just stick to one charge despite the rest.

Shes out on bail.. So let it simmer for a month or so..

Plus her idiot husband needs to know when to close his mouth.. A whole host of statements that will work badly against them.

Actually she has admitted no such thing.

She has stated that the police told her that she could go, that she walked out and ran across the road (it was raining)

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There is a Thai tourist police, maybe it would be in everyone's interests to have a Thai tourist court to expedite cases like this because forcing someone to remain in Thailand for months awaiting trial for what is essentially a trivial charge is wrong. Does it really require 48 days to investigate the case? How many times do you hear on the news of some serious crime being committed and the local police chief telling reporters how they will have it solved in seven days yet cases like this will take 48 days to investigate? I remember the thread on Thai Visa a few months ago about someone's Thai MIL being charged with shoplifting at Tesco and how she was sentenced and in jail all within days.

But isnt this delay the case of protesting innocence.. Hence why Thais are 'encouraged' to plead guilty with half sentencing etc..

The MIL case you mention from memory was just like that.. It was 'claimed' accidental theft but she was coached by the police that it would be better and faster to plead guilty, then everything is expedited via courts etc.. Its when you protest your innocence that it gets messy.

My point being, humble pie, apologetic behavior, some decorum and modesty, and a small fine and probably walking the next morning. Demanding yoru rights and screaming its a travesty and you wont.

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My understanding of the rules concerning foreigners' owning companies in Thailand is that the farang ownership is usually limited to 49%, and Thai investors need to own at least 51%.

I'm guessing the public face of the bar, Steve, was indeed in Australia but may be a minority owner. Perhaps the bar has local/influential Thai 'investors' who were drinking in the bar and spotted/reported what was going on? Like everything else in this thread though, it is purely speculation...

Two Aussie owners.

Steve & Chilla both married to Thais thats the 51%

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Your forgetting by her own admission.. Running away so resisting arrest, obstructing an officer in the pursuit of justice, probably drunk and disorderly etc etc etc.. In the west they end up chucking the book at you for similar behavior, then bargain it down in court.. Here they just stick to one charge despite the rest.

Shes out on bail.. So let it simmer for a month or so..

Plus her idiot husband needs to know when to close his mouth.. A whole host of statements that will work badly against them.

<deleted> listen to her interview from her own mouth on 3AW.COM.AU

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Lets take a break folks. The lady, and I use that word lightly, in question is typical of most tourist the world over. No real consideration of were she is going, no research about local customs, and laws. Maybe a bit of time spent reading about Thailand and she would not find herself in the fine mess she has placed herself in.

This is probably the silliest post on the whole thread. Whether or not the woman is a "lady" is a moot point - however, she is an ordinary suburban mother of four young kids who went for a holiday to Thailand for a few days with ten girlfriends. Are you seriously suggesting that countries like Thailand, that depend on tourism for a large part of their export income, should require inbound visitors coming for a few days to somehow be cultural experts? Great idea. That would reduce tourism by about 95%.

No I think what he was saying was.. That to be culturally aware and realize when your out of your element without backup.. Is likely to help prevent you from ending up in a foreign legal system !!

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Phuket post.....

Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

You may find there is more than one owner. I have met at least two one of which is Steve & I don't think he has a handle bar moustache.

This Steve character seems to be the main stake holder doing all the international press interviews.

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Phuket post.....

Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

You may find there is more than one owner. I have met at least two one of which is Steve & I don't think he has a handle bar moustache.

This Steve character seems to be the main stake holder doing all the international press interviews.

Yes correct.

He is in Australia now.

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So to all the people posting and claiming that the 36 year old mother of 4 was abusive and demeaning of the Thai Police where is the evidence?


Thai police, meanwhile, said Ms Smoel was drunk and abusive.

"She was very rude to the two police, but they didn't properly understand what she was saying," the Herald Sun reported Lt-Maj Jongseam Preecha as saying.

"They brought her to me, and she was very loud."

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Just seen on Channel 7 television news Australia. Many people sending emails of misadventures at the aussie bar.

Link please.

I can't find anything about misadventures at Aussie Bar.


If you can't provide a link please don't post sh#t on this forum.

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