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Free Tourist Visas Between June 25, 2009 And March 2010

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anyone know what will happen with double entry? this applies to single, but what if want double? pay for one or pay for 2?

same deal...free (plus your visa extension fees if you choose to stay longer than two months on an entry). I went up to Vientiane last month and received a free double entry. At the recommendation of others applying I actually wrote "Double" right on the application form. When I handed it to the Thai consulate staff, they circled my "double" and also wrote double directly on the form. Seems they are happy to give these out in Laos.

But if you're going to the Vientiane consulate, though, get there early. I arrived at 7 am and I was already 34th in line. By 830 when they opened the gate there were over 300 people waiting! I'm not kidding - last ticket number I saw on my way out was 368! As you can imagine the numbering process wasn't exactly smooth. The consulate actually had a staffer standing next to a ticket machine pushing the button for every person in line...slooooooooooooooow.

While you wait for the gate to open, there's a little shack-shop down the street (not the shop directly across from the consulate) and they serve HUGE baguettes and eggs with a mean dark cup of coffee. Nice way to start the consulate wait.

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yeah, i agree, it is something. It will certainly allow all the whiners who complain about the 14-day entry visa (which is a load of crap) time to focus on something else to bitch about.

It may not boost new tourism, as someone mentioned, but it will keep the people coming back that are on a long gap-year or backpacking journey. Which is probably not the kind of tourists the TAT is looking for anyway.

Edited by rilly
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What is particularly ironic is that many (most?) of the graduates of Thai business schools study marketing. Does the concept of 'know your customer' have any meaning to these folks at all. What this really demonstrates is how little the management of Thai Tourism understands it's customers. I guess they have their jobs because of who they know and competence doesn't enter into it.


It's a common concept in Thailand. It's called 'know who' and not 'know how'. :)

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I've just heard it on the BBC News.

There are queues ten miles long outside the Thai Consulate in London.

Apparently there was a mad scramble involving thousands of people, all desperate to get their free visas before the consulate runs out of rubber stamp ink.

Major employers in London are complaining that their offices are unmanned as the stampede for visas reches crisis proportions.

Riots and mayhem on the streets are feared.

The Home Secretary is considering mobilising the Home Guard to restore order to the capital

See there, its a GREAT idea!!!

Good thing the authorities didn't just give a 60 or 90 day Visa Exemption stamp on entry. A complex system like that would never work :)

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A free tourist visa may not solve all the tourism woes, but I'll take one. It is a lot better than a poke in the eye :D . You don't get much else free from the Thai government.

You do get a bit more Al, for starters free xenophobia, actually buckets of it. :)

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sweet! will be going to get a tourist visa in Laos next week!

at the moment there is still a fee at the laos embassy, because the ambassador has not yet given the orders for this to be done at the thai embassy lao's.

still waiting for the confirmation from them.

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No comment on the depth of stupidity. However, I came back to Thailand three days ago with a multiple entry visa which doesn't expire until Dec. 09. The girl at the airport stamped me with a 30 day visa and departure date. Is that something new? Before, they would stamp it good for a year from my re-entry date. I didn't say anything at the time for a lot of reasons. One being, it could have escalated into an international incident given my state of mind. At least I have one. She looked like the product of in-breeding which she probably was.

Edited by Shotime
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Wonder if we farangs will receive discounts on som tom as well?!? :)

A more direct measure to help local economy - similar to VAT - would be to refund the 'bar fine' for a period (at seven-eleven and limited to 4 receipts each day?)

Oh no: between the periods...

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I must be 'asleep at the wheel'??? What is this free crapola? You get a free 30 day upon arrival anyway. I have lived here 10 years and have a retirement visa, but this announcement is as useless as that so-called Thaksin 'special priviledge' card at a million baht or something like that.......what a total rip-off. This country is run by a bunch of Monkeys.......the only problem is that they don't get paid enough bananas and peanuts, and therefore do not get the job done..............getting the baht back up to near 40 to 1 on the dollar would stimulate more spending, me thinks? Would also help exports. The BOT is trying to stay in line with China.........Thailand 'ain't' no China!!! I must have failed 3rd grade math, but doesn't it make more sense that I would be spending around 160,000 per month instead of 120,000 per month, with a weaker baht???? Tum Dee Die Dee, Tum Chua Die Chua.................

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Free tourist visas between June 25, 2009 and March 2010

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- Continuing its efforts to expedite the revival of the Thai travel and tourism industry, the Royal Thai government has agreed to exempt the fee for tourist visa applications, effective 25 June 2009 to March 2010.

All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulates-General worldwide will be exempted from tourist visa fee from 25 June 2009 to March B.E.2553 (2010).

Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa single entry only.

-- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok 2009-06-24

Is it allowed to shed my serious doubts about this?

Most tourist coming over from Europe, and I guess from most other destinations, will stay here for maybe 2-3 weeks, max.

No visa needed!

They can stay here for 15/30/60 days without any visa application.

Maybe it is time for the Thai Government to start thinking different.

Maybe, just maybe, might it be possible to look upon the longer staying people not as "vermin" but as potential supporters of tourism?

If they talk to friends and family abroad in a negative way, one can be rather certain that part of the negative vibrations will remain with the potential visitor?

On the other hand, positive vibes can have a positive influence.

And, lately, the longer staying crowd does not really have much reason to emit positive vibrations.

Talking to a lot of other expats or looking in Thai Visa does not give one the idea of radiant vibrations.

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What do you do if a consulate says that they dont know anything about this free tourist visa and ask you to pay??? As happened to me in Bali the last time the government said the tourist visa was for free.

Happened to a friend of mine aswell in Penang Malaysia , they just said to him NO there is no free visa you have to pay!

Edited by Thara
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What kind of deluded idiots think that a free visa is the answer to the revival of the tourist industry? The complete lack of thought process in government here never ceases to amaze me.

I would be interested to know how effective the previous 'free visa' strategy was before... any figures out there?

First off, no need to exaggerate, it is just partial lack.

Secondly, it is not a strategy, but a nice gesture

And lastly, do you really interested in stats? :) Get real. Let the government do its job. Otherwise, someone will tell that they do nothing.

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Need to see the numbers - this initiative on its own may spur very little impulse travel or cause people to change decisions - but China & India passport holders need to pay around 1000Baht or so on arrival/person if applying on arrival, or about the same via Thai embassy in their respective countries.

This together with the low flight fares, may help the travel agents - market packages. (or they may collect the visa fees anyway under some other charge).

Some airlines are offering rock bottom rates to Bangkok - this combined with visa waivers - could spur some incentive/group travel... but definitely of no value to Visa Waiver countries (Singapore, Japan... Europe etc...). May also help some middle eastern countries.

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I really don't see the point of this.

Do they seriously think that by issuing free tourist visas it is going to increase the number of tourists coming to Thailand?

Firstly, how would any potential tourists even know that the visa was free until they went to apply for one. It's not as though the news of this wonderful freebie is going to be plastered all over the press, radio and TV.

And secondly, once they goe to apply for said visa, they have probably already booked their holiday or their flight, so the fact that it is free will no no way influence their decision to come here.

If this is the best idea they can come with to boost tourism, then they are in for a lean time in the coming months.

'PONG', you're missing the 'PING' !

You sign off with:

"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace."

— Buddha

Better start practising what you're preaching . . . . or, from now on be known as Moby-DICK.

Perhaps look at this free-visa-effort as something POSITIVE; and maybe it infers that the Thai Government is beginning to wake-up a bit to the needs of the country ?? Give them a chance; obviously your keepers gave you (more than) one ?!?


Agreed. Always amazes me how people decide to live in Thailand and then spend their time slagging the place off.

A bloody idiot knows it's not going to save the tourism indusry but it's a positive step.

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My first post - but had to comment. The Thai Prime Minister was on BBC NEWS 24 yesterday and clearly stated that none of the events of this and last year had directly affected the tourist industry (like closing the airport, arresting tourists with arbitary offences and large fines, red-shirts here, yellow shirts there etc etc). What hope is there when a seemingly intelligent, educated man says this? Free Tourist visas? P****Ing in the wind yet again I'm afraid. Until these people learn to accept that they bear most of the responsibility for the fiasco that is now the Thai tourism industry, and not blame external influences completely for their own inadequacies, then there will be no improvement. I tis saddening to say many of my pals losing their shirts on bars and restaurants that should have a perfectly secure future, even in times of global downturns. The tourist industries of Phillippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia are also seeing a downturn, but not of the magnitude of here. Downtown Pattaya is a ghost town and getting worse. And the local mayor believes that going no a promtional tour to Mumbai will help matters - God help us all !

I really don't see the point of this.

Do they seriously think that by issuing free tourist visas it is going to increase the number of tourists coming to Thailand?

Firstly, how would any potential tourists even know that the visa was free until they went to apply for one. It's not as though the news of this wonderful freebie is going to be plastered all over the press, radio and TV.

And secondly, once they goe to apply for said visa, they have probably already booked their holiday or their flight, so the fact that it is free will no no way influence their decision to come here.

If this is the best idea they can come with to boost tourism, then they are in for a lean time in the coming months.

'PONG', you're missing the 'PING' !

You sign off with:

"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace."

— Buddha

Better start practising what you're preaching . . . . or, from now on be known as Moby-DICK.

Perhaps look at this free-visa-effort as something POSITIVE; and maybe it infers that the Thai Government is beginning to wake-up a bit to the needs of the country ?? Give them a chance; obviously your keepers gave you (more than) one ?!?


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Free tourist visas between June 25, 2009 and March 2010

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- Continuing its efforts to expedite the revival of the Thai travel and tourism industry, the Royal Thai government has agreed to exempt the fee for tourist visa applications, effective 25 June 2009 to March 2010.

All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulates-General worldwide will be exempted from tourist visa fee from 25 June 2009 to March B.E.2553 (2010).

Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa single entry only.

-- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok 2009-06-24

:D:) LARRY-MOE & CURLEY could have done a better job of ruin/running this country !!! yawn zzzzz....

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'PONG', you're missing the 'PING' !

You sign off with:

"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace."

— Buddha

Better start practising what you're preaching . . . . or, from now on be known as Moby-DICK.

Perhaps look at this free-visa-effort as something POSITIVE; and maybe it infers that the Thai Government is beginning to wake-up a bit to the needs of the country ?? Give them a chance; obviously your keepers gave you (more than) one ?!?


Thank you for your kind words. :D:D

I had no idea that folk on Thai Visa were so nice and polite, and were so erudite in their praise. :D

Yes, free visas are a very positive step for the "permanent" tourists who populate sin city. Leaves them with more money to hand over to their nightly conquests. :D

If you ever bothered to read, you would know that this measure has already been used earlier this year with no noticeable effect whatsoever.

As for them "waking up" - well one of the major earmarks of funds in the latest 800 Billion borrowing package, is to boost tourism, so I do think that they may already be aware of the problem. (But a good try anyway Mr jaapfries)

The question is, how will they spend the money?

Free Visas? :)

Yes... already working - see my report from London. :D

Edited by Mobi
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Need to see the numbers - this initiative on its own may spur very little impulse travel or cause people to change decisions - but China & India passport holders need to pay around 1000Baht or so on arrival/person if applying on arrival, or about the same via Thai embassy in their respective countries.

This together with the low flight fares, may help the travel agents - market packages. (or they may collect the visa fees anyway under some other charge).

Some airlines are offering rock bottom rates to Bangkok - this combined with visa waivers - could spur some incentive/group travel... but definitely of no value to Visa Waiver countries (Singapore, Japan... Europe etc...). May also help some middle eastern countries.


If those who have been quick to laugh at the Thai governments supposed stupidity had as much intelligence they could have reasoned that for themselves.

In the future the real growth in tourism could be comming from place like China and India. Not more established markets which are also suffering badly in this recession.

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Given the current economical crisis on the one hand, and on the other hand the reduction in tourists selecting Thailand as their destination, the Thai department of tourism had to come up with some promotional activities, hence the offer as stated here, 60 % of tourists enter Thailand without a visa since they get 30 days visa free and that time span is enough for the average holiday maker.

Nevertheless, the department for tourism feel that they have done their duty to promote Thailand in terms of increasing tourism, since it sounds good when advertised somewhere, but it will have little effect in real terms since Western tourists do not visit Thai Embassies in their country prior to getting here, simply because they do not need a visa.

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Free tourist visas between June 25, 2009 and March 2010

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- Continuing its efforts to expedite the revival of the Thai travel and tourism industry, the Royal Thai government has agreed to exempt the fee for tourist visa applications, effective 25 June 2009 to March 2010.

All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulates-General worldwide will be exempted from tourist visa fee from 25 June 2009 to March B.E.2553 (2010).

Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa single entry only.

-- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok 2009-06-24


Ahh you poor guys trying to be honest with thailand and stay or go there or whateva,,,its a clown show and the show must go on,,viet nam is the new place to go,,thailands done may as well accept it and be done with it.Thailand wont undo the damage they have done to themselves over night if ever,itll take a long time and they just arnt smart enough to do it..Just gotta get out and visit now and then to reminisc about the good ole days.even the rich folk will be getting the lesson as per the elite card kick.Its just the way the earth is,it couldnt last forever and aint comin back.check out VN and Laos ,they are taking off,much nicer

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I really don't see the point of this.

Do they seriously think that by issuing free tourist visas it is going to increase the number of tourists coming to Thailand?

Firstly, how would any potential tourists even know that the visa was free until they went to apply for one. It's not as though the news of this wonderful freebie is going to be plastered all over the press, radio and TV.

And secondly, once they goe to apply for said visa, they have probably already booked their holiday or their flight, so the fact that it is free will no no way influence their decision to come here.

If this is the best idea they can come with to boost tourism, then they are in for a lean time in the coming months.

I agree with Mobi.

The Govt would be better off reducing air fares or landing taxes to make cheaper flights into the country. Apart from all the recent strife the one thing is that it doesn't last for long and I think many people still see Thailand as getting value for the $, yen, paseo pound etc. People will come if they lower the price to get there. A visa cost equals sweet f a, in terms of how I think of cost.

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Watch out for the stampede !!!

Wow how completely meaningless since most people secure a tourist visa upon arrival without charge!

This is a 60 day tourist visa that can be extended for 30 days easily-total 90 days-with 2 entries 180 days. The visa on arrival is only 30 days with a 15 day extension

I repeat. How completely meaningless. how many of the millions of tourists that come here do you honestly think stay here for more than a month anyway?

Slim to none I'd venture

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Given the current economical crisis on the one hand, and on the other hand the reduction in tourists selecting Thailand as their destination, the Thai department of tourism had to come up with some promotional activities, hence the offer as stated here, 60 % of tourists enter Thailand without a visa since they get 30 days visa free and that time span is enough for the average holiday maker.

Nevertheless, the department for tourism feel that they have done their duty to promote Thailand in terms of increasing tourism, since it sounds good when advertised somewhere, but it will have little effect in real terms since Western tourists do not visit Thai Embassies in their country prior to getting here, simply because they do not need a visa.

Does anyone have the actual breakdown of nationalities of tourist arrivals for Thailand? Or know where to find it?


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I really don't see the point of this.

Do they seriously think that by issuing free tourist visas it is going to increase the number of tourists coming to Thailand?

Firstly, how would any potential tourists even know that the visa was free until they went to apply for one. It's not as though the news of this wonderful freebie is going to be plastered all over the press, radio and TV.

And secondly, once they goe to apply for said visa, they have probably already booked their holiday or their flight, so the fact that it is free will no no way influence their decision to come here.

If this is the best idea they can come with to boost tourism, then they are in for a lean time in the coming months.

Couldn't agree more, it will make absolutely ZERO percent difference, I am glad I don't own a hotel is this country, I forecast the lowest high season known since records began will be 2009/10 and the country will get nothing less than it can expect due to its own actions which is so unfortunate for those hard working honest Thais in the tourist industry. And they thought the tsunami was the biggest ever threat to the country's tourism future? Hmmmm

Edited by Robbie Dye
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it will boom the thailand traffic ..

or u can say its good step for thai tourism industry

no it wont,to much mishandling for to long and itll change for bad again soon like it always will,,we arnt stupid over here,some are

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I repeat. How completely meaningless. how many of the millions of tourists that come here do you honestly think stay here for more than a month anyway?

Slim to none I'd venture

backpackers, that's it really. this doesn't impact at all on the thousands of families and couples who are now taking their two weeks' worth of dollars, pounds or euroes to other destinations rather than phuket, samui, chang or the other islands.

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