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Oishi Green Tea


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I assume Oishi Green Tea to be a healthy drink. However, on the ingredients list - i think - it states that the sugar content is 9% - although it also gives Tea content as 30% ??

Anyone know the true values? 9% sugar is a lot in a 500 mil bottle if thts what it means. But how 30% tea??

Edited by pavlovsdog
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I assume Oishi Green Tea to be a healthy drink. However, on the ingredients list - i think - it states that the sugar content is 9% - although it also gives Tea content as 30% ??

Anyone know the true values? 9% sugar is a lot in a 500 mil bottle if thts what it means. But how 30% tea??

Different sugar content in different flavors. Original is 9-10%. There is one sugar free flavor.

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I assume Oishi Green Tea to be a healthy drink. However, on the ingredients list - i think - it states that the sugar content is 9% - although it also gives Tea content as 30% ??

Anyone know the true values? 9% sugar is a lot in a 500 mil bottle if thts what it means. But how 30% tea??

I find all Oishi teas are far too sweet, but I enjoy Fuji Tasty or Original. It seems that more people are buying these because it si always difficult to find Fuji in Tops or Rimping, so when I find it I buy a lot. I know that Thai people are supposed to have a sweet tooth but Oishi is too sweet for my Thai partner too, and it surely cannot be healthy. :)

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I assume Oishi Green Tea to be a healthy drink. However, on the ingredients list - i think - it states that the sugar content is 9% - although it also gives Tea content as 30% ??

Anyone know the true values? 9% sugar is a lot in a 500 mil bottle if thts what it means. But how 30% tea??

Just by the "sugar free" Oishi Green Tea ... then you can drink it without sugar, or as I do ... put in a little honey to taste and it's delicious.

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The Oishi green tea with no sugar (and it clearly tastes there is none) are the Oishi ones with the white bottle caps... They're not available in any of the 7/11s I've seen, which stock the original, Genmai and lemon varieties. But they are available at the supermarkets, like Tesco, Carrefour, Foodland, Villa and such. Lately, the prices have come down a bit, usually can find somewhere on sale for 14-16 baht per bottle. The regular price is 18-20 baht per bottle.

However, on the shelves, lately, there's a new entry, "Kirin Japanese Green Tea, Muto No Sugar." I've seen it at both Tesco and Carrefour in recent weeks priced at 14 baht per bottle, same size, in the sugar free and other flavors similar to Oishi. The sugar free version has a white bottle cap and mostly white label, with Thai on one side and English on the reverse.

After having consumed the Oishi sugar free every day for the past two years, I now find the Kirin not only is better priced but also has a distinctly stronger tea flavor, where as the Oishi tastes more like water by comparison. So I've taken to buying the Kirin... Give it a try...

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I am a big Oishi sugar free drinker, two a day in the afternoon. In Pattaya, it is available at about a third of the 7-11s and Family Marts. It is annoying that they don't all have it, to give at least one sugar free option. Thanks for the Kirin suggestion, I will try it, but haven't seen that at any 7-11s or FMs.

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Jing, I'm in BKK as you know.... but I'll look around here to see if I can find the Kirin's in any of the smaller marts... As I mentioned, I never saw those even in Tesco or Carrefour until the past few weeks....

Interesting about Oishi sugar free... Here in BKK, I've yet to find the white top bottles in any 7/11, nor can I recall finding it in any 7s when I've been traveling.... Maybe they do a bit better with that in Pattaya...

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Re the new(ish) Kirin bottled green teas... here's a snapshot of what they look like... Missing from this photo is the white bottled/topped variety with no sugar...


John, be careful you don't get nicked for taking photos in the stores mate. :)

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Could someone tell me if the sugar free teas are like diet coke etc., i.e. laden with artificial sweetener, or if they are free of any form of sweetening?

Personally, we tend to make a jug of green tea and keep it in the fridge, but it would be nice to be able to get one when out and about.

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Fuji usually retails for 25 baht per bottle, a bit more expensive. I like the Fuji. I like the Oishi. I just tried the Kirin bought at Tops, it does taste different and I can see why some would prefer it, but I still prefer Oishi (all unsweetened).

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