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Over 1,000 Unlicensed Taxis, Guides Arrested At Suvarnabhumi


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3 times i have been talked into a nice car with a driver that looks clean and fresh only to be taken behind a condo not far from the airport and put into a old car with a driver that looks like and probably did sleep in the car for the better part of the year. yes i know my fault for getting in .That's Thailand but i would like to see it get better , oh 1,000 arrested if it was half that amount i would be surprised.

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AoT president Serirat Prasutanond said earlier the gangs which ran the illegal operations had indicated to him in a phone call that they would flood back in once the crackdown lost steam.


Gang Leader: How can we make the monthly payment if the cops are busting us?

Airport Official: Don't worry I'll let you know when its clear but you owe me one.

So the AoT President is on the phone with these guys but they can't manage to find out whose running the gangs.

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The problem, as usual, is that the fine imposed is not commensurate with the crime. This is one of the problems that Thailand is

facing, with it's rather anemic fight against corruption. There is no teeth with a 1,000 baht fine. Who cares? If they are serious, they

will start imposing fines of 500,000 baht, and a jail sentence of 90 days. Word will get around, and the problem with shrink overnight.

All of these scam artists know that the authorities are not serious in their fight. They know it is just a front, and that too many people

benefit from the ongoing corruption. If they were serious about cleaning up the airport, they would arrest the CEO of King Power, and

also the Police Chief responsible for the department that handles Suvarnabhumi. These guys would be tried, convicted, and sentenced

to 10 years each, at the Bangkok Hilton Prison. Then we would all take them seriously. Until then, the Thai authorities remain the

laughing stock of ASEAN, and remain among the lower ranks of Burma, Cambodia, and the Philippines, in their fight, or lack thereof. Already

Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and neighbors China, and India are working hard to root out this problem. Thailand is focusing on corruption

from the elections, and not the aspect of corruption that keeps the country from becoming a world player. At this rate, in 30 years, Thailand

may be in the lower half of ASEAN, having been surpassed by Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

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Actually trying to rip of tourists arriving at the airport can be construed as an attempt to disgrace the Land Of Smiles and deliberately trying to tarnish the reputation of Thailand. This is similar as treason and so when doing this at the Airport, the tugs who are orcestrating these activities (the guys behind it all) should be charged with high treason and be given the death penalty.

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Actually trying to rip of tourists arriving at the airport can be construed as an attempt to disgrace the Land Of Smiles and deliberately trying to tarnish the reputation of Thailand. This is similar as treason and so when doing this at the Airport, the tugs who are orcestrating these activities (the guys behind it all) should be charged with high treason and be given the death penalty.

I suggest you have a coffee, wake up completely then come back and post something sensible.

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This will be a short-term fix until they enact laws with teeth, i.e. quite harsh penalties. A 1000 baht fine is chicken feed and has no deterrent effect whatsoever. Make it 100,000 baht or more in addition to jail time of at least 1 year and really enforce that law and they can then clean it up. Many laws here have paltry fines and have not been updated for years. 1,000 baht may have been a lot 30 years ago, but it's chicken feed today.

It wouldn't be too hard to push through such a law in Parliament I would think especially because these vultures tarnish the image of the country and as we all know, first impresssions are everything.

1. Personally I would say confiscate the cars, and donot give them back....

2. If possible tatoo them on the forehead to identify them.....

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2. If possible tatoo them on the forehead to identify them.....

Not necessary IMHO - their jackets are enough to set off alarm bells.

I would venture that anyone wearing a black jacket in a tropical country is either selling you something you dont need, or something that you can buy cheaper elsewhere. :)

Edited by Payboy
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Whilst Suvarnanbhumi is the worst and most blatant in terms of airport scams Soekarno-Hatta is not entirely problem free either.

And for discourteous airport security people New Zealand has got to take the award for being the worst. So bad that I think that they recruited their staff from the Gestapo and SS

Wow! Are these people that old?

Or are you just being cliché.


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The AoT Limo management have the right idea. Their people are in yellow blazers and their signage is all yellow so you know you are dealing with legit people before you depart the baggage claim areas. However, the dark-suited official ATTA reps that hover outside the exit doors look like undertakers in their ill-fitting dark suits. I was waiting outside the 'B' (center) exit from International Arrivals for a budy and although these reps were quite low-key in their approach to any new arrival looking lost, their appearance is offputting and most 'lost' souls tried to scuttle away when all these reps were trying to do was politely point them towards meeting points or taxi ranks. This invariably forces the lost new arrival to be very vulnerable as the touts are all hovering around the secure exits from the Arrival area where there's no official booths or desks and they get forced into dealing with the scammers and touts as they can't re-enter the Arrival zone.

In my opinion, these reps should take a leaf out of the AoT limo staff and wear a well-fitting colored blazer, say green as it's easy on the eye, so that passengers know through proper advisories (in flight airport arrival info videos sponsored by TAT) that these people are official. Then most newbies will manage to find a legal tour operator or taxi without being fleeced.

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AoT president Serirat Prasutanond said earlier the gangs which ran the illegal operations had indicated to him in a phone call that they would flood back in once the crackdown lost steam.

That's conspiracy to commit an offence in my book...so whoever Mr Serirat spoke to on the phone should be nicked straight away.

Edited by bkkbrad
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Does Suwanboom have decent shuttle service to the city yet?

Last time I was there, it seemed there was an ok shuttle, but it went to a bus terminal, and therefore travelers had to unload with heavy bags, and then wander around half-dazed without much assistance. Many are new to Thailand, and may have been traveling for around 20 hours. Bummer.

If Thailand wants to do things to get closer to being a 1st world country, it should immediatly implement an easy to use shuttle service. Buses (or whatever) should run often, be well marked, have courtesy staff to assist, ....maybe even a hydraulic lift for disabled ...naw that's too 1st world, forget it.

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This is nothing but a veiled attempt by some elements to overthrow the Government by trashing the reputation of Thailand. The best place to do this is at Suvarnabhumi of course.

Since this is a blatant attempt to overthrow the Governement, the culprit should be punished in the hardest possible way, life in prison for trying to stage a coup in this clandestine manner.

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Airport crackdown shows results

Over 1,000 unlicensed taxis, guides arrested


AIRPORT BATTLES BACK: A special security team at Suvarnabhumi

claims it has arrested 1,155 illegal drivers and tour guides in a month

but admits it has a long way to go to clean up a "serious" situation

plaguing the airport.

SUVARNABHuMI: -- A special security team at Suvarnabhumi airport has arrested 750 unlicensed taxi and limousine drivers and 405 illegal tour guides in the space of just one month, officials say.

The security team, made up of police, airport security guards and land transport officials, began a crackdown on illegal activities at the airport on July 31 after a flood of complaints from tourists. Airport director Niran Thiranartsin yesterday said illegal taxis were initially targetted, but tour guides operating without permission were included from Aug 9.

Despite the huge number of arrests, a Bangkok Post investigative report on Sunday showed many more illegal operators were continuing to plague the airport.

Mr Niran said the situation remained serious despite the initial success of the security team in tackling the problem.

Illegal operators still needed to be targetted and "we have to keep on seriously enforcing the security measures", he said.

Any leniency now would only cause a setback to Airports of Thailand Plc's renewed attempt to clean up the airport by weeding out illegal operators and corrupt officials.

AoT president Serirat Prasutanond said earlier the gangs which ran the illegal operations had indicated to him in a phone call that they would flood back in once the crackdown lost steam.

The maximum fine that could be imposed on the illegal operators was 1,000 baht. Mr Niran said many of those arrested were repeat offenders and it was necessary to produce factual information to increase the penalties against them.

Besides the special security team, assigned to patrol the airport around the clock, a new airport unit has been set up to deal directly with illegal taxis and tour guides and to support the team's work, Mr Niran said.

The airport was also installing 50 more security cameras in the arrivals hall and in front of the passenger area on the second floor, he said.

But one area where it was difficult to conduct surveillance was around the baggage carousel where porters with clearance passes who work for the airlines could approach passengers to help them with their luggage.

Mr Niran said many of the porters were like "outsourced" workers for the gangs and it was difficult to expose them.

The AoT has been forced to tighten its security measures at the trouble-plagued airport as the gangs had almost free rein there for three years.

However, an AoT source said despite tougher measures, including the planned transfer of staff suspected of being involved in the illegal operations, the gangs would not be easily contained.

"These gangs still do their business as usual," he said.

The AoT needed more cooperation from airport staff at the operating level. But many were found to lack morale and appeared uninterested in the problem because it was supposed to be the responsibility of the special security team, he said.


-- Bangkok Post 2009-09-09

it seems like it's all about ripping off farangs in this country,two day's ago i was on a bikers party in pattaya when the police stopt me on the traffic lights and fined me because my bike made too much noise ???

1000 bath and the money went strait in his pocket!

i start hating this moneysick corrupt people,where will this end?!

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it seems like it's all about ripping off farangs in this country,two day's ago i was on a bikers party in pattaya when the police stopt me on the traffic lights and fined me because my bike made too much noise ???

1000 bath and the money went strait in his pocket!

i start hating this moneysick corrupt people,where will this end?!

Probably as soon as you get your noisy bloody bike sorted.

Buy a muffler!

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This is nothing but a veiled attempt by some elements to overthrow the Government by trashing the reputation of Thailand. The best place to do this is at Suvarnabhumi of course.

Since this is a blatant attempt to overthrow the Governement, the culprit should be punished in the hardest possible way, life in prison for trying to stage a coup in this clandestine manner.

Where do you get these statements from?

Do you have a script writer?

If so i think you should show him the door.

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1000 bht fine will be seen as nothing more than a minor inconvenience by these crooks.

Lets say 3 trips a day to Pattaya @ 1200 a time = 3600 + at least one return load @ 600 = 4200 bht A DAY in the kitty. (ok, less fuel etc. but still not a bad days takings) x 7 = 29,400 a WEEK. About what some graduates would earn a month!

Agree with other posters, fine should be 10,000.

3 trips a day to Pattaya? These days they are lucky to get one trip per day to Pattaya.

Normal Pattaya visitor numbers = approx. 5 million a year, currently 30 - 40% down, say 3 mil.

= an average of approx 8,000 people a day going to Pattaya. OK, some Russians & Koreans fly into Utapao, lots use buses or are met by friends/relatives/hotel transfers. Still leaves quite a few looking for a taxi ride :)

Edited by Lancashirelad
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