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Custom Problem With Importing Medicine?


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Can anybody tell me if importing medicine from the USA presents a problem with Thai customs? I ordered some adrenal supplements online and am wondering if it will reach me and if I will have to pay an import tax.

Forgive me if this has been discussed already. I thought it would but could not find it.

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Import tax is the least of it, question is whether they will let it in at all. Several issues here.

First is whether or not what you have ordered is approved by the Thai FDA for use in Thailand. If it is not, then if it is comes under customs scrutiny and is recognized as a medication, may well be turned back.

If it is approved for use in Thailand then second issue is whether it is a restricted or controlled drug.

Last issue has to do with quantity. By law an import license is required to bring in more than a 30 day supply for personal use (and any quantity with intent to sell).

I am guessing that you have ordered some form of natural adrenal extract which in some countries is sold as a "nutritional supplement'. Thailand does not make that type of distinction,i.e. vitamins are classified as medications like any other, although of course in the category of medications which can be sold without prescription. Adrenal extract is not approved as a medication, only the specific gluococorticosteroids (cortisone and the like) and these are in a restricted category with doctor prescription required.

So a lot will depend on how the customs people view the contents i.e. whether they view it as a medication, in which case all of the above issues come into play, or whether they view it as some thing else...and also whether they bother with the package at all. Customs are quite unpredicatable in that regard.

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There are other things you can try like Apple Cider vinegar, baking soda and Sodium Tetraborate(Borax) which are available in Thailand. It depends on what is causing your CFS. A lot of times its fungal growth like Candida or Acidosis.

Quality Korean Ginseng is very good for rebuilding adrenal glands and is available. Other types of ginseng are cheaper and available but maybe not as effective. Other herbs like Jiaogulan are called adaptogens and very affordable.

Seeing a chinese medicine practioner is helpful as they can offer herb teas to rebuild and cleanse the system as well as accupuncture.

Earth Clinic website has a lot of good treatments and one of their best contributors is a Thai Man named Ted in Bangkok.

Earth Clinic

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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There are other things you can try like Apple Cider vinegar, baking soda and Sodium Tetraborate(Borax) which are available in Thailand. It depends on what is causing your CFS. A lot of times its fungal growth like Candida or Acidosis.

Quality Korean Ginseng is very good for rebuilding adrenal glands and is available. Other types of ginseng are cheaper and available but maybe not as effective. Other herbs like Jiaogulan are called adaptogens and very affordable.

Seeing a chinese medicine practioner is helpful as they can offer herb teas to rebuild and cleanse the system as well as accupuncture.

Earth Clinic website has a lot of good treatments and one of their best contributors is a Thai Man named Ted in Bangkok.

Earth Clinic

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I will pursue these options. Anyone have good advice on where to get apple cider vinegar and korean ginseng? I'm absolutely clueless.

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Tops and Rimping stores carry two suitable brands. Healthmate and Braggs are the two that are raw and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. There are other cheaper brands but not sure if they are as effective. They stock them in the aisle with the other soy sauces, vinegar and salad dressings.

Korean Ginseng Kiosks can be found at many shopping malls. The have one by the checkout here at the Tops market in Chiang Mai. Also chinese herb pharmacies tend to carry the top quality Korean brand as well as some cheaper perhaps Chinese ginsengs.

Jiaogulan tea is sold in many groceries and health food stores. It works similar to Ginseng in that its a adaptogen tonic but is a fraction of the price. Maybe start with quality Korean ginseng to stabilize yourself and then maintain with Jiaogulan.

FYI drinking caffeinated beverages like Coffee, soda and Tea just stimulates the adrenal glands without replenishing and often leads to adrenal burnout. Some people can tolerate caffeine longterm without adrenal exhaustion but many people cannot.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Thanks for the info. So basically if you live in Thailand and try to deal with Chronical Fatique Syndrom, you're screwed. I will have tp hope that I'm lucky, but doubt it.

Don't be so dramatic! Go and talk to your nearest FDA office and they will tell you what you need in terms of paperwork, if it can be done and what it will cost. Simple. If you don't have the pre-existing import license, forget it - goods are destroyed on arirval. This goes not just for medicines, but also medical equipment. Best news of all - you don't need drugs to deal with chronic fatigue syndrome at all - and there are plenty of excellent practitioners across Thailand who can help you with natural supplements, exercise etc. :) No drama required.

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My packages arrived today. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic: I am pretty pleased with that. I guess I was lucky this time. Next time I will use the suggested 'tactics'. Thanks to those who advised alternative medication to me. Just started using some of them.

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When I arrive in BKK, I usually carry my supply of medicine for 6 or 3 months. That means 100 or 200 pills. I always take the red channel. I show the pills, the 3 or 4 bottles of wine, the packs of cheese and salami to the customs. Never a problem. Once an officer told me it was only "nit noi" (?).

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When I arrive in BKK, I usually carry my supply of medicine for 6 or 3 months. That means 100 or 200 pills. I always take the red channel. I show the pills, the 3 or 4 bottles of wine, the packs of cheese and salami to the customs. Never a problem. Once an officer told me it was only "nit noi" (?).

I always take Green Channel,I declare nothing,give nothing - never had any problem.

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  • 1 year later...


reviving an old thread as I have a similar issue... ordered very high-strength vitD3 and vitK2 from the US and am now told by local fedEx that it cannot be cleared as the dose of the vitamins is too high. Only way out now seems to be getting in touch with a shipping company that can do some dodgy deal with customs whereby stuff goes into the "free zone", as in not for use in Thailand but to be shipped onwards. Working on that right now. Grateful for any other ideas. It p*sses me off no end that I cannot have autonomy over what I choose to put in my body ...

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  • 8 years later...

I ordered some kidney supplements for my dog from Amazon. They sent them with DHL. I had a phone call from DHL to say that I needed an import licence. I told them to return the supplements to Amazon. I then emailed Amazon with this information and asked them to re-send them by air mail through the post. They arrived without problem. Amazon then refunded the import tax (which they charge in advance) as no tax was paid.

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