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Thai visa return airline ticket ?

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Any idea if China Airlines demands a return ticket prior to departure ?? I am going back to Thailand, and haven't decided when im returning. Likely, I will be traveling around a bit. Anyways , just asking, because I dont want some angry Mandarin keeping me at the gate.  If no one has a clue I will just call the airlines themselves. But didnt want to ask them in case it sounded to shady to them  :o


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James I have usued China Airways for over 10 years with not 2 many problems (I refused to board once and another time told the manager at bangkok.to F.U.)I got stuck in amsrterdam once but they put me up in the local Golden Tulip plus food etc and next day got upgraded-as usual.If you are in the UK give Leanne Emery the new service manager a call,shes OK and wont think you are suspicious (are u?)Direct Line..0207-291-9232...Chok-dee. :cool:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just got off the phone with a ticket representative with China Airlines in California area. She said, that by regulation if I am flying to Bangkok,  I require an outbound ticket ( could be to anywhere) out of Bangkok before they will let me on the plane.  I am going to go to the airport early to see if this is the case. And, if they dont let me on I will just buy a ticket out of Bangkok for Singapore or somewhere near by. I must say I think this is all a bunch of crap. I mean really! What are people who continue their travel plans by leaving via land or sea suppose to do. It doesnt make sense. I really hope its just some dusty regulation, that they dont bother to check at the terminal.
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Thailand grants a 30 day visa free period of stay to the lucky countries for tourism purposes on the basis  the arriver has  a confirmed outbound ticket within 30 days. Immigration and Customs have copies of the flight manifest which indicates outbound arrangements or the lack of them. An increase in security means it got tougher. Airlines are responsible for you, and in addition to having to remove you from the Kingdom at airline expense they are heavily fined. The considerable effort and angst to avoid getting a visa does not seem useful to me. If one has a visa issued abroad, one does not need an outbound ticket.
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Dr. Pat Pong

I will be arriving on a double entry tourist Visa, which was issued in Washington DC.   I still do not think this negates the airlines regulations.  I am sure Immigration in Bangkok could care less.  What I am worried about is my little friends at China Airlines giving me a problem. Again,  seems wierd that they would be concerned about me, being a liability, especially since I am an american passport holder, look smart, and have money on my person to proof that I can support myself more than adequately . Again, really this regulation seems stupid to me. What about farang who continue their plans out of the Kingdom on land. Someone going on to Malaysia is expected to have a outbound air ticket,  when in fact they might just as easy cross the border on foot. Seems unreasonable!


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Cannot speak for China Airlines ....but Thai will carry you if you have a valid tourist visa, and it is legal. It may be that some consular officers may interpret things differently. The Malaysia thing is not valid....the requirement for the 30 day visa on arrival is that the tourist has an outbound  airticket within 30 days. A visa overcomes the problem. Your double entry visa enables two stays of up to 60 days   each entry  and you have 6 months in which to make them both.  I can see where Thai Immigration are coming from...the idea that    a visitor MIGHT go overland to another country sometime is  too hard to police.  For instance people find booze and girls and lose track of time....not that you or I would suffer from this affliction.
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