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Thai Government Urges Citizens On Alert In Bangkok


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Thai government urges citizens on alert in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- The Thai government urged people in Bangkok on Tuesday to be on the alert for signs of militant attacks following the bombing of an airport in the commercial centre of the south by suspected Muslim extremists.

"Please help us watch out for any threat because if it happens, it will hurt every one of us," said Defence Minister Thammarak Israngura in the first such appeal since separatist violence broke out in the far south 15 months ago.

People should watch out for anything suspicious in Bangkok and inform the authorities immediately, he said.

"We can't be complacent, we have to take precautions," Thammarak told a Bangkok radio station when asked if he was worried militants, who have confined their attacks to the three Muslim-majority far south provinces, would strike in the capital.

That fear has been expressed many times since the violence, in which more than 600 people have been killed, erupted in the three Malay-speaking southern provinces in January last year.

So far, there has been not any militant attack in Bangkok and police said they had no indications that the militants -- who carry out daily killings and frequent bombings in the far south -- planned to strike in the capital.

But police have given extra protection to western embassies, train terminals and department stores, and reinforced 256 checkpoints throughout the city, Police Major General Chatchawal Suksomjit said.

"Despite no indications or leads that Bangkok is under threat, we have raised our level of security measures to protect these places," Chatchawal said.

The bombings on Sunday just outside the violence-hit southern provinces of Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala sparked fears that the unrest could be spreading.

The militant bombers struck the airport in the southern city of Hat Yai, the commercial centre of southern Thailand.

They also hit a hotel in Songkhla, 40 km (25 miles) away, and a supermarket.

The fertiliser and dynamite bombs, triggered by mobile phone, killed two people and wounded 60, officials said.

Many Malaysians and Singaporeans had cancelled planned vacations to Hat Yai and Songkhla, popular for their bars and brothels, the English-language Nation newspaper said.

The bombings also came ahead of Thailand's Songkran water festival holiday, a joyous celebration similar to the Hindu Holi when people drench each other with water and powdered colours.

"The cancellations are coming mostly from Singapore and Malaysia," The Nation quoted Nimitr Chaijratikul, head of the Songkhla Tourism Business Association as saying.

Security has been tightened at all airports with bomb sniffing dogs on patrol.

--Reuters: 2005-04-05

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For the current escalation of terror I place much of the blame on the current PM!

2nd GW Bush (shrub) would be in line!

Both are very poor leaders in my opinion!

I would like to see them get out of office as soon as possible!

Wake up Thailand/ USA you are sleeping on the job!

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Things are heating up........ :o

Country on security alert

Published on April 05, 2005

Screening tightened at all airports and dozens of other potential targets for attack, including 256 spots in Bangkok

Security has been beefed up at potential terrorist targets throughout the capital and around the rest of the country, as fears mount that Islamic insurgents will extend their campaign of violence out of the South.

Six major international airports have been told to heighten security in a bid to maintain confidence among domestic and international travellers.

Closed-circuit cameras will be installed in at least 40 locations throughout Bangkok, while Hat Yai International Airport will receive 25 new cameras.

Petroleum Authority of Thailand president Prasert Bunsampun has ordered all oil depots throughout the country to tighten security. Unauthorised vehicles will not be allowed to park overnight at the depots and local police have been asked to work closely with the company’s security guards.

The Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA), meanwhile, will install extra closed-circuit cameras at all subway stations, MRTA chief Prapat Jongsa-nguan said. The authority was also ordering metal detectors be installed at all stations, he said.

The British Embassy in Bangkok has revised its travel advice for the South, saying there is “a high threat from terrorism throughout Thailand, particularly in the four southern provinces”.

Flights have resumed at Hat Yai airport, where mobile-phone signals are being blocked at random to prevent remote-controlled bombs being detonated.

In Narathiwat, shots were fired into a police station and the district office in Joh Irong district last night, police said.

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For the current escalation of terror I place much of the blame on the current PM!

2nd GW Bush (shrub) would be in line!

Both are  very poor leaders in my opinion!

I would like to see them get out of office as soon as possible!

Wake up Thailand/ USA you are sleeping on the job!

Yes i totally agree with you. Neither of them are right wing enough we need to crack down on these terrorists, Perhaps a stalin type person would be the answer. :o
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Thaksin and Bush are both failures when it comes to terrorism because you simply can't fight the enemy with conventional weapons. How can you fight an enemy whose soldiers are willing to run suicide missions? With aircraft carriers? WIth ground troops? You can't win.

Both Thaksin's and Bush's arrogance breeds the type of hate that the terrorists have for them. The result, unfortunately, is that innocent people will suffer... too bad Bush and Thaksin won't suffer. They will come out with more money. I doubt that either really cares what happens to the citizens of the US or Thailand.

I don't have the answers, but I do know that neither of these leaders will leave the world a better place when their political term is finally over. Who loses? All of us.

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For the current escalation of terror I place much of the blame on the current PM!

2nd GW Bush (shrub) would be in line!

Both are  very poor leaders in my opinion!

I would like to see them get out of office as soon as possible!

Wake up Thailand/ USA you are sleeping on the job!

I'm sorry but I fail to see the logic in this, perhaps you could explain this so a simple person such as myself, could understand your point of view. I doubt that I would agree with it, but I would like to at least understand it.

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Well i have seen how things worsen up? i was born and lived for 10 yrs in Kashmir the most disturbed region for a long time. These things are worsening and they will worsen more if the people themselves are so unaware. ask any thai about what is happening in south thai , they have this 'mai pen rai' attitude ,, but i tell u what .. its not funny .. things take turns really badly when you have the fanatics after you.

The most sensible and civilized way of tackling such issues is discussion BUT these discussion more or less never work when u have people on the other end determined to do something thats more imp than their lives. They would either have what they want or will kill and get killed for it

So that brings us down to 2 possible scenarios

1. More violence while the govt talks

2. Govt gives in to what they want.

Mind you , if you think there is a middle path i am sorry .. that just does not work for these fanatics ..

So my guess is as good as urs for whats gonna happen in bangkok ..

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If these people want a separate State, then let them have it. See how they cope in generating their own fuel supplies, water, transport infrastructure, schools, trade agreements with the rest of the world, their own phone and postal systems, their own airline, their own factories, providing enough food for their mini-nation etc etc etc.

See how they cope with their independence and how long it is before they come calling for help.

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Thaksin and Bush are both failures when it comes to terrorism because you simply can't fight the enemy with conventional weapons.  How can you fight an enemy whose soldiers are willing to run suicide missions?  With aircraft carriers?  WIth ground troops?  You can't win. 

Both Thaksin's and Bush's arrogance breeds the type of hate that the terrorists have for them.  The result, unfortunately, is that innocent people will suffer... too bad Bush and Thaksin won't suffer.  They will come out with more money.  I doubt that either really cares what happens to the citizens of the US or Thailand.

I don't have the answers, but I do know that neither of these leaders will leave the world a better place when their political term is finally over.  Who loses? All of us.

How can you call Bush a failure, since 9/11 how many terrorist attacks has the western world suffered. You may not like the guy but he is successfull and maybe he thinks he can win, this must be a better option than saying "We can't win".

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Now Wed. morning USA tv show the video of bombing and telling people do not go to Thailand. What affect will this have on people coming for the holidays there. Most likely very little i guess. My wife is from the south (SATUN) and I have never any problems there and of course never will stop going. Sure there will be a bomb here and there but now in Thailand and they tell people do not go. But a place like Isreal has many bombs and they do not give the same warnings. What is the US goverment trying to do? Hurt Thailand again.

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Well it has been heading north for so time already. Only the blind could not see that. However I would have thought that the PM would have learned from history and defused the situation during last year already.

See how they cope with their independence and how long it is before they come calling for help.

Sure with shoddy education down South for generations, that should work. :D

How can you call Bush a failure, since 9/11 how many terrorist attacks has the western world suffered.

Not many, but you lost most of your rights after the attack. Osama must be laughing his ass off in some cave. :o

You may not like the guy but he is successfull and maybe he thinks he can win...

Successfull at what? Successfull and MAYBE thinks he can win. Where is the success in MAYBE you can win?

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..If I remember rightly the so called (PULO) Pattani United Liberation Organisation said last October that they would burn Bangkok down after the deaths of 78 Muslims who were in Thai army custody.

So we should not be surprised that these despicable terrorists who want power and wealth by means of cowardly violence have made their attacks with a view to frightening people.

These insurgents may think that they have a right to their own autonomy, but to use violence as a means to achieve it is a road to nowhere for them.

Thank goodness that the world has strong leaders who will make a stand against terrorists....if we did not have the likes of George Bush, and Tony Blair, and yes in this instance Thaksin then we would all live in permanent daily fear of the terrorists.

As far as dialogue is concerned an agreement by means of negotiation will only be achieved when the terrorists feel that they have not realised any headway by the use of their violence. This will come about when they have been `hurt` by being hit hard by the forces of law and order.

If concessions are given to these people and they think that these concessions have come about because of their use of bombing innocent civilians then this will open the floodgates for others who will see violence as a way of getting what they want.

So yes we must remain vigilant and be strong minded in the fight against terror and not be brainwashed into thinking that these terrorists are people who we can simply have dialogue with. Dialogue yes... but with strong military pressure as well.

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Bombs in Hat Yai?

Well, here’s my take; these criminals have shown, by their very actions, not to be Thai. They are the enemy within. They must be obliterated and removed by any means.

These delusional idiots have relinquished all right to be considered, or protected under Thai law.

The Prime Minister may be in error in seeking a course of mollification in the South. The perpetrators of these criminal acts should be considered “enemies of the state.”

The Prime Minister was right in the first place – put in place martial law, and enforce it to the letter. If a family allows a 17-year-old boy to reject filial respect for family and country, then they are as guilty as their progeny.

Finally, failures of Muslim leadership in the south to abjure and absolutely reject crimes against the state in the name of separatism and Islam condemn them as co-conspirators.

Oh…on the issued of separatism – no way, it just won't happen . Thailand cannot give up the Southern Provinces any more the United States could have given up the southern states to a renegade group called (The Confederacy). Kind of like Taiwan claiming to be a separate political entity from China. Foolishness.

I support the Prime Minister in whatever it takes to suppress the insurgency. In many ways this crime wave (in the name of subverted Islam) is more dangerous than Communist insurgency some 35 years ago.

What say you?


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Folks, sorry to digress a little but last Easter Sunday the BBC 1 in the UK showed at peak time their documentary on the former Tsumani which at one point confirmed that the Thai authorities had been warned on Boxing day that a Tsunami was heading for the Phukket and the reply given to Thailand's leading expert was they did not want to alarm the tourists!

If Thailand is to regain the confidence of Westerners it must be seen to be open and forthright about all threats- be it earhquakes, terrorism or bird Flu. With information we can act, with secrecy we do not know what is happening in the Land of Smilesand may stay away

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.....As far as dialogue is concerned an agreement by means of negotiation will only be achieved when the terrorists feel that they have not realised any headway by the use of their violence. This will come about when they have been `hurt` by being hit hard by the forces of law and order.

Which is what happened in Ireland. When the SAS started knocking off the IRA big boys they started wanting to negotiate.

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BUSH isn't right wing enough ?????? You dont know your left from your right dude. BUSH is so right wing, he falls off the table. Trigger happy Bush and Cheney's fiasco in Iraq is proof enough. Thaksin might take some advice from Bush and go down south and take care of things before they get out of control.

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In my view I see the whole "Liberation" of the south as having two heads. The first being an issue of "Identity" and the second being that of "Politics".


Of the 4% of Muslims in Thailand, 80% of them live down South. They are mainly of ethnic Malay descent. If we look at education in the South, Thai schools have pretty much been boycotted because they teach Thai and not in Malay or Arabic, nor does it cater for a Muslim community. With note to this, being that education levels in Southern Thailand is at the lowest levels in all of Thailand because of the boycott. Therefore schools had been vandalized as much as they are in the South. There had been a huge amount of Muslim Schools which do not fall into the Department of Education's, system. They are pretty much unregulated. However if memory serves me correct, the government clamped down on those. These had been the only schools that taught in Malay, Arabic and gave Muslim Studies. This might have helped to exacerbate an identity crisis for them and what may have been perceived as a threat to their religion or "way of life".


If we look at what such sources as Islam Online states - "The territory of Pattani was annexed to the Thai kingdom in 1902 in the same way as East Timor was annexed by Indonesia,". If we look at PAS on the Malaysian side of the border and PULO and BRN on the Thai side, we can clearly see that they do not only want Muslim culture brought back to the South, but they want it to be an independent Muslim Country where laws will be enshrined to the max as it would be in any other Muslim country.


I see the PM making many mistakes and actually forging the 2 separate heads together, instead of playing divide and conquer. He was as ill prepared for it as GW Bush, who instead of diplomatic moves used force where it was not needed. Violence begets violence. Why was this not seen?

What happened to Somchai Neelapaijit, the human rights lawyer? His vanishing act added more fuel to an inferno. What had happened to the Rule of Law? His clients right to a defense? This might have been viewed not only as being "Anti Muslim" but also as being the end to the Rule of Law down South.

Would it not have been better to have given the South their own identity again, by allowing Muslim schools, providing better development funds and creating more employment and stability. Poverty is a breeding ground for radicals. Creating more transparency and accountability during the last fire fights they had. Where people did not see the dead as victims but as martyrs. It is when people start to see martyrs and not victims that in my view you have a shift in thinking, which is dangerous.

Now it is not a cultural issue but a religious and political issue. This is where you open the doors and people like Osama gets invited in to provide support.

The only thing the current PM can be glad of is the fact they have not advanced beyond fertilizer bombs and pipe bombs. It would be a sign of very bad times to come when they advance beyond those tools, because it would show more international support in my view.

The only fact that makes me worry right now is the fact that they have issued a blank warning. Being that they know something is going to happen from human intel but nothing specific of note.

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..If I remember rightly the so called (PULO)  Pattani United Liberation Organisation said last October that they would burn Bangkok down after the deaths of 78 Muslims who were in Thai army custody.

So we should not be surprised that these despicable terrorists who want power and wealth by means of cowardly violence have made their attacks  with a view to frightening people.

These insurgents may think that they have a right to their own autonomy, but to use violence as a means to achieve it is a road to nowhere for them.

Thank goodness that the world has strong leaders who will make a stand against terrorists....if we did not have the likes of George Bush, and Tony Blair, and yes in this instance Thaksin then we would all live in permanent daily fear of the terrorists.

As far as dialogue is concerned an agreement by means of negotiation will only be achieved when the terrorists feel that they have not realised any headway by the use of their violence. This will come about when they have been `hurt` by being hit hard by the forces of law and order.

If concessions are given to these people and  they think that these concessions have come about because of their use of  bombing innocent civilians then this will open the floodgates for others who will see violence as a way of getting what they want.

So yes we must remain vigilant and be strong minded in the fight against terror and not be brainwashed into thinking that these terrorists are people who we can simply have dialogue with. Dialogue yes... but with strong military pressure as well.

Sadly enough, I think you are wrong about the terrorists achieving nothing. The issue of terrorism and the South has been hotly debated in Thailand ever since the first events in this uprising, there was a huge national parlamentary debate some time recently. Sad though it is, these debates would be unlikely to have occurred in the absence of a terror threat. How much did you hear about the South before this ball was set in motion?

I also have a question for you. By what means did the USA come to exist as a separate, autonomous entity from the English? Why did the colony not try to negotiate its way out, and fail to do something when the English did not listen?

To make myself clear, I really dont support violence against innocent people in any way, but your solution "to hit hard" is really quite blunt.

IMHO, the best way to stop terrorism in the South is to make sure the terrorists do not have a base of discontended people to recruit to their cause. This you achieve by listening to the demands and troubles of the common people, who want the right to practice their religion and more civil rights, as well as fewer corrupt officials. Hopefully you also realize the issue is further complicated because the southernmost provinces belong to another race of people who do not have much in common with the Central government of Thailand and also have a history of autonomous rule.

Hitting hard is good advice for builders, not politicians.

I choose to disregard your comments about Bush and Blair since they are irrelevant here, and hardly comparable with Thaksin.

More to the point, I really fail to see what progress Thaksin has made in trying to solve the Southern problems - please give me some examples.

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IMHO, the best way to stop terrorism in the South is to make sure the terrorists do not have a base of discontended people to recruit to their cause. This you achieve by listening to the demands and troubles of the common people, who want the right to practice their religion and more civil rights, as well as fewer corrupt officials. Hopefully you also realize the issue is further complicated because the southernmost provinces belong to another race of people who do not have much in common with the Central government of Thailand and also have a history of autonomous rule.

Yes you are correct in this, but it also must be combined with going after the leaders who are inciting the violence. They need to be taken out and examples must be made of them. History has shown over and over there is no way to have peace while they are still spreading their hatred.

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I hate to say this but here goes.........lets put the blame where it belongs.....the muslums.......

He was as ill prepared for it as GW Bush, who instead of diplomatic moves used force where it was not needed. Violence begets violence

Was 9-11 the first attack on the Americans?

Not being Muslim it is hard to comment with any authority and my thoughts may be very misguided. But my understanding of the Muslim push, it is not about what we have been seeing in recent years, but world control with one religion throughout the world. I could be very wrong and I do believe, this is the extremist view.

If that thought is correct where then do we say enough is enough and fight back?

I've seen comments on Nazism, well if history serves me corrrectly wasn't the worlds approach, it's happening over there not or business. Until such time as it firmly was made the worlds business.

I feel for the people of any country in war, imagine sending your children to school each day wondering if they will be the next target. My gut tells me there is much more to this then meets the eye. If it isn't Thailand then it's the Philippines and even within the Muslim Countiries not just the Budhist or Christian countries.

I doubt that are simple answers to this, unless of course you want to give up your religious freedoms. We saw that in Afganistan, didn't look like a great way to live to me.

I do believe that blaming our political leaders, for problems that have been going on hundreds of years, probably is just a bit to critical and not constructive. I have no idea what is going to slove this ongoing problem, but something tells me it is not going to be very pleasant

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it also must be combined with going after the leaders who are inciting the violence. They need to be taken out


Haven't you noticed - there isn't really anyone claiming leadership.

There was that Human Rights lawyer who was presumably murdered by the Police a year ago, but he wasn't a terrorist, just someone trying to make sure legal process was being respected. Since then - nobody has been silly enough to stick their head over the parapet.

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I wonder how many people on this post know anything about the history of the Sourthern region and the people who live there? I mean going back more than ten years or so, back a hundred or more. For God's sakes, some here can't even spell Muslim!

Not too long ago we had a large group of young men who were treated like animals and suffocated in the back of trucks. Earlier we had a mosque surrounded and all the 'terrorists' who fled there slaughtered--to the last man, even though they had a few arms and wanted to surrender. You can keep going back and you will find similar stories.

One thing is sure. If you adopt their tactics you have already lost the good you are trying to protect. Killing more people will not solve this problem, it will accelerate it. The latest news should be not surprise to anyone with half a brain cell who has following the news down South. You think you can just wipe out 100+ people like animals, good with bad, and they will just forget it? Get real!

...and what's with this Buddhist country shtick? I must have missed the part where Buddha advocated slaughtering people. Is that in the back of the book somewhere?

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