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Thai Government Urges Citizens On Alert In Bangkok


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Over a million illegal Burmese/Laos/Cambodians immigrants made it in easily into Thailand. Good luck.

really? did you hear about horrible conditions in refugee camps? throwing burmese back to the border? they are treated as livestock, man.

about terrorism. for thai gov't - it's a war against criminals, for them - it's liberation. pretty common case in history, right?

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I hate to say this but here goes.........lets put the blame where it belongs.....the muslums.......

Sorry mate. If you disenfranchise people, it will come back. Don't make the mistake of tarnishing everyone with the same brush.

It's individual people who do the violence- and not just muslims, either.

Blame the people who do it, but don't muddy the waters with a 'shotgun approach' to placing blame. I'd venture to suggest many of these reported (and unreported) acts of violence and killings are committed by government forces... This ain't like a cowboy western where the good guys and the bad guys are so easy to identify..

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I wonder how many people on this post know anything about the history of the Sourthern region and the people who live there? I mean going back more than ten years or so, back a hundred or more.  For God's sakes, some here can't even spell Muslim!

Not too long ago we had a large group of young men who were treated like animals and suffocated in the back of trucks. Earlier we had a mosque surrounded and all the 'terrorists' who fled there slaughtered--to the last man, even though they had a few arms and wanted to surrender. You can keep going back and you will find similar stories.

One thing is sure. If you adopt their tactics you have already lost the good you are trying to protect. Killing more people will not solve this problem, it will accelerate it. The latest news should be not surprise to anyone with half a brain cell who has following the news down South. You think you can just wipe out 100+ people like animals, good with bad, and they will just forget it? Get real!

...and what's with this Buddhist country shtick? I must have missed the part where Buddha advocated slaughtering people. Is that in the back of the book somewhere?

Not exactly - if you kill all of them then there is no one left!!!! :o

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Protect yourself from such kind of bomb they use here, it is easy. Go online and use Google, search term "Cell Phone Jammer". These are widely available (yet illegal devices). Put one in your house, another in your car/motorbike or simply carry it with you, it's no larger than a pack of cigarettes. In a range of 25 meters around you no GSM cellphone will work, thus - cellphone triggered bomb won't work either.

It is too easy to construct this type of bomb, but it too is easy to make this kind of bomb useless. Police before all else should use such device, particular the bomb specialists.

Why does noone use them? Oh of course, your own cellphone won't work either...... but what's more important, your cellphone or your life???



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and they prey to only one god, beleive in only one prophet, don't beleive in reincarnation and think that man at 13 is the man, the provider of the family.

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Protect yourself from such kind of bomb they use here, it is easy. Go online and use Google, search term "Cell Phone Jammer". These are widely available (yet illegal devices). Put one in your house, another in your car/motorbike or simply carry it with you, it's no larger than a pack of cigarettes. In a range of 25 meters around you no GSM cellphone will work, thus - cellphone triggered bomb won't work either.

It is too easy to construct this type of bomb, but it too is easy to make this kind of bomb useless. Police before all else should use such device, particular the bomb specialists.

imagine, how sorry you might feel living with ultra high frequency device working 24/7 around you? unless you have kids, though:-)

what a sorry face would be, when simple stupid timer will trigger the bomb near ? or weight sensor, or temp sensor, or pressure sensor, or movement sensor, or.... tired to type.

there's no protection from assault, really

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This is hypothetical, lets all become Muslims, then these insurgents would look for another excuse to exercise their criminal activities, they are a large multi national business, they deal in arms, drugs, prostititution anything they can cash in on to obtain the power they seek. Im from a small Australian city, and the Arabic Muslims there have destroyed the local football team, cricket team and other venues frequented by fun loving teenagers all because they are non conforformist in their adopted country. Even the Police wont tackle them because they have so many problems with racial discrimination. I moved to Bangkok with my Thai wife now this, they are the cancer of the World.

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..If I remember rightly the so called (PULO)  Pattani United Liberation Organisation said last October that they would burn Bangkok down after the deaths of 78 Muslims who were in Thai army custody.

So we should not be surprised that these despicable terrorists who want power and wealth by means of cowardly violence have made their attacks  with a view to frightening people.

These insurgents may think that they have a right to their own autonomy, but to use violence as a means to achieve it is a road to nowhere for them.

Thank goodness that the world has strong leaders who will make a stand against terrorists....if we did not have the likes of George Bush, and Tony Blair, and yes in this instance Thaksin then we would all live in permanent daily fear of the terrorists.

As far as dialogue is concerned an agreement by means of negotiation will only be achieved when the terrorists feel that they have not realised any headway by the use of their violence. This will come about when they have been `hurt` by being hit hard by the forces of law and order.

If concessions are given to these people and  they think that these concessions have come about because of their use of  bombing innocent civilians then this will open the floodgates for others who will see violence as a way of getting what they want.

So yes we must remain vigilant and be strong minded in the fight against terror and not be brainwashed into thinking that these terrorists are people who we can simply have dialogue with. Dialogue yes... but with strong military pressure as well.

Sadly enough, I think you are wrong about the terrorists achieving nothing. The issue of terrorism and the South has been hotly debated in Thailand ever since the first events in this uprising, there was a huge national parlamentary debate some time recently. Sad though it is, these debates would be unlikely to have occurred in the absence of a terror threat. How much did you hear about the South before this ball was set in motion?

I also have a question for you. By what means did the USA come to exist as a separate, autonomous entity from the English? Why did the colony not try to negotiate its way out, and fail to do something when the English did not listen?

To make myself clear, I really dont support violence against innocent people in any way, but your solution "to hit hard" is really quite blunt.

IMHO, the best way to stop terrorism in the South is to make sure the terrorists do not have a base of discontended people to recruit to their cause. This you achieve by listening to the demands and troubles of the common people, who want the right to practice their religion and more civil rights, as well as fewer corrupt officials. Hopefully you also realize the issue is further complicated because the southernmost provinces belong to another race of people who do not have much in common with the Central government of Thailand and also have a history of autonomous rule.

Hitting hard is good advice for builders, not politicians.

I choose to disregard your comments about Bush and Blair since they are irrelevant here, and hardly comparable with Thaksin.

More to the point, I really fail to see what progress Thaksin has made in trying to solve the Southern problems - please give me some examples.

...You are talking about innocent people and I am talking about terrorists...you know the ones that make bombs and kill real innocent people....these terrorists are the ones who should be hit hard by the forces of law and order and yes you may say it is blunt....I agree it is blunt.

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Why does noone use them? Oh of course, your own cellphone won't work either...... but what's more important, your cellphone or your life???

Maybe Mr. T can answer what`s most importent. His phones or the safety to his people.

Iàm scared about what the answer will be.

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Things are heating up........ :o

Country on security alert

Published on April 05, 2005

Screening tightened at all airports and dozens of other potential targets for attack, including 256 spots in Bangkok

Security has been beefed up at potential terrorist targets throughout the capital and around the rest of the country, as fears mount that Islamic insurgents will extend their campaign of violence out of the South.

Six major international airports have been told to heighten security in a bid to maintain confidence among domestic and international travellers.

Closed-circuit cameras will be installed in at least 40 locations throughout Bangkok, while Hat Yai International Airport will receive 25 new cameras.

Petroleum Authority of Thailand president Prasert Bunsampun has ordered all oil depots throughout the country to tighten security. Unauthorised vehicles will not be allowed to park overnight at the depots and local police have been asked to work closely with the company’s security guards.

The Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA), meanwhile, will install extra closed-circuit cameras at all subway stations, MRTA chief Prapat Jongsa-nguan said. The authority was also ordering metal detectors be installed at all stations, he said.

The British Embassy in Bangkok has revised its travel advice for the South, saying there is “a high threat from terrorism throughout Thailand, particularly in the four southern provinces”.

Flights have resumed at Hat Yai airport, where mobile-phone signals are being blocked at random to prevent remote-controlled bombs being detonated.

In Narathiwat, shots were fired into a police station and the district office in Joh Irong district last night, police said.

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For the current escalation of terror I place much of the blame on the current PM!

2nd GW Bush (shrub) would be in line!

Both are  very poor leaders in my opinion!

I would like to see them get out of office as soon as possible!

Wake up Thailand/ USA you are sleeping on the job!

Yes i totally agree with you. Neither of them are right wing enough we need to crack down on these terrorists, Perhaps a stalin type person would be the answer. :o

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it also must be combined with going after the leaders who are inciting the violence. They need to be taken out


Haven't you noticed - there isn't really anyone claiming leadership.

Correct, but it is the governments job to find out. That is what they are paid to do. This needs to be done through a combination of a "hearts and minds" type campaign combined with the use of the Thai intelligence services.

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Sorry mate you got it wrong, the human race is the cancer of the world

I got it wrong ! I presume you are also a member of the human race, how many crimes have you committed against humanity recently, I can assure you Im a non practicing Christian, who totally supports my adoring Thai wife, shes a devout Buddhist, I support her and her family in every way. Buddhists and non Buddhist can live together, any where in the World until the Muslim factor arrives in your community, next thing they move in and try to take over. Its like spotting the white guy in inner London.

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This needs to be done through a combination of a "hearts and minds" type campaign combined with the use of the Thai intelligence services.

Yes, and if the 'Hearts and Minds' campaign looks like faltering, we can always threaten to bomb them with napalm.

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Yes i am am member of the human race, but i was talking about it in a much broader theme than terrorism here, i was just trying to show not to be so narrow minded about muslims when everyone is doing something to hurt others and this world, but that is another sunject altogether. Just think about it though.

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Yes i am am member of the human race, but i was talking about it in a much broader theme than terrorism here, i was just trying to show not to be so narrow minded about muslims when everyone is doing something to hurt others and this world, but that is another sunject altogether. Just think about it though.

Im not trying to hurt anyone my friend, Im just stating facts,everywhere in the World where there is a stoush going on the Muslim extremist is the lowest common denominator, the family next door to me in Australia are Muslim, obviously we must take care what we cook for them on the barby, also I always make sure there's plenty of alcohol free drinks for them, we are such good friends, I cant accept that these reptiles in Southern Thailand live by the Koran. The biggest problem is previous Governments in Thailand showed no foresight, just the same as Britain with the Pakii's etc. Most of these insurgents parents are from all over Asia but once you're born in a country, thats your nationality and these disgusting pieces of shit can't be deported. Ask the poor lady at Hat Yai airport and lets all pray for her poor little boy what she thinks of these despicable creatures.

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Escalating, indiscriminate violence in southern Thailand makes the area risky for Americans, who should avoid going there or exercise extra caution if they must go, the State Department said Monday.

The department said its announcement was "to alert American citizens to the need to exercise special caution in the far south of Thailand and ... to defer nonemergency travel in that area as a result of recent escalating unrest."


I do not believe it is all about Bush or Thaksin, it is just more problems in the south and maybe Thaksins way to keep up the pressure to th community there.

Still go to the south and do not worry more than anywhere else is my advice.

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>>>>Not too long ago we had a large group of young men who were treated like animals and suffocated in the back of trucks. >>>>>>

Well it seems this large group of muslimes were trying to BREAK OUT OF JAIL FELLOW TERRORIST LEADERS!!!

They deserved what they got.

You liberals are a crack up

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Well it has been heading north for so time already. Only the blind could not see that. However I would have thought that the PM would have learned from history and defused the situation during last year already.

See how they cope with their independence and how long it is before they come calling for help.

Sure with shoddy education down South for generations, that should work.  :D

How can you call Bush a failure, since 9/11 how many terrorist attacks has the western world suffered.

Not many, but you lost most of your rights after the attack. Osama must be laughing his ass off in some cave.  :D

You may not like the guy but he is successfull and maybe he thinks he can win...

Successfull at what? Successfull and MAYBE thinks he can win. Where is the success in MAYBE you can win?

I think george Bush has done a good job after all look at how this mess started anyway the world trade center was attacked thats what started it all so i think the world has been allot safer place since allot of the alkida freaks have been killed.and osama binladen can laugh all he wants hideing in caves i think we have that laugh not him some life hes liveing hahahahahaah rich but to scared to show his face anywhere for fear somebody will collect the bounty on his head dead or alive.some of these jerks here saying bush is a failure doesn`t know what they are talking about thats for sure.as far as the southern provinces of thailand is concerned why doesn`t thailand reclame the land from these ungratefull muslims liveing there.make them leave the country and there will be no problems after they are gone.muslims can`t even get allong with there own kind let allone the rest of the world. :o

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I've long considered the human race to be a virus on the universe. I'm pretty sure that if we do manage to start moving out to the stars we will very quickly be turned back by some superior intelligence.

There has probably never been a single day without war, mostly caused by religeous conflicts between people who hold vastly opposite views but believe they are the only ones who are right. I believe the human race suffers from mass insanity, and it is called religion. It's all based on nothing more than individual beliefs, yet people are prepared to kill for it and always have done. There are so many conflicting beliefs in the various religions that any intelligent person would surely have reason to pause and think is mine really right. Even buddhism is an entirely selfish religion, based soley on gaining merit so that YOU benefit later.

I'm certain that the human race will have destoyed itself a century or two down the line. After all, we dedicate vastly more funds on working out ways to kill each other than on providing food and education. And we deserve nothing more than our fate. The human race, largely, is a failure. Everyone, apart from a tiny minority, is out for number one, and that just isn't the way.

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an absolutely stunning and riveting statement, have you thought about joining the KKK? i feel sure they will welcome ppl of your calibre with open arms...

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""""I think george Bush has done a good job after all look at how this mess started anyway the world trade center was attacked thats what started it all so i think the world has been allot safer place since allot of the alkida freaks have been killed."""""

How many Iraqis were on those planes?

"""""osama binladen can laugh all he wants hideing in caves i think we have that laugh not him some life hes liveing hahahahahaah rich but to scared to show his face anywhere for fear somebody will collect the bounty on his head dead or alive.

Saddam is in jail. Why hasn't he been given the death penalty?

If Osama were ever caught, do you think he would be jailed, or killed?

some of these jerks here saying bush is a failure doesn`t know what they are talking about thats for sure.

Since his arrival in office,

1. The country has been attacked and had the greatest loss of life on US soil since Pearl Harbor. He was asleep at the gate. He should have left office in disgrace, and taken his cabinet along with him.

2. The US currency lost 30 to 40 percent versus the world's other major currencies. Employment : Less jobs for a growing population than when he took office 4 years earlier. Poor economic growth over 4 years with very low interest rates -- that is bad. Massive increase in debts and trade deficits. If you subtract the increase in national debt (excessive government spending) from the GNP, then the GNP actually went down last year. FAILURE !!!!!

as far as the southern provinces of thailand is concerned why doesn`t thailand reclame the land

The Thais got it from the Brits a hundred years ago

from these ungratefull muslims liveing there.

What should they be grateful for? The standard of living, education, water, power, roads, etc. in Malaysia is far higher than it is in Southern Thailand.

make them leave the country and there will be no problems after they are gone.

They are citizens. They cannot be expelled. No one else has to take them.

muslims can`t even get allong with there own kind let allone the rest of the world.

Jews kill Jews. Christians kill Christians. Buddhists kill Buddhists.

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I am from the U.S. and i am still coming in april . Things happen everywhere You cant control things just try to put yourself in the best possible situation. I know alot of innoccent people have died , I think my country is getting bad as well

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