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Tour Guide Girl: 30,000 Bht Per Mo


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Just to add some clarification to this, she is not a liscensed or trained tour guide, by any means and knows nothing of Vietnam. To my knowledge, she has never been out of the country and has no passport, as of yet. However, she is very attractive, charming and is an excellent singer and has sometimes done singing for money. So possibly some of the job would involve this type of entertainment. I think she is not beyond considering "other services", in the conditions are right. As with most women here, the truthfulness of their stories are not exactly 100%. I have know her for 2 years and she is an OK woman, more or less. I am concerned that she is not being hoodwinked and tricked out of the country for some other illegal purpose. A few years ago I had a female friend who was "recruited" by some lady, to whom her Mother paid 15,000 bht, to get her daughter a job doing massage in Malaysia. Needless to say, you know what this was about. Fortunately, she was able to get herself back to Thailand after a few days. I believe the story, because she had quite an accurate description of the events and the country.

so this lovlely is not beyond considering offering other services, what the hel_l does that mean. banging for bucks?

you gotta be just posting for the fun of it! just trying to titillate us, she may do IT if the conditions are right!

Edited by berniefromny
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As others have pointed out, being a licensed tour guide requires a degree in that field or possibly a degree in a language plus a year or two of post-graduate work. With some experience and good qualifications 30k is quite a reasonable salary.

A Thai friend of mine was teaching tour guides at some university. Her qualifications included a Master's Degree from a university in the UK. Another fellow I met had majored in English at Ramkamheng U. and then done some postgrad work. If your 'lovely' has similar quals or maybe good family connections, then a salary of 30 is quite a reasonable expectation. :)

Sorry, it came two times. My fault.

Edited by bellste
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Just to add some clarification to this, she is not a liscensed or trained tour guide, by any means and knows nothing of Vietnam. To my knowledge, she has never been out of the country and has no passport, as of yet. However, she is very attractive, charming and is an excellent singer and has sometimes done singing for money. So possibly some of the job would involve this type of entertainment. I think she is not beyond considering "other services", in the conditions are right. As with most women here, the truthfulness of their stories are not exactly 100%. I have know her for 2 years and she is an OK woman, more or less. I am concerned that she is not being hoodwinked and tricked out of the country for some other illegal purpose. A few years ago I had a female friend who was "recruited" by some lady, to whom her Mother paid 15,000 bht, to get her daughter a job doing massage in Malaysia. Needless to say, you know what this was about. Fortunately, she was able to get herself back to Thailand after a few days. I believe the story, because she had quite an accurate description of the events and the country.

so this lovlely is not beyond considering offering other services, what the hel_l does that mean. banging for bucks?

you gotta be just posting for the fun of it! just trying to titillate us, she may do IT if the conditions are right!

I would have no interest in providing stories for titillation on this forum. I am sure there are plenty of other sources and venues for such than reading stories on thai Visa. My purpose in this post was to find out what the probabilities are that such and offer could be valid or not. It sounds like it could be, if she has the relevant qualifications, which she does not. The other area where she may have qualification is her singing ability and general charming personality, which I think is quite good and may be of some value in an entertainment situation.

My real concern is that this is taking place outside Thailand. Once some of these women step out of Thailand, with no reasonable protection or assurances, some on the promise of dubious job offers, anything can happen.

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Just to add some clarification to this, she is not a liscensed or trained tour guide, by any means and knows nothing of Vietnam. To my knowledge, she has never been out of the country and has no passport, as of yet. However, she is very attractive, charming and is an excellent singer and has sometimes done singing for money. So possibly some of the job would involve this type of entertainment. I think she is not beyond considering "other services", in the conditions are right. As with most women here, the truthfulness of their stories are not exactly 100%. I have know her for 2 years and she is an OK woman, more or less. I am concerned that she is not being hoodwinked and tricked out of the country for some other illegal purpose. A few years ago I had a female friend who was "recruited" by some lady, to whom her Mother paid 15,000 bht, to get her daughter a job doing massage in Malaysia. Needless to say, you know what this was about. Fortunately, she was able to get herself back to Thailand after a few days. I believe the story, because she had quite an accurate description of the events and the country.

S0 right I guess were all getting brighter by now!

& this is more to the point of concerning farangs who`s wifes have good friends that want to try & earn good money but hopefully not falling into any traps .Even thier families worry & don`t actually want them to go

& yes i can see why she wants to have a go with money like that on offer (but must or now realise yu need some sort of degree/experience & as we know it all takes time)

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Easy: She takes the job, and if the office looks like a travel agent and is registered at the ATTA http://www.atta.or.th/AttaUI.aspx , she gets a typical tour program, guest lists, a uniform, a name badge, the bus at departure is full with typical average package tourist... proceed.

However, if she only gets the pick up place and time of the bus and on that bus are only young female "tour guides" or only strange men or nobody else...she better resigns immediately.

Edited by Birdman
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I have seen lots of these Thai girls advertising themselves on the Internet as so-called tourist guides.

For those who are naive, the title Tourist Guide in most of these cases is another way of saying, Escort.

They are expected to accompany the guy during the day and of course, during the night.

If this girl the OP mentions doesn’t have any problems that this maybe the arrangement because she likes the money, than by all means, go ahead.

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My ex-girlfriend was a tour guide based in Bangkok. She had a bachelors degree and was fully licensed and worked for a decent company, her basic salary was 25000 Baht per month, but she earned commission from various stores, parks and tourist attractions for each tourist she brought there. If you add tips then on some good months she would earn 80000 Baht or even more. So 30000 Baht doesn't seem that high.

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Easy: She takes the job, and if the office looks like a travel agent and is registered at the ATTA http://www.atta.or.th/AttaUI.aspx , she gets a typical tour program, guest lists, a uniform, a name badge, the bus at departure is full with typical average package tourist... proceed.

However, if she only gets the pick up place and time of the bus and on that bus are only young female "tour guides" or only strange men or nobody else...she better resigns immediately.

Birdman's advice is what you should be passing on to your 'lovely', but on the back of "she better resign immediately" you should add "if she is not comfortable with that option".

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Just to add some clarification to this, she is not a liscensed or trained tour guide, by any means and knows nothing of Vietnam. To my knowledge, she has never been out of the country and has no passport, as of yet. However, she is very attractive, charming and is an excellent singer and has sometimes done singing for money. So possibly some of the job would involve this type of entertainment. I think she is not beyond considering "other services", in the conditions are right. As with most women here, the truthfulness of their stories are not exactly 100%. I have know her for 2 years and she is an OK woman, more or less. I am concerned that she is not being hoodwinked and tricked out of the country for some other illegal purpose. A few years ago I had a female friend who was "recruited" by some lady, to whom her Mother paid 15,000 bht, to get her daughter a job doing massage in Malaysia. Needless to say, you know what this was about. Fortunately, she was able to get herself back to Thailand after a few days. I believe the story, because she had quite an accurate description of the events and the country.

the thread turned trollish when op states girl is not beyond considering "other services" , if conditions are right.

you better tell the lovely get a move on if she is going to offer other services, shelf life not very long for those types of workers.

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come on man sounds like she being recruited as a sex worker.

no experience, knows nothing about vietnam. wake up! you doing your lovilies a disservice by being just as clueless as them!

and who refer to female aquantancies as their lovilies, you a pimp? :):D:D

Could be true, but from what I understand Vietnam has plenty of sex workers of it's own, to use an old British saying wouldn't this be a 'Coals to Newcastle' scenario?

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Way, WAY above what a Thai of any gender with a Masters degree will make too.

Not correct - Don't know where you live but salaries for Thai nationals with batchelor degrees are all over 30,000 bath and master degrees start at 40,000 bath where I work in Bangkok.

Edited by MikeyIdea
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plenty of of thais with Masters make little more than 20k if that. Depends on the industry they work in.

This girl sounds like she is about to be "groomed". maybe she knows it, maybe she doesn't.

I agree though, she is probably just bracing you for reality and/or seeing if there is an alternate (ie, will you save her?)

cynics are rarely dissapointed. :)

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I'm never ever telling this forum how much I make :D

Worry they might think your selling yourself :) Some people here are crazy there are Thai girls that get a lot of money i met some.

Most guys here just don't like that idea because making a lot of money gives them freedom and then they cant buy them. They would have to court them the old fashioned way and they have been here too long to remember how that works.. or were not able in their old country to do so :D

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I'm never ever telling this forum how much I make :D

Worry they might think your selling yourself :D Some people here are crazy there are Thai girls that get a lot of money i met some.

Most guys here just don't like that idea because making a lot of money gives them freedom and then they cant buy them. They would have to court them the old fashioned way and they have been here too long to remember how that works.. or were not able in their old country to do so :D

This is a topic dear to my heart!

I wouldn't date women differently from how I did back home and thus am happily single. Even the Good ones don't have the same values so you are almost never going to have the kind of parity in a relationship that I enjoyed in the West. I don't want to be behind family, friends and what not.. But thats just me, I'm greedy.

Just to clarify (for the nay sayers) I'm not saying they are all bad, just that they are not my cup of tea. Where I come from, a man and a woman tend to become a family unit of their own and become each others priority. ("forsaking all others", ring any bells?). If you are not going to be someones number one priority, whats the point in making them yours?

sorry if this is drifting off topic.

I think thais can make a lot of money. Some through recognised professions and some through the oldest profession. Having caring sponsors who send you anything up to 30k a month (i've heard) is not uncommon. Also, having one or more sponsor is not uncommon. These recipients of sponsorships can be netting 90k a month. Thats more than many doctors, Lawyers and Architects. The qualifications are different but the income is respectable by any stretch of the immagination.

What ever title you put on a job, There is usually someone willing to give it a go...

If the lady in questions wants an adventure with the tour company, Good luck to her. SHe can always stop the bus and get off if she doesn't like it. :)

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Batchelor degree, big multi-national. I have 2 good Thais (30 and 32 years old) reporting to me and they make 50,000 bath per month

I guess the key word in your post is Multi-national. In my company there are 16 degree holding female staff and their salaries range from 9,500 -14,800 PM. I tell the MD that he underpays and that is the reason for high staff turnover but he insists that he is paying the going rate! My assistant, who has a teaching degree, good English, excellent computer skills and most surprising of all - Initiative, only receives 9,500 PM for working 8:15 -5:15 Mon-Fri and 8-12 Sat.

One of the girls recently left saying she was going to work at a hospital, three weeks later she called me to tell me that on her first night working at a bar as a waitress (in a poular night life area frequented by foreign men) she had earned 600 baht in tips. She has now been working in the night industry for three months (no money for sex involved) and is averaging 28,000 PM for working fewer hours in a more pleasant environment. It is no wonder they go to work in the entertainment industry given her experiences.

Your "lovely" should be very wary of this offer despite having singing talent and a good personality. Having said that, all things are possible in Thailand and it may well be that she was in the right place at the right time and knows the right "sister".

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are you seriously saying that your ex co-worker is making 28k a month serving drinks and remaining vertical and clothed?

thats over a 1000bht a day unless she has NO days off, and I am assuming 1 a week.

They say tourism is dying in thailand but all evidence to the contrary! (unless the foriegn men you refer too work here rather than holiday here... don't want to assume anything in that respect.

Good luck to her. She best keep it secret though cos I imagine there a few ladies who would fight her for that job.

Ps. what happened to the hospital job?

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  • 2 weeks later...

are you seriously saying that your ex co-worker is making 28k a month serving drinks and remaining vertical and clothed?

thats over a 1000bht a day unless she has NO days off, and I am assuming 1 a week.

They say tourism is dying in thailand but all evidence to the contrary! (unless the foriegn men you refer too work here rather than holiday here... don't want to assume anything in that respect.

Good luck to her. She best keep it secret though cos I imagine there a few ladies who would fight her for that job.

Ps. what happened to the hospital job?

This girl was the typical shy, giggly Thai girl and was working as a Pharmacists assistant with our firm, I am not naiive enough to think that she would never go the money for sex route but she got 600 Baht tips on her first night and had several nights where her total of tips and drinks exceeded 1,000 baht, she has now left that bar and moved to another one nearby. neither of the bars are go go bars, they are just normal bars that serve drinks and food and have attractive hostesses to serve. I have visited her there on a few occasions and she is quite good at what she does, she has reasonably good English language and seems to be quite popular. I fear the hospital job was a red herring to cover her face so that no one from the office would look down on her. Not that there is anything wrong with being a bar girl, but Thais not in the industry really do look down on them.

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