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"nothing In This World Is Free, Lad"


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Hope the wifi is faster than the service. My BLT took over a 45 minutes to arrive, despite there were less than 10 people in the restaurant, and it arrived cold.

The coffee tasted awful, served without milk/creamer, which i had to ask for... The Old Thai lady who appeared to be running the show constantly complained about how busy she was (10 customers in the bar - of which they had all already been served!!!) and then proceeded to mutter some pretty insulting Thai swear words when i reminded her i was still waiting for my sandwich 45 minutes after ordering it. I guess she didn't realize i speak pretty good Thai :)

This was just after Christmas 2009, and to be frank, i've had better service and better food at the McDonalds across the street.

Maybe next time i will choose a different venue for my mid-day breakfast!

While this geezer is entitled to his opinion it really gets my goat when I see post like this whether it be this establishment or any other when a farang living in a foreign third world country gets all pissy over service it even pisses me off more when the owner of this eatery has CLEARLY MANY MANY times on this forum told people that should there be any problem LET HIM KNOW SO HE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT it makes this post above its even more ridiculous when its a MODERATOR who posts it

WHY DID YOU NOT LET KEVIN KNOW why did you not fill in the form I get the feeling that you dislike Kevin for posting such a review and he is a sponsor too, I would of thought or I would of if TV was mine was to politely contact kevin privately and let him know rather than kick him in the balls while taking his sponsor money

Reason while I am upity about this is I used to run a service orientated business in a third world country and its a full time job trying to keep on top of service staff and to ensure they do what ypu have told them a GAZILLION times.

every now and again I had to deal with one person complaining and they would post on the net and do damage to my business when the reality was i had 99% very happy customers to one where something went wrong and the one would make way more noise than the 500 happy customers and it pissed me off.

I got around it by doing the same questionaires and whenever something came up I could pull out thousands of questionaires where I had rave reviews and put it i perspective

Since the owner cannot be there 24/7 thats what the comment cards are for so he knows whats happening when he is not there another thing is have some patience yes 45 minutes is long however you waited 45 minutes to ask where it was maybe after 15 minutes you should of asked shit happens when you run a busy place such as the RL and things do fk up every now and again.

Boy if I was paying these suckers money I would be well pissed off they treated you like this kevin

By the way Kevin dont know who I am before anyone says he my best buddy

let me make this very clear for you USE THE FORM, AND READ THIS

Satisfaction Guaranteed . ]We try to do our best when it comes to preparing the food but we do appreciate that, first of all, different people have different tastes and secondly, for one reason or another, we may not always get it right. For that reason we have a 'no quibble' guarantee on all food items. If our food doesn't meet your standards , we will gladly change it for something else. If you don't want to try something else, we won't charge you for the meal. Fair enough?

Edited by sbk
annoying fonts removed--sbk
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Funny enough since all the debates about the Red Lion I have been there 6 times - and they always (apart from once) fill my humble Guinness to the very top - so I shall continue to go there... food was a little late the other day but the chap actually TOLD me it would take longer as the place was heaving so it was very good comms in my view... and I bought some of his music DVDs - so top ho! and all that... and ya gotta say he's a clever fella about promoting his place :) I would do exactly the same if I were him.

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Off topic comment on moderation has been deleted. Further such posts will result in more formal action than mere deletion.

Annoying font size has been reduced. While there are certainly opportunities to use alternative font sizes, to do so in large and bold is annoying and not recommended. Cheers.

Also, I would like to note than any further personal attacks will result in action. I do hope this can remain civil and we can tone it down with the all caps crap. Thats pretty annoying too.

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I didnt fill out one of the feedback forms because i did not have a pen in my pocket, and as the staff had already sworn at me when i asked about my food, i did not fancy being abused even further when asking for a pen. Plus had felt that if i filled out a feedback form with negative comments, the abusive swearing staff would have just thrown it in the bin anyway. :D

This is by no means a personal attack on Kevin, it is an accurate account of my experience when i was there a few weeks ago. I'm sorry that some of you are offended because i had a bad experience and decided to share it.

it really gets my goat when I see post like this whether it be this establishment or any other when a farang living in a foreign third world country gets all pissy over service

Ahh i'm terribly sorry, but a farang in a 'third world country' (as you put it) isn't allowed to complain when the service and food he gets at a RESTAURANT isn't to his satisfaction... I will try to be more like you and just roll over and take abusive service staff and poor food as being acceptable because i am not in my home country :D

If i am a customer in a SERVICE orientated venue, i expect reasonable SERVICE, and not to be sworn at, in Thai, by the staff when they obviously think i wont understand them and its perfectly ok to swear at customers because they wont understand. :D

So because you (claim to) get many people give positive feedback that means the people who get bad service/have a negative experience should just <deleted> and take it, right? :D

No wonder you *USED* to run a service orientated company (presumably no longer) :)

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Hope the wifi is faster than the service. My BLT took over a 45 minutes to arrive, despite there were less than 10 people in the restaurant, and it arrived cold.

The coffee tasted awful, served without milk/creamer, which i had to ask for... The Old Thai lady who appeared to be running the show constantly complained about how busy she was (10 customers in the bar - of which they had all already been served!!!) and then proceeded to mutter some pretty insulting Thai swear words when i reminded her i was still waiting for my sandwich 45 minutes after ordering it. I guess she didn't realize i speak pretty good Thai :)

This was just after Christmas 2009, and to be frank, i've had better service and better food at the McDonalds across the street.

Maybe next time i will choose a different venue for my mid-day breakfast!

Mr Moderator, the OP a sponsor... You can't possibly have a bad experience at a venue that pays for advertising with TV. You must of made a mistake, right ?

But you could have had bad service then as they were not a sponsor then.

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No wonder you *USED* to run a service orientated company (presumably no longer) :)

Yep your right I sold out for a lotta money sick of dealing with people like you

Sick of people who have the audacity to complain when they get bad service?

Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

Plain and simple

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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

At least its some free extra advertising Kev any press is good press I even saw your place on tv the other day I think it was on the show Dining with death on XZYT LOL just a quick flash of your sign befroe they went on to show all the wonderful odd stuff northern thais eat such as centipides spiders and the like

Before anyone jumps on this The Red Lion does not serve spiders and stuff LOL and while there are a few negative comments above it is far from Dining with death LOL

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Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

Plain and simple

So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

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Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

Plain and simple

So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


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Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

Plain and simple

So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


Perhaps it's only me, but by replying on a thread about the Red Lion, he did let Kevin know, and Kevin responded honestly and fairly, which Wolfie accepted.

If the rest of the static on this thread was taken out, that would have been been the end of it. Too many people jumping on high horses.

I've eaten in the Red Lion enough times to know they have the occasional off day - but then again who doesn't? Doesn't stop me going there the next time.

Now, if you want crap service, try The House....!

(And I'm not a mod so I don't care who they pay!).

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So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

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Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

Plain and simple

So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


Perhaps it's only me, but by replying on a thread about the Red Lion, he did let Kevin know, and Kevin responded honestly and fairly, which Wolfie accepted.

If the rest of the static on this thread was taken out, that would have been been the end of it. Too many people jumping on high horses.

I've eaten in the Red Lion enough times to know they have the occasional off day - but then again who doesn't? Doesn't stop me going there the next time.

Now, if you want crap service, try The House....!

(And I'm not a mod so I don't care who they pay!).

I guess I am just different after traveling all over the world I dont expect good service when I am visiting 3rd world countries and eating in inexpensive establishments if I get it then great if I dont I remain patient and dont get my knickers in a twist unlike many less travelled people.

Since I have business experience running service orientated projects I understand better than most the effort it takes to stay on top of things.

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So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

Edited by FarangCravings
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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

& thai visa luvs u kev :D

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So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

I agree... seperate accounts would be a good answer... and appear fairer - I think the Mods do a great job 99% apart from when they get 'involved' with a debate (please don't boot me I did say 99% :) )

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So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

I agree... seperate accounts would be a good answer... and appear fairer - I think the Mods do a great job 99% apart from when they get 'involved' with a debate (please don't boot me I did say 99% :) )

Thank God FINALLY someone understands my whole point

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what the f.... are you all worriing about, the owner tells you WIFI is free,pencil and pens are fee, forms are free. so??????????????????????

But I know for expats and foreigners who stay here longtime there is nothig else to do than


No wonder Thai people do not like us, nexttime someonecom[plains about behviour of Thai People I will send them to this topic.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff boring people.

Thai people like me and i stay here long time as your tinglish said but i dont moan either.You pick up on one post and make these wild wild assumptions,wow you must be in the know

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Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

If the "slagging" was genuine and justified you'd either have to take it on the chin and try to rectify the problem, or sulk off and take your advertising business elsewhere. Time will tell but my guess is that Kevin chooses the former.

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So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


So what you are saying is had Wolfie had a bad experience at an establishment that wasn't sponsoring this site, you would have had no problem with him posting his thoughts; but because Kevin is a sponsor, Wolfie had some sort of obligation to keep his thoughts private with the owner and keep the rest of us consumers in the dark?

Had Wolfie had a positive experience i take it he would be free to shout from the rooftops?

You can't have it both ways. Either people are free to post comments - good and bad - or they are not. I think they are, as i suspect does Kevin. Would he prefer is people kept complaints private? I'm sure he would. Any business owner would. But if they don't, that's up to them. It's all part of the business of being in service. From what you have told us, you should know that as much as anyone.

Right or wrong IMHO i beleive it was inappropiate for a moderator to post a comment such as that as do other posters that commented right after his post.

Its like me paying for a Television ad for my business and the television company followed my ad with a advert slagging my biz down while smiling nicely and pocketing my money. Bad business

At the end of the day the moderators represent TV and if they want to post personal views maybe they should be allowed another account so they can post personal experiences while they are not working and representing TV

If it was not a TV moderator then I would not have a problem

it seems you missed my previous post. Please do not push this issue as I have already clearly stated my position on it. Any further posts on this matter after this will result in formal moderator action on my part.

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It would never happen in the real world dude no reputable business would slag off there advertisers and if they do they dont last too long


It would and it does happen in the real world.

When the A-Class Mercedes was found to roll a little too easily in corners, did ITN refuse to run the story on The News at Ten because Mercedes was an advertiser on the ITV network?

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A busy day for the Mods. As I stated earlier "It doesn't bother me that customers complain." ... "I would rather these incidents didn't occur, but if they do I'd like to know about it in order to rectify the problem.".

I don't get flustered easily, so it's interesting to see so many people doing so on my behalf. A word of advice, if I may....

"Calm down, calm down." :)

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what the f.... are you all worriing about, the owner tells you WIFI is free,pencil and pens are fee, forms are free. so??????????????????????

But I know for expats and foreigners who stay here longtime there is nothig else to do than


No wonder Thai people do not like us, nexttime someonecom[plains about behviour of Thai People I will send them to this topic.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff boring people.

Thai people like me and i stay here long time as your tinglish said but i dont moan either.You pick up on one post and make these wild wild assumptions,wow you must be in the know

talking about assumptions! Didn't you assume I had a crap job and earned low money. Just because I said I had not started a to save for my pension? Assumptions old boy, will get you nowhere fast.

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