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Smoke Free Venues


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After another trip to Maesai and Chiang Mai I feel like I spent the week inside of an ashtray. The room I stayed in Maesai reeked of cigarette smoke and I was unable to get a night's sleep. I could not find a restaurant that was smoke free (in Maesai or Chiangmai). Where there was no smoking inside of a restaurant, smokers were allowed to smoke at tables near the entrances. So, one got welcomed with a barrage of smoke entering and leaving.

In bus stations where there are signs stating a 2000 THB fine, I have observed law officials and monks smoking in front of those signs.

I realize that these "laws" are a joke since they are ignored and not enforced. If I ask someone to smoke away from the premises I get met with a laugh or a "F-U"...in many different languages. The Thais seem to have no idea what the signs mean. If smokers want to commit suicide on the installment plan, that's their right. But, those who want to remain somewhat healthy do not seem to have much of a choice since we are exposed to second and third hand smoke each day. Let's face it, it's healthier to be around actively using heroin addicts than to be around tobacco smokers.

So, I have to accept that since people will continue smoking wherever and whenever they please as long as the management does not object, the only thing to do is find places where there is no smoking on or near the premises.

Has anyone put together a list of places where the No Smoking Policy is actually practiced?...or...Are there people who would like to compose such a list?

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Are you for real? You are worried about my second hand smoke when you contantly inhale fumes from cars,trucks etc.,not to mention the burning season is in full swing.Get a life! :)

Get a life??? Keep smoking and get an early death.

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  • 1 year later...

Does anyone have any updated info on where to go to clear my lungs a bit? I have been staying away from busy streets to avoid exhaust fumes but I cannot seem to find a place where there isn't a plethora of smoke. My lungs are screaming and my head is pounding. Please advise on a smoke free invironment...... I am not interested in dying of lung cancer.

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Does anyone have any updated info on where to go to clear my lungs a bit? I have been staying away from busy streets to avoid exhaust fumes but I cannot seem to find a place where there isn't a plethora of smoke. My lungs are screaming and my head is pounding. Please advise on a smoke free invironment...... I am not interested in dying of lung cancer.

Would help to know where in Thailand you live...

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  • 4 months later...

As bad as it may be in Thailand, the atmosphere in Hong Kong is atrocious and one of the main resons I decided not to stay. The Gulf countries in the Middle East are learning fast. More and more people in Dubai are observing No Smoking signs in public places for instance, even work places. Abu Dhabi is way behind in actually implementing the Federal Law but they'll get there eventually. I've been driven away from the pubs there, and bars in Thailand because of the smoke but as well as saving me loads, it's almost entirely got me off the booze! I'm not at all displeased about not mixing with the walking dead. Unfortunately there's little that can be done about pollution in a country like Thailand, but there other more attractive features to compensate.

The best thing about not smoking is simply feeling better in mind and body. But then a reformed smoker is bound to rant a bit about those who are misinformed enough to wish to continue smoking and are not bothered about their health. Live and let live I say, I just steer clear of those who have such disregard for their own lives, why should they be bothered about mine? End of rant.

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