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Thai Forces Fire Warning Shots In Standoff With Red Shirts


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From reports, I don't think there's any question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police is, was the killing intentional?

Edited by lannarebirth
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Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

Eat some humble pie and next time remember your listening to the Nation which is a (well lets not go there)

You might wait quite a long time!

LOL typical

I was answering to your post before you edit it. You will wait for apologies....I can not see why I should apologize.

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I'm feeling less and less for the red shirts. I think this will all end by the time the rainy season starts. Reds will go home to tend to their farms. The government only has to hold out one more month. I hope the rainy season comes early.

I think that kind of attitude is what got us to where we are today. I remember Suthep and other government officials talking in the media a month ago saying that this will all be over in a few days and the reds will go home, etc.

But in fairness the BBC did report that the confrontation stopped because of the rain as the vis went down to 30 meters

So I guess rain could stop it lol

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Disregard my previous statement, looks like another botched operation for the police. My bad for reading the nation.

Apparently the red shirt leader whatsisname even managed to get away and back to Rajprasong. Why do the CRES guys just keep making premature / outright wrong statements so that they can then be prove wrong and made to look like morons?

Where did your read an official statement about thr arrest of the rad leader? Please link if you can to CRES said it.

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Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

A BBC reporter is stating that it "appears" a soldier died from friendly fire. That assumption is not supported by any facts. Until something is proven it still could be from either side.

Exactly. Utterly ridiculous to start pointing fingers right now or claiming 1-ups.

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From reports I don't think there's an question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police, is was the killing intentional?

I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's government/army briefing to the Thai people would claim that a red shirt stole police uniform and equipment, went behind "enemy lines" and took out a soldier, in order to blame it all on the government.

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I'm feeling less and less for the red shirts. I think this will all end by the time the rainy season starts. Reds will go home to tend to their farms. The government only has to hold out one more month. I hope the rainy season comes early.

MOst 'reds' that are causing trouble are your local Bangkok motor taxi guys!

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Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

A BBC reporter is stating that it "appears" a soldier died from friendly fire. That assumption is not supported by any facts. Until something is proven it still could be from either side.

Exactly. Utterly ridiculous to start pointing fingers right now or claiming 1-ups.

I will beleive the BBC and CNN any day over the NATION

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To confirm, this is the first sentence from the BBC

"One soldier has died, reportedly from a shot fired by a member of the security forces, and at least 10 people have been injured. "

Source: BBC News

Isn't the quality of CNN and BBC going muddy now? I remember the time when things were backed up by pictures/clips. Now they run more on hearsay than facts. They're trying hard to appear different to the mainstream and start cheating like Reuters did years ago.

Shame on them ...

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From reports I don't think there's an question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police, is was the killing intentional?

I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's government/army briefing to the Thai people would claim that a red shirt stole police uniform and equipment, went behind "enemy lines" and took out a soldier, in order to blame it all on the government.

Exactly :)

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According to news reports, the army are stepping up presence around Rajprasong, possibly for a crackdown tonight. In my opinion, pushing the protesters out of Rajprasong could back-fire. Right now they're somewhat peacefully 'stuck' there, but pushing them out of Rajprasong will make them spread all over the city.

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Maybe the rubber bullets are from the same supplier as the exploding tear gas canisters previously used.

Another boost for that country's exports....

I suppose its a matter of how much charge you put in the shell, and from what distance it is intended to be used.

Shooting someone with a rubber bullet from 10m is probably very like to cause serious injury, if you see similar events in Europe the shooters I think is very far from the mob

Edited by ingvar
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To confirm, this is the first sentence from the BBC

"One soldier has died, reportedly from a shot fired by a member of the security forces, and at least 10 people have been injured. "

Source: BBC News

Isn't the quality of CNN and BBC going muddy now? I remember the time when things were backed up by pictures/clips. Now they run more on hearsay than facts. They're trying hard to appear different to the mainstream and start cheating like Reuters did years ago.

Shame on them ...

I don't know, I'd trust CNN and BBC any day over a news company that uses twitter bloggers as their source and types like a 13 year old using words like 'u' and 'yrself'.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people are ready to accuse, try and convict before they have any evidence. As soon as the news broke of a soldier killed the

cheerleading section breaks out in full song. Several channels are now reporting that the soldier did indeed die as a result of friendly fire. It's not in anyway clear one way or the other, but what the hel_l is the matter with you people? Can't you wait until you know before you shoot your mouths off. Al Jazeera had a "report" of people with "hand guns" but they could have been anybody from red splinter group people to undercover police, local gangsters, or whatever. Jumping to conclusions seems to be what we do best on here.

Time will tell who did what.....let's wait and see .....for a change....

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Peaceful, me thinks not. The red snipers are good at answering warning shots with " Proper shots to the head. The reds are armed to the teeth and are just itching to start the war. They " stole tons of weapons from the army remember?

Oh how easy it is to start, but it will be impossible to stop.

What a shambles now ?

1 troop, 10 protesters injured in Don Muang clash

One troop with severe head injury and 10 protesters were admitted to the Bhumibhol following the clash between anti-riot troops and red-shirt protesters near the Air Force headquarters.

The protesters were injured by rubber bullets.

The troop appeared to have been shot at his head.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


If this is confirmed, it will now show how peaceful the red shirts are, and will show how unarmed they really are !!

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Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

A BBC reporter is stating that it "appears" a soldier died from friendly fire. That assumption is not supported by any facts. Until something is proven it still could be from either side.

Exactly. Utterly ridiculous to start pointing fingers right now or claiming 1-ups.

I will beleive the BBC and CNN any day over the NATION

I second that motion!

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I wonder if it's time to re-evaluate the dangers of rubber bullets. If my count is right, 26 people have now died and over 800 have been injured by rubber bullets. Maybe live ammunition should be used instead...maybe it's less dangerous.


Rubber Bullets are supposed to be aimed at the body ONLY however if aimed at the head it almost certain its a kill shot

If they are aiming at peoples heads it will be another positive case for the reds to accuse the goverment of murder as it is well known rubber bullets to the head KILL

My understanding of shooting rubber bullets is you fire to hit the ground just in front of your protagonist thereby getting it to bounce off the road and hit him/her on the legs therefore bringing them down in a painful heap, which of course would take them out of the order of battle. Firing directly at a body, at close range has a high potential of being lethal. But, you tell a soldier that when he is facing thousands of protesters hel_l bent on having his n*ts on a skewer! :)

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From reports I don't think there's an question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police, is was the killing intentional?

I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's government/army briefing to the Thai people would claim that a red shirt stole police uniform and equipment, went behind "enemy lines" and took out a soldier, in order to blame it all on the government.

Ridiculous statement

For a newbie, you start great

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Red shirt people i understand you might want to ask for political changes or democracy...

You actually have the right to ask for whaever you want...but please do it from home and stop coming to bkk and annoy thousand of people who tries to do their work, this not good for you, this not good for us, this not good for thailand.

SO ask for whatever you want but please stay home and start doing some work or the country is heading to an economic crash...

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I wonder if it's time to re-evaluate the dangers of rubber bullets. If my count is right, 26 people have now died and over 800 have been injured by rubber bullets. Maybe live ammunition should be used instead...maybe it's less dangerous.


Rubber Bullets are supposed to be aimed at the body ONLY however if aimed at the head it almost certain its a kill shot

If they are aiming at peoples heads it will be another positive case for the reds to accuse the goverment of murder as it is well known rubber bullets to the head KILL

You seem to think that is positive? I'm sure if someone threw a brick at someone elses head they could kill them too.. or an ashtray, beer bottle.. actually any solid object could be considered dangerous. But that is beside the point isn't it?

Red shirts are peaceful protestors and would never harm another Thai right??...

They would never deliberately block an officer of the law or a soldier from carrying out their duty right?

They would never criticize the royal family or jeopardize the economy right?

I'm sick of hearing all these red shirt sympathizes and their attempts to make every move by the government to try and restore law and order in the Capital, seem like some ruthless "Murder".

That is why this is my second post on any red shirt related forum. I'm just tired of the whole thing and hope it comes to a peaceful resolution.


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To confirm, this is the first sentence from the BBC

"One soldier has died, reportedly from a shot fired by a member of the security forces, and at least 10 people have been injured. "

Source: BBC News

Isn't the quality of CNN and BBC going muddy now? I remember the time when things were backed up by pictures/clips. Now they run more on hearsay than facts. They're trying hard to appear different to the mainstream and start cheating like Reuters did years ago.

Shame on them ...

I don't know, I'd trust CNN and BBC any day over a news company that uses twitter bloggers as their source and types like a 13 year old using words like 'u' and 'yrself'.

Instead of crapping nonsense, you could also try to understand that without the Reds roaming violently around this poor soldier wouldnt have died in the first place. Show some consideration please!

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Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

Eat some humble pie and next time remember your listening to the Nation which is a (well lets not go there)

Who says a shot from the police "friendly fire"? I thought they were all "tomatoes", according to the red supporters here.

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Red shirt people i understand you might want to ask for political changes or democracy...

You actually have the right to ask for whaever you want...but please do it from home and stop coming to bkk and annoy thousand of people who tries to do their work, this not good for you, this not good for us, this not good for thailand.

SO ask for whatever you want but please stay home and start doing some work or the country is heading to an economic crash...

I think a part of the problem comes from the government ignoring the "home" of the protesters (aka. North and North-East), so they really have no choice than come to Bangkok to voice their opinion.

However, I remember that Suthep said a few days ago that 70% of the red shirts are Bangkok residents, so where do you suggest they go when they go "home"?

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To confirm, this is the first sentence from the BBC

"One soldier has died, reportedly from a shot fired by a member of the security forces, and at least 10 people have been injured. "

Source: BBC News

Isn't the quality of CNN and BBC going muddy now? I remember the time when things were backed up by pictures/clips. Now they run more on hearsay than facts. They're trying hard to appear different to the mainstream and start cheating like Reuters did years ago.

Shame on them ...

I don't know, I'd trust CNN and BBC any day over a news company that uses twitter bloggers as their source and types like a 13 year old using words like 'u' and 'yrself'.

Instead of crapping nonsense, you could also try to understand that without the Reds roaming violently around this poor soldier wouldnt have died in the first place. Show some consideration please!

My post above was about CNN and BBC, not sure if you quoted the wrong post or something. :)

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Maybe the soldier got shot by friendly fire, but what source does BBC have? Was the reporter at the scene?

Arwa Damon from CNN was at Phahonyothin earlier, right behind the soldiers. She moved down to Rajprasong now.

If she is qouted as an eyewitness, then it is no doubt.

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