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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them.

I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

Really? You have proof of these hundreds that are dead as well as the seven in a temple, right? Which temple was it?

"It seems almost certain it was coming from the troops. And who within the chain of command was ordering troops to fire so recklessly, so close to so many people, the vast overwhelming majority of whom were unarmed, unthreatening and who – as they had been asked by the authorities – had just left their place in the city centre."


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“Loathing, arson, terrorism” etc.! Buzzwords used for centuries by people defending their positions against outsiders. Right or wrong!

I’m personally convinced that this week in Bangkok Thailand will come down in history as something that changed the direction of the Thai politics and history for ever. Like the Boston tea party or the French revolution!

To paraphrase W Churchill: This is not the end! This is not even the beginning of the end! This is the beginning!

A new day is dawning.

I hope it is a positive beginning. The problem is that if the Reds have their way, it might be the beginning of "Year Zero."

In thought and behavior, many (not all) Reds remind me of the Khmer Rouge:

Street executions of innocent people

Worship of an insane, power-hungry dictator

Belief that urban elites are the problem

Desire to destroy everything the urban elites value

Seeing the "press" as a problem (and going after them)

Extreme xenophobia

All of this is way too similar to the thoughts and behaviors of radical elements in the Khmer Rouge.

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Its interesting that one of the dead was reported as having been hit with shrapnel and was dragged to the temple by a journalist, who was also fired upon. I don't believe the Army has been using grenades in this action but we know that the "black shirts" are both using renades, and using them on journalists and civilians. I hope they unravel who is responsible and may all RIP.

Does shrapnel only come from grenades now? this army is great isn't it, now their bullets deny the laws of physics, they don't even produce shrapnel when hitting objects, only grenades can do that :) also how do you know the survivors have not said anything? do you really think the censored press will be allowed to say they were killed by military? you even answer your own point by saying the journalist was 'also' fired upon. If you don't believe the army used grenades that is fine, but don't assume only grenades cause shrapnel.

the fact is, as much as you don't like it, unarmed people have been shot and killed by the army, including foreign journalists. I know you will spout the usual nonsense that they deserve it etc, but they don't, if you are unarmed you don't deserve to be shot and killed. hopefully abhisit and suthep have to answer for these murders of civilians.

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Its interesting that one of the dead was reported as having been hit with shrapnel and was dragged to the temple by a journalist, who was also fired upon. I don't believe the Army has been using grenades in this action but we know that the "black shirts" are both using renades, and using them on journalists and civilians. I hope they unravel who is responsible and may all RIP.

Does shrapnel only come from grenades now? this army is great isn't it, now their bullets deny the laws of physics, they don't even produce shrapnel when hitting objects, only grenades can do that :) also how do you know the survivors have not said anything? do you really think the censored press will be allowed to say they were killed by military? you even answer your own point by saying the journalist was 'also' fired upon. If you don't believe the army used grenades that is fine, but don't assume only grenades cause shrapnel.

the fact is, as much as you don't like it, unarmed people have been shot and killed by the army, including foreign journalists. I know you will spout the usual nonsense that they deserve it etc, but they don't, if you are unarmed you don't deserve to be shot and killed. hopefully abhisit and suthep have to answer for these murders of civilians.

read this lanna, it might help you


or is everyone a liar or apologist if they don't buy into your rhetoric?

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While walking down the street one day Thaksin is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter.. 'Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you.'

'No problem, just let me in,' says Thaksin

'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hel_l and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.'

'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,’ says Thaksin.

'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.'

And with that, St. Peter escorts Thaksin to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hel_l. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.

They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises....

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

'Now it's time to visit heaven.'

So, 24 hours pass with Thaksin joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

'Well, then, you've spent a day in hel_l and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.'

Thaksin reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hel_l.'

So St.. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hel_l.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the MP. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time... Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.

What happened?'

The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning... ...

Today you voted.'


Edited by siampolee
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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

you are an absolute dick head where have you been for the last two months.... on cloud 9

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Its interesting that one of the dead was reported as having been hit with shrapnel and was dragged to the temple by a journalist, who was also fired upon. I don't believe the Army has been using grenades in this action but we know that the "black shirts" are both using renades, and using them on journalists and civilians. I hope they unravel who is responsible and may all RIP.

Does shrapnel only come from grenades now? this army is great isn't it, now their bullets deny the laws of physics, they don't even produce shrapnel when hitting objects, only grenades can do that :) also how do you know the survivors have not said anything? do you really think the censored press will be allowed to say they were killed by military? you even answer your own point by saying the journalist was 'also' fired upon. If you don't believe the army used grenades that is fine, but don't assume only grenades cause shrapnel.

the fact is, as much as you don't like it, unarmed people have been shot and killed by the army, including foreign journalists. I know you will spout the usual nonsense that they deserve it etc, but they don't, if you are unarmed you don't deserve to be shot and killed. hopefully abhisit and suthep have to answer for these murders of civilians.

read this lanna, it might help you


or is everyone a liar or apologist if they don't buy into your rhetoric?

If what that article says is true, then I'm sorry for doubting whoever posted this story earlier. There's absolutely no excuse for this type of careless firing from the army and I hope someone is held accountable soon. RIP to those that died in the temple.

That said, there's absolutely no excuse for red shirt protesters to set fire to and destroy commercial and private property vital to the infrastructure of this city, either. People's lives are at stake, and many lives will be changed forever on both sides. The sooner BOTH sides acknowledge that this whole thing was a dumbshit idea from the get-go, the sooner we all can move on.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

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What a shame....these animals didn't get a tenth of what they deserve.

How dare you call these people "animals". So what did they deserve?

Your type were burning wiches at the stake 800 years ago in the name of God.

You cannot accuse the entire body of protestors of arson just because a few bad eggs decided to start fires.

The army were using their directive to shoot on sight looters and arsonists as an excuse to kill innocent people. It is not a difficult task to clear 5,000 unarmed protestors with live amunition and tanks. This was no victory.

Who'd thought that a blog citizen of such stature would write such outright lies? Sadly, on my ignore list :):D

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They had plenty of time to plan for phase 2 in the event of dispersal of the protest and this is what we are now seeing. These are not isolated incidents of red shirts burning and looting because they are broken hearted and didn't want to go home yet. It is a concerted urban sabotage strategy led by a different set of leaders who were not recruited for their demogogue skills like the expendable ones now being arrested and may be organized in cells that don't know each other, as in the Deep South. The intention is to ignite a national uprising and try to get mutinies happening in the army and get the army fighting itself. It is all carefully planned out based on the Maoist manual.

Seems to be the case although Mao would have started slowly out in the sticks....say Udon thani or Chang Mai...Oh yeah! That's what's happening now, maybe because they are poor, downtrodden rice farmers they got a little confused and read the instruction manual upside down and started on the name at the bottom of the list instead of the other way around?

One bullet, with his name on it, would have stopped this nonsense 4 years ago! :)

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

Already has mate.

propping up ruling elite with 19 coups and deposing 3 pms in 4 years has just bited the elite in its butt.

those talk about thaksin just show again not know thailand much and only worry that bars not open again.

thaksin been away 4 year or you not know this?

you not know that he not on CRES?

you not know he not in army?

you not know anything!

Devekula say smart thing tonight about gov offer. they want what gov offer, but want it from man they elect, and they not elect mark.

just want for one time ever in this elite run country, to vote and have the people they vote for not killed, not banned, not couped.

Sorry so many falangs ignorant of this because think they hi so falang.

How was the girlfriend tonight? Beer cold? Just a touch of "pattani belly"?

Have a "Bex" and a good lie down, eat your rollmops. :)

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought.

Apparently all this looting and arson and criminal activity is all justified... according to Red Shirt Giles, the fugitive who writes from the comfort of his home in the UK :


Thailand: The Anger of the People Is Justified

by Giles Ji Ungpakorn

The anger of the ordinary people has finally erupted into violence with numerous buildings being set on fire in Bangkok and the provinces. People are also trying to use any means to fight the army. There are reports that government buildings, banks, the stock exchange, luxury shopping malls, and pro-military media are all being set on fire.

All this is totally justified .

Monthly Review Magazine

May 19, 2010

another westernised Thai asshol_e using the privalege of free speech we offer imigrants that should be banned from Uk

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What a shame....these animals didn't get a tenth of what they deserve.

How dare you call these people "animals". So what did they deserve?

Your type were burning wiches at the stake 800 years ago in the name of God.

You cannot accuse the entire body of protestors of arson just because a few bad eggs decided to start fires.

The army were using their directive to shoot on sight looters and arsonists as an excuse to kill innocent people. It is not a difficult task to clear 5,000 unarmed protestors with live amunition and tanks. This was no victory.

innocent people my hairy ars_e and you need to get your head out of your own!

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Anarchy in Klongtoey

By Pravit Rojanaphruk, Published on May 20, 2010, Nation newspaper

At 1.20pm (yesterday), upon being told that red-shirt leaders at RajprasongIntersection have decided to turn themselves to the police "in order to save lives", Red shirts who gathered at Klong Toey deltabecame very upset at the young messenger on stage.

"If you won't fight then get out!" a protester shouted at the man."We won't give up easily and if the leaders won't fight then we shall fight by ourselves. Anger burst out.

One doubted if the speaker was a real red shirt, as they refused to believe what they were hearing.

The young announcer was harassed and soon some men began smashing shop windows at CP Fresh Mart and K. Bank. A leader at the Klong Toey stage tried tocalm the crowd down but to no avail.

The rampage continued and buildings set on fire. By then anarchy had already engulfed Klong Toey delta. The crowd of a thousand strong began spreading out to vent their anger.

- - - - - - - - -

BB's comment: Thaksin and his henchmen were quite successful at brainwashing their minions to furious hate-mongerers. The toothpaste is out of the tube, and can't be pushed back in.


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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

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Klong Toey MRT Station

Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

Central World

Siam Square/Siam Theatre

Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

Thai SET

Tesco OnNut

Century Park Hotel

7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

Bkk Bank, Asoke

Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

Chang Mai Construction Company

BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

Khon Kaen City Hall

Udorn Thani City Hall

Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

Nonthaburi City Hall

Mukdaharn City Hall

Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

IT Seer Rangsit

Seacon Square

Lad Prao Big C

Center One Mall Victory Monument

7/11, Victory Monument

Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

7/11 Lang Suan... not gone up in smoke, but looted beyond recognition, as many, many other shops all over.

yeah, but come on be reasonable...they did it peacefully!!

I remember seeing Nattawut/Jutaporn? on video calling for more reds to join the 'peaceful protest' and adding that they need not bring petrol as they had more than enough to burn Bangkok to the ground 'peacefully'.

But maybe it was a 'fake' red leader on a 'fake' video??

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“Loathing, arson, terrorism” etc.! Buzzwords used for centuries by people defending their positions against outsiders. Right or wrong!

I’m personally convinced that this week in Bangkok Thailand will come down in history as something that changed the direction of the Thai politics and history for ever. Like the Boston tea party or the French revolution!

To paraphrase W Churchill: This is not the end! This is not even the beginning of the end! This is the beginning!

A new day is dawning.

I hope it is a positive beginning. The problem is that if the Reds have their way, it might be the beginning of "Year Zero."

In thought and behavior, many (not all) Reds remind me of the Khmer Rouge:

Street executions of innocent people

Worship of an insane, power-hungry dictator

Belief that urban elites are the problem

Desire to destroy everything the urban elites value

Seeing the "press" as a problem (and going after them)

Extreme xenophobia

All of this is way too similar to the thoughts and behaviors of radical elements in the Khmer Rouge.


At last! Someone who has a proper perspective on the situation. I have always said that Thaksin is not a democrat. (Note the small "d"). Rather he is a fascist as was proved when he persecuted the Thai press when he was in power, ordering the wonton murder of nearly 3,000 people under his war on drugs, completely stuffing up the efforts at reconciliation in the south and so fuelling a large increase in insurgent activity. God help Thailand if ever Thaksin comes back into power. You are right, Tejas. There will be public executions as Thaksin wreaks his revenge on those who ousted him as well as on the elite. Thailand will become a banana republic and its people will be plunged into even more poverty as he robs the country left right and centre. I have often said that Thaksin is probably insane and someone who is so rich and insane is a very dangerous man indeed.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

so what are you?

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

so what are you?

A newbie staying neutral.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

1) There are reds and there are anti-reds. There are few yellow supporters. There are actually a few anti-reds that were previously red supporters.

2) The reds state their positions without detail. Usually single incorrect statements with no back up information or anything to justify their position. It's easy to be non-emotional when you don't really say anything.

3) Why do you have to be Thai to be upset about what's happening in Thailand? My GF and her family care about me very much.

If all the farangs left Thailand, there would be no Thailand. That statement goes for foreigners in nearly any country. Countries rely on the foreign income and services of foreigners. Countries rely on foreign expertise and experience. They also rely on the contacts of those foreign countries for imports/exports. With out foreigners there would be little or no tourism and little or no foreign investment.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

WOW!! It is proven, impossible to cure stupid

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

You dont have to be Thai to be emotional about whats going on....just a human being with any modicum of respect for the value of life.

And I'm sorry...i dont think there will be a long queue of farang beating on the thai embassy doors for visas to come visit or invest after the chaos and destruction that the world saw last night. The thai government may not care if we leave and none come back...but the average thai earning a living in the tourist areas and the families dependent on money sent up north from family working in these areas will most definately care when the farang leave and not return.

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A sad day for Thailand and its people.

I hope this unrest is sorted throughout this evening and the army can take back control of Bangkok before its too late.

How many people are going to be out of work tomorrow as a result of their place of business being burnt down?

How many farang business's are going to pack up and leave in the near future?

How long will the tourist stay away from Thailand bringing their economy to a complete standstill?

Who will pay for the damage? This is a disaster... let it be over with swiftly and harshly as needed this evening!

Someone decided to have the entire Nation Pay for the loot that was confiscated just recently!

This is nothing else then an act of revenge - of a very sore loser!

"If I can't have it my way, no one shall have it his way!"

Seems to be his chosen motto.

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Is this what you had planned? When you were talking tuff and calling for an extreme crackdown, did you see the city being destroyed?

Did you want pictures of monks being handcuffed in a Temple with women and children dead around them at the hands of the Thai military? These pictures spread all over the world in an instance on the web now. I saw it.

Did you expect the Thai men in Black to fight back still this morning? They did not give up. The simply moved and are shooting in groups of 15 or so on Motor Bikes.

Did you see the city being quickly destroyed and burned down?

Did you want the world to look at Thailand and shake its head in disgust?

Are you ready for the trade tariffs to come?

Are you going to run from the nation like the Chines ran from Indonesia?

You think the Thai Issan people will forgive you or do you think they want revenge?

just a follow up.

a few years in Thailand and having quite a few Thai friends and ex GFs, some of whom were from Isaan, taught me to not ever corner a Thai.

They never forgive or forget. They can be very patient, can pretend that everything is just fine but at the end they will always try to get back at you.

I have been to many Isaan cities starting from Nong Kai down to Korat.

It's all Red.

And plz do not forget, people who have nothing to lose have nothing to lose.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

so what are you?

A newbie staying neutral.

Welcome to TV expat8.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

so what are you?

A newbie staying neutral.

<deleted> are you on? Obviously you don't give a toss that Bangkok's being burn't down.Thats fine,but don't berate posters whom care.Do you feel superior sitting on your

neutral lofty heights.Maybe it's just you the Thai's don't care about,which would be jusifiable.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

I would say that most expats, including myself, have nothing against the majority of red shirts. If you have ever been to the north east and talked to the average person there, they will tell you that they never watch the normal Thai TV channels as they are full of lies. They only watch PTV, Thaksin's TV channel which has, over the last few years totally distorted the truth and they have in fact been brainwashed. I know because I have family in Khon Kaen and they and their friends have told me this.

Most of the expats on this forum only have a hatred for Thaksin and his close cronies for the way he has caused so much damage to the country, not for the sake of the people he claims to be representing, but purely for his own ends. Nuttawut has admitted to receiving 100 million baht from Thaksin to create and maintain the protest and if he got this much money, you can bet that all the others got the same amount too. Additionally, even sources in the Puea Thai Party have admitted that the negotiations with the government could go nowhere because of the conditions laid down by Thaksin for ending the protest were unacceptable to the government. He demanded that he get all his money back, is given a total amnesty for all his past crimes and the return of his passports and property as well as being allowed to stand in the next general election as the leader of the Puea Thai Party. He could not care less that his supporters were dying on his behalf in the streets of Bangkok.

You can bet that Thaksin will pay for the legal costs of the defence of the red shirt leaders and will use every trick in the book to get them off and don't be surprised if he manages to do it, despite all the evidence, videos of speeches etc, that they are guilty of inciting rebellion. Just take a look at U-Tube for the evidence. One particular clip can be seen at:

This is where Arisman is inciting people to bring glass bottles to Bangkok to be filled with petrol so that they can be used as petrol bombs and for setting places alight.

I could go on and give you more examples but the above will give you some idea. Hopefully you will understand that most of us, who have been here for quite some time do not hate the average redshirt but in fact sympathise with their situation. Rather the hatred that many of us feel is directed towards Thaksin personally and his close coterie.

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I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum?

Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.

Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? The thai government doesn't care about you. If you leave, they could care less. Another farang will replace you. The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.

There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.

im sure the soldiers lying on the floor with limbs blown off by grenades are relieved the reds were only being destructive

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