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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought. And the trail all leads back to Thaksin. He could have stopped this 6 weeks ago but chose to put a quick stop on the offer of November elections.

My understanding they refused him entry before - how likely is it they will allow him entry with a terrorist warrant around his neck? No, he will be back in Montenegro and other such places where his money makes a nice hideyhole.

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Sure, the Reds have been armed with sticks and stones and some home made weapons, but it's hardly what people normally mean by "armed", when you're facing the military. If they were truly armed in the real sense of the word there would have been soldiers killed...or is this twisted thinking bud?

And please, if you care to reply, lay off the insults so we can keep this a civil debate.

Come on Tropo...you normally have great posts. Way too many pics of reds/blacks with guns. M79's are hardly home made weapons. Maybe all the civilian deaths THIS week were civilian...but that was not the case in the past, as you well know. And what about that army guy who had his arm blown off...as reported here...I am pretty sure that was not friendly fire.

Luckily, weapons are relatively hard to come by in Thailand. Hopefully, all this nonsense comes to an end. Such a disgrace.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought. And the trail all leads back to Thaksin. He could have stopped this 6 weeks ago but chose to put a quick stop on the offer of November elections.

Some people told me he was getting ready to go back to Britain. Is there any truth to this?

Can't be he is banned from entering the UK.

Not "banned", technically. The visa in his Thai diplomatic passport was revoked when he left the UK.

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

I've been right here in Chiangmai following it all not only on ThaiVisa but CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and also had some first hand reports via my Thai/Issan wife's family who have been hearing both sides of the story.

I already acknowledged the innocents and said that was a shame because it truly is (see my comments in red),..but like I said bud,... "an honest witness tells the truth".... I'm not outright saying you're a liar but I will say that you appear by your comment (and the retort defense herein) that you are indeed an occasional stranger to the truth (this occasion being one of them!)

M16's, Semi-automatic weapons, M79's grenade launchers, Molotov's and such cannot be discounted as being non existent or as mere on hand inventory in wait of use. They were used,..and in cowardly fashion against army, police, journalists and even their "own". They have burned down buildings, beaten and shot soldiers, killed civilian non-reds that showed resistance. Thrown freaking grenades into opposing peaceful anti-red protesters and at buildings, and the list goes on.

They (the Red's,..Insurgents) drew first blood and they brought this carnage to BKK and into Thailand,... and you want to chastise the army for doing their job? The army and the government had no choice ultimately to go in hard and unfortunately their has been CD. The mind boggles at the thought of what this may have developed into if a civil war/militia rule with these thugs had eventuated. Next month when you're able to walk around BKK normally again just give thanks that someone did have the balls to bite the bullet and use lethal force to stop these scumbags. The suggestion that any of these soldiers is purposefully killing innocent civilians or taking any gratification from that is not only preposterous and absurd, but also obscene, disrespectful and totally ignorant!

There will be casualties and collateral damage in any war or suppression or an uprising (which is what this was). They needed to be stopped and that is now at long last starting to transpire.

I'm fully awake and cognizant of what's going on and going down and willing to state fact and tell the truth about it,... unlike some posters on here that evidently have their heads charged up their own rear end!

Maybe you've made one too many posts on here bud and have adopted the view that your own statements are gospel because of it. That's kind of like believing in your own BS and not realizing you've just shot yourself in the foot! Why not take a moment to think before you set to your knee-jerk posting routine in future? Take a little more time to think it through,.. go have a cup of coffee and then hit "Add Reply" when you're clear that your comments have been fully considered and tempered with reality!

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There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought. And the trail all leads back to Thaksin. He could have stopped this 6 weeks ago but chose to put a quick stop on the offer of November elections.

Some people told me he was getting ready to go back to Britain. Is there any truth to this?

Can't be he is banned from entering the UK.

Not "banned", technically. The visa in his Thai diplomatic passport was revoked when he left the UK.

The fact is that there is no way Britain will let him back in, they already confiscated his money that he left there and they know that he is a criminal and now a terrorist. We can argue technicalities but Britain will not knowingly allow terrorists to enter the country.

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A sad day for Thailand and its people.

I hope this unrest is sorted throughout this evening and the army can take back control of Bangkok before its too late.

How many people are going to be out of work tomorrow as a result of their place of business being burnt down?

How many farang business's are going to pack up and leave in the near future?

How long will the tourist stay away from Thailand bringing their economy to a complete standstill?

Who will pay for the damage? This is a disaster... let it be over with swiftly and harshly as needed this evening!

now the rest of thailand and its people suffer because of the red shirts

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

Long live Thailand and the King !

Abhisit comes out of this with dignity he waited patiently for them to disperse, gave them countless warnings and very sensibly waited until they had lost what sympathy they may have had before acting. Even the action was relatively restrained. However I think the time for reconciliation is over - instead of bussing them home free of charged round enough of the hooligans up and let them spend a few weeks in jail. No matter how valid your protest maybe that doesnt justify destroying the places that countless poor people in bangkok depend on to work and provide for their families. Do the people in the provinces think they are the only "poor" in Thailand? They will clear off to their green fields and leave the poor people of bangkok, already suffering high pollution rates, with their mess to clear up.

Even if Thaksin did not orchestrate this he is a war criminal by virtue of the fact that he could have stopped it - failing to prevent crime is virtually the same as committing it which as an ex policeman he should know. The best idea in my view is to round up his entire family and hold them under house arrest until he has the guts to return and face judgment - I think before this the country may have been divided 50/50 but now they must all realise that this wanton destruction must have been planned in advance of the "so called " surrender which in my view was just a diversion to given them time to create the havoc they promised.

These people have no pride in their country if they put politics above people and property and use women and children as human shields - they are criminals pure and simple - I would not even brand them with the acolade of terrorist lest someone think they are "freedom fighters"

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Time to set aside the blame game and prey for peace..........

On the contrary, it should never be forgotten what the red shirts have done to the country. Shame on them and their tyrant leader Thaksin.

Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.

Agree with you Tom 100%

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Sure, the Reds have been armed with sticks and stones and some home made weapons, but it's hardly what people normally mean by "armed", when you're facing the military. If they were truly armed in the real sense of the word there would have been soldiers killed...or is this twisted thinking bud?

And please, if you care to reply, lay off the insults so we can keep this a civil debate.

Come on Tropo...you normally have great posts. Way too many pics of reds/blacks with guns. M79's are hardly home made weapons. Maybe all the civilian deaths THIS week were civilian...but that was not the case in the past, as you well know. And what about that army guy who had his arm blown off...as reported here...I am pretty sure that was not friendly fire.

Luckily, weapons are relatively hard to come by in Thailand. Hopefully, all this nonsense comes to an end. Such a disgrace.

I mainly lurk in the Thai Clippings forum because you cannot easily state an opinion here without being flamed by people who don't agree, but I stated "this week" to make that clear.

There are plenty of conspiracy theories over who was doing the shooting last month, but nothing is certain. Whatever you believe, certainly you cannot think that the reds are a threat against the military and they are basically weilding stick and stones. Reports of a few weapons hardly indicates that a crowd of 5000 men, women and children are armed. That's just what the government wants you to think, and by the tone of the replies and venom I'm getting here, they're doing a great job.

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19th May is surely a BLACK DAY in history of Thailand.

Those who claimed themselves to be the patriots put a scare on the face of their loyalty for country.

Why leaders surrender. To save more loss of life or property OR just to save their own lives and carrier in politics.

While they can do it earlier through given Road Map



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This is who I place a lot of of blame on behind the red shirt protestors/leaders, of course. The police who not only did not enforce the arrest warrents but stand and watch as crimes are being committed and do nothing.I have seen similar videos on TV with some of their pictures. They should immediately be fired and lose all of their benefits not a transfer to an inactive post. I wanted to take a picture but once the light turned green and the road was open, the taxi hauled out of the area too fast to get a picture. Shame on the police-they should be fired.

I agree with you entirely. The police in this country have been an absolute disgrace for years and have proven themselves over the last few weeks to be a complete and utterly rotten shambles. Grinning idiots watching while a hospital was invaded, while crimes were comitted and now while Bangkok burns. When the smoke settles, the government should make it a priority to sack EVERY member of the police force and get them to re-apply if they want to join a new force, made up on completely new lines with a total eradication of the stinking, corrupt system they have had up to now. Start by getting those thieving cops of the streets stealing money in broad daylight off innocent motorists and kick them out right to the very top.

Hear! Hear! Well said!

Dream never dies, just the dreamer

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I take it you are one of the democratic, peaceful, barehanded reds that think the only truth is red truth and all other voices must be silent.

Now I wish I had the talent for succinctness that you do Nick. I tend to get a bit emotional at times and rant on,... but you said it very well my friend... well said!

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

Long live Thailand and the King !

Abhisit comes out of this with dignity he waited patiently for them to disperse, gave them countless warnings and very sensibly waited until they had lost what sympathy they may have had before acting. Even the action was relatively restrained. However I think the time for reconciliation is over - instead of bussing them home free of charged round enough of the hooligans up and let them spend a few weeks in jail. No matter how valid your protest maybe that doesnt justify destroying the places that countless poor people in bangkok depend on to work and provide for their families. Do the people in the provinces think they are the only "poor" in Thailand? They will clear off to their green fields and leave the poor people of bangkok, already suffering high pollution rates, with their mess to clear up.

Even if Thaksin did not orchestrate this he is a war criminal by virtue of the fact that he could have stopped it - failing to prevent crime is virtually the same as committing it which as an ex policeman he should know. The best idea in my view is to round up his entire family and hold them under house arrest until he has the guts to return and face judgment - I think before this the country may have been divided 50/50 but now they must all realise that this wanton destruction must have been planned in advance of the "so called " surrender which in my view was just a diversion to given them time to create the havoc they promised.

These people have no pride in their country if they put politics above people and property and use women and children as human shields - they are criminals pure and simple - I would not even brand them with the acolade of terrorist lest someone think they are "freedom fighters"

Encore for that great post. Thank you

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Yeah, they're blaming foreigners for their frightened troops that shoot unarmed protestors - bit like Karzai blaming election corruption on foreigners. Almost all the 'victories' that the Thai armed forces have won in history have been on Thai soil fighting either their own people or foreigners who they surrendered or lost Thai land to in the first place, particularly the Burmese, French and Japanese. I'm not blaming the conscripts for that - just the commanders.

Which unarmed protestors would those be?

The ones unarmed with M79 grenades maybe?

I just corrected that because I know some of the red shirts have been reported as being armed, but it doesn't mean those who were killed were the same ones. Remember a disproportionate number of reporters have been wounded or killed - were they armed? In fact, all the weapons used by the reds I've seen on TV have been firecrackers and slingshots and firework rockets fired from metal tubes.

Oh I am sorry - if there is an angry mob of several thousand people facing me threateningly and from somewhere in the crowd a shot whistles past my ear - I am supposed to wait and try and identify which one of those angry people has the gun? That is assuming it hasnt already changed hands in the crowd. If you stand beside people with guns (or sticks or molotov cocktails) then you run the risk of getting shot - is that hard to understand? Do the mob melt away and give up the criminals - NO therefore they are as guilty as the people holding the guns - this has not been a peaceful protest for some weeks now - the bystanders who got injured were sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time - but if you were a protester then you knew exactly what was going on - you could have run away from the scene but you chose to stay. Do you really think Thail soldiers want to kill their own people?

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

I've been right here in Chiangmai following it all not only on ThaiVisa but CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and also had some first hand reports via my Thai/Issan wife's family who have been hearing both sides of the story.

I already acknowledged the innocents and said that was a shame because it truly is (see my comments in red),..but like I said bud,... "an honest witness tells the truth".... I'm not outright saying you're a liar but I will say that you appear by your comment (and the retort defense herein) that you are indeed an occasional stranger to the truth (this occasion being one of them!)

M16's, Semi-automatic weapons, M79's grenade launchers, Molotov's and such cannot be discounted as being non existent or as mere on hand inventory in wait of use. They were used,..and in cowardly fashion against army, police, journalists and even their "own". They have burned down buildings, beaten and shot soldiers, killed civilian non-reds that showed resistance. Thrown freaking grenades into opposing peaceful anti-red protesters and at buildings, and the list goes on.

They (the Red's,..Insurgents) drew first blood and they brought this carnage to BKK and into Thailand,... and you want to chastise the army for doing their job? The army and the government had no choice ultimately to go in hard and unfortunately their has been CD. The mind boggles at the thought of what this may have developed into if a civil war/militia rule with these thugs had eventuated. Next month when you're able to walk around BKK normally again just give thanks that someone did have the balls to bite the bullet and use lethal force to stop these scumbags. The suggestion that any of these soldiers is purposefully killing innocent civilians or taking any gratification from that is not only preposterous and absurd, but also obscene, disrespectful and totally ignorant!

There will be casualties and collateral damage in any war or suppression or an uprising (which is what this was). They needed to be stopped and that is now at long last starting to transpire.

I'm fully awake and cognizant of what's going on and going down and willing to state fact and tell the truth about it,... unlike some posters on here that evidently have their heads charged up their own rear end!

Maybe you've made one too many posts on here bud and have adopted the view that your own statements are gospel because of it. That's kind of like believing in your own BS and not realizing you've just shot yourself in the foot! Why not take a moment to think before you set to your knee-jerk posting routine in future? Take a little more time to think it through,.. go have a cup of coffee and then hit "Add Reply" when you're clear that your comments have been fully considered and tempered with reality!

Since last Thursday all the casualties have been civilian. How do you figure 5000 armed protesters (the way you see it) took 100% of the casualties.

You're just being brainwashed by the government propaganda.

Suggestion: Stop replying to my posts unless you can eliminate the sarcasm (flame). Better yet, I'll put you where you should be - on ignore. I've been here too long to be bothered arguing with new members who are probably banned old members.

Edited by tropo
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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I`m just wondering how Abhisit is going to look after this,as his handling of all this has been pretty inept if indeed he was in control, He has something in common with Thaksin as they are both on amnesty internationals human rights list.

He will come out on top despite your perceptions...

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

I see that there are still red shirts in here who even now defend their actions. The army was extremely careful and succeeded in their task with minimum casualties. You Muppets simply do not want to accept that you have been supporting Terrorists but watch out, with all that money confiscated you may not get paid.

With the curfew in place I hope the army now has the order to shoot to kill and I wish them good hunting. Those cockroaches deserve to die and their stinking bodes should be thrown onto a rubbish dump.

They set a building on fire with over 100 people in it ...... would love to see them hanged in public

Edited by Herm
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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

I've been right here in Chiangmai following it all not only on ThaiVisa but CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and also had some first hand reports via my Thai/Issan wife's family who have been hearing both sides of the story.

I already acknowledged the innocents and said that was a shame because it truly is (see my comments in red),..but like I said bud,... "an honest witness tells the truth".... I'm not outright saying you're a liar but I will say that you appear by your comment (and the retort defense herein) that you are indeed an occasional stranger to the truth (this occasion being one of them!)

M16's, Semi-automatic weapons, M79's grenade launchers, Molotov's and such cannot be discounted as being non existent or as mere on hand inventory in wait of use. They were used,..and in cowardly fashion against army, police, journalists and even their "own". They have burned down buildings, beaten and shot soldiers, killed civilian non-reds that showed resistance. Thrown freaking grenades into opposing peaceful anti-red protesters and at buildings, and the list goes on.

They (the Red's,..Insurgents) drew first blood and they brought this carnage to BKK and into Thailand,... and you want to chastise the army for doing their job? The army and the government had no choice ultimately to go in hard and unfortunately their has been CD. The mind boggles at the thought of what this may have developed into if a civil war/militia rule with these thugs had eventuated. Next month when you're able to walk around BKK normally again just give thanks that someone did have the balls to bite the bullet and use lethal force to stop these scumbags. The suggestion that any of these soldiers is purposefully killing innocent civilians or taking any gratification from that is not only preposterous and absurd, but also obscene, disrespectful and totally ignorant!

There will be casualties and collateral damage in any war or suppression or an uprising (which is what this was). They needed to be stopped and that is now at long last starting to transpire.

I'm fully awake and cognizant of what's going on and going down and willing to state fact and tell the truth about it,... unlike some posters on here that evidently have their heads charged up their own rear end!

Maybe you've made one too many posts on here bud and have adopted the view that your own statements are gospel because of it. That's kind of like believing in your own BS and not realizing you've just shot yourself in the foot! Why not take a moment to think before you set to your knee-jerk posting routine in future? Take a little more time to think it through,.. go have a cup of coffee and then hit "Add Reply" when you're clear that your comments have been fully considered and tempered with reality!

Despite your extended drivel (you like to use "BS", so let's use that), you're still don't get it do you. Since last Thursday all the casualties have been civilian. How do you figure 5000 armed protesters (the way you see it) took 100% of the casualties.

You're just being brainwashed by the government propaganda.

Suggestion: Stop replying to my posts unless you can eliminate the sarcasm. Better yet, I'll put you where you should be - on ignore.

Then perhaps if you came down from Chiang Mai and went belly to belly on this with reds and army you would understand your 'assumptions' are totally false. There are 'many' more casualties here than your unarmed protestors. Today in Sukhumvit this morning, two motorcycle reds were riding down shooting at army indiscriminately and after a number of 'casualties' some well aimed M16 from army on the overhead bridge near Soi 8 blew them away - yes dead. Another 100% on the bad guys and wounded on the soldiers. But deservedly - and this was on the corner of Soi 11 yet this - like many others, was not in the 'news'. So before you make statements about 'casualties' you maybe need to change that to 'deaths' as there are many soldiers as casualties and there are more than many deaths that have not been recorded. That I think, is where the problem lies. But no the govt is not brainwashing - had you been a victim of the civil experience of 140 db (point of pain from the stage) anywhere living near the stages and understood Thai, (perhaps you do) you would know who was brainwashing whom! Cheers

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What do you think the long term outcome is going to be, when a lot of people that had their ID Cards taken, and were expecting to get paid for there time in BKK, find that money is either gone, or frozen by the Government??

While the insinuation here is if a person died and was not military, they were therefore killed by the military.

If you look back a few pages, you will see that the Red Shirts had a vendetta against the press. All the press was notified to take of thier green arm bands once Rapisong fell.

Also a lot of video I see is the military shooting shotguns, not M16's. A lot shorter range, and not too leathal past 50 meters.

I do believe it will be a long time before peace returns to Thailand, and if I was a politician running for office, this non-payment of the Red Shirts will be a pretty big deal come election time.

Edited by old wanderer
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I've been right here in Chiangmai following it all not only on ThaiVisa but CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and also had some first hand reports via my Thai/Issan wife's family who have been hearing both sides of the story.

I already acknowledged the innocents and said that was a shame because it truly is (see my comments in red),..but like I said bud,... "an honest witness tells the truth".... I'm not outright saying you're a liar but I will say that you appear by your comment (and the retort defense herein) that you are indeed an occasional stranger to the truth (this occasion being one of them!)

M16's, Semi-automatic weapons, M79's grenade launchers, Molotov's and such cannot be discounted as being non existent or as mere on hand inventory in wait of use. They were used,..and in cowardly fashion against army, police, journalists and even their "own". They have burned down buildings, beaten and shot soldiers, killed civilian non-reds that showed resistance. Thrown freaking grenades into opposing peaceful anti-red protesters and at buildings, and the list goes on.

They (the Red's,..Insurgents) drew first blood and they brought this carnage to BKK and into Thailand,... and you want to chastise the army for doing their job? The army and the government had no choice ultimately to go in hard and unfortunately their has been CD. The mind boggles at the thought of what this may have developed into if a civil war/militia rule with these thugs had eventuated. Next month when you're able to walk around BKK normally again just give thanks that someone did have the balls to bite the bullet and use lethal force to stop these scumbags. The suggestion that any of these soldiers is purposefully killing innocent civilians or taking any gratification from that is not only preposterous and absurd, but also obscene, disrespectful and totally ignorant!

There will be casualties and collateral damage in any war or suppression or an uprising (which is what this was). They needed to be stopped and that is now at long last starting to transpire.

I'm fully awake and cognizant of what's going on and going down and willing to state fact and tell the truth about it,... unlike some posters on here that evidently have their heads charged up their own rear end!

Maybe you've made one too many posts on here bud and have adopted the view that your own statements are gospel because of it. That's kind of like believing in your own BS and not realizing you've just shot yourself in the foot! Why not take a moment to think before you set to your knee-jerk posting routine in future? Take a little more time to think it through,.. go have a cup of coffee and then hit "Add Reply" when you're clear that your comments have been fully considered and tempered with reality!

dam_n.. that should be a sticky somewhere.. talk about having one's finger on the pulse so to speak.. well done

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Then perhaps if you came down from Chiang Mai and went belly to belly on this with reds and army you would understand your 'assumptions' are totally false. There are 'many' more casualties here than your unarmed protestors. Today in Sukhumvit this morning, two motorcycle reds were riding down shooting at army indiscriminately and after a number of 'casualties' some well aimed M16 from army on the overhead bridge near Soi 8 blew them away - yes dead. Another 100% on the bad guys and wounded on the soldiers. But deservedly - and this was on the corner of Soi 11 yet this - like many others, was not in the 'news'. So before you make statements about 'casualties' you maybe need to change that to 'deaths' as there are many soldiers as casualties and there are more than many deaths that have not been recorded. That I think, is where the problem lies. But no the govt is not brainwashing - had you been a victim of the civil experience of 140 db (point of pain from the stage) anywhere living near the stages and understood Thai, (perhaps you do) you would know who was brainwashing whom! Cheers

That's an interesting STORY being told by an anonymous Thaivisa member. Should I base my assumption on what you tell me?

However, it's beside the point here. We're discussing the activities in Bangkok.

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activities in Bangkok, Tropo?

may we call it terrorism , please. Word so over used, but here it fits.

a group of people are terrorising a 16mil city. There no other way to put it.

edit spelling

Edited by valgehiir
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Klong Toey MRT Station

Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

Central World

Siam Square/Siam Theatre

Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

Thai SET

Tesco OnNut

Century Park Hotel

7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

Bkk Bank, Asoke

Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

Chang Mai Construction Company

BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

Khon Kaen City Hall

Udorn Thani City Hall

Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

Nonthaburi City Hall

Mukdaharn City Hall

Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

IT Seer Rangsit

Seacon Square

Lad Prao Big C

Center One Mall Victory Monument

7/11, Victory Monument

Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

What harsh crackdown? The reds are rioting because their leaders surrendered.

And where is the international condemnation? There isn't any, since every western country would have dealt with this in exactly the same way, or in a way leading to even more deaths.

Utter rubbish.

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Klong Toey MRT Station

Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

Central World

Siam Square/Siam Theatre

Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

Thai SET

Tesco OnNut

Century Park Hotel

7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

Bkk Bank, Asoke

Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

Chang Mai Construction Company

BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

Khon Kaen City Hall

Udorn Thani City Hall

Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

Nonthaburi City Hall

Mukdaharn City Hall

Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

IT Seer Rangsit

Seacon Square

Lad Prao Big C

Center One Mall Victory Monument

7/11, Victory Monument

Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

7/11 Lang Suan... not gone up in smoke, but looted beyond recognition, as many, many other shops all over.

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7/11 Lang Suan... not gone up in smoke, but looted beyond recognition, as many, many other shops all over.

"Looted beyond recognition" - Wow! Did they nick the sign too?

Edited by JetsetBkk
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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I do understand what Thaksin has done for his part in this mess

And also that the intervention of the current government was to save the day back then when the Military coup came.

But we still must see that the current gov is still classifiable as a dictatorship

take Thaksin away and there would still be a mutiny, at least later if not yet, because Thai people don't want another dictatorship and want democracy.

Unfortunately i have to agree with a famous Thai monk who has been part of a tv campaign to make Thai people understand and find peace with each other;

he says it is only when our hearts change that corruption will be gone.

That each person should start with himself.

As long as people have corrupt hearts then corruption will be reflected in the face of society

The intent of the heart of the majority is what makes a nation corrupt or not.

Instead of arguing about different views, people should just focus on trying to behave well themselves - it is only by example that we can teach others to follow the lead.

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Half a dozen dead? Not the Tiannaman Square/Jonestown Waco scenario with hundreds dead that the redshirt leadership were trying to engineer. Their cynicism and disregard for the lives and wellbeing of their supporters has been breathtaking. Hats off to the Thai military that have done a difficult and awkward job with what is minimum loss of life.

As for the future - curfew for a week. Shoot anyone that breaks it. And after that - when everything has calmed down - talk to the opposition with an open heart. For this to be put to bed the old ladies have to be split from the blackshirts.

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