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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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Here - I'm going to cut and paste the lot. The best comment yet on international media. Apologies to those who've already read it.

The original is here:-


I have been composing a long, day by day account of the "troubles" of the last three days, which I have not yet posted. The reason is that I've been getting a lot of mail asking me to explain "the truth" to people overseas. A lot of people here are astonished and appalled at the level of irresponsibility and inaccuracy shown by such major news.................................. etc etc

This is a very interesting article with some good points made.

I also see that those who do not speak read and write Thai and have a good understanding of The current Thai Zeitgeist, can never either report on the issues here nor can the readerships get a clear picture.

What also doesn't help is that the other main issue underlying the red and yellow dispute has never been mentioned!

this is of course because of the les majeste law.

This is of course why i can't tell either what it is about

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

Long live Thailand and the King !

Yes it would have been good to have stopped this earlier but I am not sure it could have been stopped. Thaksin is absolutely insane and had they used an iron fist earlier it may have allowed Thaksin to avoid the blame and continue. Now Thaksin is finished. If he isn't they can give the northeast to Cambodia but I don't think they are so foolish as to continue to support him. These are nothing but hired thugs. I always thought so and I would not be surprised in the least if Thaksin offered them everything from a million baht to plumb government jobs when they overthrow the government. Now its time to bring justice to these people and to fire half the police force and replace it with southerners.

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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

Do not waste your time talking to the anti Reds.

This group here is never going to make sense or change.

They called for the attack and now are still calling for killing.

All Bangkok can burn down and they will still be saying the attack was a good idea.


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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

The above points or drivel prove that you are full of shit and have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

Do not waste your time talking to the anti Reds.

This group here is never going to make sense or change.

They called for the attack and now are still calling for killing.

All Bangkok can burn down and they will still be saying the attack was a good idea.

I didn't call for the attack, on the contrary. Until the very last moment I was applauding the governments restraint. Anyhow, I think you're posting to yourself there.

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To all the Red shirt people out there, Why did they have to burn down my aunt Restaurant. What did she ever do to you. All you did was cause her problems and made her lose money.

I am so sorry to hear this bad news about your poor aunt's business, this is sad news.

But please do not get so angry at the "red shirts" that you wish to hurt them - remember tosa (โทสะ) is a fire which blinds us and makes us misbehave and do the worst things a Human can do.

These people were angry and did wrong because of their flariing anger blinding their logic and reasoning.

All problems can be solved by peaceful means - but we forget this when we are angry.

Please don't let yourself get angry and perhaps go do some more wrong to a redshirt in revenge.

because two wrongs dont make a right. Perhaps you would beat a redshirt who was passive and never hurt anyone.

Then their relatives get angry and go protest and hurt some innocent yellow shirts..

and so on etc.

Its not the topic of politics which is the cause of the unrest and wrongdoing

It is Anger.

Politics can be discussed or fought over

People chose to fight

because of anger

We must all pay for our actions one way of the other - Kamma is unescapable. You dont need to avenge your auntie - better to try to help her if you can, and practice ahingsa always.

Once again, i am very sorry about what happened to your Aunts business.

My old business place was demolished on sukhumvit soi 10 when Choowit and the hundreds of soldiers/cops came and demolished the whole bazar illegally.

No one was reimbursed or got their stuff back.

over 50 businesses destroyed by a person who owns prostitute massage salons, destroys peoples shops and source of living to re sell the land without having to evict, punches journalists and still is allowed to run for mayor of BKK.

So yes, i do know how your auntie feels, i hope she is getting some moral support (กำลังใจ) from her family.

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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them because no country in the world has ever lasted under mob rule. If normal people can't go about their lawful lives without fear and loss, the politics are irrelevant.

Edited by retdson
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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them.

I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

The above points or drivel prove that you are full of shit and have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

1. they are not drivel unless you can prove so with decent rhetoric

2. Your insults fall on deaf ears. when you point at someone with your finger there are four other fingers pointing back at yourself.. so keep pointing as much as you want.

Perhaps i know some factors which you don't.. things that are not in print or news or tv.

You cant answer my points with a counter obviously and thus resort to an insult.

Insults are drivel.

So if you are able to keep pace with me then please answer this;

how can this gov be a democratic one when they forbid free speech on the internet and in news, and forbid the formation of certain political parties?

if you cant reply and explain with more than an insult, then you are showing yourself to be unable to prove me wrong..

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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them.

I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

Really? You have proof of these hundreds that are dead as well as the seven in a temple, right? Which temple was it?

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

I guess you must be a red shirt supporter, probably living somewhere in Esan listening to all the crap regurgitated by PTV. Was the government to do nothing? They gave the red shirts plenty of warnings and enough rope to hang themselves with. Thaksin has a hel_l of a lot to answer for. I hope that the government issue an Interpol arrest warrant on treason charges and bring him back to face a firing squad, but start shooting him in the ankles first and then all the way up to his squarehead. Total meglomaniac and probably insane. Doesn't give a dam_n about anyone else but himself. Absolute prick.

Agreed,Khun T. shopping in Paris,people fighting for him died on the streets of BKK, no words........!!

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I think the jury is out on the numbers dead - and it may be a wait for a realistic figure, but we should bve used to claims of hundreds dead etc from previous claims that turned out to be far from accurate.

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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

The above points or drivel prove that you are full of shit and have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

1. they are not drivel unless you can prove so with decent rhetoric

2. Your insults fall on deaf ears. when you point at someone with your finger there are four other fingers pointing back at yourself.. so keep pointing as much as you want.

Perhaps i know some factors which you don't.. things that are not in print or news or tv.

You cant answer my points with a counter obviously and thus resort to an insult.

Insults are drivel.

So if you are able to keep pace with me then please answer this;

how can this gov be a democratic one when they forbid free speech on the internet and in news, and forbid the formation of certain political parties?

if you cant reply and explain with more than an insult, then you are showing yourself to be unable to prove me wrong..

I did answer your points with a counter. The correct answer, rather than your lies. That's why you chose to cut that portion out of your next post and start up with a new line of bullshit unconnected to the post I was replying to. It just became unconnected rambling designed to obfuscate the fact you posted crap and no longer worthy of a


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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Sure, the Reds have been armed with sticks and stones and some home made weapons, but it's hardly what people normally mean by "armed", when you're facing the military. If they were truly armed in the real sense of the word there would have been soldiers killed...or is this twisted thinking bud?

And please, if you care to reply, lay off the insults so we can keep this a civil debate.

Come on Tropo...you normally have great posts. Way too many pics of reds/blacks with guns. M79's are hardly home made weapons. Maybe all the civilian deaths THIS week were civilian...but that was not the case in the past, as you well know. And what about that army guy who had his arm blown off...as reported here...I am pretty sure that was not friendly fire.

Luckily, weapons are relatively hard to come by in Thailand. Hopefully, all this nonsense comes to an end. Such a disgrace.

I mainly lurk in the Thai Clippings forum because you cannot easily state an opinion here without being flamed by people who don't agree, but I stated "this week" to make that clear.

There are plenty of conspiracy theories over who was doing the shooting last month, but nothing is certain. Whatever you believe, certainly you cannot think that the reds are a threat against the military and they are basically weilding stick and stones. Reports of a few weapons hardly indicates that a crowd of 5000 men, women and children are armed. That's just what the government wants you to think, and by the tone of the replies and venom I'm getting here, they're doing a great job.

I hear ya...but I saw plenty of pics of reds/blacks carrying serious weapons. Pics from BBC, CNN, etc...not government sources. I agree with you that the Thai government is not always truthful...heck, that can be said for many governments!!!

Why do you think the reds want reporters shot? Because the foreign ones are reporting the truth...that the reds are armed and are shooting at government forces.

Why can this happen? 5000 basically unarmed men, women and children holding off the entire Thai Army and police force? Because, as you know, the police are all reds...and a good percentage of the army is also (watermelons and tomatoes). I have never in my life seen an armed force being unarmed by an unarmed crowd. Only happened because they let it. Most other countries would not have allowed this to happen. The PM is fighting too many battles to get anything done...yet is getting blame for what is happening. Not fair.

The reds have a great propaganda machine. The government needs to get to their level to get the message out...luckily, we have the independent foreign media to count on...

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

Long live Thailand and the King !

Yes it would have been good to have stopped this earlier but I am not sure it could have been stopped. Thaksin is absolutely insane and had they used an iron fist earlier it may have allowed Thaksin to avoid the blame and continue. Now Thaksin is finished. If he isn't they can give the northeast to Cambodia but I don't think they are so foolish as to continue to support him. These are nothing but hired thugs. I always thought so and I would not be surprised in the least if Thaksin offered them everything from a million baht to plumb government jobs when they overthrow the government. Now its time to bring justice to these people and to fire half the police force.

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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them.

I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

Really? You have proof of these hundreds that are dead as well as the seven in a temple, right? Which temple was it?

i think it was 9 dead at the temple..

reported inthe nation for one


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You are all entitled to you views but really people, the city is burning and empty of all business.

The government killed over a dozn people in the temple-women and children.

It is going to get worse.

You were calling for war?

Well now you have it and the city is being destroyed.

The army should have NEVER moved on the people like this.

It was stupid.

You like the results so far?

Wait until it burns for weeks.

Call in the UN.

Not stupid, inevitable. The moment the reds set up camp at Lumpini, this result was inevitable; we only found out it had to happen when the Reds rejected the peace plan because Suthep had turned himself into the wrong cop shop. Then, we knew the Reds had no intention of leaving until Thaksin got his money or Abhisit's scalp.

You're also wrong about BKK or the country burning for weeks. It's nearly over already, and the few flash fires that erupt over the next few days will be extinguished quickly, and the looting arsonists incarcerated for a good, long time. Don't worry, though, you'll get to enjoy watching your red friends in prison blue cleaning the sewers for the next few years, while their leaders' money is used to rebuild the damaged property.

Bangkok's a big town; a few fires won't shut her down. hel_l, there are probably half a dozen decent blazes on any given day, red shirts or no. We'll be back to normal in no time, maybe even better than before, since there will be about 5000 fewer hoodlums walking around free.

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When I woke up this morning and heard that the army was going in, I thought it would result in 100s dead. I think it's less than 10. A phenomenally good and disciplined job on the part of the military that should bury once and for all this shit about repressive regimes slaughtering innocents, etc, etc. There's not government in the world that could have done it with less damage. Really, it's time for the redshirts (if they actually exist outside the mob) to quit burning the country and sit down like civilized people and take the hand this government has offered them. If they dont' want to do that - shoot the lot of them.

I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

Really? You have proof of these hundreds that are dead as well as the seven in a temple, right? Which temple was it?

i think it was 9 dead at the temple..

reported inthe nation for one


There's no indication of how they died or who killed them. I find it hard to believe that the army was responsible. That would mean they would've had to enter the temple to kill them. Someone would've seen. If indeed it was the army that killed them, why didn't the two survivors say anything?

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I know you read those numbers but those numbers given my the Thai government are not true.

There were 7 dead in a temple that a doctor reported and the Thai government did not report those and likely has missed the 100s you are talking about.

Really? You have proof of these hundreds that are dead as well as the seven in a temple, right? Which temple was it?

i think it was 9 dead at the temple..

reported inthe nation for one


There's no indication of how they died or who killed them. I find it hard to believe that the army was responsible. That would mean they would've had to enter the temple to kill them. Someone would've seen. If indeed it was the army that killed them, why didn't the two survivors say anything?

Its interesting that one of the dead was reported as having been hit with shrapnel and was dragged to the temple by a journalist, who was also fired upon. I don't believe the Army has been using grenades in this action but we know that the "black shirts" are both using renades, and using them on journalists and civilians. I hope they unravel who is responsible and may all RIP.

Edited by lannarebirth
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quote Lanna rebirth "That is not true. The current government was formed by a coalition of MP's each of whom was democratically elected. "

How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

Every line of thought should have its chance - be it for better or worse.

This is democracy

Free speech is another thing

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions..

There are other things too but i think the above points are enough and prove that the current gov is not democratic.

The above points or drivel prove that you are full of shit and have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

1. they are not drivel unless you can prove so with decent rhetoric

2. Your insults fall on deaf ears. when you point at someone with your finger there are four other fingers pointing back at yourself.. so keep pointing as much as you want.

Perhaps i know some factors which you don't.. things that are not in print or news or tv.

You cant answer my points with a counter obviously and thus resort to an insult.

Insults are drivel.

So if you are able to keep pace with me then please answer this;

how can this gov be a democratic one when they forbid free speech on the internet and in news, and forbid the formation of certain political parties?

if you cant reply and explain with more than an insult, then you are showing yourself to be unable to prove me wrong..

I think "decent rhetoric" is an oxymoron :)

I don't think this post deserved to be written off as drivel so easily. Both the content and the idea that this is a held belief is surely of interest (unless we wish to whitewash other ideas to make life easier for our own arguments).

-How can it be a democratic election when the original party for the redshirts was forbidden and disbanded.

This is interesting I think. I was never much a fan of TRT myself, but I was a little uneasy in the decision to disband a whole political party. I could understand banning people from standing or remaining an MP because of illegalities (ignoring the fact if these charges were true or not - lets assume for the sake of argument and clarity of point they were), but why not allow a new leadership to take over and call an election - after all there was a care taker goverment in plae, so elections were needed and with the leaders removed, the opposition parties should no longer have need not to stand.

- Even the fachist Nazi national front in England is allowed to run for elections.

This is the meaning of democracy.

I don't think the NF still stand (may be wrong), but the BNP certainly do and whilst (perhaps) less blatant certainly have some extreame rightwing views. However, the point is well taken and I point the honourable member to my previous answer.

The current gov has banned lots of websites with political criticism against them.

This is not a democracy because of internet and news censorship, and the arrest and imprisonment of people for simply expressing their opinions.

I believe this is not new to Thai politics - remember the chief editor of BKK Post being sacked for not towing the TRT line? However, two (or two million) wrongs, do not make a right (as mum is apt to say). Censorship is a knife edge. All governments to my knowledge (even those in the west that blatantly proclaim free speech) actively "protect the public" from information - whether it is pornography, prejudice or in anyway considered dangerous to the state. Britain even has the ability (via D-Marking) to halt publication in the national "free" press. The American Patriots act has been used to arrest people for speaking out (according to news reports) and seemingly for harbouring dangerous views.

I am sure whatever government ends up in power here, there will still be much of the same. That is why international press is so important (just wish it was more accurate and less sensationalist though!).

Above all, what makes a government democratic? And what stops a seemingly democratically created (avoid elected) government from being democratic? And does this government fit into the former or does it carry too much of the latter? Just posing - no answers myself (at least not cogent enough as yet to share).

Edited by wolf5370
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I am sure you are all correct and mr. T is the devil himself ........

but up in ChiangMai it would be extremely unwise to make such a comment within earshot of any Thai person.

One brave white person commented negatively on mr. T in a shop nearby, the little old lady owner flew at him shouting 'you not come in shop again'

She must have been on the red shirt payroll!

People need to learn some common sense when living in a foreign country.

Britain even has the ability (via D-Marking) to halt publication in the national "free" press.

They don't need to, part of my previous career in the UK was to 'never broadcast anything we wouldn't like', I was never sure who 'we' were, I was never told what they wouldn't like. That was left up to me ......... but I was left in no doubt, refuse to comply and be unemployed and unemployable.

Definition of democracy

"The oppressed are allowed, once every few years, to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them."

Edited by sarahsbloke
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“Loathing, arson, terrorism” etc.! Buzzwords used for centuries by people defending their positions against outsiders. Right or wrong!

I’m personally convinced that this week in Bangkok Thailand will come down in history as something that changed the direction of the Thai politics and history for ever. Like the Boston tea party or the French revolution!

To paraphrase W Churchill: This is not the end! This is not even the beginning of the end! This is the beginning!

A new day is dawning.

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I am sure you are all correct and mr. T is the devil himself ........

but up in ChiangMai it would be extremely unwise to make such a comment within earshot of any Thai person.

One brave white person commented negatively on mr. T in a shop nearby, the little old lady owner flew at him shouting 'you not come in shop again'

She must have been on the red shirt payroll!

People need to learn some common sense when living in a foreign country.

Britain even has the ability (via D-Marking) to halt publication in the national "free" press.

They don't need to, part of my previous career in the UK was to 'never broadcast anything we wouldn't like', I was never sure who 'we' were, I was never told what they wouldn't like. That was left up to me ......... but I was left in no doubt, refuse to comply and be unemployed and unemployable.

Definition of democracy

"The oppressed are allowed, once every few years, to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them."

Brilliant post and how true. Democracy only exists until it is tested to the detriment of the ruling class than it quickly evaporates.

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"This is not the end! This is not even the beginning of the end! This is the beginning!" - Winston Churchill, former PM of the United Kingdom

"This is the end! This is definitely not the beginning! This is the end of the beginning!" - Thaksin Shinawatr, former PM of Thailand

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I will start by saying that i am 100% against the acts and idea's of the reds so that nobody think i support them.

Just a few facts for the people who call the protesters all names possible.We are talking about mostly non-educated people who been payed to go to Bangkok and will do whatever the leaders ask them to do, i rather feel compasion for them then hate.Its Thaksin and co we have to blame,and hate i hope justice will be done for all of them!

I like to take the example of Ruanda in 1994 people who lived peacefull in the same village started to kill eachother just because the (goverment) told them to do so.It seems not that hard to stirr up people with little or no education and even make them murderers of neighbours,friends and even relatives.I know this was an ethnic conflict but it shows the human nature.

I hope this not gone end in a civil war as well because altough this isnt an ethnic problem we do have 2 camps who are after today further from a sollution then ever.

Burning down buildings and looting is not something you expect to see in this country i hope i am wrong and it all settle down soon but i have bad feeling about this.

Before some members start to talk about my low postcounts etc. i am a resident for a very long time that not mean i know it all but i think i know something about this country.

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Is this what you had planned? When you were talking tuff and calling for an extreme crackdown, did you see the city being destroyed?

Did you want pictures of monks being handcuffed in a Temple with women and children dead around them at the hands of the Thai military? These pictures spread all over the world in an instance on the web now. I saw it.

Did you expect the Thai men in Black to fight back still this morning? They did not give up. The simply moved and are shooting in groups of 15 or so on Motor Bikes.

Did you see the city being quickly destroyed and burned down?

Did you want the world to look at Thailand and shake its head in disgust?

Are you ready for the trade tariffs to come?

Are you going to run from the nation like the Chines ran from Indonesia?

You think the Thai Issan people will forgive you or do you think they want revenge?

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Thai protests: military crackdown only widens divide

By opting to use military force against the redshirt protesters, the Thai government has lost the opportunity to craft a settlement for an orderly transition

By Duncan McCargo, The Guardian

The end of the formal protests solves nothing; indeed, it seems to be ushering in a new and even more disturbing phase of random violence and mayhem. The deep-rooted tension between pro- and anti-Thaksin networks have not gone away...

Normalcy will not be restored in Thailand until a genuine accommodation is reached between the two sides. Such an accommodation might take the form of a political deal, a power-sharing arrangement, or some kind of substantial decentralization. Elections are needed, sooner rather than later, as part of this process.


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