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American Murdered In Phuket; Police Hunt ‘Killer Brit’


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An Oklahoma woman said her 23-year-old son was fatally stabbed outside a bar in Thailand on Saturday.

DeShawn Longfellow was from Norman and a Purple Heart recipient after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The guy from the embassy called, Tim Swanson, and he called me to inform me that my son was killed in a stabbing over an incident at a bar," said his mother, Tammy Longfellow.

this is taken from a local Oklahoma City news site, where there's also a heart-wrenching video interview with the Dashawn's mother..

quote & interview are here on Koco.com

very sad... my condolences to Mrs Longfellow

The video is incredibly sad and I do hope that everyone who feels the need to speculate needlessly watch it first. As his mother said, he was murdered over something stupid.

Rest in peace young man, I hope your family and friends can find peace some day as well.

i second that



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I wouldn't of considered myself a friend but i did have the pleasure of meeting him on a number of occasions. i know guys he was hanging out with and who were on the scene shortly after the incident (they can be seen on the video on fox).

I think you are correct about point number one and point number two. I am not sure if he was doing much Muay Thai, he did have injuries to his arm sustained in Afganistan. he had a long scare on his inner arm. I was in freedom that night(i left at 1.3)0 i didn't speak to him but we nodded at each other (hows it going way. as i said not a friend just someone i have met a couple of times). He seemed in good form as he had always been when i seen him, the guys he hung around with are always plesant and friendly also and have been here over 6 months, if not a year and never had any trouble with anyone.

From speaking to other people in freedom and his mates, Lee made some smart ass comment to him, he made a smart comment back and it kicked off. He was getting the better of Lee before it was broken up. I have heard different things of what happened next so i won't speculate. Lee did get the knife from 7/11 and did stab him at his home infront of his g/f and fled the scene shortly afterwards. These are facts all witnessed. People who are trying to say its bullshit or that its all specualtion are just not well informed and are trying to suggest there must be more to it.

Like you said in point 4 he was a very mellow guy, i think i saw someone refer to him as a "teddy bear" and to be honest that seems a good description from what i know from speaking to him. Very friendly and always pleasent and approachable. i think your last paragraph is pretty accurate. RIP.

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Phuket police hunt for British kickboxer for allegedly killing a US marine

Phuket: -- Phuket police have confirmed the identity of the prime suspect in the brutal stabbing death of American Muay Thai trainee Dashawn Longfellow in the early hours this morning.

Phuketgazette.com reported that Case Officer Anukul Nookate confirmed that British Muay Thai fighter Lee Aldhouse, 28, is being sought for arrest in the murder of Longfellow at his room at the Ya Nui 2 resort near Ya Nui Beach.

Longfellow's girlfriend, "Ooy", told the Gazette that he had come on his motorbike to pick her up from work at the Freedom Bar in Rawai at around 1am today.

When he arrived, he had a couple of beers while he waited for her to finish up work, which is usually around 2am, she said.

At some point, Longfellow went to the restroom where he found the entrance to the toilet blocked by Aldhouse and a fight ensued, Ms Oi said.

According to witnesses, Mr Longfellow got the best of his opponent in the brawl before it was broken up by bar patrons and staff.

Oi said that after the fight, the American took her back to his room and left again shortly after to go to a 7-Eleven.

Aldhouse - seeing Mr Longfellow enter and leave the Rawai 7-Eleven - went into the convenience store and obtained two knives and followed his victim home. Police neither confirmed nor denied eyewitness reports that the knives were stolen from the convenience store.

As Longfellow returned home and opened the door to his room, Oi saw the Brit approach her boyfriend from behind.

She said, "At first it didn't look like he [Aldhouse] had anything. We didn't know he had a knife because his hands were in his pockets". She said a fistfight began between the American and the Brit and the latter pulled out a knife and stabbed Mr Longfellow twice in the chest.

Oi said that her boyfriend rushed inside and shut the door to protect her from the murderous Mr Aldhouse. Ms Oi called the police and an ambulance, but it was too late to save Mr Longfellow.

Police are currently searching for Mr Aldhouse, a Muay Thai fighter who has lived in Thailand for several years and is based in Rawai.

Aldhouse was scheduled to fight former world champion and long term Phuket resident Jomhod Kiatadisak at the grand opening of the Bangla Boxing Stadium last year but pulled out of the fight at the last minute due to injury.

Longfellow, a US Marine, had been in Phuket following a combat injury sustained in Afghanistan, friends said.


-- The Nation 2010-08-17

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I've held off from commenting, but some things are going to have to be clarified by the deceased's friends.

1. The deceased was in Thailand for approx. 30 days and not a long term resident as has been stated by some.

2. The deceased had visited Thailand previously, and that is how he is reported to have met his g/f.

3. He is reported to have been recovering from wounds sustained on the battlefield and yet he was fit enough to train in muay thai? I don't know what version he was studying, but from what i know about the activity, it is grueling, intense and can inflict serious injury, even if in training only. I wonder what type of injury he sustained that would allow him to take on muay thai?

However, let's assume that he was indeed injured. Would he really be looking to get into a big punchout, particularly if he was nursing an injury?

4. My experience with veterans particularly those that have been in severe combat situations is that they tend to be mellow peaceful guys. They've had their share of fighting and are not looking for more. Yes, there are exceptions, but the locals describe Mr. Longfellow as a decent fellow, so I can't see him looking for trouble.

5. I don't know how many people have talked to some of the younger US service personnel, but it may come as a surprise to you, that they are for the most part, polite and well mannered. Yes, they can get into problems, but that is a reflection of their yourth, and not their uniform. If anything, these guys are more restrained than guys of similar age that have not been in the service. Simply put, most of these guys don't go looking for fights. Honest, they don't.

The more I read up on this case, the more that I get the feeling that Mr. Longfellow merely stood up to a bully. And therein lies the tragedy. What some of the earlier smartasses don't get is that when guys like Mr. Longfellow are removed from the picture, the nasty people try and take over. It's people like Mr. Longfellow that keep the idiots in check and make it safe for some of us to get about and do our jobs.

An incredibly sad , sad story.

He was in Phuket earlier that year then went home for a few weeks before coming back. Probably 5 mths in total he was in Phuket. He had old scars but they didn't affect him training, he wasn't nursing a broken arm or anything like that. He was one of the nicest guys anyone could ever meet, everyone liked him.

Did I read earlier that Lee found out where he lived from someone at the bar???

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From speaking to other people in freedom and his mates, Lee made some smart ass comment to him, he made a smart comment back and it kicked off. He was getting the better of Lee before it was broken up. I have heard different things of what happened next so i won't speculate. Lee did get the knife from 7/11 and did stab him at his home infront of his g/f and fled the scene shortly afterwards. These are facts all witnessed. People who are trying to say its bullshit or that its all specualtion are just not well informed and are trying to suggest there must be more to it.

You are speculating based on hearsay.

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And who tells you the victim is not guilty by himself. Just because he is dead doesnt make him innocent. There are always two ppl involved in a fight, and maybe the ladd who survived has just no other chance to self defend. Not guilty until proofed guilty in my opinion. I dont want be him atm, must be hel_l, because no matter what his life is over too.

Anyway, may he rest in peace. my condolences to his family

WELL I guess we will never know if the victim was guilty of any crime because he's been murdered. Tell us what crime he could have possibly committed on his way to the 7-11 that was worth taking his his life?

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Birmingham kickboxer murder suspect could be in Laos

A MIDLAND kickboxer suspected of murdering a US marine in Thailand may be on the run in Laos, it was claimed last night.

Lee Aldhouse, 28, allegedly stabbed DaShawn Longfellow to death in the early hours of last Saturday following a bar fight on the paradise holiday isle of Phuket.

The Birmingham fighter has reportedly fled his home on the Thai island.

And a source close to the investigation says he may now be living in Laos or Malaysia, hiding among tourists.

“He’ll probably be somewhere on the backpacker trail."

“He’s a very well built white man, so he would stand out like a sore thumb anywhere else,” the source said.

“The police are not any closer to catching him at this stage."

“They have focused all their attention on Phuket, but he is almost certainly gone.”

Aldhouse, whose ring nickname was Pitbull, moved to Thailand in 2006.

He had reportedly been part of the Thai boxing circuit until a year ago.

He reportedly picked a fight with decorated Afghan war veteran Longfellow at a pub, where the American was having drinks with a Thai girlfriend. The unemployed Brummie was a regular at the bar.

He was said to have been known for “getting drunk and picking fights and bragging that he’s invincible”.

The bar fight was broken up, but cops say Aldhouse followed kickboxing fan Longfellow back to his hotel, where he was stabbed in the chest.

The source claimed: “Aldhouse got involved in a similar incident two years ago."

“On that occasion, he attacked someone in a bar and knocked him out."

“He has a Thai girlfriend, and he was known to use steroids. He had a very short temper, and people were scared of him.”

Local journalist James Goydos has set up a page on Facebook called Find Lee Aldhouse to raise awareness of the police hunt.

“I want backpackers and anyone else travelling to South East Asia to know this man’s face and be on the lookout for him,” he said.

“He could have crossed into a number of countries, and that will make him harder to trace.

‘‘He could be dangerous, and people need to be aware that this guy is on the run.”

Colonel Vichid Intharasorn, who is leading the police hunt for Aldhouse, says he has no doubt that Aldhouse will be caught.

He said: “He can surrender or hold out until we come for him. There is no escape.”

The victim’s grieving mother says police are not doing enough to find her son’s killer despite the tough-talking pledges.

“The cops ain’t doing nothing fast enough,’’ Tammy Longfellow said.

"They keep telling me they’re closing in on him."

“Well how long do you think you’re going to close in on somebody to catch him?

“I want them to kill the guy that did this to my son. I hope they punish him beyond recognition.”

Sunday Mercury




a page on Facebook called Find Lee Aldhouse:


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It’s been almost two weeks now, and still no arrest. Makes me wonder if: a) The guy is off the island and hiding somewhere on the mainland, or: B) he realized what he’d done, and the consequences, and got the hel_l out of Thailand that night before the police had the chance to notify Immigration.

If he’s still in Thailand then it’s only a matter of time before someone eventually spots him and then the cops will move in. If he managed to get out of the country and get to Malaysia, Cambodia, Lao, or even Myanmar, he’s going to stand out because of his “farang-ness” and his size and, again, it’s only a matter of time before he’s spotted.

I’m just wondering if the guy is doing steroids, which is a possibility, which may have lead to his “rage”, and if so, then “roid rage” can strike at any time, leading to more violence. Plus, I have the feeling that with this guy’s reported “ego”, after a while he’ll begin to think he’s safe, just as he thought he was “invincible”, and will come out in the open and perhaps even begin to “brag” about what he’s done.

Regardless of which “scenario” he takes, or could take, they all end up the same way with him being caught. Unless he decides that suicide is a better option than Thai prisons. Unfortunately, for the American’s family, there will be no peace, no closure till this man is captured and punished, or until he’s dead.

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It's been almost two weeks now, and still no arrest. Makes me wonder if: a) The guy is off the island and hiding somewhere on the mainland, or: B) he realized what he'd done, and the consequences, and got the hel_l out of Thailand that night before the police had the chance to notify Immigration.

If he's still in Thailand then it's only a matter of time before someone eventually spots him and then the cops will move in. If he managed to get out of the country and get to Malaysia, Cambodia, Lao, or even Myanmar, he's going to stand out because of his "farang-ness" and his size and, again, it's only a matter of time before he's spotted.

I'm just wondering if the guy is doing steroids, which is a possibility, which may have lead to his "rage", and if so, then "roid rage" can strike at any time, leading to more violence. Plus, I have the feeling that with this guy's reported "ego", after a while he'll begin to think he's safe, just as he thought he was "invincible", and will come out in the open and perhaps even begin to "brag" about what he's done.

Regardless of which "scenario" he takes, or could take, they all end up the same way with him being caught. Unless he decides that suicide is a better option than Thai prisons. Unfortunately, for the American's family, there will be no peace, no closure till this man is captured and punished, or until he's dead.

Like i said in another thread if I was him I would just turn myself in and say Im sorry show some remorse plead guilty and based on past sentences for farang murders he will be out in 2 years or so.

Now on the other hand if he had been caught for drug dealing instead of murder the sentence would be 27 years to life based on sentences passed on Farangs charged with drug dealing.

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