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Phuket 'Killer Brit' Lee Aldhouse Has Reputation For Violence


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He was twice as big as the little Thai guy!

No he wasnt.. He was just being filmed from his corner putting him in the foreground.. Look when the fight is on and the Thai guy is in the foreground and he is in the background.

Yes he carried some weight on the Thai guy. 10 maybe 15k's at most.. Plus most of the Thai fighters are way more experienced and have been fighting for decades, your average Thai fighter is way more experienced so they tend to take and win these fights by new western fighters.

Either way he was no Ramon Deckers.

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"a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

*** It takes a special kind of mentality to even take part in Muay Thai, when one is not Thai ***

Ohh so now only Thais can take part in Muay Thai ??

People the world over are involved with combative sports..

Dumb comment.

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plain and simple.

There are undesirables here as there are all over the world but something about the Thai system is not quite right. Is it just my imagination or is there a higher percentage of scum-farang here than back home?

These losers are giving the rest of us a bad name.

Been away for a while then? Plenty of em here m8!

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And LOOK AT THE TOPIC TITLE "KILLER BRIT" you should be ashamed!!!!!!! Worse than the bloody Nation!

While I agree with most of what you've been saying, it's worth pointing out that topic titles in the news section are often taken from the headline that was attached to the quoted article- that's just the way the news section in this forum works. You can see the original article here- http://www.phuketgaz...rticle9090.html

I understand what you say, it is just I would prefer it if the news section was locked, just post the news bits, then we could take everything else to another forum like "News Discussion "or "Farang Hypocrites" or whatever, just use the news forum to post news, not comments.

Maybe I'm missing something here??? If you don't wish to read the comments you have many choices, after reading article hit the back button or red X maybe even read it here http://www.phuketgazette.net/ .

Last time I looked this was a forum hence comments. I can't see the difference about having comments after the article or as you want on a different page/forum. You obviously read all the comments as you have posted many times on this subject. Maybe I'm just slow today and don't understand your post.

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Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

"a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

"Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles." Why? Have you judged him guilty before a trial?

"I doubt he will see freedom in this life time" Why, again you seem to be prejudging, you know nothing about the circumstances.

"as he will not be a model prisoner." So you are a socioligist too!

"Time will sort him out" A Prophet as well!

"the diet inside will reduce his size substantially." And even a Dietician!

I love Thai Visa, we have so many experts,

Should you wish him to be burned at the stake too?

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Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

"a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

"Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles." Why? Have you judged him guilty before a trial?

"I doubt he will see freedom in this life time" Why, again you seem to be prejudging, you know nothing about the circumstances.

"as he will not be a model prisoner." So you are a socioligist too!

"Time will sort him out" A Prophet as well!

"the diet inside will reduce his size substantially." And even a Dietician!

I love Thai Visa, we have so many experts,

Should you wish him to be burned at the stake too?

Jesus man mellow out , thank god you are not a censor otherwise this forum would not exist, a straight forward question, why do you get so bent out of shape ? perhaps everyone should be perfect like you ?

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plain and simple.

There are undesirables here as there are all over the world but something about the Thai system is not quite right. Is it just my imagination or is there a higher percentage of scum-farang here than back home?

These losers are giving the rest of us a bad name.

100% correct, but how to change it ?

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The media is certainly not painting a pretty picture for this guy

A fight in public then again back at the opponents apartment, both with witnesses.

Assuming this has been accurately reported, he'd be in enough trouble at home let alone in Thailand!

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@the Barbarian

These people are Thai boxers, and most probably even Kick boxers. In Thailand and surrounding countries it might be an honorable sport. In the West these sports are mostly attracting criminals.


20 y ago I chanced to meet the then T boxing champion from Belgium in a bar in Koh Pangan .

He was a very strong fellow, maybe twice my weight then ,with tattoos, and the sweetest man you could scratch a conversation with ; we had a beer and he told me about his life, traveling around the world for fights, a little lonesome ; said he was heavy weight champion in Thaïland

"You must be champion of the world then ? I asked him.

"Nope, in Japan they have very big guys too, and there I hit the dust."

I feel compelled to write this in souvenir of him ,wherever he may be now I wish him well, he was obviously a quiet and good man.

That is how many people thing.. everyone who does a sport like that.. is an criminal. Every big guy is on steroids and violent. Many people judege a book by its cover. I get judged a lot and i don't mind, i am never in fights had a proper education and own my own business. But that is not what people see. People aren't going to change envy will keep them making spiteful remarks.

I have no real opninion about this case but if is described is true then they should punish the guy good. I hate violent people picking fights and when they cant win it use knives or ask friends to help. Or when they do win go on beating someone to a pulp while he is on the floor. I have fought years and years ago in defense of myself but those were different times when people would stop when an other went down. (or so i'd like to believe).

The whole society is getting more and more violent you see it all over the world i doubt that it can be stopped.

just read something from the guardian, if this is how it happens he deserves a long jail time. He went to fight with the guy at his apartment after an initial fight was broken up with a knife. If so its clearly premeditated murder and should be punished.

Edited by robblok
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Having met Shawn a couple of times over the past month, it is very sad to hear what happened him. He really was a nice guy. To be honest when i first saw him i thought i'd better avoid him as he was ex-marine and a stocky guy and from seeing some of the ex-army guys at muay thai camps they can (more than your average muay thai guy)be a few sandwichs short of a picnic. Shawn was a very well spoken and very likeable guy.

I have heard from a few friends of his (and Oi) what happened that night and the papers stories are close to the actual events. The guy is clearly guilty, if he gets his day in court he will have no chance. I wouldn't be surprised if he kills again before he (if he) is captured. He is clearly unstable. First he picks a fight for no reason other then to proof how hard he is, then he robs a knife with the intend of using it to at least cause serious harm, he finds the guys house and stabs him infront of his girlfriend.

These type of fights can happen in any bar, in any town, in any country in the world. I don't think this has anything to do with them being Muay thai fighers or british or american. This is one nut job being as destructive as possible because he thinks he is a hard bastard. I hope they catch him and he rots in jail.

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Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

"a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

"Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles." Why? Have you judged him guilty before a trial?

"I doubt he will see freedom in this life time" Why, again you seem to be prejudging, you know nothing about the circumstances.

"as he will not be a model prisoner." So you are a socioligist too!

"Time will sort him out" A Prophet as well!

"the diet inside will reduce his size substantially." And even a Dietician!

I love Thai Visa, we have so many experts,

Should you wish him to be burned at the stake too?

Jesus man mellow out , thank god you are not a censor otherwise this forum would not exist, a straight forward question, why do you get so bent out of shape ? perhaps everyone should be perfect like you ?

Who is this pear-head? "Llareggub", yeah right. Read his handle backwards and you have a clue. He does not even have the guts to put it straight.

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I too did not see any attempt at ear biting, but a very poor showing of true muay thai kick boxing by the falang. Looks like the falang was just htowing wild punches and relying on his sheer size over his opponent to win the match, with very little skill or finesse, His opponent had some very good moves and was brought down simply by being over-powered. Not a fair match from the get go.

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If someone is as desperate as this guy is likely to be now, how easy would it

to be for him to cross into neighbouring country without passing through immigration ?

I would assume with all the latest technology Immigration have today that they would

pick him up in an instant if he tried to pass through a checkpoint ?

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If someone is as desperate as this guy is likely to be now, how easy would it

to be for him to cross into neighbouring country without passing through immigration ?

I would assume with all the latest technology Immigration have today that they would

pick him up in an instant if he tried to pass through a checkpoint ?

unless he gets a new forged passport?

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If someone is as desperate as this guy is likely to be now, how easy would it

to be for him to cross into neighbouring country without passing through immigration ?

I would assume with all the latest technology Immigration have today that they would

pick him up in an instant if he tried to pass through a checkpoint ?

unless he gets a new forged passport?

Aha !

I thought about that of course where you can get anything here in the land of copies :D

but surely it would look very odd with just a few Thai immigration stamps

( which themselves would have to be forged ) and we all know

now how carefully they scrutinise each and every stamp for forgery as you pass through ?

Also a passport would look very odd with just a few Thai stamps which would mean

they would have to forge the stamps of other countries - and that cannot be easy.

Also he is likely to be picked out at the " other end " wherever that might be ?

Anyway bottom line is he is not likely to have access to cash for long

if his money is tied up in a resort investment in Phuket ?

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Blowfeld and Goldfinger have reputations too. This story is really as kicking in an open door. These people are Thai boxers, and most probably even Kick boxers. In Thailand and surrounding countries it might be an honorable sport. In the West these sports are mostly attracting criminals. I assume that Longfellow was also not a nice fellow.

those remarks are incredibly hurtfull to the people that know "Longfellow"... he was one of the nicest men you would have ever met, unassuming and very well respected as a nice guy in OUR Rawai are. I don't where you live, but DO NOT make statements like this without even knowing the guy. :angry:

Edited by bethanysleewer
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Ya gotta blame the press really for the assumtion of guilt look at the headline of this thread

Phuket Killer Brit Lee Aldhouse has reputation for violence, it should be Alleged Phuket Killer

But that just not how the press reports things.

wel he was seen to do it by 5 WITNESSES (3 my friends who live in the apartment block.. CCTV footage and HE DID DO IT.

He also called 2 people I know and said he was coming to kill them to.....................So headline is correct.

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I saw this guy last month. about the 5th, he is massive! Also I think and I hope I know where to look. If I am right I will re-post here after I notify BIB.

I also doubt I get the chance, with this video and the user base he is tagged big time one move in public will get him nailed.

PS keep your eyes open, soi 7 soi 5 the alley Sukhumvit and Foodland

he is 5 ft 6. and lives no where remotely whereyou wrote..


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Is this the same Lee Englishmen Muay Thai fighter from phuket whose GF is in hospital badly beaten up, and has been there several times. If the same one a very angry little man. But has the lights gone out enough to do this. Hopefully the courts will bring justice and the guilty will pay dearly. RIP to the american. Very Sad

Yes same one!

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If someone is as desperate as this guy is likely to be now, how easy would it

to be for him to cross into neighbouring country without passing through immigration ?

I would assume with all the latest technology Immigration have today that they would

pick him up in an instant if he tried to pass through a checkpoint ?

Not all of Thailand's 55 entry/exit points are computerised.

It would be extremely easy for him to get to another country overland or by sea.

wel he was seen to do it by 5 WITNESSES (3 my friends who live in the apartment block.. CCTV footage and HE DID DO IT.

He also called 2 people I know and said he was coming to kill them to.....................So headline is correct.

Headline is not correct. In civilised countries an accused is alleged to have committed a crime until proven in court.

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Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

Not really mate remember the crazy Aussie guy that shot the American in cold blood up here in chiang mai he only got 2 years and that was an assasination style killing if this guy is smart he says the guy insulted the king and he had to do him in and he should be out in 12 months just like the Aussie guy who is now living as a free man in Australia.

I am just amazed how you people out there charge others, wait and see.

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I would have to agree with likewise , I fear he has already left thailand ... Its been 2 days with no sightings of him or anything , yet his picture is plastered everywhere . Remember it was 24 hrs after the event he was named...

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As he's been around and seems to be a hardened criminal I bet that he is not in the area anymore, probably not even in Thailand anymore.

It's really not that hard to leave unnoticed if you have some cash.

Ok assuming he got out of Thailand ok how long would " some cash " last him ?


It sounded as if most of money was tied up in a resort and as this wasn't premediated

it's doubtful he time to liquidate his holdings.

And I wonder if the Thai police have by now alerted other authorities

to watch out for him such as Interpol ?

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