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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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^Some body has a chip on their shoulder by the sounds of it.

If all black men are all such fantastic loving machines then why is it that I had lots

of black london girls chatting me up back in the day??? Irish charm maybe.

As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Funny I saw Naomi Cambell with a white dude, pretty sure she has not got bad credit.

Look mate I think we can all tell you have an agenda with white guys. You said you lived in Notting

Hill, probably one of the last places in London where white people are the majority.............. get back

to Brixton you slag................... just joking man.

Anyway I havenot got a problem with black dudes dating what race they want so why do you give

a shit if white guys date other races. So maybe its time to knock that chip off your shoulder or

look up the black panther forum.

By the way Chris Rock is about as funny as a kick in the nuts and definately not worth quoting.

I don't give a shit which races white guys date; why on earth would I ? I haven't a racist cell in my body nor do I have a chip on my shoulder but I thought it would be mildly amusing to engage in the kind of stereotyping that other, presumably white, posters utilized in this thread.

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^Some body has a chip on their shoulder by the sounds of it.

If all black men are all such fantastic loving machines then why is it that I had lots

of black london girls chatting me up back in the day??? Irish charm maybe.

As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Funny I saw Naomi Cambell with a white dude, pretty sure she has not got bad credit.

Look mate I think we can all tell you have an agenda with white guys. You said you lived in Notting

Hill, probably one of the last places in London where white people are the majority.............. get back

to Brixton you slag................... just joking man.

Anyway I havenot got a problem with black dudes dating what race they want so why do you give

a shit if white guys date other races. So maybe its time to knock that chip off your shoulder or

look up the black panther forum.

By the way Chris Rock is about as funny as a kick in the nuts and definately not worth quoting.

I don't give a shit which races white guys date; why on earth would I ? I haven't a racist cell in my body nor do I have a chip on my shoulder but I thought it would be mildly amusing to engage in the kind of stereotyping that other, presumably white, posters utilized in this thread.

I would not worry about some of the white posters who used this thread to air some sort

of superiority in Thailand compared to other foriegners. To be ownest most Thai people

just tolerate white tourists and I never felt exactly genuinely welcomed by the locals, most

were just interested in me in some way or another to extract money.

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I am all for free speech, but this thread has just turned into a free for all, where the bigots and racists are writing all sorts cos they know it will wind up the liberals on here.:blink:

Hate speech is wrong period, but plenty of so-called liberals are bigoted too.

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A reminder of the forum rules before I start handing out warnings and suspensions for racist comments

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Well there you go.....

Checked out NASA website and usually if they ban a particular nationality they say so, nothing found.

Check out nasavega youtube video also posted in this tread way back - They admit everything and site it as Hotel policy i.e. "In the law book" but sure she means in the hotel rules. Video was made following morning when they went back to see the manager. The fact that they don't put information like this on the web site is a part of the whole problem. How from 15,000 miles away are you to know this would happen - its on tape clear as a bell. - end of story

Listen again buddy, she tries to say "log book" and that she has a note that an African tried to check in and was denied. This guy that posted the youtube video berates the girl and confused her by twisting her words around. He is to new to Asia so he thought she said "law book". If he is such a big time rapper, wouldn't he have an assistant and not do these trivial tasks themselves? I smell BS!

Seems they've deleted comments on the youtube video. I guess they are just trolling

To me, that seemed evident 430 posts ago with the high school level written OP.

It's been quite successful in that regard.

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Putting hotels aside for a moment, I am genuinely enlightened by the way the blatant racism has been tollerated here on the forum. I have enjoyed contributing to this forum and in my early days found it a useful resource. Having become aware of the true feelings that are not just expressed but allowed to go unchecked, I feel bound by my own conscience to seriously consider any futher contribution to such an institution.

Doubtless, some will think good riddance to bad rubbish. Well, know this: Your sentiments are magnifed and reflected.


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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

I ran out of reds today but will be back tomorrow to give you one.

I know plenty of those white folks who sell drugs also you bigot!

Agree completely with OnNut. Sadly "men" like Hayden are the reason some of us go on holiday in the first place -- to get away from bigots back in our home countries. Btw black, white, red, yellow or green, we do not want to drink with you either Hayden.

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Well there you go.....

Checked out NASA website and usually if they ban a particular nationality they say so, nothing found.

Check out nasavega youtube video also posted in this tread way back - They admit everything and site it as Hotel policy i.e. "In the law book" but sure she means in the hotel rules. Video was made following morning when they went back to see the manager. The fact that they don't put information like this on the web site is a part of the whole problem. How from 15,000 miles away are you to know this would happen - its on tape clear as a bell. - end of story

Listen again buddy, she tries to say "log book" and that she has a note that an African tried to check in and was denied. This guy that posted the youtube video berates the girl and confused her by twisting her words around. He is to new to Asia so he thought she said "law book". If he is such a big time rapper, wouldn't he have an assistant and not do these trivial tasks themselves? I smell BS!

Seems they've deleted comments on the youtube video. I guess they are just trolling

It is the hotel policy they used to not let them have the pre paid room the nite before. So they log he was an African and came to stay in his pre paid for room, a room that his assistant booked for him before they even left the US, and paid for with US account doooh which is why they wouldn't refund because the booking was done by the artist company from the US on a US account, but its logged so kicking them out was OK. Logging it only means they have evidence that they did exactly what he said they did - kicked him out because he is black. Why? read on.

If he was white and from Africa they would never have said a word. What foreigner checks in without a passport under the new hotel reporting rules - he never even got that far - because if he had - they would have know he is an American and not African, they logged an African tried to get a room - well he had a room but they didn't let him check in because he was black and they didn't even let him get as far as the passport check. So sorry that happen to you Sir. Maybe your not paying attention to anything you don't want to hear.

You need to google Linkin Park first then see Fort Minor which is a newer project of some of the Linkin Park members. Big - yea they got green dude, more then enough to buy that dump. They made the mistake of picking a place based on location and the nice pictures in the web site which never stated the policy we "Don't allow African or train are staff well".

Comments deleted perhaps to stop the troll like post we see here - A video posted and made with the assistance of his video staff - they got kicked out the nite before for being black not African - Think about it - log book law book what ever - split a hair - why did this even have to happen - it is because the nasa vega has a racist policy and you seem to want to support and defend it like so many others here.

Bad review for nasa vega five thumbs down.

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I am all for against global warming and the use of condoms. Make a rap song for me but feature Rihanna in it.

Why would a tourist be hanging around that area?

He should make a good song about it.

Many black people are good people, Indians have a rich culture. White people are great, Thai people are nice.

One Love.


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The Africans can be a pain in the arse, sure, but they wouldn't be on the streets selling drugs unless there was a demand for their wares. The majority of their customers are Thais followed closely by whites.

The African prostitutes are there because there is a demand for their wares - The majority of their customers are Arabs followed closely by whites.

I couldn't agree more.

I've not met a Black or Indian guy destitute in Thailand but I've sure met a lot of whites in that situation. Any idiot can buy respect and tolerance in Thailand but some do seem to pay a higher price than others.

Smart observation there.

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The wanna-be-rapper posts a video, allows un-moderated comments and then deletes all comments he dislikes. And blocks the posters.

Yes, it must be very hurtful to hear that hotels have a right to refuse service. Enough to block the posters that wrote it. Bu-hu, little cry-baby.

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The wanna-be-rapper posts a video, allows un-moderated comments and then deletes all comments he dislikes. And blocks the posters.

Yes, it must be very hurtful to hear that hotels have a right to refuse service. Enough to block the posters that wrote it. Bu-hu, little cry-baby.

I would block jerkoffs and A Holes too. One must consider the source before faulting the guy.

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The wanna-be-rapper posts a video, allows un-moderated comments and then deletes all comments he dislikes. And blocks the posters.

Yes, it must be very hurtful to hear that hotels have a right to refuse service. Enough to block the posters that wrote it. Bu-hu, little cry-baby.

So you trolled his post? to defend the right of the Hotel to simple run him off for being black. How many of your cast went with you, I see that happen here from time to time.

What do you mean want a be - he already is and Linkin Park is big. Maybe you have a problem with black people in general?

I myself am a libertarian - I have never voted for a democrat in my life, often (always) held my nose to cast a republican vote when I felt it necessary - I own guns and believe in smaller government. I was once even accused of being a ditto head. Even before I had heard of Rush - I had to go find out who he was, but that is a general thing that happens when a liber gets pissed at me - I become Rush in their filtered eyes.

No I am not a Rush fan and for sure not a Mike Moore or a Gore fan. - I am always making liberals mad and I don't support Obamanation, but not because he is black - because he is wrong.

I like many people I know voted for Bush - twice hel_l I voted for Nixon.:o

I don't think being a libertarian means I have to support a racist policy on some blanket assumption that a business just has that right. I find it amazing that you can't see what is wrong with this picture, but you would not be the first to use libertarian as an excuse to be just stubborn, self serving and self centered, it does have its conveniences if used in the wrong hands. :jap:

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A reminder of the forum rules before I start handing out warnings and suspensions for racist comments

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Before you start??? If that's the case you should have started 16-17 pages ago with Hayden. Had it been any other group it would have been shut down with at least one person banned.

Before I start..please.

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The wanna-be-rapper posts a video, allows un-moderated comments and then deletes all comments he dislikes. And blocks the posters.

Yes, it must be very hurtful to hear that hotels have a right to refuse service. Enough to block the posters that wrote it. Bu-hu, little cry-baby.

So you trolled his post? to defend the right of the Hotel to simple run him off for being black. How many of your cast went with you, I see that happen here from time to time.

What do you mean want a be - he already is and Linkin Park is big. Maybe you have a problem with black people in general?

I myself am a libertarian - I have never voted for a democrat in my life, often (always) held my nose to cast a republican vote when I felt it necessary - I own guns and believe in smaller government. I was once even accused of being a ditto head. Even before I had heard of Rush - I had to go find out who he was, but that is a general thing that happens when a liber gets pissed at me - I become Rush in their filtered eyes.

No I am not a Rush fan and for sure not a Mike Moore or a Gore fan. - I am always making liberals mad and I don't support Obamanation, but not because he is black - because he is wrong.

I like many people I know voted for Bush - twice hel_l I voted for Nixon.:o

I don't think being a libertarian means I have to support a racist policy on some blanket assumption that a business just has that right. I find it amazing that you can't see what is wrong with this picture, but you would not be the first to use libertarian as an excuse to be just stubborn, self serving and self centered, it does have its conveniences if used in the wrong hands. :jap:

You read like you want and then go wild with that. *sigh*

No, I didn't troll his post. But please do check out his video and the comments field. It was reduced to 16 some hours ago from a lot more earlier.

And just so you know, voting for Bush is NOT a Libertarian feat. It is a feat of someone that lacks knowledge of what Libertarianism is.

Neo-Cons are, much like democrats, the absolute opposite of Libertarianism. But nice try.

And I have yet to say that the hotel is doing the right thing (I have however pointed out that not giving back the money paid would most likely be a wrong thing of them), nor have I said that *I* would support them by staying there.

However, fact of the matter is that they reserve and should have the right to decline service to whoever they wish, without explanation if they so wish.

If you think this should be regulated by the government then, again, you are a Neo-Con (given your past voting record) and NOT a Libertarian.

But thanks for playing.

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A reminder of the forum rules before I start handing out warnings and suspensions for racist comments

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Before you start??? If that's the case you should have started 16-17 pages ago with Hayden. Had it been any other group it would have been shut down with at least one person banned.

Before I start..please.

Fair enough, but the report button is there for a reason and this was the FIRST time someone used it, if you are so offended why didn't you use it?

My time is limited believe it or not and if you dont' help out mods can't catch everything. But perhaps its just easier to snipe from the sidelines.

And since there can be nothing productive out of this garbage heap of a thread


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