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Sawasdee Khrup, Self-modifying Primate TV CM Friends,

All of us "self-modify" our mental and physical state every day: our day starts with caffeine, as well as a special sugar we prepare from melted palm sugar, sesame paste, cardamom, anise, cinnamon, vanilla: couldn't live without the special rush of our soy-milk laced with coffee, and so-special sugar: a mixture that we refer to as "Mother Kali's own breast milk" ! Some folks use the extremely powerful and addictive substance nicotine, via smoking; others use alcohol, others use "other."

We firmly believe it's your absolute right to self-modify ! If we could only transplant our two minds and souls (one human, one orang) from this inexorably aging current human meat-package, with far too many moons of mileage on it, into the healthy twenty-five year-old male body of a superbly trained athlete: we'd do so immediately :)

But, we "beg" of you: before self-administering powerful hormones that affect so many complexly inter-related body systems, and the psyche, perhaps even your "personality," and moods, please do get a thorough medical check-up. Consider your family history in terms of disease and possible genetic vulnerability, research carefully the side-effects of what you decide to swallow/inject.

Please think about your current physical state in terms of weight, diet, exercise. Evaluate your thinking here: are you, perhaps, questing for the eternal illusion that has haunted humanity's dreams and myths for countless eons: the "fountain of youth," the "magic bullet." Is having "six-pack abs" worth shortening your life by ten years ?

And, please forgive us if we sound like your nattering Aunt who was always reminding you to floss :)

to your health, and most of all to your "peace of mind," ~o:37;

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All fair enough comments Orang- as stated watch your wallet for fakes. 90% supposedly out there- that alone puts many people off.

In all fairness to HGH- used as directed from trusted sources they have amazing results. As Hollywood will agree... Lets face it whatever Hollywood starts the rest of the world follows. HGH was Athletes then movie stars now us Bloe Joes....same as cosmetic surgery....Hollywood then average Joes.

Surgery and HGH will continue to BOOM IMO as we all wish to be younger and better....

Many people stated they getting from www.jintropin.cn , this site supplies fakes I am told by body builders. Best site is www.gensci-china.com yet you meant to deal with authorized reps. They are here in CMai and BKK... If ordering over 1 years worth then it maybe worth it to order direct- cost wise. Yet I have never trusted to send 100k bt to China and wait for a Fedex package. Plus Thai postal charge big tax on imports now. Deal with a authorized supplier and get a good price. Exchange face to face so you can list the codes into website to confirm the real deal.

My 2 cents...

Cheers Jay

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  • 6 months later...


An artical from today's Daily Mail (UK)

Can we update the info here please?

Where to go for blood tests?

Inexpensive yestosterone oral medecines available in CNX

Inexpensive testosterone Injections available in CNX



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Be advised. Taking oral or injectable testosterone (steroids) will immediately stop your indigenous testosterone; hence, shrinking your balls permanantly. Afterwards you'll be lucky to get production to where it is now, but unlikely.

Your safest bet is excercise & diet. Foods high in Zinc, vitamin E, C and Magnesium.

Here's some reading to start with. http://www-herbestlover.com/how-to-increase-your-testosterone-naturally-to-boost-your-sex-drive.html

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Be advised. Taking oral or injectable testosterone (steroids) will immediately stop your indigenous testosterone; hence, shrinking your balls permanantly. Afterwards you'll be lucky to get production to where it is now, but unlikely.

Your safest bet is excercise & diet. Foods high in Zinc, vitamin E, C and Magnesium.

Here's some reading to start with. http://www-herbestlover.com/how-to-increase-your-testosterone-naturally-to-boost-your-sex-drive.html

You really should not comment on something you know nothing about.

Taking testosterone will shut down your natural test production and your boys will shrink as a result.

However, this is temporary and completely reversible with drugs such as Clomid and your natural test production will recover over time.

Many pharmacies in tourist areas carry various injectable Testosterone (think Sustenon) or oral (think Andriol, but very limited effect).

Google will be your friend on dosages, frequency, duration, injection sites and techniques.

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Why dont you puck up the balls and go and talk to a beautiful woman? Or go to the gym and do exercises like deadlifts and squats..?

You do realise taking test may result in your hair falling out or even a big chance you'll grow man boobs?

You can raise your test levels to a perfectly healthy level..... naturally. No need to take it dude.

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It has nothing to do with sex or muscles!

I'm a happily married man with a beautiful wife.. BUT

I am semi bed bound with back pain, cannot exercise because of the pain

SO dead lifts (whatever they are) and squats (are thy French toilets?)

are out of the question, as is swimming, cycling and anything other than gentle walking.

Am suffering some issues that upon research would indicate

that HRT for Andropause could be helpful.

Also, James, I would rather have no hair and a better quality of life!

Please look outside your box sometimes before making rash assumptions!


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Male pattern balding is associated with buildup of DHT in the hair follicle.

It's a separate hormonal issue which converts Testosterone into DHT with 5 alpha reductase enzyme. There are different supplements to reduce the conversion and unrelated to total testosterone levels. Eat your broccoli and other vegetables with DIM content.

DIM - Dindolymlmethane

"Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen or male sex hormone. The enzyme 5α-reductase synthesises DHT in the prostate gland, testes, hair follicles, and adrenal glands. This enzyme reduces the 4,5 double-bond of the hormone testosterone."


so much mythology associated with hormone therapies.

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It has nothing to do with sex or muscles!

I'm a happily married man with a beautiful wife.. BUT

I am semi bed bound with back pain, cannot exercise because of the pain

SO dead lifts (whatever they are) and squats (are thy French toilets?)

are out of the question, as is swimming, cycling and anything other than gentle walking.

Am suffering some issues that upon research would indicate

that HRT for Andropause could be helpful.

Also, James, I would rather have no hair and a better quality of life!

Please look outside your box sometimes before making rash assumptions!


Rash assmuptions??? Its called an education you donut

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It has nothing to do with sex or muscles!

I'm a happily married man with a beautiful wife.. BUT

I am semi bed bound with back pain, cannot exercise because of the pain

SO dead lifts (whatever they are) and squats (are thy French toilets?)

are out of the question, as is swimming, cycling and anything other than gentle walking.

Am suffering some issues that upon research would indicate

that HRT for Andropause could be helpful.

Also, James, I would rather have no hair and a better quality of life!

Please look outside your box sometimes before making rash assumptions!


Rash assmuptions??? Its called an education you donut

I think until we've been formally introduced, Id prefer it if you called me Mr Donut thanks!

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