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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old Briton For Abusing Adopted Daughter


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An alarming report the week before last releasing statistics that 50,000 Thai girls 15years old and under fell pregnant last year!Do'nt know where the stats' were gathered and would hazard a guess that this wouldn't include all !

Are you serious about the statistics??? If it correct it knock my socks off...I am speechless forgive me.....my opinion.

Thanks for posting.....

Actually, a couple of months back there was an article in BP which stated that the number of pregnant girls UNDER the age of 15 showing up at hospitals has nearly doubled from the year before.

Edited by Just1Voice
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He will be out on bail later today, uk ambassador visited him yesterday to see if he's ok because he's close to disable, poor health.

Well I know him almost for a year now, I can never think that a gentle old man like Stone could do what we are reading this few days, but it's no bullshit that he's such a nice old man.

I saw many old man of his age hanging out and having fun with young girls but this gentle man Stone never did I use to meet him every day.

Seriously it's rely shocking to see this happain and am still not sure how far it's true. I spoke to his friends who visited him after his arreast and they sad he will be out yesterday. I don't have this information yet I will update the same later.

Many appologies for my poor English.

I'm wondering if we'll ever know what really happened. Sad is that most people made jokes about The Nation's English language skills. Is it possible to come up with facts and no bullshit about misspelled words? :jap:

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Is the topic a Brit who allegedly raped a child or the poor writing?

The topic is about a news report (alleged) that was reported on so badly that it is now "a part" of the story. I hear what you are saying but this news report is lacking so many very basic facts and pieces of information that it really makes it difficult to comment on the actual story unless we were to play guessing games. Sadly because so much information is missing, it makes it difficult to also have much emotion about it. If true it is a tragic thing for this poor girl .. if not true then it is a tragic thing for this older man.

ASSUMING the girl is Thai then he likely married the mother or he has a wife because I don't believe a single man can adopt a child in Thailand. I am surprised their is no comment from the mother or wife or even mention that one might exist.

It also mentions the girl fled from the home (assume at the age of 15) but it is not clear if she was physically held at the home and escaped or simply worked up the courage to leave. Was she a run away for a long period and picked up by police or did she flee and go straight to the police station.

Did all this take place in Thailand or did the man flee to Thailand? I have to assume the crimes occurred here and the courts and immigration refered to are Thai ... but this is an assumption too.

Was the girl really adopted or are they using this term loosely? Did he simply marry a Thai women with a daughter? Adoption is not easy in Thailand and not sure why he would have went through the process when it is simple to change your name and the daughter could also use his last name.

My big question in all of this is where is the mother and why was there no comment from the mother. Certainly they would (should) have spoke to her to make sure she was not aware of what was going on. Where is the girl now? Is she with her mother back at home or in some kind of state facility?

Maybe I have a leaning towards wanting to believe this is not true and to want to believe such a terrible thing did not happen. The way this was reported certainly makes it easy to do this. I find when police and official issue statements and avoid talking about important facts (such as the mother) they are usually hiding something.

No matter what, it is a tragic story but I would really like to know if the man and the daughters mother were breaking up at the same time the girl fled and went to the police.

And although very very possible, I am a little baffled that why after 8 years the girl finally took action. At 12 or 13, I would believe she has the same ability and understanding of what was happening to do some as she would at 15. But this is obviously a detail that would not be included in many news reports if it involved solely her state of mind.

And since it was immigration making this statement to the press does that mean the man just entered Thailand? If he was hiding out in Thailand would it not be the police who made the arrest? Maybe he was coming into Thailand after leaving his wife and "adopted" daughter and had no clue of the charges.

And my last big question is why did she not go to a family member such as her mother? Going to the police would certainly make all her family aware of the issue along with everyone else in her neighborhood or possible town. If she was truly alone and only had this adopted father then I would think authorities would have said this since it plays very well in making their case and gaining sympathy for this girl.

Again, all guessing and instead of doing this ... it would be more constructive to talk about the need to improve the reporting of such stories.

How many people have you read about in the Western press who have have announced,years after the event(s), that they were abused as children - the people who were abused by Priests for example. None of them told their parents or friends about what happened. That is usually the case as the abuser gets the abused child to believe that everything that's happened is their fault and he/she is evil not the abuser.

As to the warnings about hang 'em high. Just what do you do about paedophiles? There's no cure for Paedophilia and no matter how long that they are locked up from the moment they are released they are again a danger to every child who comes into contact with them. This why a register of known paedophiles living in an area is kept at the local police station - and parents can demand to see that list in the interest of their children's safety. (At least in UK and USA).

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A poorly written and ambiguous article, probably placed there by lazy sub-editor as some column "fill" on a quiet day.

As the immigration police are involved, I am sure that the arrest warrant was issued overseas. As the word “alleged” is used I am 99.999999% sure!

We may have to wait for a follow up story reporting on an extradition hearing.

When dealing with this sad subject in general, one must remember that some victims never report these crimes. Moreover, those who commit these heinous acts were often once victims themselves.

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As to the warnings about hang 'em high. Just what do you do about paedophiles? There's no cure for Paedophilia and no matter how long that they are locked up from the moment they are released they are again a danger to every child who comes into contact with them. This why a register of known paedophiles living in an area is kept at the local police station - and parents can demand to see that list in the interest of their children's safety. (At least in UK and USA).

Actually the reason for the extreme laws against child molesters is because it is an easy bandwagon for politicians to jump on. The recidivism rate of child molesters is a myth just as the whole second hand smoke issues where put out there. There are many people who simply love to believe untrue facts and run with as the jump on the band wagon.

According to a U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics study ("Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from Prison in 1994"), just five percent of sex offenders followed for three years after their release from prison in 1994 were arrested for another sex crime. A study released in 2003 by the Bureau found that within three years, 3.3 percent of the released child molesters were arrested again for committing another sex crime against a child. Three to five percent is hardly a high repeat offender rate.

In the largest and most comprehensive study ever done of prison recidivism, the Justice Department found that sex offenders were in fact less likely to reoffend than other criminals. The 2003 study of nearly 10,000 men convicted of rape, sexual assault, and child molestation found that sex offenders had a re-arrest rate 25 percent lower than for all other criminals.

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As to the warnings about hang 'em high. Just what do you do about paedophiles? There's no cure for Paedophilia and no matter how long that they are locked up from the moment they are released they are again a danger to every child who comes into contact with them. This why a register of known paedophiles living in an area is kept at the local police station - and parents can demand to see that list in the interest of their children's safety. (At least in UK and USA).

Actually the reason for the extreme laws against child molesters is because it is an easy bandwagon for politicians to jump on. The recidivism rate of child molesters is a myth just as the whole second hand smoke issues where put out there. There are many people who simply love to believe untrue facts and run with as the jump on the band wagon.

According to a U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics study ("Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from Prison in 1994"), just five percent of sex offenders followed for three years after their release from prison in 1994 were arrested for another sex crime. A study released in 2003 by the Bureau found that within three years, 3.3 percent of the released child molesters were arrested again for committing another sex crime against a child. Three to five percent is hardly a high repeat offender rate.

In the largest and most comprehensive study ever done of prison recidivism, the Justice Department found that sex offenders were in fact less likely to reoffend than other criminals. The 2003 study of nearly 10,000 men convicted of rape, sexual assault, and child molestation found that sex offenders had a re-arrest rate 25 percent lower than for all other criminals.

What is this issue about?

A] Is it about attempting to incarcerate all pedophiles in the world?

B] Is it about investigating and drastically changing the techniques of law enforcement agencies, who use children as bait to lure anything that walks upright?

C] Is it about incarcerating all individuals who create sex slaves?

C] Is it about anything else?

If t is "A", then I ask how that is going to be accomplished without arresting every man, and woman, who has ever had an indecent thought towards a minor, because that is where you would have to begin with?

If it is "B" then I ask how that is going to be accomplished, and to be able to create laws to protect human beings from being used as tools by law enforcement, who engage the services of these children of as sexual bait, in order to fill their coffers. Isn't that the same as what the traffickers do, but no arrest is made? The child loses either way, but both the traffickers and police benefit financially, with no responsibility being considered for the child.

If it is "C" then how is it possible to take out the leaders of these sex rings, and provide adequate protection for law enforcement and their families. Name any man who is willing to risk his life or the lives of his family, over an issue that has no guarantee of ending the problem, and rather exposing the arresting officer's family to vengeance-seeking, very powerful people.

If it is about anything else, then that means this will never end, and simply be a means to constantly keep people at high stress levels and paranoia, and promote an element of danger that exposes not only children, but adults as well, from being victimized by either [C] the traffickers or the government officials.

Maybe that is why there is such a focus on [A], because there is easy money to be had from individual citizens who do not have the backing and power of governments, or [C] Criminals, and therefore individuals are left to defend themselves, once targeted and labeled. It is a no-brainer that you can extort money out of an idiot or ignorant fool, who knows he or she will be demonized by his own idiot peers, once law enforcement wastes money to set him or her up, and make a charade arrest, and parade him or her in front of a soulless news reporter's camera, and use unjust laws build up a mountain of false and ill-conceived evidence, before any court ruling has been made.

Still, the child loses, whether he or she is in the non-willful employ of the traffickers, or the police.

It seems ludicrous and ironic to me that the "Age of Consent" is only discussed on this topic when regarding sex. Considering the infrequent amounts of cases where this actually happens and a legitimate arrest is made, perhaps the "Age of Consent" question should be brought up when it comes to the police using a child (who is too young to decide for themselves) as human bait to lure an adult that people consider dangerous enough to mutilate, kill, or imprison.

What right do the police have to take a child that no one wants, and decide what's best for them, and place them in harm's way? Why not solicit their own children to stand on the street, and be taken to a room and have their lives get ripped apart before kicking the door in? When men and women coerce children to do things like this, in addition to having sex, these sworn protectors lose my respect, and I can not see them as being any different than the traffickers who groom the children to be.

Simply allowing for it to go on any further, beyond that moment they are aware of it, is a crime that is equivalent to the ones who put the kids up for sale.

Just my view and opinion, but were I a parent who had a child kidnapped, and found out that he or she were working as bait for the police in another township, there would be hel_l to pay. Why aren't these kids being removed from this situation? Too much work and no profit. Filling up the heart means emptying the pocket book.

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