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Another Cheap But Decent Place.


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Sorry, this thread is about clean, nice and cheap places.

Once again, as one of the many customers who attend these places, it's not of my concern how they managed it, or should some people want we boycott these places because they are to cheap.

I was only recalling the price of beer what this bar owner could get it for about 6 years ago because some members where wondering if this place could still make a profit. No business can survive without making profit so it must be of some kind of concern to you if they do or not because otherwise this clean, nice and CHEAP place might not be there soon.



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These are, since a very long time, business people who owns 3 hotels/guest-houses, 2 gold-shops... I don't know how they do it but

they have to make some profits otherwise they should not open their fifth business( in circa 2 years ) with the same concept.

We will see, in the meantime a good deal for the consumer.

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A new bar restaurant opened on the Darkside last night but i forgot the name. It's located directly across from the PJ bar and restaurant on Soi Khow Noi.

I had a shock when i looked at the price of my Singha light beer which was priced at 29 baht.

Beat that for price!!

I won't be a regular as it's not my scene with no ladies or S/T rooms which moves it down the order but a comfortable place to chill out mid afternoon.

Its called the starlight bar and yes it is very cheap, in fact the cheapest in Pattaya i dont know of a cheaper bar, The kin yaws are queueing up to get in there, but if your worried that you cant get your leg over in there, Dont worry just 100 yards up on the other side you can do that in the Black Sheep Bar, Very helpful ladies to take care of your needs.

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a trend that will continue as greedy falang bar owners see their customer base thinning, I wonder how many posters on this thread are bar owners, Jomtien has it's own new plaza at the top of soi 5, not quite as cheap as some mentioned here but certaintly not far away

Problem in a lot of soi's like LK metro is price fixing, Ban Chang is the same - in fact Ban Chang has priced themselves out of the market, less and less people going there at 85/90baht for a beer - silly people, they don't realise how many are refusing to go because of these rip off prices, if half the bars in LK Metro didn't have rooms to suplement income they'd be total failures.

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This is Pattaya thank you.

Not Bangkok Samui or Phuket which are generally overpriced and ripoffs.

Yes 85-90 baht a beer is 50-100% overpriced for a basic beer bar.

100% correct, I have been to Phuket and can easily buy beer in a tourist area for 65baht and some very nice places too

300% markup in any business is a rip off - plain and simple

But it's not just price, I can't believe how many falang owned bars are charging 60baht for thai whiskey and giving the smallest measure possible, jesus christ 25ml costs the bar about 6baht how many even know that lol, there is a bar in new plaza I went to 6 months ago for the first and last time, ordered a thai whiskey watched the girl serving it from the very small measure dispenser probably 15ml charged 5baht more than the going price in the area - never bought another drink in the place and never went back - damage was done, if these people can't get their act together they shouldn't be in business and most of them don't last very long, they lost me as a potential customer and all my mates. The bar sits empty every nite while the owner scratches his head wondering why - now you know

businesses fail when people start saying stuff like - well they charge 100baht for a beer so it must be ok, do your own sums - don't be greedy - don't buy a bar in an area where you are forced by mob rule to set their prices, manage you own business and be happy that you make a living not a fortune.

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It seems to me that Lovejoy in Jomtien started the cheap beer at 40 baht for San Mig. For a year or so the place was always packed. Now they are just about out of business. However what they did accomplish is getting other beer bars to drop there prices. I find that overall beer prices in Pattaya Jomtien beer prices have really come down. Lots of beer bars at 50 baht for San Mig less for chang. :rolleyes:

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It must be hard to make money for a bar when they are selling beer at 40 baht a bottle. Doesn't it cost them 30 baht wholesale?

Not much margin there.

I paid 300baht last night for a beer in the Perth casino now that is expensive.

Edited by Tolley
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It must be hard to make money for a bar when they are selling beer at 40 baht a bottle. Doesn't it cost them 30 baht wholesale?

Not much margin there.

I paid 300baht last night for a beer in the Perth casino now that is expensive.

A year or so ago when Lovejoy's opeaned they were doing a great business at that price. They even opened two more Lovejoy's on soi 6 Pattaya and Thappia (sp?) road in Jomtien. They were doing 65 cases of beer a day in there heyday. Not sure what happened but heard there was problems between the owners. Anyway like I said before it did bring prices down in lots of other bars especially in the area of there clubs.

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