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At least 40 dead after bus gets caught on fire in northern Israel


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At least 40 dead after bus gets caught on fire in northern Israel

2010-12-03 00:11:45 GMT+7 (ICT)

HAIFA, ISRAEL (BNO NEWS) -- At least 40 people were killed on Thursday after a bus evacuating prison guards got caught on fire near Haifa, northern Israel. In addition dozens more were injured including police officers and firefighters.

The bus was en route to the Damon prison in order to assist in the evacuation of about 500 prisoners when the vehicle flipped over and became engulfed in flames from a forest fire.

Most of the forty deceased burned to death and all of them were prison wardens. The huge brushfire began on Thursday afternoon across the Carmel mountains near Haifa. The flames traveled 1,500 meters in less than three minutes.

"The bus had no chance. They tried to escape but were burned alive. It was a horrific scene," said a firefighter spokesman. "The fire was very far from the road on which the bus was traveling when it first set off towards the prison, but spread far faster than expected."

The flames have engulfed thousands of acres of the Carmel forest between the Haifa University and Ussafiya. The university had to be evacuated to avoid further fatalities. Police forces described the situation as a major disaster and added that they do not believe he fire will be controlled this day.

The fire is continuing to spread and is endangering many areas and police forces urged citizens to stay clear of the area. The affected region has heavy brush that burns easily and is spreading due to the strong winds.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed Defense Minister Ehud Barak to send Israeli Defense Forces to the Carmel region to aid in putting out the huge brushfire.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-03

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