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WikiLeaks website again offline after company cuts DNS service


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Meanwhile, several countries well known for for their disregard of freedom of expression and information, including Thailand and China, have blocked access to cablegate.wikileaks.org.

Wikileaks hounded?

Published on 4 December 2010

Reporters Without Borders condemns the blocking, cyber-attacks and political pressure being directed at cablegate.wikileaks.org, the website dedicated to the US diplomatic cables. The organization is also concerned by some of the extreme comments made by American authorities concerning WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.



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A quick google of the wikileaks DdOS shows that the attacks are being traced to Russia. Interesting.

The mention Thailand too - and the reason is no more than that there is a high number of copied version of Windows-machines here that lack current security updates and also lack any update and legal anti-virus tools. A new Trojan hit the region mere 2 weeks ago and spread like wild-fire since it auto-sent messages to everyone online in peoples MSN contact lists...

This trojan, and many other versions, turn the machine into a zombie-machine - silently - to be used as a part of a botnet. That is what is hitting the site now - and hit other sites in other cases in the past - when anything between 500k and several million computers send requests to a selected 'target'.

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Once Wikileaks published material that has put peoples lives in to immediate danges (such as names of Afghan nationals who have given information to NATO) I stopped supporting them.

Agreed, once Julian Assange put his agenda above the the safety of other people he became as bad as the governments he is trying expose.

That is a propaganda lie, told by those who don't wanna their war crimes exposed by wikileaks.

Taken from Wikileaks website-

"We derive these principles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In particular, Article 19 inspires the work of our journalists and other volunteers. It states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. We agree, and we seek to uphold this and the other Articles of the Declaration."

But that does not mean you can 'steal secure private conversations from diplomats and distribute them world wide'.

That is NOT what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is saying here.

This is self justifying crap and I don't buy it.

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But that does not mean you can 'steal secure private conversations from diplomats and distribute them world wide'.

That is NOT what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is saying here.

This is self justifying crap and I don't buy it.

Hmm.... I'm most interested how a person like yourself, knowing, no doubt, about the PENTAGON PAPERS*, 40 years ago, by Daniel Ellsberg, stands now.

The difference between the WikeLeaks case and the Pentagon Papers is that Ellsberg, privately and single handedly copied some 7,000 secret, confidential documents, one-by-one, exposing the consecutive Adminustrations at that time who were ALSO lying and cheating upon the American people -BIG TIME- and the rest of the world, whilst Aassange didn't copy or steal the documents but they were handed to him.

Quite a difference.

But Ellsberg was and still is a hero in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, not just in America but all around the world because he almost single handedly started the process in 1969/1970 of ending the Vietnam war.

Assange's WikiLeaks just provided/provides the documents showing the world what's happening behind the scenes of the past and present consecutive Administrations.

I'm absolutely flabbergasted that there are people who approve of the diry tricks and misconduct, misbehavior of their own government, using their tax-money to play dirty.


Oh, and before I get another rant, claiming I'm anti-American...this counts for ALL govenments around the world, playing dirty, and it's about time that people, all over the world open up their mouths, learning what's happening and try to stop these idiots...Diplomats...:bah:....the only profession in the world you don't have to qualify for, but a big mouth, longing for power and money.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Ellsberg#The_Pentagon_Papers


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A quick google of the wikileaks DdOS shows that the attacks are being traced to Russia. Interesting.

However, the key item in this thread is that the removal of wiki from the servers is due to the fact that Wiki is distributing information gained by illegal means, breaching privacy laws. It's as simple as that. No conspiracy, no plot. If the info had been obtained legally, Wiki would have complied with the terms of service agreements and still be up on those servers.

Incorrect; the serving companies had to decide to remove the hosting services from WikiLeaks because of the immense attacks and traffic causing them enormous trouble for the many thousands of other clients/companies they were/are hosting.

I didn't read anything about your allegations but maybe you can give me a link where I can read the same?


Well then, lets go to everydns.net and see what it has to say.

1) EveryDNS.net, the world's largest free managed DNS provider, is not taking a position on the content hosted on the wikileaks.org or wikileaks.ch website, it is following established policies so as not to put any one EveryDNS.net user's interests ahead of any others

Fair enough. It is adopting a neutral position and refering to its established policies. What are these policies? To find them we must go to the Terms of Service Agreement.

2) Termination of Service

3.1 Termination of Service.We reserve the right to terminate or "hold" service at anytime for any reason. Don't violate our terms of service and you will most likely never have an account terminated.

Ok, DNS doesn't have to give a reason, but if it is wise it will say something just so that no one will say it has been corrupted by the "man".

3) Member Conduct.

4.2 Member is solely responsible for the contents of his/her usage of Service. Member's use of the Service is subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. Member agrees: (1) to comply with US law regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the United States through the service; (2) not to use the Service for illegal purposes; (3) not to interfere with or disrupt networks connected to the Service; and (4) to comply with all regulations, policies, and procedures of networks connected to the Service. The Service makes use of the Internet's DNS protocol to create and delegate domains; therefore, Member's conduct is subject to Internet regulations, policies, and procedures. Member will not use the Service for illegal software, junk pornography, spamming or any use of distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a process. Member agrees not to transmit through the service any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. Member further agrees not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law or regulation. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems are prohibited. Member shall not interfere with another Member's use and enjoyment of the Service or another entity's use and enjoyment of similar services. EveryDNS may, at its sole discretion, immediately terminate Service should Member's conduct fail to conform with these terms and conditions of the AUP

There can be no argument over the issue of whether or not the material transmitted is illegal. The information was obtained by a criminal breach of the U.S. government information system. The information was not obtained in a legal manner. There is no doubt that Wikileaks violated the terms of service in this regard. The issue here is not whether the information should be released or if people should see it, but whether or not the dissemination of the U.S. government data complied with the terms of service.

Wikileaks did not comply with the Terms of Service agreement of everydns.net. That is the only issue.

This now completes your lesson in compliance for today. Carry on with your finger pointing and waving.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I'd like to know (as would the mighty US misgovernment) who is supplying all this information. I'd hazard a guess someone is looking at substantial jailtime.

I was thinking the same thing. Been no suggestions that the Security was breached by hackers, all fingers seem to be pointing to people inside with the security clearances who did Treason.

Mai Pen Rai, anyway next.

dead people can't be sent to prison...

I'd guess the traitor is either already dead and published the cables from his grave, i.e. through a will or through a keep-alive mail service, or the traitor is terminally ill and will die soon and doesn't care anymore.

The traitors are our governments, now being exposed.



I agree.

The USA government, my government, is horrendous.

It has been rapidly been taking away all the rights of the people for decades now.

The only hope is for new political parties to take back control of the government. It is indeed sad for many to find out that Obama is no different than GW bush, Bill Clinton, Bush SR, and Reagon. All of them are or were members of the club that rules the nation with no regard what so ever for right or wrong. America has been in a emanate state of war ever since WW II.

What is the war for?

Why is the USA in Afghanistan for a decade? Osama is not even there.

The poor get more poor in America each day. The rich get richer each day. the middle class has been wiped out. The rich control 90% of the media. if not for the INTERNET, there would be no REAL freedom of the press in America.

The Supreme Court is of course corrupt too.

Do you know that in 11 state in the USA it is illegal to shoot pictures of the police while at the same time they can and do record our movement all over all the time? How on earth can the courts allow this?

Freedom? Not in America there is not.

Not in the UK either.

It is pathetic and sad to see the rich brainwash and dominate the USA public.

America will continue to implode and the rich are happy about this. They just keep getting richer.

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Carry on with your finger pointing and waving.

Who...? Me?


If there's one person/entity/country in the world, telling the others what to do it's.....................

you tell me ;)


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Openness in Government? If information fall in the hand of the uneducated, it could cause problem. That is why I think government should be selected, not elected. So only most abled and respected govern, not those who have the money to buy the most vote.

Wow! It's not often that people on here wind me up, but you take the biscuit Piengrudee :)

Are you seriously telling me that the "uneducated" should NOT have access to ANY and ALL relevant uncensored information to make their own choices and decisions? This is a cornerstone of a democracy and I'm guessing as you are NOT one of these uneducated few you mention you therefore feel you have the right to dictate to others what they should or should not be able to read BECAUSE you are educated and BECAUSE you know better? You sound like many of the people here who have money/power/control . . . care to tell me I'm wrong?

A good education for ALL will allow EVERYONE to make their own INFORMED decisions and allow them to see or at least understand what propaganda is. I think you know what I am referring to here (TAT Tourist statistics for one . . . lol . . . just cos they say something, doesn't mean it's true or accurate) :)

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Wikileaks should not be allowed in Thailand. Try google "wikileaks thailand" and you will know why. I hope ICT shut it down forever.

Why do you say "Wikileaks should not be allowed in Thailand?" What does wikileaks have to say about Thailand that makes them be cowards towards the world and to themselves. If the truth hurts Thailand, then "what Thailand soes so shall it reap."

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Carry on with your finger pointing and waving.

Who...? Me?

If there's one person/entity/country in the world, telling the others what to do it's.....................

you tell me ;)


Is that the best you can do ?

How about you this as well;

"PayPal has permanently restricted the account used by WikiLeaks due to a violation of the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, which states that our payment service cannot be used for any activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity. We've notified the account holder of this action."

Oh golly gee. Paypal is owned by ebay and is a public company, It also believes wiki leaks is engaged in illegal activity.

Maybe you can organize a boycott of ebay to show your displeasure.

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^ Actually. I shut all my accounts yesterday and instead donated all the money which I would have spent with Amazon in the next year to the Wikileaks fund. I would urge anyone who doesn't survive on a diet of Murdoch news, cheap thrillers, and the lonely fantasies of adolescent boys involving unmanned drones, special ops and surprisingly sexy Mossad hitmen to do likewise.

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^ Actually. I shut all my accounts yesterday and instead donated all the money which I would have spent with Amazon in the next year to the Wikileaks fund. I would urge anyone who doesn't survive on a diet of Murdoch news, cheap thrillers, and the lonely fantasies of adolescent boys involving unmanned drones, special ops and surprisingly sexy Mossad hitmen to do likewise.


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^ Actually. I shut all my accounts yesterday and instead donated all the money which I would have spent with Amazon in the next year to the Wikileaks fund. I would urge anyone who doesn't survive on a diet of Murdoch news, cheap thrillers, and the lonely fantasies of adolescent boys involving unmanned drones, special ops and surprisingly sexy Mossad hitmen to do likewise.

Does this mean Amazon will have to file an SEC report announcing the financial hit it will take when it "loses" your annual 1000 baht expenditure?

You'll be back to Amazon just as soon as you tire of not finding items that you seek at the prices you seek. Consumer behaviour 101.

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Interesting that this US State Dept info which is revealing secrets and discussions regarding heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich individuals, etc., seems to be causing much more grief/problems for WikiLeaks than the US Defense Dept info/secrets released several months ago. I guess heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich folks, etc., have more more pull/capability in "trying" to silent WikiLeaks than the Defense Dept.

That's exactly whats happening at this time, according to some independant news agencies. The man has tarnished the reputations of many heads of state in several countries including the U.S. War on Terror program. So, Wikileaks is being silenced. Truth hurts.

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Interesting that this US State Dept info which is revealing secrets and discussions regarding heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich individuals, etc., seems to be causing much more grief/problems for WikiLeaks than the US Defense Dept info/secrets released several months ago. I guess heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich folks, etc., have more more pull/capability in "trying" to silent WikiLeaks than the Defense Dept.

That's exactly whats happening at this time, according to some independant news agencies. The man has tarnished the reputations of many heads of state in several countries including the U.S. War on Terror program. So, Wikileaks is being silenced. Truth hurts.

Mass-mirroring Wikileaks

Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.

In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help.

if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!


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Before Assange released the documents he invited the US govt to peruse the cables and alert them to any issues they had where people would be put in danger. US govt declined.

Strange how PayPal shut down the site because it was illegal when even the lawmakers are scrathing their heads trying to find something to charge him with.

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Interesting that this US State Dept info which is revealing secrets and discussions regarding heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich individuals, etc., seems to be causing much more grief/problems for WikiLeaks than the US Defense Dept info/secrets released several months ago. I guess heads of state, diplomats, VIPs, rich folks, etc., have more more pull/capability in "trying" to silent WikiLeaks than the Defense Dept.

That's exactly whats happening at this time, according to some independant news agencies. The man has tarnished the reputations of many heads of state in several countries including the U.S. War on Terror program. So, Wikileaks is being silenced. Truth hurts.

Mass-mirroring Wikileaks

Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.

In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help.

if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!


Very clever and I don't think they can ever stop Wikileaks wirh such a fast growing number of Mirror-Sites in so many countries. Now over 80 I believe.

Keep up the good work!


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Once Wikileaks published material that has put peoples lives in to immediate danges (such as names of Afghan nationals who have given information to NATO) I stopped supporting them.

Agreed, once Julian Assange put his agenda above the the safety of other people he became as bad as the governments he is trying expose.

That is a propaganda lie, told by those who don't wanna their war crimes exposed by wikileaks.

Taken from Wikileaks website-

"We derive these principles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In particular, Article 19 inspires the work of our journalists and other volunteers. It states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. We agree, and we seek to uphold this and the other Articles of the Declaration."

But that does not mean you can 'steal secure private conversations from diplomats and distribute them world wide'.

That is NOT what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is saying here.

This is self justifying crap and I don't buy it.

Wikileaks has an anonymous electronic drop box if you wish to provide original material to our journalists. Wikileaks accepts a range of material, but we do not solicit it. If you are going to send in material it should be done as securely as possible. That is why we have created our novel method of submission based on a suite of security technologies designed to provide anonymity. We have put a great deal of technical and design work into the drop box because we take the journalist-source relationship very seriously.

When WikiLeaks receives a document, our accredited journalists assess the submission. If it meets the criteria, our journalists then write or produce a news piece based on the document. This typically includes a description of the document, an analysis of why it is important, and an explanation of what it signifies to broader society. The news piece might also highlight the parts of the document that are most newsworthy. Our news stories are deliberately analytical regarding the wider significance of the document. We then link from the news piece to the original submission.

Submissions establish a journalist-source relationship. Online submissions are routed via countries which have strong shield laws to provide additional protection to sources and journalists.

Some documents submitted contain highly sensitive information. WikiLeaks has developed a harm minimisation proceedure to clean documents which might endanger innocent lives. In other instances, WikiLeaks may delay publishing some news stories and their supporting documents until the publication will not cause danger to such people. However in all cases, WikiLeaks will only redact the details that are absolutely necessary to this end. Everything else will be published to support the news story exactly as it appeared in the original document.

WikiLeaks has a overriding objective to publish and bring information into the public arena to encourage an informed society. It will stay doggedly true to this goal.

Always helps if you have your facts right before posting.

No truth, in any of there submissions?

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Before Assange released the documents he invited the US govt to peruse the cables and alert them to any issues they had where people would be put in danger. US govt declined.

Strange how PayPal shut down the site because it was illegal when even the lawmakers are scrathing their heads trying to find something to charge him with.

I noticed that too but if there's one company in the world: eBay and daughter PayPal, abusing their powers on a daily basis....it's them :bah:


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^ Actually. I shut all my accounts yesterday and instead donated all the money which I would have spent with Amazon in the next year to the Wikileaks fund. I would urge anyone who doesn't survive on a diet of Murdoch news, cheap thrillers, and the lonely fantasies of adolescent boys involving unmanned drones, special ops and surprisingly sexy Mossad hitmen to do likewise.

I to,am donating money to Wikileaks.I will continue to do so every month!!!

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Before Assange released the documents he invited the US govt to peruse the cables and alert them to any issues they had where people would be put in danger. US govt declined.

Strange how PayPal shut down the site because it was illegal when even the lawmakers are scrathing their heads trying to find something to charge him with.

I noticed that too but if there's one company in the world: eBay and daughter PayPal, abusing their powers on a daily basis....it's them :bah:


In regards to Pay Pal and Ebay abusing there powers,.I agree................!!!!

They can allow the sale of tobacco products on Ebay.Pay Pal will take your money,knowing it is illegal!!!

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Before Assange released the documents he invited the US govt to peruse the cables and alert them to any issues they had where people would be put in danger. US govt declined.

Strange how PayPal shut down the site because it was illegal when even the lawmakers are scrathing their heads trying to find something to charge him with.

I noticed that too but if there's one company in the world: eBay and daughter PayPal, abusing their powers on a daily basis....it's them :bah:


In regards to Pay Pal and Ebay abusing there powers,.I agree................!!!!

They can allow the sale of tobacco products on Ebay.Pay Pal will take your money,knowing it is illegal!!!

..and did so again, freezing WikiLeaks account and money without any proven charges or verdict from whatever country, company or ther entity...

They're hiding many accounts and money in small states like Singapore and Luxembourg...now....why would that be? :whistling:

But, fighting against a $ 38 Billion public listed company, incorporated in Delaware (!) with $ 20 Billion is assets.....is not so easy...especially when the company shares are held for 82% by large Institutionals, not having too many scrupules about eBay/PayPal clients.

They couldn't care less about small clients; they just care about the large Institutions, holding their shares.

It's big money we're talking here and guys who freeze (without any legal backing) accounts overnight.

Would the CEO, Mr. John Donahue, with $ 10.1 Million compensation and another $ 7.7 Million in options care about WikiLeaks....?

He probably has his buddies, somewhere high up in the hierachy...

And, the anti-WikiLeaks posters talk about criminal behavior...yeah right.


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It looks like independent hackers all over the world are expressing their disgust with WifiLeaks and Assange. cheer.gif

The operators of the WikiLeaks Web site are in the midst of a game of virtual dodge ball, as they battle a diverse group of hackers and try to keep their stash of once confidential documents online.

The WikiLeaks site has been under attack since Sunday when it began releasing about 250,000 leaked State Department documents relating to American foreign policy. Someone portraying himself as an American patriot took credit for the first spate of disruptions to the site, a claim that security experts said was credible.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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It looks like independent hackers all over the world are expressing their disgust with WifiLeaks and Assange. cheer.gif

The operators of the WikiLeaks Web site are in the midst of a game of virtual dodge ball, as they battle a diverse group of hackers and try to keep their stash of once confidential documents online.

The WikiLeaks site has been under attack since Sunday when it began releasing about 250,000 leaked State Department documents relating to American foreign policy. Someone portraying himself as an American patriot took credit for the first spate of disruptions to the site, a claim that security experts said was credible.


Wikileaks will prevail..............!!

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