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After Death Birth Or Not?


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Santikaro, the ambassador for the western world for the Teaching of Tan Buddhadasa as translator, as animator, propagator is dying with cancer.

As a dying human he puts the last energy in a Teaching about " After Death Birth or Not?"

Santikaro never dies, Buddhadasa never dies.


The translations of the Teaching of Tan Buddhadasa in

English, from fellows in German, in French, in Spanish

make him to the most important person why in the world

the followers of Tan Buddhadasa are a big number, the minority of followers in Thailand is a problem of Thai Buddhism.

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Minority or not, Buddhadasa has a huge following among Thais, as a visit to any Thai-language bookstore here will attest. On the shelves you will see more books on Buddhism written by, or quoting, Buddhadasa than by/quoting any other Thai monk living or dead.

Sad to hear about Santikaro's health. He teachings have been representative of an aspect of Ven Buddhadasa's teachings. I know many who deny that his interpretations of the late monk's teachings represent the entirety of those teachings.

The current abbot at Wat Suanmok, Ajahn Po, who teachers hundreds of westerners every year, is Ven Buddhadasa's most faithful representative.

Not sure everyone would agree that the lack of Buddhadasa's followers is a problem of Thai Buddhism. There are lots of great monks here, including many who have no fame to speak of. The problem is most devotees of the great monks, whoever they may be, may not put into practice what they have read and heard.

Anicca vata sankhara.

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Santikaro is fighting.

He wants to transcribe a Teaching of Tan Buddhadasa in English (never published in English before). By Internet he has now enough good friends to transcribe (audio) from Thai to English,

the Sangha of good willing people.

Tan .Buddhadasa and Santikaro never die.

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