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Barry's New Golf Course


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It is situated next to the runway of the old airport. It is going to be a nine-holes. I am not sure if it is ready yet, but the driving range is already quite a while.

I heard good messages about its restaurant, especially about the steaks they serve. Worth to take a look (or a taste).


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It is situated next to the runway of the old airport. It is going to be a nine-holes. I am not sure if it is ready yet, but the driving range is already quite a while.

I heard good messages about its restaurant, especially about the steaks they serve. Worth to take a look (or a taste).


Opened last weekend.

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It must be about fifteen years ago that I tried to play golf for the first time.

Irish Mike was supposed to be my teacher. The theoretical part we did the evening before under the enjoyment of quite some alcoholic refreshments.

My first swing was a perfect hit. A very dry 'pock' sounded and I never found the ball back. I just didn't see where the thing disappeared. 'A good stroke Sir', a Thai gentleman said.

Fast Eddy said: You are going to put Arnold Palmer into the second-hand car business.

This is my sport, I thought.

But not for long.

My second try was disastreous. The ball was still exactly on the same spot, but the stick landed five meters further on.

This was at the oldest golf course of Chiang Rai. The one at the old airport.

The one which is now called 'Barry's New Golf Course'.

The Thai gentleman looked at another direction.

I went into mountainbiking.


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If you are an absolute 'zero' in golf it might be recommendable to do the first efforts out of sight of others.

May I suggest you a beautiful nine holes course in the mountains, where you probably will be the only person playing? Where you find an excellent restaurant as well, classical music and good wine in superb surroundings?

400 Baht for one day golf. Affordable? A great fish for 120 Baht? A bottle of perfect Chilenian wine for 350 Baht?

One of these days I am going to give it a try again. And I don't want you to laugh at me, so for the time being I keep it a secret.

Close to a hot spring you are warm, that's the only thing I want to say :o .


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Probably opened the course to soon as the course is still in need of maturing. It,s a little bit tight also. Maybe requiring the players to Don the apparell of say, an ice hockey player. But as the course matures I,m sure we will all come to enjoy playing there and trying to overcome the challenge that the course so rightly provides. Good luck to Barry nd all concerned

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  • 2 months later...

It is OK now to play at Barry's golf course. The spirits are gone and you don't have to worry anymore.

There might be more players, but the court can manage them. Take it easy and you are done in less than two hours (9 holes).

A nice steak to forget and compensate your lousy hits is served on the premises.

The opening was funny. It is an airforce golf course, so some airforce general was invited to do the first what-ever-you-might-call-it.

The ball was expected to explode in a ceremonial way.

The bloody thing didn't.

The bloody ball hit a head in stead, a head of somebody standing around on the wrong place.

All the foreigners present laughed themselves to death, even if they didn't show it.

The Thai people present were extremely disturbed. This was a bad omen!

It is a nice course of what I hear. Don't worry about the spirits!


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  • 6 months later...
It is OK now to play at Barry's golf course. The spirits are gone and you don't have to worry anymore.

There might be more players, but the court can manage them. Take it easy and you are done in less than two hours (9 holes).

A nice steak to forget and compensate your lousy hits is served on the premises.

The opening was funny. It is an airforce golf course, so some airforce general was invited to do the first what-ever-you-might-call-it.

The ball was expected to explode in a ceremonial way.

The bloody thing didn't.

The bloody ball hit a head in stead, a head of somebody standing around on the wrong place.

All the foreigners present laughed themselves to death, even if they didn't show it.

The Thai people present were extremely disturbed. This was a bad omen!

It is a nice course of what I hear. Don't worry about the spirits!


Hey Limbo I was on the putting green when the ball hit me in the head not in the wrong place...it does not surprise me that the foreigners laughed and the thai visitors were concerned and disturbed...one of the reasons why I live here and not in the western world anymore...If you have not been to Barrys course lately I will tell you that it is still not in very good shape. It was in better condition when it first opened. Now there are hardly anyone working on the course, the grass is becoming overgrown in alot of places and the greens are getting worse all the time. I would like to see the course in good shape and I would like to see Barry succeed but that does not seem to be happening. The driving range is the best one in this area I just wish that he kept the course in as good as shape.

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If you are an absolute 'zero' in golf it might be recommendable to do the first efforts out of sight of others.

May I suggest you a beautiful nine holes course in the mountains, where you probably will be the only person playing? Where you find an excellent restaurant as well, classical music and good wine in superb surroundings?

400 Baht for one day golf. Affordable? A great fish for 120 Baht? A bottle of perfect Chilenian wine for 350 Baht?

One of these days I am going to give it a try again. And I don't want you to laugh at me, so for the time being I keep it a secret.

Close to a hot spring you are warm, that's the only thing I want to say :o .


Please Dr Limbo, where is this course? I am sure I passed it about 6 and a half years ago, sitting in Matthew McD's terrible Toyota truck, on our way to an Akkavillage. I saw one green and its fairway and the teebox for the next hole. Also someone working cutting grass.

It must have been less than 100 km from Mae Sai, my basecamp at that moment. And it was up in the mountains and we were on a dirtroad that passed the golfcourse.

That was my second trip to Thailand and I had no map so I did not know where we were. After that I have searched for it and talked to people about it but noone had heard of it.

So please Dr Limbo, give me a hint. I promise not ot go there the day you are out "practising"!

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Please Dr Limbo, where is this course? I am sure I passed it about 6 and a half years ago, sitting in Matthew McD's terrible Toyota truck, on our way to an Akkavillage. I saw one green and its fairway and the teebox for the next hole. Also someone working cutting grass.

It must have been less than 100 km from Mae Sai, my basecamp at that moment. And it was up in the mountains and we were on a dirtroad that passed the golfcourse.

That was my second trip to Thailand and I had no map so I did not know where we were. After that I have searched for it and talked to people about it but noone had heard of it.

So please Dr Limbo, give me a hint. I promise not ot go there the day you are out "practising"!

I must admit I have been there only once, enjoying this earlier mentioned excellent meal accompagnied by this evenso excellent Chilian wine. In the mid of a beautiful park-like nature. On invitation of a friend from Maechan, who went there once a week. I can't reach him at the moment, but I hope to be able to do so soon. At the moment I don't recall the name anymore. I hope it still exists and didn't change.

It was and is still supposed to be probably less than a hundred meters after the hot spring on the road Maechan to Tathorn. I guess about 10 or 12 kilometers from Maechan. The spring is at the left side of the road and the particular place close to being opposite.

It is a nondescribt little forest road with only a name carved on a horisontally placed tree trunk.

No further signs and certainly no Christmas illumination. It has a very private character.

Neither the restaurant nor the golf course can be seen from the road.

Phil went to look for it a couple of times, but finally gave up. But I solemnly swear that I have seen it with my own eyes. Also the wine is not a product of my fantasy (and I drunk the wine AFTER looking at the golf course).

Dear Madmax, the story was told me as funny, which made me blind for the victims burden.

Sorry! You made Chiang Rai Golf History to a certain extend, but I understand that it is not the kind of history you are looking for.

You are right, malicious enjoyment, often even overt, seems to be more characterizing for our western culture than for the Thai culture.

If our assumption is hundred percent true, only a Thai person can answer.


Limbo :o

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The opening was funny. It is an airforce golf course, so some airforce general was invited to do the first what-ever-you-might-call-it.

The ball was expected to explode in a ceremonial way.

The bloody thing didn't.

The bloody ball hit a head in stead, a head of somebody standing around on the wrong place.

All the foreigners present laughed themselves to death, even if they didn't show it.

The Thai people present were extremely disturbed. This was a bad omen!


Hey Limbo I was on the putting green when the ball hit me in the head not in the wrong place...it does not surprise me that the foreigners laughed and the thai visitors were concerned and disturbed...one of the reasons why I live here and not in the western world anymore.

I would like to see the course in good shape and I would like to see Barry succeed but that does not seem to be happening. The driving range is the best one in this area I just wish that he kept the course in as good as shape.

I must admit I have been there only once, enjoying this earlier mentioned excellent meal accompagnied by this evenso excellent Chilian wine. In the mid of a beautiful park-like nature. On invitation of a friend from Maechan, who went there once a week. I can't reach him at the moment, but I hope to be able to do so soon. At the moment I don't recall the name anymore. I hope it still exists and didn't change.

It was and is still supposed to be probably less than a hundred meters after the hot spring on the road Maechan to Tathorn. I guess about 10 or 12 kilometers from Maechan. The spring is at the left side of the road and the particular place close to being opposite.

It is a nondescribt little forest road with only a name carved on a horisontally placed tree trunk.

No further signs and certainly no Christmas illumination. It has a very private character.

Neither the restaurant nor the golf course can be seen from the road.

Phil went to look for it a couple of times, but finally gave up. But I solemnly swear that I have seen it with my own eyes. Also the wine is not a product of my fantasy (and I drunk the wine AFTER looking at the golf course).

Dear Madmax, the story was told me as funny, which made me blind for the victims burden.

Sorry! You made Chiang Rai Golf History to a certain extend, but I understand that it is not the kind of history you are looking for.

You are right, malicious enjoyment, often even overt, seems to be more characterizing for our western culture than for the Thai culture.

If our assumption is hundred percent true, only a Thai person can answer.


Limbo :o

Madmax, I was there at the opening and I can assure you there were no farangs laughing when you got hit by the ball. Most of us were sitting close to where the ball was going and we all were happy it was not a slice that could have hit us.

I hope you have recovered but I am afraid that the colfcourse will have problems to get the Thais to forget this story.

Dr Limbo, many thanks for telling me where I can start searching for this golfcourse. If I find it I will hopefully play it and take some pictures to show to the forum.

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Dr Limbo, many thanks for telling me where I can start searching for this golfcourse. If I find it I will hopefully play it and take some pictures to show to the forum.

.... Svenivan wrote.

I actually started to think I had seen a fata morgana, but no, it wasn't.

I walked around there to-day for about an hour and saw three gardeners, five horses and four cows. No players, because it is a secret golf course.

Please Svenivan, consider these pictures just as a proof that I didn't speak nonsense. I did something wrong with the camera, so the pictures are as lousy as all my pictures are.




Please go to Kuhn Tam's Kitchen first and get all the information (and donate your 400 Baht).

Follow the beautiful road untill you reach a T-crossing and go to the right. The second (small) road to the right again.

And please, don't tell anybody!

Limbo :o

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Dr Limbo,

Many thanks for excellent directions. We found the place, we talked to the nice lady in Khun Tam's kitchen and then we took off to the golfcourse. It is a very nice 9-hole par-3 course with longest hole 178 yards, one around 145 yards and the rest around 100 +/- 20 yards.

I add some more pics from this place.

post-29230-1149851897_thumb.jpg :Dpost-29230-1149851953_thumb.jpg :opost-29230-1149852044_thumb.jpg

post-29230-1149852099_thumb.jpg :Dpost-29230-1149852179_thumb.jpg

After we checked the golfcourse we took the car for a trip around this beautiful place. There are around 14-15 rather big houses spread around within 1000 rai, probably only used a couple of times a year. But very stylish wooden houses, a little bit Swizz style.

And of course the car broke down when we were as far away from Khun Tam as we possible could be. So we took a little walk and after 5 minutes came the rainstorm of the year. But it was a happy ending. They found us a man that could fix the car (startrelay was kaputt).

But I will be back again with 5 clubs (don't need full set there) and after I will have lunch or dinner with this wine from Chile.


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  • 4 weeks later...

It is OK now to play at Barry's golf course. The spirits are gone and you don't have to worry anymore.

There might be more players, but the court can manage them. Take it easy and you are done in less than two hours (9 holes).

A nice steak to forget and compensate your lousy hits is served on the premises.

The opening was funny. It is an airforce golf course, so some airforce general was invited to do the first what-ever-you-might-call-it.

The ball was expected to explode in a ceremonial way.

The bloody thing didn't.

The bloody ball hit a head in stead, a head of somebody standing around on the wrong place.

All the foreigners present laughed themselves to death, even if they didn't show it.

The Thai people present were extremely disturbed. This was a bad omen!

It is a nice course of what I hear. Don't worry about the spirits!



I was standing not two feet away from you, off to the left on the putting green when you got hit in the head with the ceremonial golfball and I can assure you nobody, Farangs or Thais were laughing. Fact is not a single Farang other than myself even realised you got hit until after it happened and I asked for assistance. Just want to set the record straight on that incident.

Hey Limbo I was on the putting green when the ball hit me in the head not in the wrong place...it does not surprise me that the foreigners laughed and the thai visitors were concerned and disturbed...one of the reasons why I live here and not in the western world anymore...If you have not been to Barrys course lately I will tell you that it is still not in very good shape. It was in better condition when it first opened. Now there are hardly anyone working on the course, the grass is becoming overgrown in alot of places and the greens are getting worse all the time. I would like to see the course in good shape and I would like to see Barry succeed but that does not seem to be happening. The driving range is the best one in this area I just wish that he kept the course in as good as shape.

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  • 4 months later...

The golf course and driving range look very good now. At least it looks all perfect to me, for what that's worth.

In the mean time the restaurant gained fame for its hamburgers, which I would like to describe as very good, no, excellent tasting extended meatballs (at least twice the seize and quality of the runners up).

Believe me, they are not made of plastic!

On the picture we see Mr. Barry (himself!) shaking hands with Ralf Keyser, the former fourfold youth champion of the Netherlands who recently visited Chiang Rai.

Limbo :o


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  • 2 months later...
If you are an absolute 'zero' in golf it might be recommendable to do the first efforts out of sight of others.

May I suggest you a beautiful nine holes course in the mountains, where you probably will be the only person playing? Where you find an excellent restaurant as well, classical music and good wine in superb surroundings?

400 Baht for one day golf. Affordable? A great fish for 120 Baht? A bottle of perfect Chilenian wine for 350 Baht?

One of these days I am going to give it a try again. And I don't want you to laugh at me, so for the time being I keep it a secret.

Close to a hot spring you are warm, that's the only thing I want to say :o .


Hi Limbo,

Golf course in the mountain, sounds nice, where exactly is it? thanks

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Hi Limbo,

Golf course in the mountain, sounds nice, where exactly is it? thanks

Easy cake: Just stroll back to posting number 14 and 15 of this thread and you will see where it is and read Svenivan's review of it.


Limbo :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dr Limbo,

Many thanks for excellent directions. We found the place, we talked to the nice lady in Khun Tam's kitchen and then we took off to the golfcourse. It is a very nice 9-hole par-3 course with longest hole 178 yards, one around 145 yards and the rest around 100 +/- 20 yards.

I add some more pics from this place.

post-29230-1149851897_thumb.jpg :Dpost-29230-1149851953_thumb.jpg :opost-29230-1149852044_thumb.jpg

post-29230-1149852099_thumb.jpg :Dpost-29230-1149852179_thumb.jpg

After we checked the golfcourse we took the car for a trip around this beautiful place. There are around 14-15 rather big houses spread around within 1000 rai, probably only used a couple of times a year. But very stylish wooden houses, a little bit Swizz style.

And of course the car broke down when we were as far away from Khun Tam as we possible could be. So we took a little walk and after 5 minutes came the rainstorm of the year. But it was a happy ending. They found us a man that could fix the car (startrelay was kaputt).

But I will be back again with 5 clubs (don't need full set there) and after I will have lunch or dinner with this wine from Chile.


Hello, Im new to chiang rai and couyld do with getting idiot proof directions to the course, your pictures look really good and I wouldnt mind a trip up there. Thanks in advance

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I will do my best.

From CR go north on superhighway towards Mae Sai.

Just in beginning of Mae Chan (3 km after the police checkpoint) you go left on the road to Chiang Mai over Thatoon.

After maybe 10-12 km you have a the big Hot Spring on your left and then after another 100-150 m you have the road to the restaurant and the golfcourse on your right.

Check post 12 in this thread where you find a photo of the place where you go to the right.

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I will do my best.

From CR go north on superhighway towards Mae Sai.

Just in beginning of Mae Chan (3 km after the police checkpoint) you go left on the road to Chiang Mai over Thatoon.

After maybe 10-12 km you have a the big Hot Spring on your left and then after another 100-150 m you have the road to the restaurant and the golfcourse on your right.

Check post 12 in this thread where you find a photo of the place where you go to the right.

Hi Svenivan, once again thanks for the info, as always your very helpful and it much aprreciated, also I checked out the the bike shop that you mentioned, worth a look but didnt have what I was looking for. the bikes are a bit old. but again a useful tip. Regards

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It is situated next to the runway of the old airport. It is going to be a nine-holes. I am not sure if it is ready yet, but the driving range is already quite a while.

I heard good messages about its restaurant, especially about the steaks they serve. Worth to take a look (or a taste).


Hi Limbo, tried to find barrys golf course as Ive heard its good and worth a trip, where abouts is the old airport, idiot proof directions for the local novice would be good, thanks in advance.

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Hi Limbo, tried to find barrys golf course as Ive heard its good and worth a trip, where abouts is the old airport, idiot proof directions for the local novice would be good, thanks in advance.

Hi Rainmaker,

Barry's is at the Old Airport.

If we start at Bo's place you go out on Main Street (Th Pahon Youthin) and go south (to the right).

At first trafficlight you turn right, pass the Goverment Hospital, turn left at the trafficlight.

Now you are on Th Sanam Bin that goes straight to the Old Airport (max 1.2km).

When you arrive there you turn right, follow the road and on your left (maybe 150 m) you find Barry's Driving range and golfcourse.

For the moment there is a big fair in the Old Airport (the one that normally be in Sport Stadium). What I understand the last day is tomorrow, Sunday.

:o:D :D

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  • 3 years later...





I guess there are not so many golfers left on the forum, but for

sure plenty of people who like excellent pizza's, hamburgers,

'submarines' and similar tasty morsels.

The WCH or World Class Hamburger place of American Barry recently re-opened

its doors. It's a kind of strange name, especially the abbrevation looks a

little bit weird, but the flag actually covers the load: Indeed, worldclass!

The hamburgers have already gained fame through the years and that Barry was the

first person of Chiang Rai who knew how to make french fries is nothing new.

The pizza is only second to the pizza of the Bluesky, though the last

ones are served with three kinds of cheese which gives them the upperhand.

Barry did an extremely fine job. Everything is new, clean, modern but stylish

and the service is the way one wants it to be.

The products were already 'worldclass' but they might even taste better in this

new ambiance.

Where is this fantastic place? There were it always has been: At the entry of

the golf course (Barry designed the golfcourse and has been teaching golf there

for many years) at the old airport. Big screen television of course, wifi too.

Visitors can use the parking place of the golf course.

A Chiang Rai artist, also running Saharot, the big soup restaurant in the same

building as Angkritgallery/Bookafe, went to WCH with Aukhao, his 10 year old son.

They were amazed not only about the quality, but also about the size of the portions.

They simply couldn't finish them.

On the movie you see Aukhoa giving information about the restaurant and judging the

quality of Barry's hamburgers.

Limbo :yohan:

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I guess there are not so many golfers left on the forum, but for

sure plenty of people who like excellent pizza's, hamburgers,

'submarines' and similar tasty morsels.

The WCH or World Class Hamburger place of American Barry recently re-opened

its doors.

Where is this fantastic place? There were it always has been: At the entry of

the golf course (Barry designed the golfcourse and has been teaching golf there

for many years) at the old airport. Big screen television of course, wifi too.

Visitors can use the parking place of the golf course.

On the movie you see Aukhoa giving information about the restaurant and judging the

quality of Barry's hamburgers.

Help! Before I get into serious problems:

I forgot to mention the steaks ...

And I must admit it: They match the ones of the Family House.

These are some of those you can order in the Family House (pork 100, salmon 200 Baht):

. . . . . . . .post-6305-000338500 1284188464_thumb.jpg

Limbo :yohan:

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So how do you get your wife to believe you when you say you are going down to the old airport for a hamburger Limbo? :yohan::lock::lol:


That's a good one Scea!

She came to Chiang Rai one year ago, so she has

no idea what 'the old airport' meant in former days.

I try to keep it that way ...

Limbo :yohan:

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So how do you get your wife to believe you when you say you are going down to the old airport for a hamburger Limbo? :yohan::lock::lol:


That's a good one Scea!

She came to Chiang Rai one year ago, so she has

no idea what 'the old airport' meant in former days.

I try to keep it that way ...

Limbo :yohan:

Can not resist anymore. What does 555 mean.

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