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Obama, Cameron call for Gaddafi's departure, says 'brutality and violence' must stop


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George.W.Bush was a complete and utter liar. The evidence being his total fabrication of evidence presented to the UN security council for his reason to invade Iraq. And had the audacity to send Gen Colin Powell to the assembly to do his dirty work for him.

Which of course makes him ultimately responsible for the murderous slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians (a death toll Gaddafi will come noweher near) and without doubt a war criminal.

And what about Obama? who does exactly the same things like Bush, but just having a different rhetoric.

Meanwhile Bush would simply admit something like waterboarding,

Obama would promise Change! but continue to do so. If get caught he would turn on his two teleprompters, apologize sorry sorry, say a prayer together with Michele and promise it would never happen again, but continue to do so. if get caught he would turn on his two teleprompters ...

If a 'Bush' condemns Gadaffi demands his depature not many would bother to say 'How can he dare' not much to argue about.

And when Obama does the samenoone objects and some pseudolefty philosemites get all excited to launch the next War on some Arabs as soon as possible.


We are all forgeting one important point here when it comes to Obama. He won the noble peace prize. :cheesy:

Hmmm, Puts him in the company of other great men of peace such as Yasser Arafat :huh: I remember at the time thinking <deleted>, not because he had been particularly warlike, but had done nowhere near enough to earn such an award. The trouble is now I suspect he is trying to live up to his own press and this has led to a dithering approach which has been seized on by sundry fanatics who have pushed their agendas further than would have otherwise dared. I'm referring to Iran, Pakistan and North Korea here.

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Hardly surprising! Now this will set the weels in motion in the west for sure. No win! No oil!

"His comments seem to be at odds with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's remarks who said on Tuesday he had lost trust in all Western nations except Germany and that Libya will only invest in Russia, India and China.

"We do not trust their firms - they took part in the conspiracy against us," Gaddafi told the German TV channel RTL. "Our oil contracts will be given to Russian, Chinese and Indian companies. The West will be forgotten. ""

Time to buy Russian oil-stock!


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