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UN expert condemns continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes


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It is only complex when people like yourself make it that way. Get your head out of the clouds and you might see that your on existance isn't as complex as you make it out to be.

OK, if you say so. End of discussion. I don't play well with blatant proponents of irrational anti-intellectualism.

You just don't want to play anymore cuz I call you out and you can't handle it. Not everybody is going to share you point of view or chain of thought. :sorry::partytime2:

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If you want to believe that, fine, and AS IF you need another excuse to get pissed, dude.

I thought you weren't playing anymore. Who said anything about getting pissed? Try to keep that blood pressure in check " DUDE" :cheesy:

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Since this is a Thai board, I think it's worth mentioning that I have read in the past a comparison of Thai people and the Jews. That is another competing definition of what is a Jew, with that answer the Jews are a PEOPLE. As you know, Thais are not a race, they have a majority religion but that doesn't define them, their nationality is rather an artificial more modern construct, but most Thais do consider themselves a PEOPLE. The same could probably be said for most Jews, and it is a concept that unifies Jews across borders and across levels of religious observance. Zionism took that common feeling of people-hood further, towards nationhood.

Back to the nothing is that simple tack, not all Thai nationals are exactly "Thai people" per se. Thai Indians are Thai nationals but I don't think they consider themselves "Thai people" in the same way as an ethnic Thai would. Of course in Israel about 20 percent of their citizens are Arabs. I don't think so many think of themselves as part of the Jewish people! Ethiopian Jews are an interesting case too, as they don't fit the stereotype of what Jews look like to most people, including most Jews. I can't speak for them but my impression is that they do feel as part of the Jewish people, but still suffer some discrimination from other Jews (that's a shame).

Edited by Jingthing
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No, I am not saying this is rationalization for the creation of Israel. Hitler provided that ...

NEWSFLASH: Hitler is dead.

You can go home now.

Yeah, right, history doesn't exist and had no consequences. Israel was created in 1948. Edited by Jingthing
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No, I am not saying this is rationalization for the creation of Israel. Hitler provided that ...

NEWSFLASH: Hitler is dead.

You can go home now.

Yeah, right, history doesn't exist and had no consequences. Israel was created in 1948.

Old news: Hitler is dead.

New news: UN expert condemns continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes

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No, I am not saying this is rationalization for the creation of Israel. Hitler provided that ...

NEWSFLASH: Hitler is dead.

You can go home now.

Good call. Everytime people go on about the Palestinians they blame the Palestinians. When they go on about Israel, they blame Hitler and the holocaust. ?

I am sorry but GET OVER IT! Cambodia, Serbia, Rwande etc etc have. And the question to be asked is why do they do so? Because present day Israelis don't suffer one little bit at the hands of anybody.Apart from the odd highly ineffective rocket attack or two that very seldomly destroys property, hurts, mames or kills anIsraeli, they live a very, very peaceful and prosperous life. Houses, jobs, cars, food on the table,passports, identity and are free to travel anywhere and at anytime they wish. Whether that be within Israel or abroad.Highly unlike Palestine which suffers at the hands of Israeli oppression and human rights abuse each and every moment of everyday. So end state is: With nobody to blame for thier present day behavior and more than numerous atrocities.Bring up the past. Trying, and quite successfully i might add, to get sympathy from the world. The sooner we all wake up and realise Israel for what they are, land thieves and bullies, the sooner this problem and be put to rest. :annoyed:

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I was merely stating the facts about the impetus behind the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. That was the context of bringing up Hitler, not this other stuff. Clearly without Hitler and the holocaust there wouldn't have been waves of new Zionists coming to Palestine in the 1940's, clearly the Zionist activists wouldn't have had the passion and support to fight the British colonialist occupiers (remember Palestine was NOT a country), clearly the UN wouldn't have approved the partitioning of Israel in 1947, clearly USA President Truman and Russian leader Stalin wouldn't have officially recognized Israel as a Jewish state in 1948 ... Without Hitler and the holocaust it's hard to imagine that Zionism would have ever won their goal to create a Jewish state. Now its later and the Jewish state does exist with millions of Jews living there. No, they aren't going to Poland. Poland doesn't want them and they don't want to go. Also, contrary to anti-Zionist propaganda, the vast majority of Jews in today's Israel are NATIVE born Israelis.

Another thing to consider. Back in Germany during the time of the rise of the Nazi party, what percentage of the German Jews there, both fully assimilated or not, were actually pro Zionist? My understanding is quite a small percentage. History can and does change things in the future. The future is now.

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I totally agree all kind of people suffered massive deaths in WW2. Especially the Russians! Not to mention the Germans. Again, I was merely explaining the historical context of how Israel came to be a Jewish state. I don't think anybody can seriously deny that Hitler wasn't a major factor in why Israel came to exist when it did. Of course, it wasn't inevitable. The Zionists could have lost their military struggle against the Brits. The British could have stayed longer. The UN could have made a different decision. Truman, who was an anti-semite actually, could have decided NOT to support it. And last but not least, the invading Arab armies could have easily have crushed the Jews back then, if you read history, you will see they almost did. But the chain of events that did happen was strongly influenced by what the Nazis did. (Many examples, it's hard to imagine the UN voting support for partition in 1947 without the sympathy factor due to the holocaust; the memory was very fresh back then.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Arabs all over the Arab world are exposed to both antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda from their baby stages.

The kids of another breed are told that they are the 'choses ones'.

That's a misunderstanding/distortion of what most Jewish children are taught. In any case, feeling special isn't exactly unique to Jews. Consider how Thais feel about themselves. That said, I would agree at this point, there is hatred coming from both sides in the middle east.

Edited by Jingthing
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NEWSFLASH: Hitler is dead.

NEWSFLASH: A lot of Islamic Fascists and their racist enablers have taken his place

That being the case. There seems to be a pattern established. With one common denominaitor. Why is it that they find themselves so disliked where ever they may go? One can compare it to the same arsehol_e thats gets punched out down the pub every friday night. It doesn't happen cuz he is a good bloke.B)

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Because present day Israelis don't suffer one little bit at the hands of anybody.

What a load of crap. 20,093 Israeli soldiers have been killed in wars started by the Arab countries that surround Israel and that does not include all the civilians. :rolleyes:

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Arabs all over the Arab world are exposed to both antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda from their baby stages.

The kids of another breed are told that they are the 'choses ones'.

That's a misunderstanding/distortion of what most Jewish children are taught. In any case, feeling special isn't exactly unique to Jews. Consider how Thais feel about themselves. That said, I would agree at this point, there is hatred coming from both sides in the middle east.

It is pure racist if you come with "All Arabs from their baby stages ..." arguments.

It is not hard to identify the new fascist here.

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Here it comes. The Jews were gassed because they deserved it. This is so inevitable.

Next ...

That is a disgraceful thing to say. " The Jews were gassed because they deserved it". You should be ashamed of yourself Jingthing. The moderators shouldn't allow posts like this.I feel offended. We playing again ? :D

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Because present day Israelis don't suffer one little bit at the hands of anybody.

What a load of crap. 20,093 Israeli soldiers have been killed in wars started by the Arab countries that surround Israel and that does not include all the civilians. :rolleyes:

Don't cut my post like that. It puts it totally out of context with my original post. One does this in an attempt to decieve other posters.

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Many of the other posts made here do not seem to address the topic at hand. Given that, and the fact that many posters just cannot seem to be able to moderate themselves when it comes to an Israel/Palestine thread, it is time to close this thread.


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