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Israel approves new West Bank settlements after attack


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Why would you or anyone else care what they have done to be better. It is no ones business but theirs and any comment that they couldn't prosper smacks of a superiority complex.

If the western world don't like which govt a country votes in then they shouldn't be pushing for a democracy until they are ready for it.

Who are we in oz to say that it was ok to take the land off the aboriginals because they had done nothing with it anyway.

I am sure i have been through this with you a number of time.

it was not Palestinian land. Israel did not come and take it. Israel was attacked by the original owners, they lost the war and Israel captured the land.

Prior to that it was a dessert, after the war it was a dessert and no one bothered to do anything and now its still a dessert and still no prospect of Palestinian Authority to do anything.

Israel is NOT to blame for Palestinian economic state, because for one they do not even have or ever had any kind of infrastructure. Two recent news is another perfect example of where the money goes and what the government of Palestine is interested in-nothing but war and violence.

Of course to provide simple answer for lack of development is to pint fingers at Israel while hiding the real facts from the people.

You absolutely right, if western world don't like which govt a country votes in then they shouldn't be pushing for a democracy HOWEVER Israel has the right to defend its citizens and protect itself.

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Both sides are stressed for different reasons. If it is a contest about which side is experiencing more pain now, OK, it's the Palestinians, yippee!, they win, free falafel for a year. So what? Is that the contest? When are the Palestinians going to unite to be represented by ONE government? How can talks even begin to start without that?

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Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

What was before that you ask??? War, war, war...

Who started it in 1948 and has continued it until now? It was not Israel. :bah:

Once again you are in breach of forum rule :

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

You begiining to sound like a school boy." Ohh Ms. That's not fair, he started it. Your argumant is an epic failure.

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Israel isn't under a blockade.

No, just the rocket attacks

In the last decade 29 Israelis died from rocket attacks. RIP :jap:

sORRY, I think you have a problem with maths.

just 2000-2007 542 have been killed.

and again i guess again its Israel's fault for having the infrastructure to protect its citizens-bomb shelters and warning systems.

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Both sides are stressed for different reasons. If it is a contest about which side is experiencing more pain now, OK, it's the Palestinians, yippee!, they win, free falafel for a year. So what? Is that the contest? When are the Palestinians going to unite to be represented by ONE government? How can talks even begin to start without that?

Very soon. It was only today that Palestinian demonstrated as one, hand in hand, side by side in the streets of Ramallah. This will strengthen thier resolve and soon they will have what they deserve. A free and safe homeland to call thier own.

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Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

What was before that you ask??? War, war, war and repeated incursion by Israel.Rape, killing, stealing houses and land. Lets be realistic here. It is in Israels best interest to starve of the Palestinians. A strong Palestine would have Israel shitting in thier pants. As for Egypt. That is way :offtopic: .

You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites. As I have stated before in other threads that it would be in Israels best interest to come to the party and start following popular world opinion before the Arab world, after the ongoing revolution is over, joins together and pushes Israel into the sea. If you think I am being a little over the top then that is ok. But deep down you know that this scenerio is a valid one. Soon Palestine will indeed be free with the support of the entire world sha allah[god willing] and it will be israel that finds itself without a seat when the music stops.

Coma, may i suggest you read some sites on history.

Perhaps you were not aware, but it was Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq who attacked Israel both times and lost both times.

Again, you need to stop trying to point fingers or trying to find someone to blame for the lack of whatever you like to call it from the Palestinian Government or leaders.

Again, Palestinians who chose to live in peace, moved to Israel, hold Israeli passport and enjoy happy and fruitful life. Those who have chosen violence and act like animals live a life of an animal.

I see your wishful thinking, Israel is scared of Palestinians and being pushed into the sea. This is probably the most ridiculous argument i have ever read or heard in my life. If Israel managed to defend 4 armies on all fronts at the same time, and not only defend but declare total victory both times, do you really think Palestinians are that much of a threat or the other Arab states???? Mind you none of them even considering it or ever would.

The only real threat is Iran, but rest assured should Iran ever consider firing a rocket from Iran into Israel, all of its military compounds would be flattened before that rocket reaches Israel.

And funny enough the big mouth Iranian government is only good to make threats yet never do anything direct, because they are well aware of the consequences.

Edited by kuffki
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Both sides are stressed for different reasons. If it is a contest about which side is experiencing more pain now, OK, it's the Palestinians, yippee!, they win, free falafel for a year. So what? Is that the contest? When are the Palestinians going to unite to be represented by ONE government? How can talks even begin to start without that?

Very soon. It was only today that Palestinian demonstrated as one, hand in hand, side by side in the streets of Ramallah. This will strengthen thier resolve and soon they will have what they deserve. A free and safe homeland to call thier own.

Wrong again, then they will start internal war for the power as they have been doing for the past few years and then again they will look for someone to blame and naturally it wil be Israel

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A suspect is under investigation in the murders and he is not Palestinian. He is Asian and is alleged by a neighbor of the slain family to have threatened the family after he was not paid 10,000 shekels in wages owed him for work performed.

Naturally, the only source available at this point is Palestinian and I have no interest in arguing its validity, only that the investigation is in the early stages and all handling of the matter be done in consideration of the early stages and not jump to silly conclusions that could lead to irreparable damage.

Motive, opportunity and cui bono fit the new suspect more so than an unknown Palestinian terrorist, I doubt that Palestine, at least the leadership, be they Hamas or whomever would think this is a great time for a major terrorist attack. Palestine has recently gotten sympathy from the international community and doing anything to conflict with that recognition would just be plain stupid. I am not saying however, that they are not capable of doing something completely stupid.


Now that definatley seems like a more plausable course of events and I eagerly await the outcome of the investigation.

Simple logic

Witnesses and evidence showed there were 2 men not 1.

Westbank is not exactly flooded with Asians running around.

:blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


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Yeah sure. The "International community" can not stop Iran from building Nuclear weapons or Islamic terrorists from targeting civilians. They are not going to go out of their way to support Hamas.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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A suspect is under investigation in the murders and he is not Palestinian. He is Asian and is alleged by a neighbor of the slain family to have threatened the family after he was not paid 10,000 shekels in wages owed him for work performed.

Naturally, the only source available at this point is Palestinian and I have no interest in arguing its validity, only that the investigation is in the early stages and all handling of the matter be done in consideration of the early stages and not jump to silly conclusions that could lead to irreparable damage.

Motive, opportunity and cui bono fit the new suspect more so than an unknown Palestinian terrorist, I doubt that Palestine, at least the leadership, be they Hamas or whomever would think this is a great time for a major terrorist attack. Palestine has recently gotten sympathy from the international community and doing anything to conflict with that recognition would just be plain stupid. I am not saying however, that they are not capable of doing something completely stupid.


Now that definatley seems like a more plausable course of events and I eagerly await the outcome of the investigation.

Simple logic

Witnesses and evidence showed there were 2 men not 1.

Westbank is not exactly flooded with Asians running around.

:blink:...Witnesses and evidence...? of the murders ? Did I miss something ? where did you find that? :unsure:

West Bank ? I understand that there are literally thousands of Asians -and Thai for that matter- on the West Bank working there as "guest workers".

A few days ago it was reported by Israeli news sources that the military was rounding up many Thai in the area around Nablus, for questioning; so I'm not sure what you mean by flooded.


In the links i provided you in the other thread which naturally you had troubles reading

You Understand from what? where? Thais are in Israel not Westbank,

Have you ever been to Israel? do you actually know where on the map it is located?

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Israel isn't under a blockade.

No, just the rocket attacks

In the last decade 29 Israelis died from rocket attacks. RIP :jap:

sORRY, I think you have a problem with maths.

just 2000-2007 542 have been killed.

and again i guess again its Israel's fault for having the infrastructure to protect its citizens-bomb shelters and warning systems.

No, no,no. My maths is fine thank you.


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Both sides are stressed for different reasons. If it is a contest about which side is experiencing more pain now, OK, it's the Palestinians, yippee!, they win, free falafel for a year. So what? Is that the contest? When are the Palestinians going to unite to be represented by ONE government? How can talks even begin to start without that?

Very soon. It was only today that Palestinian demonstrated as one, hand in hand, side by side in the streets of Ramallah. This will strengthen thier resolve and soon they will have what they deserve. A free and safe homeland to call thier own.

We'll see.

Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf rejected the offer later Tuesday, saying it wasn't genuine.

"This call of Hamas for unity is not serious, it's rather a way to bypass the people's movement aimed at ending the split. Hamas turned down several initiatives for unity and if it was serious, it would have accepted these initiatives rather than calling for more talks."

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Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of.

The Israeli Arabs seem to be doing fine.

Suicide bombings and shooting rockets into civilians do not exactly endure you to your neighbors. :whistling:

May I remind you that the CIVILIAN casualties on Palestinian side what minors are concerned is more than 10-fold than on Israeli side and between 7-8 fold in total, meaning more Palestinians died than on Israeli side ?

I'm sure you've read my post before but if not, I'm more than willing to post it again, just for you. ;)

But, you changed the word Palestinian into Israeli Arab....there is a difference, isn't there? <_<


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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

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About 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Is it impolite to ask what percentage of future state of Palestine citizens will be Jews? Is there actually a number that small? (Yes, I know there is, I think the Arabs INVENTED that number and the Jews named it BUPKIS, also known as what's in the hole in a bagel.)

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

Hopefully they will get their state, but they can't have all of the land that is now Israel, is that OK with you?

Since when is Zionist a dirty word? Why is Zionism any worse or better than Palestinian nationalism?

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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

Yes i hope so and also i am sure will no longer see or hear them blame Israel for their livesrolleyes.gif

I suppose they wil then demand free electricity and water and other basics to be provided and of course for FREE

I am sure they will find something else to want and demand and again of course it will be all Israeli fault, just as it always is

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But, you changed the word Palestinian into Israeli Arab....there is a difference, isn't there?

I did not change anything. I was pointing out that the Arabs who became Israeli citizens are doing quite well where the ones that have been fighting them all these years are not and maybe they should get around to making peace..

There has never been a country or a people called "Palestine" since the Jewish one many centuries ago.

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Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of.

The Israeli Arabs seem to be doing fine.

Suicide bombings and shooting rockets into civilians do not exactly endure you to your neighbors. :whistling:

May I remind you that the CIVILIAN casualties on Palestinian side what minors are concerned is more than 10-fold than on Israeli side and between 7-8 fold in total, meaning more Palestinians died than on Israeli side ?

I'm sure you've read my post before but if not, I'm more than willing to post it again, just for you. ;)

But, you changed the word Palestinian into Israeli Arab....there is a difference, isn't there? <_<


Palestinians' high-risk human shield tactic


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One day the Palestinians will get what they truly deserve, their homeland free of the oppressive Zionist murderous thugs that use the holocaust as an ideological weapon to legitimatize their persecution of the Palestinians.

I like this. Then it is :partytime2:

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