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Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in Gaza


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Yeah, you got it.

Zionists -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

Palestinians -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists

That's the ticket.

You forgot to mention that all Israeli's are Zionists and so are all Pro-Israel posters.

All actions by Hammas are perfectly justifiable, because they are freedom fighters who fight for their people.

And video below is just another example of the "truth"


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As Israel is the manifestation of the core goal of Zionism, a homeland state for the Jews, I would actually say that MOST Israeli Jews ARE Zionists and there is nothing wrong with that. Zionist isn't a dirty word, it's a nationalist movement, though there are dirty Zionists. I don't agree with allowing the enemies of Zionism (which in its purest sense is opposition to the existence of Israel as a Jewish state), from the western far left, from Islamofascists, from right wing white supremacists, to demonize the word Zionism and the core meaning of Zionism (even though some modern manifestations of Zionism aren't admirable).

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You expect everything to be perfect when surrounded by Arab peoples (not the Israeli Arab citizens) who mostly favor destroying their Jewish country? Jews are people, like everyone else, and all people have potential to be racists. It's natural to grow defensive feelings when you grow up in a country with Arab suicide bombers. Many (I guess most) Palestinians also hate the Jews and they also have their rationales. That area of the world is not like living in Kansas.

It does not follow that Zionism equals racism; that is a big lie, but like many big lies told so many times, many people fall for it.

This in a nutshell is the tactics employed by Islamofaschist and their left wing lackeys. It is quite laughable how often they cry foul to the UN when one of their terrorists cops it, but they themselves are responsible for systematic abuse of human rights to a far greater degree. It also matters not a jot how many times their lies and distortions are refuted because their propaganda is on a continuous loop hoping to hook any passing reader in the off chance they may be duped.

But we have their number. :)

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Some more on Zionism.

Most Jews today support the existence of the state of Israel, though not necessarily all of the policies of its government (as one would expect in any democracy). There are a small number of secular Jews who are anti-Zionist. There is also a very small group of right-wing Orthodox Jews who object to the existence of the state of Israel, maintaining that it is a sin for us to create a Jewish state when the messiah has not yet come. However, this viewpoint does not reflect the mainstream opinion of Orthodoxy. Most Orthodox Jews support the existence of the state of Israel as a homeland, even though it is not the theological state of Israel that will be brought about by the messiah.


I have seen surveys that over 90 percent of Jews in the world support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state (with some borders). That's pretty overwhelming. I personally wouldn't go so far as to label all those people Zionists. A Jew who migrates to Israel is almost definitely a Zionist. Some pothead Jew from Chicago who likes lox and bagels and voices support for the idea of a Jewish Israel may not quite meet the definition of a real Zionist.

That said, when people say they are anti-Zionist, and you see the global statistic on Jewish support for a Jewish Israel, it isn't really such a big stretch to consider them likely anti-Jewish as well.

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I find it weird that Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama seem to always gravite to the cause of the Palestinians & they could not care less about the Israelis. As Steely Dan has pointed out above.

US foreign policy has done a 180 under this president.

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Yeah, you got it.

Zionists -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

Palestinians -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists

your words. not mine.

My take on your many words (and spammy pastes) boiled down to it's rotten essence.

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I find it weird that Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama seem to always gravite to the cause of the Palestinians & they could not care less about the Israelis. As Steely Dan has pointed out above.

US foreign policy has done a 180 under this president.

Funny, the "anti-Zionists" claim Obama is owned by the Jews. Go figure.

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This in a nutshell is the tactics employed by Islamofaschist and their left wing lackeys.

No this is the truth of it. Mrs. Clinton & Mr. Obama are left wing lackeys.

US Grant knows the truth too & ChuckD.

It's all relative. Obama isn't as pro right wing Israeli policies as W. Bush, but I don't see any objective evidence that the US under Obama has softened its resolve to totally support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

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Yeah, you got it.

Zionists -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

Palestinians -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists

your words. not mine.

My take on your many words (and spammy pastes) boiled down to it's rotten essence.

Your take a mistake, no surprise that you get it wrong as you seems to be blind on one eye.

My take is within the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict:

UN rights council endorses damning Gaza report

GENEVA — The UN Human Rights Council endorsed a report on Friday that accused Israel and the Palestinian hardliners Hamas of war crimes in the Gaza conflict, dealing a fresh diplomatic blow to the Jewish state.

While Israel had said such a move would be tantamount to "rewarding terror", the Palestinians welcomed the resolution which it said should be the trigger for follow-up action from the UN Security Council.



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This in a nutshell is the tactics employed by Islamofaschist and their left wing lackeys.

No this is the truth of it. Mrs. Clinton & Mr. Obama are left wing lackeys.

US Grant knows the truth too & ChuckD.

It's all relative. Obama isn't as pro right wing Israeli policies as W. Bush, but I don't see any objective evidence that the US under Obama has softened its resolve to totally support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

Can we please refrain from any further derailing of the topic and can you discuss Obama somewhere else?

Thank you.

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This in a nutshell is the tactics employed by Islamofaschist and their left wing lackeys.

No this is the truth of it. Mrs. Clinton & Mr. Obama are left wing lackeys.

US Grant knows the truth too & ChuckD.

It's all relative. Obama isn't as pro right wing Israeli policies as W. Bush, but I don't see any objective evidence that the US under Obama has softened its resolve to totally support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

I hope you are right, JT. Unfortunately I do not feel all warm and fuzzy that Obama will not ditch Israel at the first opportunity.

He is nothing but a political animal, completely unqualified to hold the position with which he has been entrusted.

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Meanwhile in some parallel universe Assad kills 20 and not a dickie is heard from the U.N.

Assad blockades disaffected Syrian areas to contain spreading protests

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 21, 2011, 1:54 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Bashar Assad Darra protest demonstrations Syria Protesters call on Assad to goIn an effort to contain spreading popular disorders against his regime, Syrian President Bashar Assad Monday, March 21, sent the 4th Armored Division commanded by his younger brother Maher Assad to suppress the three-day uprising in Darra (Deraa), capital of the southern Hauran region, and blockade the adjoining Jabal ad-Duruz where a demonstration is planned for March 26 at As-Suwada.


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UN rights council endorses damning Gaza report

By Hui Min Neo (AFP) – Oct 16, 2009

GENEVA — The UN Human Rights Council endorsed a report on Friday that accused Israel and the Palestinian hardliners Hamas of war crimes in the Gaza conflict, dealing a fresh diplomatic blow to the Jewish state.

While Israel had said such a move would be tantamount to "rewarding terror", the Palestinians welcomed the resolution which it said should be the trigger for follow-up action from the UN Security Council.




^^ see, Hamas and Israel are accused of war crimes. Palestinians don't denying it only the Zionists are doing it. and again some silly argument that the whole world (UN in this case) is against Israel.

Good Night, Zionist Pride.

Is this a joke?

The report is from Oct 16, 2009. It is now March 21, 2011

You right NOT ONLY Hammas does not deny it but is also proud of it.

^^ Uploaded by pilotman747400 on 6 Mar 2008

pilotman747400 vs an UN report.

Is that a joke?

Absolutely!!! a live footage captured on video versus one man's biased opinion.

And we have already established how reliable UN investigations are from previous reports, have not werolleyes.gif

Goldstone's sins of omission


The Goldstone Report: Rewarding Palestinian Terror


The report violates international standards for inquries, including UN rules on fact-finding, replicating earlier UNHRC biased statements.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding the biased anti-Israeli Goldstone report, there is now BIG news.

Now even Goldstone himself is openly admitting he didn't have the evidence he needed to come to an objective conclusion, and that his own report was unfairly biased against Israel.

"We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report," Goldstone wrote, adding: "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document."

The former South African jurist said that while "Israeli evidence that has emerged since publication of our report doesn’t negate the tragic loss of civilian life, I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes."

While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."


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Regarding the biased anti-Israeli Goldstone report, there is now BIG news.

Now even Goldstone himself is openly admitting he didn't have the evidence he needed to come to an objective conclusion, and that his own report was unfairly biased against Israel.

"We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report," Goldstone wrote, adding: "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document."

The former South African jurist said that while "Israeli evidence that has emerged since publication of our report doesn’t negate the tragic loss of civilian life, I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes."

While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."


Surprise, surpriseunsure.gif

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Good to see confirmation that the infamous Goldstone report is confirmed to be flawed, and from the horse's mouth as well.

Meanwhile it looks like 3 more terrorists have bought the farm, which is as close to collective farming as Hamas will ever likely achieve.


After nearly two months of rising tension, Israel and Hamas have taken a step towards a full-blown military confrontation: Before dawn Saturday, April 2, an Israeli air strike killed three senior Hamas Izz al-Din Qassam Brigades gunmen in the Gaza Strip in an operation described by an Israeli army spokesman as pre-empting a major Palestinian terror-cum-kidnap campaign scheduled for Passover. A fourth Palestinian was seriously injured by the airborne missile which struck their car between Khan Younes and Deir el Balakh.

The Hamas Brigades warned Israel its "dangerous escalation" would have "consequences."

debkafile's military and intelligence sources predict that the war confrontation which Saturday brought closer to realization will be unlike any previous Israel-Palestinian showdowns in the sense that it will be less the product of the old Middle East order and fall more under the influence of the radical elements rising out of the current Arab unrest, especially in Cairo, amid the decline of Western influence. Hamas may also resort to jihad against "the Israeli enemy" as a distraction from the rising disaffection of the Gazan population against its increasingly repressive methods of enforcing ever stricter Islamic decrees.

So it would appear that not just the despots use Israel as a distraction from their unpopularity, Iran and now Hamas evidently do the same.

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Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

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Regarding the biased anti-Israeli Goldstone report, there is now BIG news.

Now even Goldstone himself is openly admitting he didn't have the evidence he needed to come to an objective conclusion, and that his own report was unfairly biased against Israel.

"We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report," Goldstone wrote, adding: "If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document."

The former South African jurist said that while "Israeli evidence that has emerged since publication of our report doesn't negate the tragic loss of civilian life, I regret that our fact-finding mission did not have such evidence explaining the circumstances in which we said civilians in Gaza were targeted, because it probably would have influenced our findings about intentionality and war crimes."

While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."


Surprise, surpriseunsure.gif

Where you been Kuffki. I missed you. B)

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Do you ever feel you are a phonograph player and your needle is stuck?

What is your point?

My point is you keep regurgitating the same old meaningless garbage over and over.

We all know how you feel about the Middle East situation, even though you have likely never been there, so if you simply said..."ditto"... every time you made a post it would save all of us quite a bit of time.

That's my point.

This whole Israeli- Palestinian story is regurgitated material. That is the problem.:blink:

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Yeah, you got it.

Zionists -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

Palestinians -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists

That's the ticket.

I got it too.

Palestinians -- evil, racist, murderous, paranoid, world controlling, monsters

Zionists -- angelic, freedom loving, super tolerant of diverse people, pacifists ;)

Glad I am not ither one. B)

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Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

"While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

Edited by kuffki
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Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

"While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

No. I miss nothing. Just pointing out a few FACTS in response to post I quoted. Do you have anything to add about Israels apparent disregard for UN resolutions ??

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Let me know when Hamas welcomes UN criticism.

Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

And my favorite in response to your post is : Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

Hahahahaha. Failure. :o

Have you missed Jings underlined word? it said Hamas, it did not say Israel Mr Neutral jap.gif

Secondly, have you failed to read Jings post 47?

so why would Israel cooperate with UN, when even the report's author now admits being wrong?

So let me underline another key point which you possibly missed which was

"While Israel has shown to probe itself "to a significant dgree" over Gaza war actions, Goldstone writes, Hamas, who has been in control of the coastal enclave since 2007, "has done nothing."

No. I miss nothing. Just pointing out a few FACTS in response to post I quoted. Do you have anything to add about Israels apparent disregard for UN resolutions ??

once again you ARE missing a point or a few. Resolutions were mainly based on the report which is now admittedly incorrect.

That means resolutions are not based on the actual facts, which in turn means need to be re-examined.

However since you are to busy again bashing Israel, could you please provide UN resolutions for Hamas and which ones they have cooperated on.?EVER

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Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

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Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

Is it a case of split personality disorder? or have you forgotten which name you used to post other posts?, since you have 2 at least.

What i am saying for the 3rd time is that those resolutions are based on the wrong facts and must be revisited with new evidence coming to light.

The report is flawed and incidents which took place were different to what has been reported.

Now the actual author admitted the truth, which he has been denying for a while.

He also went further and made a comment and Israel itself did an investigations while Hamas did nothing and continues in the same fashion.

To be fair, resolutions should be put on hold and new evidence must be considered and verified-thats just common sense and normal legal procedure.

HOWEVER as you sated you posted resolutions to be objective and you are up for an argument so why would you bring up resolutions against ONLY Israel and since you are a "lover " now why have you not posted resolutions against Hamas, even though i have asked you.

Why have you not replied to what resolutions Hamas has complied with ever? as a matter of interest not only Hamas but Palestine as whole, what resolution or agreements have they honored and did not breach?

Oslo agreement-breached

Truce agreement-breached

Anti-Israel propaganda -breached

All UN resolutions-ignored and breached

so please be objective and respond to the actual questions with answers not another set of questions

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Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

Is it a case of split personality disorder? or have you forgotten which name you used to post other posts?, since you have 2 at least.

What i am saying for the 3rd time is that those resolutions are based on the wrong facts and must be revisited with new evidence coming to light.

The report is flawed and incidents which took place were different to what has been reported.

Now the actual author admitted the truth, which he has been denying for a while.

He also went further and made a comment and Israel itself did an investigations while Hamas did nothing and continues in the same fashion.

To be fair, resolutions should be put on hold and new evidence must be considered and verified-thats just common sense and normal legal procedure.

HOWEVER as you sated you posted resolutions to be objective and you are up for an argument so why would you bring up resolutions against ONLY Israel and since you are a "lover " now why have you not posted resolutions against Hamas, even though i have asked you.

Why have you not replied to what resolutions Hamas has complied with ever? as a matter of interest not only Hamas but Palestine as whole, what resolution or agreements have they honored and did not breach?

Oslo agreement-breached

Truce agreement-breached

Anti-Israel propaganda -breached

All UN resolutions-ignored and breached

so please be objective and respond to the actual questions with answers not another set of questions

Hamas ha been deemed a criminal / terrorist organisation. Therefore they do not need to comply with any law. Otherwise they would not be called criminals. They would be law abiding citizens to the contrary. You don;t see any UN resolUtions put out to Al qaeda now ,do you?

Secondly. Being objective means showing another side to the debate. The post I referred to was saying that Hamas never listens to the UN. To be objective to that I would need to show that the opposite side of that arguement , that Israel also snubs its nose at the UN. Correct?

And I will state again that just because the report is flawed it doesn't automatically mean the incidents ,or similar incidents, that forced the need for the resolutions I refer to did not happen at all. But I agree that they need to be re evaluated also.

Lastley. The sentence you wrote that I highlighted, I don't not know what you are on about. Good night Kuff Kuff. ;)

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Bashing Israel ?? :unsure: How do you come to that conclusion ?? I am not bashing Israel. I love the place. I just simply cut and pasted UN Resolutions, as above, to be objective and even up the arguement. So you are saying all the UN resolutions are null and void, and that these incidents did not occue at all because the report is flawed?? Is that correct ??

One should not jump to conclusions so eagerly. As the Thais would say. Jai Yen Yen Kuffki. :D

Is it a case of split personality disorder? or have you forgotten which name you used to post other posts?, since you have 2 at least.

What i am saying for the 3rd time is that those resolutions are based on the wrong facts and must be revisited with new evidence coming to light.

The report is flawed and incidents which took place were different to what has been reported.

Now the actual author admitted the truth, which he has been denying for a while.

He also went further and made a comment and Israel itself did an investigations while Hamas did nothing and continues in the same fashion.

To be fair, resolutions should be put on hold and new evidence must be considered and verified-thats just common sense and normal legal procedure.

HOWEVER as you sated you posted resolutions to be objective and you are up for an argument so why would you bring up resolutions against ONLY Israel and since you are a "lover " now why have you not posted resolutions against Hamas, even though i have asked you.

Why have you not replied to what resolutions Hamas has complied with ever? as a matter of interest not only Hamas but Palestine as whole, what resolution or agreements have they honored and did not breach?

Oslo agreement-breached

Truce agreement-breached

Anti-Israel propaganda -breached

All UN resolutions-ignored and breached

so please be objective and respond to the actual questions with answers not another set of questions

Hamas ha been deemed a criminal / terrorist organisation. Therefore they do not need to comply with any law. Otherwise they would not be called criminals. They would be law abiding citizens to the contrary. You don;t see any UN resolUtions put out to Al qaeda now ,do you?

Secondly. Being objective means showing another side to the debate. The post I referred to was saying that Hamas never listens to the UN. To be objective to that I would need to show that the opposite side of that arguement , that Israel also snubs its nose at the UN. Correct?

And I will state again that just because the report is flawed it doesn't automatically mean the incidents ,or similar incidents, that forced the need for the resolutions I refer to did not happen at all. But I agree that they need to be re evaluated also.

Lastley. The sentence you wrote that I highlighted, I don't not know what you are on about. Good night Kuff Kuff. ;)

Hold on right there on the first sentence.

But Hamas is the current government, and hence they are criminals and do not need to comply, why should Israel accomodate criminal state?or state run by the criminals?

Why should Israel treat it any other way but ONLY as criminals as this is what they are according to your post?

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