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Bus explodes in central Jerusalem, at least 18 hurt


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Yep. Israel can do no wrong. Wonder how they well they would get on without the billions in "gifts" from their Uncle Sugars - terrorist states in their own right.

Of course Israel can do wrong and DOES do wrong (I criticize Israel's policies often and dislike their current government), just like ANY other country can do wrong. But people using rhetoric like yours are trying to demonize Israel unfairly. Sadly, it's working. Congratulations.


Eighth bullet point. Emphasis on calling IDF military actions against military targets "murder" "kill" "terrorist country"

Edited by Jingthing
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Yep. Israel can do no wrong. Wonder how they well they would get on without the billions in "gifts" from their Uncle Sugars - terrorist states in their own right.

Of course Israel can do wrong, just like ANY other country can do wrong. But people using rhetoric like yours are trying to demonize Israel unfairly. Sadly, it's working. Congratulations.


Eighth bullet point. Emphasis on calling IDF military actions against military targets "murder" "kill" "terrorist country"

Another demagogic attempt to label criticism of Israel as Antisemitism.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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I am sure Hamas and fatah would have better use for the money

The USA does supply foreign aid to the Palestinians. If they ever got their act together to love their children more than they hate Jews to the point where there is a sovereign Palestinian state, you can bet there will be massive aid from the US.

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I am sure Hamas and fatah would have better use for the money

The USA does supply foreign aid to the Palestinians. If they ever got their act together to love their children more than they hate Jews to the point where there is a sovereign Palestinian state, you can bet there will be massive aid from the US.

Arrogant and racist Zionist propaganda. Palestinian mothers love their children.

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Of course Palestinian mothers love their kids, this is why they strap bombs around them and send them to Israel or better yet put them in front lines of Hamas, or give them machobe guns to train how to kill Jews.

Of course it would be good if USA stopped to veto, better they throw all the support to terrorist to make more bombs to plant on buses and in schools and support the cause of destroying a nation.

After all it's israel'l fault for having bus bomb on Jerusalem . Poor poor Palestinians - they plant a bomb to kill civilians and now people dare to criticize them. They fire 50 rockets in 1 day, but poor poor Palestinians, it's Israel to blame so donot dare to criticize them.

Over 3000 people, civilians killed in usa by terrorists and they celebrate it, screaming the name of god, but poor poor Palestinians USA does not give them money or support.

Their own brothers do not want them but poor poor Palestinians Israel and entire west should support them.

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Of course Palestinian mothers love their kids, this is why they strap bombs around them and send them to Israel or better yet put them in front lines of Hamas, or give them machobe guns to train how to kill Jews.

Of course it would be good if USA stopped to veto, better they throw all the support to terrorist to make more bombs to plant on buses and in schools and support the cause of destroying a nation.

After all it's israel'l fault for having bus bomb on Jerusalem . Poor poor Palestinians - they plant a bomb to kill civilians and now people dare to criticize them. They fire 50 rockets in 1 day, but poor poor Palestinians, it's Israel to blame so donot dare to criticize them.

Over 3000 people, civilians killed in usa by terrorists and they celebrate it, screaming the name of god, but poor poor Palestinians USA does not give them money or support.

Their own brothers do not want them but poor poor Palestinians Israel and entire west should support them.

... and more hate speech added. like always.

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of course no body bothered to ask how i am: that was our kibbutz bus bus stop, and it was at the main time when people are either going in to town after work, or comeing back after running errands, and it is a particularly busy bus stop for about 20 bus routes both inner city, periphery, and intercity stations. fortunately, noone from our kibbutz was there at the time, several people had just got off our bus and headed up to city center. at 15:10 i got phone call from daughter that she is ok (working near uni campus), her boyfriend living in city center heard the boom and the sirens and saw police cars racing down the main road in central jeruslaem which is now a closed mall pedestrian way-- a minute after that, all our cell phone systems crashed (god knows what we would do in a tsunami and earthquake if orange and cellcom cant keep going in a terrorist hit), and of course everyone started phoning on regular phones... its our instinct to start to phone everyone to do a grand total of where people are located, near, far, injured, etc.

the tally at the moment is: one death of a woman, possibly a foreign national; three seriously wounded; 20-40+ wounded/shellshocked, etc including several kids since children use city busses to go home from school.(some people didnt realize they were wounded until time past. metal balls were in the explisive materials so it sprays everywhere.

since the binyanei a'uma is located across from the main bus station terminal and close to the magen david (red cross station), help arrived within a very very short time.the wounded were triaged to three hosptials, ein kerem (out by our kibbutz), sha'ar hatzedek, and one other, not sure which one.

apparently a man saw an unidentified suitcase/bag, he told a few kids to move away from the bag and phoned the police and as he gave the location, the area exploded.

for the past three years we have been slack in reporting unattended bags/boxes/suspicious objects left near stations and on busses; looks like we will have to go back to being suspicious again. in the states or thailand if u see a pocketbook left alone, your instinct is to pick it up /steal it/ look inside. here, it is to move in the opposite direction, fast...

so thats the news for the moment.

and if the thread disintegrates, it will, of course, be closed.



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I am sure Hamas and fatah would have better use for the money

The USA does supply foreign aid to the Palestinians. If they ever got their act together to love their children more than they hate Jews to the point where there is a sovereign Palestinian state, you can bet there will be massive aid from the US.

Arrogant and racist Zionist propaganda. Palestinian mothers love their children.

Not enough of them.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Another demagogic attempt to label criticism of Israel as Antisemitism.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

Is this fact finding group that was set up under the auspices of the human rights council, the one that had Libya has a member, subsequent to the support of Gadaffi's nation from all of the non western nations?

And yes, when comments are made as per several respondents in this thread they are indeed anti semitic. The bombing subject serves only as an excuse for some people to find every way they can to heap abuse upon Israel and to come up with childish slurs. These threads are like a giant circle jerk for the depraved.

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And yes, when comments are made as per several respondents in this thread they are indeed anti semitic. The bombing subject serves only as an excuse for some people to find every way they can to heap abuse upon Israel and to come up with childish slurs. These threads are like a giant circle jerk for the depraved.

At least some folks don't have to bother searching for holocaustmyth.com any more as many of these posts contain all the exact same rhetoric. :bah:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Certainly when those in question are staunchly blind apologists for a Terrorist state like Israel.......

The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

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Israeli authorities spokesperson says they are looking for a single person in connection with this explosion. Largely unrelated turmoil in the middle east! Come on. Of course an explosion that maims and kills innocent people anywhere is reprehensible. And i condemn it. Yesterday a grandfather and his four grandchildren were murdered by Israeli planes bombing civilian areas in the Gaza strip concentration camp. I condemn that too. Last week forty children collecting firewood in Afghanistan were killed by an unmanned American drone. I also condemn that. How about you Steely Dan?

Firstly Gaza must be the first ever concentration camp :sick: with it's own shopping mall and university - ridiculous hyperbole does not a case make.

Secondly the turmoil in the middle east is largely a manifestation of lack of democratic freedoms, economic hardship and a variety of issues some unique to each locality. It is preposterous to imply Israel is the root cause of all this unrest, though I expect various hate mongers will give it a try.

Thirdly, Of course I condemn all civilian casualties but the Palestinian terrorists have a habit of systematically using civilians as human shields or coopts them as military personnel so they not the Israelis are responsible for the lions share of Palestinian casualties.


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Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

You are giving too much credit. Making far-out, silly accusations with no substance is the height of fashion these days.

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...Gaza strip concentration camp. I condemn that too.

I condemn such ridiculous false propaganda. :rolleyes:

According to The Economist,25.2% of Palestinian men are obese

42.5% of Palestinian women are obese

By comparison, according to the economist,

27% of the men in the United States are obese

34% of the women in the United States are obese

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Certainly when those in question are staunchly blind apologists for a Terrorist state like Israel.......

The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

You seem to have forgotten that not too long ago, the Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi were conducting terrorist operations in the area.

The British insist the attack on the King David Hotel was specifically designed to target civilians. there are others but times have changed and now terror is a popular method employed by the opposition so it has apparently become less popular among the Israelis.

History of the conflict does not suggest the Israelis are above terrorism as a method of war.

"The event was described by British authorities,[6] major international publications including the New York Times,[7][8] and academics as a terrorist attack aimed at civilians. The New York Times linked the Haganah paramilitary group to the Irgun attacks"

I was careful to use a Kosher approved source from which to make the point.

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of course no body bothered to ask how i am: that was our kibbutz bus bus stop, and it was at the main time when people are either going in to town after work, or comeing back after running errands, and it is a particularly busy bus stop for about 20 bus routes both inner city, periphery, and intercity stations. fortunately, noone from our kibbutz was there at the time, several people had just got off our bus and headed up to city center. at 15:10 i got phone call from daughter that she is ok (working near uni campus), her boyfriend living in city center heard the boom and the sirens and saw police cars racing down the main road in central jeruslaem which is now a closed mall pedestrian way-- a minute after that, all our cell phone systems crashed (god knows what we would do in a tsunami and earthquake if orange and cellcom cant keep going in a terrorist hit), and of course everyone started phoning on regular phones... its our instinct to start to phone everyone to do a grand total of where people are located, near, far, injured, etc.

the tally at the moment is: one death of a woman, possibly a foreign national; three seriously wounded; 20-40+ wounded/shellshocked, etc including several kids since children use city busses to go home from school.(some people didnt realize they were wounded until time past. metal balls were in the explisive materials so it sprays everywhere.

since the binyanei a'uma is located across from the main bus station terminal and close to the magen david (red cross station), help arrived within a very very short time.the wounded were triaged to three hosptials, ein kerem (out by our kibbutz), sha'ar hatzedek, and one other, not sure which one.

apparently a man saw an unidentified suitcase/bag, he told a few kids to move away from the bag and phoned the police and as he gave the location, the area exploded.

for the past three years we have been slack in reporting unattended bags/boxes/suspicious objects left near stations and on busses; looks like we will have to go back to being suspicious again. in the states or thailand if u see a pocketbook left alone, your instinct is to pick it up /steal it/ look inside. here, it is to move in the opposite direction, fast...

so thats the news for the moment.

and if the thread disintegrates, it will, of course, be closed.



Bina, I had no idea the bomb was close to your home! Good to know that your family/ loved ones were unharmed though others were not so fortunate. I'm looking at my own daughter as I type and can't imagine how you felt until you heard from your own daughter. Stay vigilant, stay safe.

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Of course Palestinian mothers love their kids, this is why they strap bombs around them and send them to Israel or better yet put them in front lines of Hamas, or give them machobe guns to train how to kill Jews.

Of course it would be good if USA stopped to veto, better they throw all the support to terrorist to make more bombs to plant on buses and in schools and support the cause of destroying a nation.

After all it's israel'l fault for having bus bomb on Jerusalem . Poor poor Palestinians - they plant a bomb to kill civilians and now people dare to criticize them. They fire 50 rockets in 1 day, but poor poor Palestinians, it's Israel to blame so donot dare to criticize them.

Over 3000 people, civilians killed in usa by terrorists and they celebrate it, screaming the name of god, but poor poor Palestinians USA does not give them money or support.

Their own brothers do not want them but poor poor Palestinians Israel and entire west should support them.

... and more hate speech added. like always.

Funny, coming from a poster who does not recognize Israel and its right to exist on the record.

You are welcome to deny it and provide evidence to show otherwise.

But as on every single thread, its a "hate speech" should anyone criticize Palestinians or Arabs or Muslim, yet it is apparently the truth to criticize, sling mud and defame Israel.

Even when posters provide evidence to dispute the nonsense posted by others-its just Zionist Propaganda.

Sadly enough, even in a thread about terror attack on civilians in Jerusalem, they (including you) have managed to turn it into Israel's fault and or poor Palestinians.

Its so pathetic that you even trying to deny that freely given confession, acceptance of responsibility is not proof

So please provide evidence to support your opinion of the post being a hate speech with actual proof., after all you even trying to deny and scapegoat the responsibility for this attack

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of course no body bothered to ask how i am: that was our kibbutz bus bus stop, and it was at the main time when people are either going in to town after work, or comeing back after running errands, and it is a particularly busy bus stop for about 20 bus routes both inner city, periphery, and intercity stations. fortunately, noone from our kibbutz was there at the time, several people had just got off our bus and headed up to city center. at 15:10 i got phone call from daughter that she is ok (working near uni campus), her boyfriend living in city center heard the boom and the sirens and saw police cars racing down the main road in central jeruslaem which is now a closed mall pedestrian way-- a minute after that, all our cell phone systems crashed (god knows what we would do in a tsunami and earthquake if orange and cellcom cant keep going in a terrorist hit), and of course everyone started phoning on regular phones... its our instinct to start to phone everyone to do a grand total of where people are located, near, far, injured, etc.

the tally at the moment is: one death of a woman, possibly a foreign national; three seriously wounded; 20-40+ wounded/shellshocked, etc including several kids since children use city busses to go home from school.(some people didnt realize they were wounded until time past. metal balls were in the explisive materials so it sprays everywhere.

since the binyanei a'uma is located across from the main bus station terminal and close to the magen david (red cross station), help arrived within a very very short time.the wounded were triaged to three hosptials, ein kerem (out by our kibbutz), sha'ar hatzedek, and one other, not sure which one.

apparently a man saw an unidentified suitcase/bag, he told a few kids to move away from the bag and phoned the police and as he gave the location, the area exploded.

for the past three years we have been slack in reporting unattended bags/boxes/suspicious objects left near stations and on busses; looks like we will have to go back to being suspicious again. in the states or thailand if u see a pocketbook left alone, your instinct is to pick it up /steal it/ look inside. here, it is to move in the opposite direction, fast...

so thats the news for the moment.

and if the thread disintegrates, it will, of course, be closed.



Glad to hear you Ok, and lucky the death toll is not mounting.

Stay safesmile.gif

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The term used was that of "Terrorist State". Your reference to events from the last century are in respect to political groups and the former colonial government. Those acts may well have been terrorist acts. However, they are not evidence of Israel as a Terror State. The state of israel was not in existence. Try again.

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Certainly when those in question are staunchly blind apologists for a Terrorist state like Israel.......

The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

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Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

but that does not justify murdering innocent human beings. "wrong plus wrong" does not equal "right".

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Kuffkli, you are not seriously trying to argue that the Israelis never kill civilians are you? They killed five yesterday. They will probably kill a few more before the week is out. They have killed thousands over the past few years. You just keep your head buried in that sand. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Certainly when those in question are staunchly blind apologists for a Terrorist state like Israel.......

The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

Topic is Bomb explodes in Jerusalem, not ohhh poor Palestinians again

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Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

but that does not justify murdering innocent human beings. "wrong plus wrong" does not equal "right".

No one said that. Nor is it an excuse. But some argue here that these war crimes never happen.

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The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

Topic is Bomb explodes in Jerusalem, not ohhh poor Palestinians again

Any culprits arrested?

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The only nations that were deemed terror states in the region were Libya (following the Lockerbie PAN Am bombing, the bombing of the German disco, the assassination of exiles in the UK and the bombing of the French aircraft), Iran (following the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of US civilians as hostages), Lebanon (at the time of its civil war as Hizbollah attempted to overthrow the elected government, parts of Lebanon were classified as terror state controled) and Iraq {subsequent to its invasion of Kuwait). Israel never made the list.

Would you please substantiate your claim. Did Israel ever target civilian aircraft? Did it plant bombs in civilian restaurants? Did it seize anyone's embassy? Did it intentionally target civilians using biological devices? Did it blow up any buses? Have any schools been seized and children murdered? Are mortars launched from Israel into its neighbours? Is medical care denied to political opponents? Are political prisoners raped?

Although the President of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuala may be important beacons of insight for you, they do not make the decision on who or what is a terrorist state. Aside from these two despots who do not allow any opposition in their respective countries, please identify the legal bodies that have adopted your position? Even India the occupier of Kashmir and denier of democracy in that region does not use such language. Brazil and South Africa which have not been supporters of Israel do not use such language.

If you wish to make a claim then you need to back up your position, otherwise you will just be a petty bigot relying on blood libel, and a liar.

Check the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, plenty of evidence for Israels war crimes.

Topic is Bomb explodes in Jerusalem, not ohhh poor Palestinians again

Any culprits arrested?

Your point is?

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