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Iran deplores U.S.-sponsored human rights resolution


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Iran deplores U.S.-sponsored human rights resolution

2011-03-26 02:16:37 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEHRAN, IRAN (BNO NEWS) -- Iran on Friday deplored the U.S.-sponsored human rights resolution and labeled it as 'unfair' and 'biased', the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

On Thursday, the United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR) approved a resolution for the appointment of a special human rights rapporteur for Iran. The motion received 22 votes in favor, seven against, and 14 abstentions.

"The aim of the resolution was to put pressure on Iran and to further side track the current process of the UN Human Rights Council's periodic review of the human rights situation across the world," said Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast.

Furthermore, Mehmanparast said that the U.S. policies on human rights are 'paradoxical and predicated upon double standards'. The spokesman referred to the council's document, issued earlier this month that reviewed the U.S. human rights record for the first time in its history.

The document included 228 recommendations to the U.S. for improving its human rights record. In November, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a report on the violation of human rights by the US inside and outside its borders, focusing in the Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib detention facilities.

The human rights resolution was introduced by the U.S. and Sweden. The resolution was adopted in order to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind.

"Such a resolution lacks any judicial value. Iran should not accept the rapporteur of the resolution to prepare report on our country's human rights condition," said Ala’eddin Boroujerdi, head of Iran's Foreign Policy Commission.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-26

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He who protesteth too much has obviously much to hide. Instead of fighting a rearguard action to stop Sharia law being applied within western Countries it's high time we put pressure on Countries using Sharia law to at least respect universal human rights. They will complain because Sharia law is explicity incompatable with universal human rights norms.


Islamist criticism Islamist countries such as Sudan, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into the account the cultural and religious context of Islamist countries.[citation needed] In 1982, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, articulated the position of his country regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by saying that the UDHR was "a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition", which could not be implemented by Muslims without trespassing the Islamic law.[20] On 30 June 2000, Muslim nations that are members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference[21] officially resolved to support the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,[22] an alternative document that says people have "freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah".[23] However, this document doesn't recognize the freedom to change religion, equate women as equals to men, or maintain neutrality when comparing religions.

I applaud this resolution, we should be campaigning to have it applied worldwide rather that appease minority groups who demand exemptions from it whererever they live.

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Poor old Iran being picked on again. :unsure:

The resolution cited a damning report submitted by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the rights council's 16th session last week. Ban wrote that he was "deeply troubled" by a host of violations including the runaway rate of capital punishment, the execution of minors, torture, amputations, and arbitrary detentions.

Read more: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2011/03/un-human-rights-council-appoints-investigator-for-iran.html#ixzz1Hgctyvew

And if you're going to tell porkies make them enormous and keep a straight face.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has always manifested its sincere commitment to the promotion of human rights at the national and international levels," :cheesy:

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Some of the recommendations by the UN to improve US human rights.

Iran said that the US should enact legislation against insulting the Qur’an, and make “Islamophobia illegal.

Mexico said the US should stop thinking Mexicans try and sneak into the US.

Libya said the US should stop racial discrimination in the Social Security program.

North Korea said the US should stop helping help North Korean refugees.

No one likes Guantanamo Bay or a recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070.

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There are few sadder fates than to be born female in a Muslim country. As soon as you pop out, you're a 2nd class person and your freedoms of movement and speech and thought are severely curtailed for the rest of your life - under pain or beatings or death.

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Sweden was co-sponor. How come Sweden is not being blamed for this?

Maybe you spoke too soon. Could likely happen, that as soon as this item gets to the zillions of hot-head sexually-frustrated Muslims, their immans will be clamoring to be the first to issue a 'fatwa' - which is a Muslim declaration to kill a specific person or group. Muslims are great at revenge, anger, blame and killing innocents. I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

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Persian carpets?

Iranians are good at cooking rice dishes and male to female sex change surgery (second after world leader THAILAND), no relation between the two. They're not so good at European history evidenced by their holocaust denial. The jury is out on how good they are at building nuclear bombs, but I would bet they will be good enough ... sadly.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sweden was co-sponor. How come Sweden is not being blamed for this?

Maybe you spoke too soon. Could likely happen, that as soon as this item gets to the zillions of hot-head sexually-frustrated Muslims, their immans will be clamoring to be the first to issue a 'fatwa' - which is a Muslim declaration to kill a specific person or group. Muslims are great at revenge, anger, blame and killing innocents. I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

Exactly, Look what happened to Denmark over a few cartoons.

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Sweden was co-sponor. How come Sweden is not being blamed for this?

Maybe you spoke too soon. Could likely happen, that as soon as this item gets to the zillions of hot-head sexually-frustrated Muslims, their immans will be clamoring to be the first to issue a 'fatwa' - which is a Muslim declaration to kill a specific person or group. Muslims are great at revenge, anger, blame and killing innocents. I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

Whilst you definition of the word 'fatwa' may occasionally be correct it is certainly not correct for the vast majority of cases. The tabloid press may have misled you...

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[ I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

Falafels! :thumbsup:


Yes the golden period between the 8th & 13th centuries when they peacefully co-existed with the Jews and were far ahead of medieval europe in nearly every aspect. The tesselating geometric patterns are of particular appeal to me. The question is what went wrong?!

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[ I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

Falafels! :thumbsup:


Yes the golden period between the 8th & 13th centuries when they peacefully co-existed with the Jews and were far ahead of medieval europe in nearly every aspect. The tesselating geometric patterns are of particular appeal to me. The question is what went wrong?!

WWII, Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Dresden, Belgisch-Kongo, MLK & KKK, Agent Orange, plastic bags, obesity, "change" ...

What went wrong?

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