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Premature Songkran...


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A couple of years ago I became witness to an event that has edged itself to my memory. I single guy came walking down a Bangkok Soi. Just outside one of the bars three British fellows in their mid 20:s was playing with their newly acquired water pistols. Remember this was one day before the official Songkran. One of the guys has had a few too many; he decides to have a go at this single guy and empties his weapon all over him (the biggest thing with a monstrous tank) .

The single guy turns around and calmly pleads to the guys not to do this to people outside the official Songkran. He also explains that the reason for this is that a lot of people are carrying electronics like cameras and mobile phones and unless they are prepared to get soaked they can get ruined. He then picks up a mobile phone which is now dripping a bit to say the least... He also asks them to please be so kind and pay some respects to the locals, they are visitors in Thailand and should at least TRY to behave.

The three guys just laughs and completely soaks the single guy. One guy even ran back for a bucket of ice and ran down the soi and poured the content over the guy. I was with a couple of friends at the bar and all five of us thought they went way over the line and probably deserved to get smacked for it.

It is what happened next that I cant erase from my memory. Ten minutes later, a Toyota pickup stops outside the bar and the single guy steps out of the front seat with a golf club. He calmly walks up to one of the attackers and slams the golf club over his shin. I will never forget the sound of the bone that cracked like a wafer.

I have always believed that the guy deserved it, that the three attackers didn't give <deleted> about his mobile phone etc., the question is how to react when this happens to one self?

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I just release the hounds. Seems to work well even when its song kran if i walk with my 2 bang kaew dogs nobody dares to make any aggressive move towards me. Next thing is to teach the dogs to use water guns and totally dominate the village. :D

Edited by robblok
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When a Farang splashes water on another Farang outside the"official" Songkran celebration period, it NOT Okey?

What about when a Thai splashes water on Farang outside the "official" Songkran celebration period, would that BE OKEY?

Or should the "Offended" Farang just chill out like most other Thais do during their festival.

I used to be "Offended" myself but over the years have learned to accept and have fun during this period. I look forward to Songkran because it is a wonderful time to take photos. Now especially with my 18 to 200 mm zoom lens... heh heh...

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A good point made in this post for some of those who have not been here for Songkran before. That is to keep your mobile wrapped in a polythene bag. Make sure also your bank cards are safe and dry too - ever tried to use them after they have been soaked? I got dunked by a gang and with no warning a few years back and it took a long time to get my bank cards replaced.

Walking past a fire hose on full blast soon drenches everything.

As for early Songkran? I've never experienced that yet. Maybe i have lived in more sensible places so far where the water games usually stop after 9 p.m. And where they do not soak you unless you nod your assent.

A golf club does seem a bit harsh. A dose of water board torture seems a mich better idea against idiots like those mentioned :ph34r:

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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers. Check it out this year. The people trying to hurt someone or are obnoxious about it, are going to have faces and lives that scream out, I am a failure. Songkran gives them a chance to take out their unhappiness and target those that appear to be better looking, more successful and more likeable.

Don't believe me? Just watch.

I'm not going to be here for Songkran. I'm just too beautiful and successful to stay.laugh.gif

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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers. Check it out this year.

I have been here for 20 years and IMHO this is complete bullsh*t. I have seen far more "normal" looking a-holes purposely bother other people than weirdos.

I have always suspected that most of the the real oddballs either flee the country or hide in their rooms and whinge and moan on Thai Visa.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers. Check it out this year.

I have been here for 20 years and IMHO this is complete bullsh*t. I have seen far more "normal" looking a-holes purposely bother other people than weirdos.

I have always suspected that most of the the real oddballs either flee the country or hide in their rooms and whinge and moan on Thai Visa.

Takes one to know one :D (look at post count) Just joking i dont see you whinge

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i just wish the tourists would have the good sense to, for example , let the kids that work in the Family Marts or the obvious "one motorbike and a kid" families get past unscathed.

Generally speaking its the tourists that get totally over excited and lose perspective.

Edited by carmine
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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers. Check it out this year.

I have been here for 20 years and IMHO this is complete bullsh*t. I have seen far more "normal" looking a-holes purposely bother other people than weirdos.

I have always suspected that most of the the real oddballs either flee the country or hide in their rooms and whinge and moan on Thai Visa.

Have fun and then come back and report how exciting it is to have water thrown at you.From just another oddball.:rolleyes:

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Have fun and then come back and report how exciting it is to have water thrown at you.From just another oddball.

After 20 years, it is a lot more boring than fun, but the Thais did not beg for me to come live here, so I try to put up with their customs and keep the moaning to a minimum. :D

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I think the OP might have just informed the uninformed tourists of their premature ejac......... I mean songkran holiday and how it's not appropriate as they may not have known..

It seems unusual that the Thai they choose was able to communicate that clearly with the tourists..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers.

Just about sums up the average farang in Thailand, I would say. :rolleyes:

Personally I think that all water-throwers that are over the age of 10 should be humanely put down. They are nothing but a nuisance, like soi dogs, and about as intelligent.

Of, if they must be tolerated, they should be confined to specific streets by armed police, with orders to shoot at will if needed.

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Ever notice that the worst offenders are those that have been marginalized in life? Ugly, or morbidly obese, or failures in love, business , school; just a big sorry collection of losers.

Just about sums up the average farang in Thailand, I would say. :rolleyes:

Personally I think that all water-throwers that are over the age of 10 should be humanely put down. They are nothing but a nuisance, like soi dogs, and about as intelligent.

Of, if they must be tolerated, they should be confined to specific streets by armed police, with orders to shoot at will if needed.

Just go home this is Thailand.

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I've been to La Tomatina in Spain and its great, but old people usually stay indoors out of the mayhem, if not, they're fair game, old Farangs that venture out during Songkhran are also fair game.


And don't come out with how things should be, look at how things actually ARE !!! If you don't like it, do something about it, but for Christ sake stop F'ing moaning !!!!

Can you imagine a meeting of ThaiVisa members being a fun gathering ? LOL, the way this forum is with all the complaining it would be the last place I would want to be, a load of old miserable men wondering why Thailand doesn't conform to their specifications, keep all the things they like but stop everything else, yeah right, that's why they came to Thailand in the first place, cos it was the same as back home ! Haha. ( Thais would be as Miserable as you if it was like Back Home !!!! )

Euthanasia should never be against the law, cos if getting old makes you so miserable, I don't wanna ever get old.

Can all the moaners imagine moaning about Songkhran when they were young ?


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I have the best time during Songkran. It is crazy fun in Chanthaburi. I guess that guy the OP saw didn't enjoy having a good time.

Songkhran is one of the worlds great festivals, but old miserable Farangs should be banned, or they should ban themselves. rolleyes.gif

I went to an open air concert to see AC/DC, it was great, we got soaked cos it rained all day, there was piss bottle fights, fruit fights, and anything goes fights laugh.gif, it was great, and when AC/DC came on about 10.30pm the place went wild, nobody cared that we had been waiting for hours, nobody cared that we were soaked, it was electric, we were young and we were having a great time.

There were even some old people in the crowd, and they had a blast too.

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How many days last Songkran? I never figured it out since I am never in Thailand during this period! :)

Pattaya is from the 12-13th to the 19th, (the 19th being the main day) at around 6pm, many places finish on the 15th, official days are 13th , 14th, 15th.

Pattaya is a well known and a much loved or a much moaned about Festival, depends on how you look at it . biggrin.gif

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Personally, I have a ball during Songkran, so I dont want you to get me wrong here, but dunking someone outside Songkran is in my opinion equal to showing up in the audience at a boxing gala and floor the person standing next to you with the following excuse:

"Dooooooh....you are at a boxing gala, aren't you, you have to be prepared to get smacked....doooohhh...eeehhh......dooooohh...."

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Pouring water over anyone at any time is common assault, but since it is part of Thai childish culture one has to accept it during the authorised days. However if one is "assaulted" at other times, I consider it fair to take suitable action against the aggressor! This should not be physical violence against the person, but I see no reason why the offending weapon should not be rendered inoperable. :D

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the question is how to react when this happens to one self?

I believe it calls for one penalty stroke, so depending on what the par was on that hole you could be looking at bogey, at least.


Mario, you completely forgot about the water hazard :D

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