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Chiang Mai Police Volunteers

For the first time in Thailand, foreigners wearing uniforms will patrol with the

Volunteers Needed.....but you gotta buy your own outfit :o

Tourist Police want farang Volunteers to help them deal with problems.

Chiangmai has been chosen to be first with the scheme.

Police Lt.Col.Nattawut Chotikanjanawat, Inspector of Chiangmai Tourist Police, asked 30 foreigners from 14 nations to a training seminar on September 15th and invited them to take part.

Each volunteer will receive a certificate and identity badge, but must buy their own uniform and cap at a cost of under 2,000b each.

No guns!

Amid much laughter, Lt.Co. Nattawut said that while they can accompany police in cars, the volunteers do not get to drive the cars or carry guns. But they may carry handcuffs!

The scheme is an expansion of one begun a year ago when some 15 volunteers were interviewed and issued with identity cards. This has been judged a success, not only with volunteers guiding tourists to police HQ and helping them make statements, but also in lightening the police workload by advising on situations which were not relevant to the police.

Pilot scheme

If the expanded scheme in Chiangmai is judged a success, it will be copied in all major tourist areas of the nation.

In addition to their own language skills for tourists, volunteers are expected to help Tourist Police officers with their English, also to advise tourists on how to behave respectfully towards Thai culture and institutions.

Typical problems

Volunteers were urged to advise tourists to take good care of their cash and belongings, especially on public transport (long distance bus and train journeys in particular) and in lower cost guesthouses. Credit cards and travellers’ cheques were best carried, rather than left in what may prove to be insecure ‘safe’ boxes. Tourists should not be tricked into buying from “special government jewelry shops” (the government is not in the jewelry business) on “special discount days”, nor accept food or drink from strangers.

They should also beware of prostitution of all kinds, and groups of katoeys trying to befriend foreigners, especially at night.

Philippino card sharps

When not in uniform, volunteers are encouraged to watch for “bad foreigners”, and for this coming high season there is a specific warning about male and female tricksters who lure people into card games in smart rented houses and condos.

Friendly foreigners, often from the Philippines, let the tourists win at first, then loan them money to cover losses and finally become much less friendly as they demand to be led to an ATM to be paid.

Japanese tourists are favourite targets for this (see Japanese news) and all newcomers are warned that all gambling in Thailand is illegal, except on-track betting at the horse racing track near Mae Rim.

It is even illegal to be in the same building as a gambling game in Thailand.

Volunteers are still welcome to apply to join the scheme and should visit the Tourist Police HQ during daytime hours in the small soi alongside the Lanna Palace Hotel, Changklan Road.

Interpreters are always available and there is no requirement for volunteers to speak Thai. :D

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This could be a fun alternative to golf, but a few questions need to be answered.

1. Will we be able to direct traffic ? - I've always enjoyed the dancing traffic cop in Saraphi and wish to emulate him.

2. Will we be allowed to buy our own truncheons ? There's a few people around town who need some help in confessing.

3.Who will pay for the drinks when we are spying in go-go bars and other nefarious places ? - A major but very necessary expense if the volunteer is to blend in an watch for possible bad farangs.

Sign me up, I'm ready to rock.

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They already have this scheme running in Pattaya, don't they? From what I saw down there, these volunteers slope around trying to look menacing (black uniform with what looks like a Swastika arm band at a quick glance) and in yer face type thing, asking to see passports, etc. If they do good like sorting out the paedaphiles then great, but do we really need farang wannabees wandering the streets? If anyone gets stopped by one and asked to show their passport, ask to see their work permit first and if they can't do that, call immigration :o

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I talked to a Thai ajarn friend about this. His comment is that the "rules" regarding what they can do and can't do needs to be spelled out in writting. When I mentioned the handcuffs he suggested that if a farang (uniform or not) tried to arrest a Thai, good chance the farang will be "sorted out" Thai style. :o

He basically doesn't think it will work unless all they do is give directions to guest houses and a translation here and there.

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I see no mentin of farangs arresting Thais anywhere??? Whether the scheme will work or not rests on the shoulders of both the Tourist Police and the said volunteers.

"He basically doesn't think it will work" A dismissive statement from an ill informed person. He has no conception of the scheme outlined by the Tourist Police, hence, no right to condemn it out of hand.

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I see no mentin of farangs arresting Thais anywhere??? Whether the scheme will work or not rests on the shoulders of both the Tourist Police and the said volunteers.

So the handcuffs are for their off time fun? Or perhaps to arrest that overly frisky Japanese tourist?

"He basically doesn't think it will work" A dismissive statement from an ill informed person. He has no conception of the scheme outlined by the Tourist Police, hence, no right to condemn it out of hand.

There is a difference between ill informed and speculating based on the information available. In this case there is no clear outline on TV that stipulates the powers and procedures of these 'new' cops on the block. There is good chance of abuse is what his concern is unless they are moderated and fully understand their limitations. There was no 'out right comdemnation' but pessimism with which I agree.

Edited by tywais
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Then why the pessimistic speculation via a third party? All of the people involved are fully aware of their respective duties, so perhaps you should wait for an official posting before making any more speculative posts.

The scheme will be a first for Thailand, and what it doesn't need is negative pulicity.

I would further suggest to the moderators that the thread be closed to avoid any damaging comments till an official announcement is released.

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Yes I tend to agree.

As said earlier this report was forwarded to me from one of my contacts (in C.M.)and until fully confirmed and verified i feel that there is no great merit in pursuance until as Maejo suggests an official announcement is forthcoming.

It sounds like a good scheme (yes know about Patti)and if it takes off then all well and good with credit give to C.Ms finest.

Closed for time being. :o

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Brief update before I close the topic again.

I dropped in this morning and had a long chat with the head honcho in the tourist police office.

He tells me they currently have enough violunteers. If or when they require more, they will arrange and advertise a meeting in a hotel to find them.

He asked that those interested in helping out look out for such an advertisement in the local press and attend that meeting.

You should only go to the Tourist police offiv\ce if you have specific abilities that they need, eg, speak fluent Uzbek etc.

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:o Gentlemen, a small bit of information :D

The Tourist Police Volunteer Service Project has been in operation under certain secrecy for 3 years now. To be precise, 1 Australian was drafted into the Thai Police Service as a Volunteer Tourist Police Officer at Nakhon Sawan. He and his Thai Police Partner have since chalked up several minor arrests with Burmese Illegals, 1 Malaysian Trafficker, recovered a car for an American Man that was taken by his Thai Wife when he was out of town, has defused Family WARS between Thai wives and Falang Husbands, assisted with one of the worst Bus Crashes Nakhon Sawan has seen for years both at scene and in the Hospital A & E Ward with a family of Swiss Tourists En Route to Chiang Mai. Is currently investigating with his Thai Polcie Partner 2 other alleged fraud cases where Thai wives / girlfriends have done the dirty on the Falang Husbands. These 2 cases I know about first hand from 1 U.K. Chap going through ###### at the moment with his Thai Girl Friend over a 6 year old boy that the British Embassy in Bangkok seem lazy to assist him with.

This Australian Man in Nakhon Sawan was the first official full uniformed Police Volunteer to carry Hand Cuffs (trained in the use of) , co-ordinate and arrest Illegal Immigrants and assist to deport them, AND YES, has already Directed Traffic, as he has training and experience behind him to do such.

Since I have been assisted by this team at Nakhon Sawan I chose to follow up about them over the past few months. After my communications with Tourist Police Headquarters at Bangkok, they informed me that the Deputy Commissioner of Police screened and checked this person thoroughly and monitired his results and ongoing training alongside his Thai Police partners. Apart from the Community assistance, he has contributed to teaching the Thai Traffic and Tourist Police about English and Passport Fraud / VISA Stamps etc.... and freely given his time to teach English to the children of the Police at the Head Office in Nakhon Sawan on School Holidays. There was a document in order pending issues that spells out the Volunteer's Rules and regulations. It must be at Bangkok Tourist Police H.Q. they told me there was such a document being prepared months ago.

This individual assisted me personally at the BUS Station Nakhon Sawan, when the Driver of the Bus decided to pull out of the terminal without waiting for me, leaving me stranded in a place I knew nothing about. There he was, standing in Blue, Thank GOD for the Volunteer in Blue working for the Tourist Police, because the Thai Police didn't understand a word I spoke.

Finally, at the time I was assisted at Nakhon Sawan, The Inspector that was just transfered out from Nakhon Sawan was the same Mr. Nuttawut that now runs the Chiang Mai Office. It appears that the Original Prototype has now been copied and set loose on the busy streets of Chiang Mai. The Uniform Concept has been one that has taken both good and bad comments of the "Falang Police Man". What the Chiang Mai Volunteers are yet to learn about, they too will be background checked quietly whilst settling into their new positions. I heard that Plans are the man from Nakhon Sawan will be asked to officially inspect the new cops on the block soon. I keep in contact regularly with an Ex Pat and the Tourist Police Nakhon Sawan by email regularly. The project was a success in Nakhon Sawan only because of Mr. Nuttawut, the Aussie and a team of Thai Police headed up by 1 man named Mr. Noppadol at the Tourist Office in Nakhon Sawan and persistance to take a new project and see it out.. I personally plan to buy the man a beer when I get back to Nakhon Sawan.

Bell 1.

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